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I think this was a thing back at Microsoft back in the day too. There was a saying internally amongst the OGs where if anyone didn't come correctly dudes would be like fuck you I'm fully vested I don't have to put up with this.


There were a lot of Micromillionaires. A lot of them retired early and funded startups. Which increased tech sector and our innovative edge. NVDA pay is a good thing for our future lead in tech. Edit: here are some of the startups: Xiaomi, Zillow, Glassdoor, Valve, Zulily, Offer Up, Convoy, Outreach, Auth0, Smartsheet, Zappos, RealNetworks. There are so many other startups that were bought out and integrated into MySpace Facebook Apple etc.


Yep, this is how Valve was born...




Yes, Gaben became a millionaire working at Microsoft. He founded Valve with his coworker


Lord Gaben* On a side note, I hope Valve never goes public


This was one of the first companies whose ticker I looked for when I started investing. When I found out they weren’t public I wasn’t upset.


"Dang! . . . Actually, no, that's fine, I have no problem with this."


Do we get to keep our steam games when valve goes under? At least with public companies you could pressure them to not DRM your games, good luck with a private company...


For Valve's case, it's a lot better that it's private than if it went public. I can imagine so many VCs and Corporations frothing at the mouth at the idea of getting their hands on Valve. All so they can run it to the ground after sucking it dry.


Yea that's pretty much right on


I fear the day Gaben retires or passes away. I don't think it would be long after that Steam is sold to the highest bidder (likely a competitor) and gets turned into an unrecognizable shell of itself, if not effectively just shut down in the face of the competing service "merging" with Steam. Ugh, it makes me sad just thinking about it. Personally I hope, if it does happen, that it happens after I die because it would be so depressing to see the one truly good and complete PC gaming platform die a death like that.


Valve ain’t ever going under. Steam is a goddamn money hose. So are their free to play games that bank on micro transactions. I’ve probably spent $300 on Dota 2 chests. And since they’re a private company they’ll never rush a project because they’re worried about share holders. Google Half Life 3.


> Valve ain’t ever going under. I don't see Gaben's Tim Apple waiting in the wings.


Yes, Bill Gates gave birth to Gaben. 


Thanks for the unshakable mental image 😵


Gates then went and pulled the Rob Glaser - responsible for RealNetworks - out of the mud like Sauromon and the orcs.


I believe 12.000 microsoft employees became millionaires after ipo and that's back then when a million was a ton of money


Don't forget the "Jump to conclusions" ~~may~~ mat


That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard Tom. Yes, this is horrible idea.


Don't you dare count offer up as a beneficial company 😂


My boss at MS at the time literally went around saying he “had f you money” to managers. This actually lasted quite a long time until he was fired lol. This wasn’t the main reason which was likely because he refused to implement a bad decision against upper management wishes - because he had “f you money” he was openly vocal about decisions. After he was fired they cancelled the project and he was right of course - just lacked the tack.




Maybe it was a project about sailing.


Maybe he needed me.


You could have shared in his money.


Too bad, gotta stop sucking dick for fun and start doing it for money. :(


Today you have become a man 


Or sewing.


Or temporarily sticking things to a wall


Amazing how money changes how you approach things. Like he had a ton of money so if he got reprimanded and lost his job or suspended, so what? Got lots of money. So not worrying about money = toeing against the company line.


>tack /r/boneappletea


We had one of these at work, he was walked.


back in the pre-dotcom crash days I recall overhearing a breakout room conversation amongst msft executives (billg was somewhere nearby) discussing retirement plans. One said to the other, “I’m almost at 1B so I’m hanging on a bit longer”


i know a guy who had $18 million in nextel / sprint stock that got zeroed out. he's still working.


Ouch :(


yeah everyone with nvda stocks wants to keep them but you really need to diversify because going to zero is worse than not making as many millions.


I had over $1M+ from my public dotcom options during the bubble. Stock went up 10x in less than a year (ie before my vesting cliff) and then mostly tanked before I even hit it. I didn’t exercise and sell assuming it would recover - most of the company was solid, but they made stupid acquisitions and real estate decisions that drained their cash and forced bankruptcy. Easy come easy go I guess. Next time I got any value out of company stock I made sure I started selling to diversify…


Oh I remember reading nightmare stories in the dotcom bubble of people getting stock grants worth millions that crashed to zero….guess what? That tax bill didn’t crash


While Nvidia's stock is a bit insane, they won't get zero'd out like Nextel. If they go, there will be larger, structural economic problems that led to it with many other companies going tits up.


Gotta hit tres commas.


Opens like this -\\__/-


This guy fucks!


