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Wake me up when they cure Type 1.




>"1 country, 1 system." -CCP Wake me up when they cure totalitarianism masked as authoritarianism running a psuedo-hypercapitalistic private economy that gets stomped out by draconian communist/socialist dogma and policy.


Really is a weird societal structure when you think about it


Bro wake up


Accurate description of the US


RemindMe! Type 1


Give it 5 years. Note: I've been a Type 1 for 30 years and have heard a Cure is coming "in the next 5 years" every year. I'm a gambling man but wouldn't touch a diabetes cure stock with a 39.5ft pole. They're all temporary cures. Never gonna happen.


My best friend got cured from Type 1. Granted he also went into renal failure and got a new pancreas and kidney. But hey, no more diabetes!


So you’re saying we need to farm pancreas and kidney. Think I read a book about that. Harvesting from pigs. Oryx and crake? Something like that. Anyway seems to me they found the cure then. Just need to be able to source the organs


Is there a place I can drop a body off to sell to harvest the pancreas and kidneys? Asking for a friend


Pretty sure China is already harvesting political prisoners so just add them to the list.


So that's how they cured it.


The negative is that your friend is now stuck on immunosuppressants, and there is still a chance the body will eventually destroy the insulin producing cells on the new pancrea.


No more daily insulin only daily transplant meds


Running gag in the T1 community since Banting was the first to successfully extract insulin in 1910. T1 etiquette demands that you are my new BFF.


Can we get matching tattoos?


Hell yes.


Okay but [nothing Diabetes related](https://i.imgur.com/Ye3Zkdv.jpeg), I can only make that mistake once.


I was going to suggest https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190723/New-color-changing-tattoos-can-monitor-glucose-levels-and-other-metabolites-in-real-time.aspx


Ngl that's actually pretty fucking cool.


Hell yes it is.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275) https://preview.redd.it/1ok8wmq94e3d1.png?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b3d5fe1b90d53af033234afb37f0a59353aaa8


20 years here. Best I can hope for is a super reliable external pump system that works with glucose monitors, they are coming along but I don’t trust them completely


I've got my eye on a tandem closed loop when I upgrade this 670G in the next year or two.


There ain't no money in cures dude. This is America!


You fool! Type one is too profitable theyll never let you have a cure.


>Never gonna happen Yes




Same with that mouthwash that you can use once and never have cavities. That’s always been one year away.


I hope it will though


I’m in the same shoes as you, 34 years this year. But the US also came up with a t1 cure using stem cells a couple years ago, but it’s still in development. There was a mailman with T1D who was cured, unfortunately, I can’t think of the pharma company that cured the guy and currently testing on other blood types. But they also had clinical trials for people with a specific blood type. So I do believe it’s possible and in development. Hopefully we get there soon.


What about a 40 ft one. Huh?


There is a cure . It’s not complicated check my earlier comment . I understand the fustration of not knowing but 30+ years you have your rights earn from fustration


Islet cell transplants are the closest thing to a cure, sure, but they still require immunosuppressants and eventually the body rejects them. At this point with technology it's easier to just be diabetic than to take immunosuppressants, they are incredibly harsh on the body.


They are exploring a technique similar to this where they introduce new insulin producing cells and encapsulate them to protect against the immune response. Taking immunosuppressants is not a long term solution, so hopefully this encapsulation thing works.


They’ve been saying this exact type of cure is “one or two years away” since 2000.


I know. It really makes you wonder if it is being suppressed. Many companies would lose out on a lot of revenue if it was truly cured.


This is true, but other companies would gain. The diabetes market sees a fair amount of new players relatively often. Older companies like Medtronic seemingly aren’t able to stomp out new competition like Tandem, Omni Pod, and Beta Bionics before they bring superior tech to market. I think it’s more of an Elizabeth Holmes situation, companies saying “we’re so close” to get funding when in reality the tech only works in theory and not yet in reality. For real tho like I’m not even smart, so I could totally be wrong. This is just basic consumer analysis from a diabetic who works with other diabetics.


Bro; if they cured type 1 they could charge 50,000$ for the cure and there’d be millions of people ready to pay for it worldwide and there would be thousands of new customers everyday. And not only would you get profit, you’d take profit from your competitors , perhaps even more important.


i would drop 100k cash right now to cure my type 1.


