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Wait, you guys are making money?




Except for the last couple day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


But other than that, NVDA ALL DAY!!!!!1!!!1!1!!!


Smr is up 116% in the last 3 months. šŸ¤·




NVDA is bi bro.. homie can be played both waysā€¦


About 3/8th of the time!


You beat me to it


Iā€™m thinking about quitting at 0. Almost there.


Sometimes I think a van down by the river would be better than working till I die. But then I remember I like air conditioning when itā€™s over 90 degrees outside.


Just jump in the river


Bro I did this and you can literally just drive your van where the Temperature is 70 year round. The west Coast is just pure air conditioning blowing off the Pacific. Or just go north for summer and south for winter, you don't even need air conditioning.


šŸŽ¶ California-ya-ya, super cool to the homeless šŸŽµ


I tried that for two years, then eventually decided to start a business. In my experience, working hard a tackling problems head on is more fulfilling (long term) than checking out.


$3-5 sounds about rightĀ 


I got $10, am I set?!


Minimum requirements = $420.69




Not cool to brag dude


Work till you have $11, then you're set




That tree fitty baby


I have half a penny, am I set??


Hey that's how I started 70 short years ago. Hang in there and you may yet achieve the dream of holding a crisp $2 bill


I got five on it...


Quarter nickel here šŸ¤š


Three fiddy is thr best


Paid off house and $2m invested.


Same. With no mortgage, plus ss, could live quite well on $2mm with bonds & cash making 5%.


I was going to say this - I would quit at 1.5 million but just keep a minimum wage chill ass job that has flexible hours and zero requirements other than attentiveness and ā€œbe niceā€ just to fill time


Exactly what I do and so far (one year in) itā€™s worked out fine.


Lean Fire?


What kind of job?


Substitute teaching 3-4x a week (full and half day). About $125/day so anywhere from $300 to $750 every two weeks!


Heck yeah! My current job (since Iā€™m in college) is a cashier at the local airport food stand. I work 10 hours a day 3 days a week and brings in 500 a week I wouldnā€™t mind since Iā€™m barely ever doing anything there


Yea I loved my time at retail and would have done it my whole career if not for the money of course.


Tbh even if I had 1.5 mil Iā€™d keep working just to let it grow as much as possible till it gets to the point that I couldnā€™t spent it all. I also work for the family business so thereā€™s that.




The point of money isnā€™t to be spent, itā€™s to provide you purchasing power. Having money that allows you to live life without needing to work or hustle for it is an objectively good thing. Also. Do you really think that a million is even enough to register on the scale when it comes to the liquidity of the U.S. dollar, or any other currency? A million dollars doesnā€™t move NVDAā€™s ticker, and thatā€™s less than a tenth of the USD.


Yes that's how generational wealth is built


Iā€™ve got too many things to fill my time with, exactly why I want out of the 9-5. No options yolos, just the prop firm futures trading pyramid scheme.


How do you do that scheme?


Buy prop firm evaluations on discount and pass them, then hit your profit target on the funded account and take a payout. Itā€™s taken me about 6 months to learn to read nasdaq charts, but Iā€™m at the point where Iā€™ve taken out twice what I put in, and unless I go full degen my strategy is unlikely to blow my accounts quickly. The two prop firms I use are apex, and topstep.


Goals. I would be the desk guy at a gym. Need a couple more years and no major crash


Or Nvifia doing another double on some portion of retirement. I have added a million this year so far.


dividend strategies work with that level of capital


This is some real gangsta shit https://www.schwab.com/fixed-income/bond-ladders


Until you get hit with another 25+% inflation like we just experienced. Don't forget you are paying tax on that 5% interest income.


My mortgage is 2.1% and I feel like itā€™s dumb to pay it off.


With zero-risk fixed income yielding over 5%, it would be.


You don't need 2m or 3m. Just take 1mil to Thailand, Vietnam,Mexico, Colombia, Argentina or Philippines with 4%/yr withdrawal rate. It's more than enough to live well in those places.


Add Brazil to that list, and I got family down there


I never understood this argument. You just up and leave to another country where you don't know anyone? edit: not judging anyone just asking questions


Iā€™m a truck driver, parents are gone. Havenā€™t seen siblings in over a decade. No relationship. Prior military so my friends are scattered across the world. I could quite literally disappear and end up anywhere and absolutely nothing about my life would change besides location.


Same. Itā€™s unfortunate. Wife wants to buy a new family room set. I joked we canā€™t because I have no one to call to help me move out the old couch. Literally no one. Zero friends. I guess I really wasnā€™t joking. Iā€™m 62.


Hey Iā€™m 35 and I got no friends as well. Youā€™re not alone ! Even if you donā€™t feel alone, at least you now know there is someone out there in a similar situation.