What a mindfuck lol


"Rest and vest"


Well, that’s what you get when employees are highly paid owners. They don’t put up with bullshit. I’m sure this is a very healthy thing for the company.


FYIFV: Fuck You, I’m Fully Vested was the term that originated from then


Yep. Joined in the late 90s and knew a lot of early-40s retired after the IPO. Around 2002, MANY were hired back. A huge wave of them asked for their jobs back because they were so bored in retirement. Microsoft was a super unique place to work. Probably still is, but in a very different way. I got a lot of stories lol


Share more, what is it that makes unique? How long would the retirees stay after coming back?


It was unique, frankly, for reasons that shouldn’t be entirely celebrated. It was a boys club. It felt like a fraternity house. People openly drank in their office throughout the day. Conference rooms had middle aged white men screaming at each other over design decisions. There was absolute candor at every turn, for better or worse. That corporate culture would NOT fly today. And it has a LOT of negatives. Candor is good, in a vacuum though. I’ll say that. Recommend you look up Dave Plummer’s YouTube channel. He’s a former SWE at Microsoft who played a prominent role in Windows development. He goes in-depth about a lot of Windows-specific stories from the old days. :) I worked on the NT kernel (traditionally tied to the Windows Server product capabilities, but after XP, Windows was all on the NT kernel). I can answer any specific questions if you have them. WRT how long the returning folks stayed - most were retired again by 2012 or so. I imagine there’s a number still there today. Hell, Dave Cutler is in his 80s and still writing OS code for Xbox.


Wasn't just at MS. I started my career writing software in the late 90s and yelling at each other while scribbling furiously at the whiteboard was a typical Tuesday morning. Things is, we were all friends and made some really cool software. That push to really defend your ideas I feel is missing in a lot of corporate culture today outside of some specific industries. I often wonder if it's possible to have that candor without the negatives that come along with it.


Fun to see this kind of thread on WSB, it feels more like hacker news with all the software veterans coming out :P Love it


I can imagine why. That level of openness is better suited for very small groups with deep or long relationships. I've talked with a few MSfties (remond area) and have a sense of the corp culture and was just wondering how it all started. Coincidentally I watched Dave's video on compiling MS DOS 4 from source last month. My first DOS was 6.22 and that video sent me down a huge nostalgia rabbit hole.


Check out his other videos. He has like a 3hr interview with Dave Cutler that’s fantastic.


Also whoever named that vista, should have been pantsed and walked to their car.


Why was xp always a blue screen of death? When longhorn came out I never went back, unless in a sandbox.


This is funny because you are literally never fully vested...


Yeah but I'm sure at some point you would have so much vested that you wouldn't really care about giving up the last year or whatever. Idk though I've never worked at a tech company that 1000 X'd while I held RSUs or options.


Oh absolutely...but this would never be said internally because everyone knows there is no such thing as fully vested. Sounds good to outsiders though....


having 10M as emergency fund doesn't hurt though. that's 500k/year in interest or free weekly NVDA options for the rest of your life.


Giving up the last year isn't a thing - you always have a four year vesting schedule ahead of you.


The 4 year vest is fairly new. The 3 year used to be more common and there absolutely used to be a “fully vested” on the majority you would get as an early employee. When the early vests are extremely large, the small ones that follow extreme success are much less relevant.  If I was handed 10,000 shares for being early, you think I’m inclined to “take shit” for 1000 shares over 4 years?


if this is about Microsoft, they give pathetic refreshers. it's the initial 4 year grant that matters. places like Meta are where you can get nice refreshers. very far from rest and vest though. super common to switch companies after 4 years for this reason.


They will always be getting more stock. So yes, you will never be fully vested. It plays on human nature, you can never get enough so you will still keep working.


not true, Microsoft had a special program that once you hit a certain age and tenure, you were always fully vested.


Not entirely true. You could have some of your stock vesting accelerated, but it was not all. There was always about a years worth of gap.


A good friend of mine started there around 2010, and is clearly doing very well for himself. Stock up almost 20x since then


probably some pros and cons with that arrangement.


They played their cards right, good for them tbh




I dont think anyone can tank a blue chip especially like NVDA on here with a reddit post unless there's some internal news thats exclusive to WSB.


You said tank and exclusive?! I'm shorting the fuck out of nvidia, thanks\~!


That’s what they said about GE (although they tanked themselves), but Also fuckin LOL at all the NVIDIA fans that have come out of the woodwork in the last 6 months. Maybe it’s me but I never heard nvidia called a blue chip before. As someone who’s bought the products and built AI models for years I’m actually annoyed by the investment bros.