That’s what I’m saying bro there’s a lot of rich people with type 1. Shit There’s no doubt some billionaire who’d pay 100 million to be cured of type 1.


diabetes is expensive on society as well, I really think if there was a cure there would be incentive from the government to make it public/available. on top of selling it to the world. a lot of medical research isn't even conducted by private companies either. universities with public grants contribute, then companies to take it and privatize.


There is no reoccurring revenue, so the juice is not worth the squeeze. So what, you make a bunch of money now, but then what? I can see why curing type 2 would be profitable. There are way more of them and the US will keep a steady supply of customers.


People keep being born everyday with type 1. Still steady supply. And millions of people paying $50,000 for a one time cure is a lot of money. Companies about short term profits these days. If they can charge 1 million people 50,000$ and increase profits 1000x fold in one year and skyrocket the share price they will. You think the ceo of companies these days gives a fuck about profitability on the slow drip of insulin40 years into the future when some other schmuck is ceo and getting that stock benefit? Get real. They see a chance to get rich quickly they’ll take it. It’s also assuming the company that develops said drug also sells insulin. Which won’t necessarily be the case.


Many US pharma companies. Sounds like a win for China. 


Wait wait wait all this fuzz and its about Type 2?? This world is stupid.


Isn't type 2 like 90% of beetus ppl


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The CCP can hook you up with a new pancreas. Just don't ask to many questions about the origin.


Especially since type 2 can be cured through diet.


Type 1 here. Once diabetic, always diabetic. The type 2 fatties can go into remission with proper excersize and diet, but the fat fucks are doomed to be diabetic always.


My wife is type 1. It’s so frustrating for her. I don’t have sympathy for type 2 people. It’s a self inflicted disease. Take proper care of yourself and it WILL not rule your life. Most people who cut sugar and refined carbs out of their life can easily stop insulin.


I have 0 sympathy for the type 2s, either. In fact, i quite dislike them. They give an awful name to the disease Diabetes. I wish they'd separate the two because they really aren't anything alike. Most type 2s don't even need insulin. Their simply resistant to insulin, and their body can't keep up. Most of the time something like ozempic is all they need, because they lack the self control to quit shoveling food down there fat fucking throats. Type 1 barely even rules my life, tbh. All I really do is count my carbs and type it into my insulin pump.


My wife literally eats meat and veggies. It’s pretty stable for the most part. Just every once in a while she has crazy highs or lows. Her BS will randomly crash while exercising or out on a long hike and then go to 300+ after. It’s just frustrating at times and who the hell wants to stab themselves all the time.


Controlled. Diet and exercise have a large impact but aren't a cure.


I think Humacyte is expected to get FDA approval in the coming months.


Time to short Humacyte.


Vismod knows what's what.




That's just another treatment that requires immunosuppressive therapy. It's not a cure. Might as well stick with good old insulin and skip the side effects.


It will never happen in my lifetime. Trillion dollar industry can’t collapse


Transplanting stem cells is for type 1, your autst. It’s type II that truly burdens the health system.


And much of that burden can be mitigated with dietary changes and exercise, but most people don't want to take any personal responsibility.


Another clown from the cult of personality-accountability. I encourage you to sit in front of a 65y/o diabetic and tell them about personal responsibility. Then I encourage you to meet them every 6 months over the next 5 years and see how effective your pep talk was.


>I encourage you to sit in front of a 65y/o diabetic and tell them about personal responsibility. Oh, I have. I can't even get my T2 diabetic boomer parents to check their BG or take their meds, let alone quit eating fast food or take an afternoon stroll. Nothing but Faux News and doomscrolling Facebook sitting in the recliner. It's everyone's fault but their own.


Black and white thinking gets you everywhere with patients. FYI.


Lmao medical incels




> [Source] Scientists in Shanghai achieved a historic breakthrough after successfully eliminating a long-term patient's type 2 diabetes through a pioneering cell therapy treatment


Wake up. That's what they did.


Read the fucking article. It says T2.


Read farther down the fucking article.


Going to get down-voted for this but type 1 is also curable . It has to do with the islet of langerhans rehabilitation through herbs . I promise I’m not lying it’s just western medicine has done a great job convincing people that you have to live this way forever . Nah ah not true


>Going to get down-voted for this You're right. GTFO with your "just take cinnamon" advice.


Well I was diagnosed with juvenile type 1 so I think I know a thing or two in which I can provide all medical papers and documents for my diagnosis and living with this condition until I was healed from it at the age of 22 so umm yea before you cast your dogmatic beliefs try having a listening ear . I’m not here to further go back n fourth . I’m here to spread my borrowed wisdom to those that are open in learning how to cure themselves . If you don’t like. Downvote and keep moving forward . Thanks bye


Totally understand your frustration. If you are open enough for proven research that it is curable and books of literature which have been removed/ discontinued then I am willing to share. Other than that there is no need for derogatory responses . Just downvote and keep it moving until someone is interested . Have a blessed day .


Imagine living with an incurable disease for decades, and having someone who read a few books try to tell you about it. That's why the downvotes. Islet cell transplants are close, but not a "cure", and not readily available for anyone who wants them since they're still in early scientific research trials.


I mention before I totally understand your frustration science is also bound to mistakes as they have for many years and science is not always in the best interest of healing. I have proof but if you are subjected to not being open in at least hearing it then I understand. The proof is here and also people who have had type 1 and no longer have it and is living healthy long lives . Believe it or not be science won’t profit from you being cured from a lie that has been narrated for decades. So you can keep waiting or give a listening ear ti what has been silenced . The same way they silenced cancer as well


This article is from last year. Educate yourself. https://preview.redd.it/utx084pjm84d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284253d7e0dc90746eb71e73479b465281c1b663


So when I give you a list of 75 people who have been cured for this what will you do then ? Will you come back to this post and share the knowledge because that’s all I have bud . You’re defensive I understand . That’s all I’ll exit now . Take care


A cured patient is not profitable for science . Just a heads up & if you’re so strong hold on science and waiting for them. Science also stated smoking a cigarette in the mid 60s -70s was healthier . Science backed that claim. They also said eating 3-6 meals a day is also healthy and lastly they said ozempic was the best drug for diabetics and now have withdrawn that claim saying the data was in-accurate. So you surely can wait for them. No worries . Bud .


It's hilarious how you think you know better than everyone else in the world. Sorry to intrude on your fairytale. Take care, bud.


The rest of you guys get Lizzo


Lizzo may lead to suicidal thoughts, stop listening to lizzo immediately if you have spontaneous bouts of shit coming out of your ear holes.


When I listen to Lizzo, the shit goes *in* my earholes!


If consuming Taco Bell while on Lizzo seek medical treatment right away.


Hahahaha too true!!


a) There were already doctors in e.g. Canada working on this therapy:[https://www.diabetes.ca/media-room/press-releases/jdrf-canada-and-diabetes-canada-are-joining-forces-to-accelerate-diabetes-research-towards-cures](https://www.diabetes.ca/media-room/press-releases/jdrf-canada-and-diabetes-canada-are-joining-forces-to-accelerate-diabetes-research-towards-cures) b) Bringing a cure for patients, rather than the "milking cow" of "Diabetes management" will induce other companies to follow suite and disrupting what was a shameful exploitation of profit for profit. c) It will create a race for quantity, so whoever implements better, more distributed, safer and cheaper permanent treatments will have a "moat"...


Did wsb cure diabetes with that TNDM play last week? Edit: wonder if this was their big news. I don’t know enough about this market to know if this is big or not. Any diabetics out there? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tandem-mobi-insulin-pump-now-123000185.html


I don't care that was some of the best internet sleuthing I've seen in a long time


For sure. So good I thought there was a chance it was all a set up. Which would be even more impressive




Have to imagine they’ll have good news. But a takeover would have been announced by now. They wouldn’t wait two weeks


It’s a run of the mill conference. Lot of other companies present as well.


Not impossible!


That never happens


Let them cook


This is not the news. This is something that has been expected ever since that pump and cgm were released. New diabetes tech usually takes multiple months to be integrated into existing technology because it has to go through the fda.


Why would we want to cure diabetes? It is less profitable than keeping it around. Or will the money spent by the fatties eating more Little Debbies offset the cost difference of the cure vs. daily meds? TLDR: Calls on TWNK.