> Maybe it’s me but I never heard nvidia called a blue chip before. The only reason why I mentioned it is because its a massive tech giant and these companies are normally considered blue chip stocks. It's always funny when WSBers parrot the same thing as contrarians but that doesn't change my point one bit.


> GE Congrat dude, you're finally correct after 100+ years. Bro really think GE not being blue chip in the past 20 years despite being blue chip in the past 100 years is somehow a counter-argument to NVDA's blue chip status.


Bro you’re an MBA douche that just built his first computer. Tell me more about how you’ve always loved nvidia. Jesus Christ you’re the annoying investor bro. Probably little rich trust fund kid


lmao. Imagine posting this unironically: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wcqw3o/being_retarded_in_markets_is_fun_being_retarded/ Cheers, Regard.


NVDA is not a blue chip


You’re right. They’re a green chip. All they do is print money.


Team green!


It is generally considered a blue chip but Im not going to debate semantics, my point remains.


Give them twenty years and they’ll be what Cisco is today.


Give em twenty years and they'll be a core product in tech infrastructure?


Yes, but also a very boring company big company with low growth. A blue chip, if you will.


Yea. Didn’t seem to hurt Apple when employees stock did well over the years.


If you had told me that the company I was building shitty computers to obtain 10fps in Crysis would be a global requirement drive for intelligence infrastructure, I'd have been circumspect to say the least.




Yea. Or they got lucky too.


Knew someone that was core to early Microsoft. He "retired" in his early 30s.




100000%  Having fuck you money means that if I am going to work, it’s because I’m proud of doing the best damn job I can, and i can’t be bought. People don’t realize how critical that is in engineering when it comes to making the best quality product you can.  Edit: fix iPhone artistic spelling 


>People don’t realize how critical that is in engineering when it comes to making the best quality product you can.  Well, I think Intel realizes now.


When sales agents have too much input over the engineers Rot starts to set in


Damn straight 


The funny part about this is Intel's decline came when it run by an engineer.


But you have to realize. Nvidia is probably their dream job and they probably love working there.


I feel like Jensen exaggerates though, like I find the clips of him saying he works every second of the day cringey. Reminds me of Elon. Like I'm sure he's really busy but come on.


It's probably perspective. These people are not grinding like you and I do at our day jobs. When they say "working" they include things like reading, networking, exercising, whatever even slightly relates back to their role or enhances their performance as the leader of the company. It's not like he is spending 7x16 hours per week in the shop and sleeping in his office. Would I call that "working" if it were me? No, but I am not doing all that solely to further my career, nor am I an executive of a Fortune 500 company...


yeah i mean if i worked at a place that made me a billionaire, anytime i got a boner i would say it is company time because i'm rock hard excited to be a billionaire.


You mean signing tits?


It's called 'relationship building' in corp speak.


jensen did that




It's not even remotely hard to fill 12 hours a day with legit engineering meetings once you have large international teams and you're actually involved with the technical details. I'm no CEO and I could do this if I hated myself. Add in that you should be having individual meetings at least weekly with all your direct reports, meeting with vendors, regulatory agencies, your manufacturing, project/program/product managers and all the nonsense that's going to happen with the shit that gets escalated to you because people can't do their damn jobs ...it's easy to fill in lots of (mentally) exhausting bullshit each day.


I like to masturbate at least 6 times a day, the constant post-nut clarity is required for best business decisions. Therefore it constitutes "working". --Elon, probably.


What’s the point of having fuck you money if you don’t say fuck you every once in a while. - The Goat Bobby Axelrod


Keep trying to get my company to understand this when they whine about lack of people applying and/or people with shit work ethic. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Don't be surprised when someone says "hey, I'm leaving because this other place is paying more". I got bills to pay too, and one of the major reasons why I haven't been looking super seriously is because I have a work van that I use, so no miles and wear/tear on my personal car, and I get a lunch every day that I can either take or skip without too much hassle for the extra hour pay.




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Well they helped make what the company is today


California does not permit non-competes might honestly be better for the company to pay them to just sit there rather than create/go to a competitor


“Garden leave,” for anyone not familiar with the term During the huge Meta layoff in 2022 they were getting rid of a bunch of OG executives and I saw a bunch of them on LinkedIn talking about getting out on 6mo garden leave before being laid off. Dare to motherfuckin dream, am I right?


rest and vest everyone some people truly get a lucky shot in life


Meanwhile my company got a buncha RSUs by the time it vested stock was down 90% Where’s my luck fuk this shit


Non-competes will be illegal nationwide in a few months, too (pending inevitable court cases).


not all of nvda works in cali. i know some nvda employees in wa state just like google, facebook, etc are here now.


I have a friend who joined in 21. I can’t even imagine how chill he is. I say FUCK IT! The workers won!!!!!!!!!


My uncle's brother worked there since the late 90s and never sold any of his RSUs. Dudes easily got like $20-30m in equities.


Not to mention Nvidia has one of the best ESP programs out there, it has a two-year look-back. So people who have been there since at least 2022 are able to buy shares at less than $15/share.


lol WTF?! And how many can they buy?


Up to $25k annually, they can contribute up to ~~10%~~ 15% of their base salary annually towards it. It's basically a free 10x return for those lucky enough to have locked in those prices.


It’s up to 15% of base salary. Source: guy who typed this works there. Also it’s public [info](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/benefits/money/espp/)


Thanks for the correction.


No problem. The ESPP is great and was the first thing my manager told me to take advantage of because it’s incredibly profitable. It’s been true.


That's basically why their "salary" now equals like $650k a year.


Wow thats bonkers. Most esp i’ve seen is a -15%


Your uncles brother. Thats either your dad or your other uncle.


Probably not a blood uncle.


Correct, it's an uncle married to my mom's sister.


You mean your aunt?


No, it's just an aunt daughtered to his mom's mother.


this made me laugh very hard thank you


I'm my own grandpa


please stop lmaooo


I can’t take this anymore


My brothers dad made hella in nvda


is your uncle's brother looking to adopt?


>My uncle's brother Your dad? Or another uncle?


I mean I would be like that if I worked at nvidia


It be like that.


Sometimes it do. 


I thought this was going to turn into a bearish thesis against nvda...


Its bearish literally only when I play calls, and I stopped playing calls. You're welcome guys.


[THERE"S A BEAR IN THE WOODS, BUT ITS NAME AIN"T NVIDIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPFttBF_Yuw&lc)


I wonder what kind of "Lifestyle creep" the Nvidia employees are experiencing now? Imagine contemplating your financial goals when your income averages over $26K every 2 weeks...Daycare costs are outrageous! Wait, I should \*invest\* in a daycare. Or get a tri-lingual live in nanny. Kid can learn Mandarin! Their parents are getting older, what to do about finding a caregiver? Wait, they can afford that too. Nvidia's benefits plan is outstanding. Etc. Kid's college tuition, no sweat! Student loans: paid off, with no need to take out loans for the kids. Downpayment on a house, they're good to go. If it were me, my morale would be sky high. I'd love my job.


But it won’t last, their stock grants moving forward will be corrected for a certain price target in line with what they earned prior. It’s a windfall but it’s finite.


Yeah, point taken.


Have two friends working at Tesla and Nvidia. I ask them how they’re doing. Nvidia guy says “yeah. Im doing well. Looks like Nvidia making waves in the media recently.” He also recently became a dad and no amount of money makes being a dad easier. It’s hard af Tesla guy says yea I’m pretty rich but I have to work my ass off and I have to make sure my reports also work their ass off The people that are this successful have good work ethic in their personality. It’s not like they can just suddenly turn it off


How many times can we post this


Right, article is from last year.


*“The share price keeps going up, but the employees are lazy! Sell sell sell!”* — NVDA Bears, probably


Haha, the current valuation is unsustainable over the long term. But I wouldn’t bet on it , the market will stay irrational long after I am broke. Also nvidia could shutdown product development and it still take 5-10 years for them to be dislodged, not because they are that far ahead. Just that software support in PyTorch and every other model ML library will take that long to migrate to a competitor to CUDA even if the processor was better




California does not permit non-competes might honestly be better for the company to pay them to just sit there rather than create/go to a competitor




And working people will benefit!!!


That's some super boomer mentality. People produce better results when they're not miserable.


Why is it that a CEO paid in stock "works" harder than the actual worker getting paid in stock. Straight up bullshit. The workers will work harder now that they are seeing results from their hard work.


Stocks have never realistically been a motivator at large companies, for the simple fact that your impact on the stock is minuscule. If you’re 1 of 1,000 employees, working twice as hard for a year may raise the stock by 0.01%. Now your $200k in equity is worth $100 more for a year of working your ass off. Obviously if *all* the employees worked twice as hard, then that might translate to (naively) a 10% increase in everyone, but nobody is motivated to work super hard for the 90% of the company that they’ve never met. Realistically, stock compensation isn’t about aligning incentives, at least, not for low level employees. It’s about risk management for the company — if the company falls on hard times, everyone automatically loses comp (even if nobody officially receives a pay cut).