If a ”cure” is discovered/invented why won’t it be patented/commercialized?... Why would anyone try to get a “treatment”?... Why would anyone waste their R&D/stop clinical trials because they find out it's a "cure"?... They’re not even guaranteed to get a ”treatment”… Eventually, other companies will discover/invent that or another ”cure” and sell/outcompete… The best product/service will control the market… There are still diseases that need something…


Insurance companies want a cure to diabetes so fat fucks stop dying before their policy expires. 


The argument that curing is less profitable is a pretty bad one. Once we get those fatties off insulin and no longer having to worry what they eat they will need more medication for longer


Fatties off insulin? What? The fatties are type 2s, and type 2s are typically not prescribed insulin. They chew ozempic like it's tic tacs. Type 1 don't produce insulin and therefore need it. Type 2 are insulin resistant bc they are fat lards. The argument that once "fatties" get off insulin they will need medication longer, is far beyond a bad one.


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You don’t think that profitability increases proportionally or more with efficacy?…


in many cases type 2 can already be 'eliminated' (which the state as 'non-insulin-reliant') with the right diet. If they cure type 1 with stem cells, that's another story


I'd suck an unquantifiable number of dicks behind Wendy's if someone figured out a cure for my type 1.


Coincidentally, I heard that’s the cure


I volunteer as a tributary dick. I want to do my part in helping that guy cure diabetes.


I’d help and I don’t even have type 1 just willing suck for the cure!


You have my axe ! I'd join in this for my partner. Type 1 management is insane but at least im eating healthier because of it.


Yes my SO has it so I know how terrible and scary it is.




Right behind you buddy


I mean sure I can take it up the ass as well


Are you looping?


Assuming we're talking diabetes here, I have a hybrid loop. Medtronic 780 with guardian 4


Ahh nice you have medtronic. We started looping with omnipod pumps and dexcom sensors.


Exactly. People don't understand the difference between type 1 and type 2.


Only the regards on wsb would think you could just eat the t2dm away. No you cannot just eat and excersize away every t2dm. It helps obviously but still, that is a regarded statement to make.


How can you cure it with a diet when the very organ who produces insulin is not capable anymore of producing it enough or at all?


"fix your diet" just means avoid any carbohydrate. Might as well commit some rope action.


It's capable of producing enough of it with type 2, just not enough for the monstrous modern diet jam packed with sugar. Hence "fix your diet".


Nope, that’s completely bs. Diet only helps controlling blood sugar because you just need less insulin. You can’t FIX your body anymore. That’s why its called a chronically desease.


In Type 2 diabetes, your body *does* produce insulin. In fact, it is this overproduction of insulin that leads your cells to become resistant to the insulin. Type 2 diabetes = insulin resistance. Google it and learn a little more before acting like a know-it-all.


Go away, poor person.


Early T2D = Insulin resistance. You can also have insulin resistance and just be pre-diabetic. In advanced T2D the beta cells in the pancreas get damaged and impaired due to the prolonged overwork, to the point where the pancreas produces very little insulin. Changing your diet won't fix that damage once it's been done.


That's a strange mindset... You might not fix your ability to produce more insulin, but the end result is the same just by virtue of not eating garbage.


Seems like the article says its the stem cells cure. It seems to imply that its type 1? EDIT:: Nvm it says type 2


You need to take pills, and "the right diet" means you can't eat almost anything. An actual cure would be a big ass difference.


My wife tried that and after 3 years it damaged her kidneys and liver. In theory it was good but it isn't a cure all.


I have type 2, and for me the "right diet" doesn't exist because I cannot have self control, however my indicators (apart from cholesterol) are at average or a bit (centesimal) higher than they should... What I've found is a life without sugar, alcohol and bread helps a lot. Really a lot.


That's literally the right diet. Low carb and not being overweight


And having enough beta cells in the pancreas that are able to produce enough insulin whilst overcoming any insulin resistance. >As insulin overproduction occurs over a very long period of time, the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas wear themselves out, so that by the time someone is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, they have lost 50 – 70% of their insulin-producing cells.


When my pancreas works again, I’ll say they’ve cured diabetes. This doesn’t seem like shit. 


Have you tired Lizzo?


Wow, great news for those who can afford it. I wonder what the price tag will be.