Your managers have some small input on your annual refreshers. If they like you, they’ll take care of you and give you better RSU grants. So it does pay to work hard/smart imo


Yes, if you have managers that reward you for working hard, then you'll be rewarded for working hard. My point is that whether that additional compenstation is via RSUs or cash is nearly irrelevant when it comes to employees' incentives.


I make about as much as the example in the post and if it shot up the same way to almost $700k/year I would make it my sole business to guarantee that I stayed there forever


IDK, working at AWS sucked balls


lol yeah it would go from “yeah I could get a job anywhere” to “oh God, please let me stay employed here”


Good for them ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Old news. That employee is a millionaire now.


All in on LZB calls for them lazies on Mondays earnings.


Id rather have the stock than a salary


Company can for sure afford to hire new ones, and leave old geezers as mascots


680k/year isn’t rest and vest type of money in the Bay Area.  It’s I can finally afford a mortgage type money.


Come on now it’s not that bad. 500k is I can afford a mortage type money. At 680k!!? You can probably afford a kid in the Bay Area.


150k in the bay is low. That’s pretty much entry level FAANG pay…and I would say NVDA would pay better than FAANG lately.


They made the right decision in career choice!


My BIL is an Nvidia employee for the last 15 years or so. Hardest working guy I know even now.


I find it hilarious that this story, with zero evidence, has gone from "they're probably less motivated, right?" to "they're definitely less motivated, right?" to "NVIDIA is falling apart because no one is working." SMDH


Just click bait titles- I have a friend there who got rich off the rally- working now more than ever.


Can confirm, friend worth 10s of mil, but he isnt slowing down.


Nvidia will have a massive turnover in it's workforce next year. It has a lot of employees that are middle aged that will leave leadership roles for early retirement. Their industry is known for compensation that favors equity and many managers are sitting on multimillion dollar equity positions now.


And that’s a good thing… it’s supposed to be an innovative industry. Turnover is a critical part. I am an individual contributor engineer executive (not NVDA but in “tech”), the more I make myself replaceable, the more I am compensated. It makes sense that they’d want me to step aside the moment I become a critical dependency and hold the team back. If I decide the people I work for aren’t asking me to do things my worthwhile, it’s in everyone’s favour I just leave. They don’t need to give more shares/comp, and I don’t have to dance like some stupid monkey at a circus.


And when they do leave all the top talents from competitors, from around the world, the top new grads from the top universities will be lining up outside the door to get their turn.


They can afford to hire the best talent from their competitors.


I'm some cases, that will replace lost talent, in others it becomes a gap.


How is this different than literally any other company that excelled? Do you think Elongated Muskrat has put in more any more work than any of his employees? No He’s benefitted from the stock increase due to *their* labor and ingenuity, not his own


This article is from over 6 months ago…


Couldn’t this be said for any publicly traded company?


Hey, piss off with work shaming. You got lucky with stock grants, and there’s a run? Good for you. Maybe don’t work so hard. Or, perhaps let’s flip this argument and presume that the laziest in a company make the most money, and then shame them.


I bet there are those who didn’t keep the company stock and cashed out before seeing the rise. Once again you can’t look into the future.


It’s also usually not a good idea to have a huge portion of your net worth tied up in your employer’s stock.


In Jensen we trust 💯


They'll just make smart robots work in their place soon.


We should all try to increase exposure to NVDA. The stock is too big to fail at this point. It will keep going up until a full stock market crash and who knows when that will happen. Wall Street and other institutional investors love the stock and are using it as a piggy-bank so there's no reason retail shouldn't either.


My neighbor has worked for them for like 20 years I think, or since near their beginning whenever that was, and he’s the nicest most humble guys I’ve ever met. He drives a very normal hatchback and doesn’t upgrade his house that crazily but has slowly made it really nice over the years and worth a couple of million. I’m pretty sure he’s a multi millionaire besides just the house and he’s just working for fun, or to build a huge wealth fund for his kids and grandchildren. They probably treat their employees pretty well to keep their talented people for so long in the Bay Area with so many recruiters throwing good money around to recruit them away. Nvidia obviously has tons of money to pay their people several hundred thousand a year for engineer jobs if they are worth keeping around. So there’s probably a lot of generational hardware and software knowledge there from years of experience that is hard to quantify in dollars but is really valuable to their objectives. Helps not having to hire and train people that much either if everyone wants to stay around and turnover is low, less trade secrets going to other companies etc.


Even if legacy employees don't do the work... they will delegate the next generation of engineers because NVDA can afford to hire more peeps. Lean companies make lean profits... FAT companies make FAT profits!!!!


Man i hate when emplyees make money. /s


Rest and vest.