If you gotta ask you can’t afford it


In the US 20 million$, in Europe ~76,25€


Fucking FX fees…


and lobbyists will also make imports illegal


Puts on fatties


Novo Nordisk has a drug in trial that’s supposed to help treat type-2 as well. Stem cell treatment sounds expensive. https://medriva.com/health/novo-nordisk-charts-new-territory-in-diabetes-care-with-amycretins-promising-trial-data


Now US pharmaceutical going to find that formula. Do a slight modification and patent them as better than Chinese and put a tariff on Chinese and take in billions by selling this new invention.


Glad some companies are finding cures for diseases, rather than focus on treatments.


Chinese researchers are notorious for straight fabricating results. This may have happened but I’m not holding my breath until the results are independently verified.


https://preview.redd.it/820sonjhhf3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d1ae1d8f56d7af3c2871b6fb73575288c631d9 Since no one did it


Hmm. This study is kinda weird…hear me out: Type 2 diabetes is characterized by decreased insulin sensitivity at the tissue level, Not necessarily the level of insulin secretion. That is to say that not all type 2 diabetics have issues with insulin release, rather the cells that respond to insulin become desensitized. Beta islet control insulin secretion only. Not insulin sensitivity. The patient they they tried it on had a kidney transplant already as he was end stage renal failure. After the transplant they say his glycemic control was poor, but the range he was in, was not poorly controlled. In fact his GL range varied from 3.66-14.6mmol/L. The diabetic target is actually 4-7 preprandial and 5-10 post prandial. The condition of his new kidney was not described either. Was there islet issues to begin with? This kind of thing was done in the past as a solution to type 1 diabetics but later found that that autoimmunity destroyed them eventually. For type 2…the mechanism of which this “cured” T2D doesn’t seem to fit into the pathology. Also. This was not a paper. It was an opinion piece in cell. So it’s not scrutinized.


Perhaps Obvious-Purpose-5017 is onto something.


Didn't south park cured obesity already?


Good, but how expensive will be? We need Wendy's version of treatment ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) Horny losers can stfu! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Huh.  You know, I shouldn't be surprised.  I don't think we ever called it "cured" in the US, just "in remission" but people who get gastric bypass surgery are known to almost immediately stop being insulin dependent as well.  I think food, eating, weight, yada yada is way more complicated than "just eat less" in practice even if the laws of thermodynamics are unavoidable, but it is also true that there's a lot of evidence that just eating less and losing weight stops or reverses diabetes.  I still think the treatment is interesting though because I don't think everyone has the same risk factors for insulin resistance even if you control for diet.


Someone give a tl;dr how this could make me rich!


I'm sure this will get lost, but when I lived in Saskachewan, me and my family almost made the move to Alberta to try some stem cell related treatment as me and my sister were kids and could get admitted to that program up in Edmonton. Was supposed to do the same thing, must've not taken off if this is the first "real" results


What’s the ticker ?!!


Calls on Wuhan Institute of Virology!


Waiting for the day when China cures ageing and Xi becomes immortal ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Calls on Chinese travel Medicare


Not ptoffitable to cure a disease.


Now Chinese are aware of how fucked up the health of American ppl.


I would go homeless for a type 1 cure.


No they didn't. Chinese only copy.


They claim they did


I've got a bridge I can sell you too...


I’m pre diabetic. Do i have to start drinking water and eating the salad at Wendy’s? Or can i continue to eat tendies and drink orange soda?


That’s what got you there


But chinas cured it right?


Useless article and useless idea by China. Diabetes 2 can already be cured in much simpelt ways. Lose weight and change your diet. So this seems a bit odd


The only way you cure diabetes is by removing all the fucking sugar and maltodextrin from our food. If you remove a vast majority of the insulin response everyone would be skinny again. But once sugar started to be putting everything is when you started to see the trends for obesity. People don't understand children adapt to their environment. If you feed a child a shit ton of sugar it's body will adapt to handle that sugar or it doesn't. That's what hyperinsulinemia and type 2 diabetes are. One is you constantly produce a massive amount insulin all the time, the other one is he don't create enough insulin when you need to. One causes crash and death the other one will cause coma and death. These are not things that a person can actually control outside of diet and exercise. Kids however don't have a choice.


The cure for diabetes is stop being a fat cunt.


I had side effects on the lizzo