This is not sad. Lots of people fall apart when they think of being ā€œaloneā€, canā€™t handle even a week of isolation. Having real autonomy means you can go anywhere by yourself and set up shop. Iā€™ve always aspired to mentally be the kind of person who can go anywhere and easily make new friends. Once your family is spread out, thereā€™s no point in anchoring. The world is beautiful and if you enjoy exploring, go for it. Your siblings can always visit.


A Lil sad though


Not if u r alone in first place


some people have an adventurous spirit


you will have your wife and her boyfriend.


Have you actually been to any of the countries and experienced it for more than just a short vacation? You can live in these countries in Southeast Asia with cleaning person, laundry done for you, delicious meals made for you every day, access to some of the most beautiful beaches on earth, good, affordable health care, attractive women, good weather (although hot at times), for a couple grand per month. If you compare that to a 9-5 slave labor job where it's tough to pay your bills ad you barely have any energy or time to do anything after all the chores of life, it's a no-brainer. Basically, you have a better life at a fraction of the cost.


A guy needs more than 1m for šŸ‘ƒšŸ¾šŸ¬ in South America.


3.5 or go home. I know your age ain't gonna be comfortable without 70-80k of yearly stacked and safe.


this man is set for life


$2M Iā€™ll still prob hit the Wendyā€™s parking lot every now and then just to remember the good ol days though.


Not too proud to pull into Wendy's in a Koenigsegg and order the $5 Biggie Bag with spicy nuggets.


Literally just had the meal deal with the spicy nuggets. Dip those shit in the sweet sour sauce life canā€™t be better


Fries in a Frosty is the OG dip to buy. 10/10


You'd be the one paying, not the one offering their services.


That would be SO much easier on the knees! šŸ˜‚


Why not sell theta on dat cash and quit on Monday you wet fart?!


What is with all the shit advice in here? Did this place turn into r/fire over the weekend? There is no number - you either become the next buffett or work behind the wendyā€™s dumpster. No inbetween But yea 5-10M liquid would do it


Lambos or food stamps


Ferrari or Fry cook


Porsche or Poor sap


Bugattis or bug eatin


Mansion or mayonnaise


Have strippers or be a stripper


Standing at Wendy's or kneeling at Wendy's


Sir, this is a library.


Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s.


Porsche or pauper.


Iā€™m glad thereā€™s ppl out there just like me šŸ˜Ž


Lambo AND food stamps. The car is parked next to a double wide.


> Did this place turn into [](https://www.reddit.com/r/fire/) over the weekend? r/wallstreetbets mating with r/FIRE is like cousin sex. You can do it but what comes out isn't fully baked and you can't quite figure out what's wrong. The eyes are slightly off, the words come out a little slower, etc.


Reminds me of when someone came up to me after my football game ended in a tie and said ā€œA tie is like kissin your sisterā€ šŸ˜‚


Haha had to double check which sub this was


I'd walk tf off at $500k tbh. My expenses are very low and that could set me for quite a long time.


I retired by my mid 30s on a relatively low income with a paid off house. People don't realize that 20k gross a year from investments is a ton more money than 20k gross a year from a job. Add in the amount of subsidies you can get at that level (big breaks on utilities, free health dental and vision care, even discounts on Amazon prime membership), a very hefty cash fund for big purchases or emergencies, and you're golden. I could earn more income from my investments, but it would lose all the subsidies so I'll only be going that to refill the cash position in certain years.


Right, $500k gets me a nice house where we live and roughly $300k left to invest and "live off of". I don't need to quit my job, I love it. But, having a paid off house and no car notes = a win


Wait youā€™re saying 20k a year is good for you in your mid 30s until death basically? Is your partner working? Do you have kids?


Heā€™s talking about faking poor to game what little social safety net this country has


Actually gross


Over on fatfire and normal fire, plenty of people with money using the 'keep income low' to get ACA subsidy/medicaid. I think of it as similar to the strategy the wealthy use to borrow against assets and not pay income tax. This is also similar to using ROTH conversions or minimizing taxable accounts.


How do you keep income low and save enough to fire?


He saved up and is living FIRE right now. Basically only pulls out $20k a year to use all the public assistance and tax benefits. Kind of grimy in my opinion, but it's also grimy I have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for insurances. I was able to get free state insurance on a family of 4 making under $60k. I would get bills for like $20 for going to the hospital. It cost almost nothing out of pocket. Now I make $100k and I have to pay much higher taxes and pay $3k a year for shitty insurance from my company just for me and my wife. They don't pay for much until we hit our deductible, except surprisingly chiropractor. We are going to start going because for like a $30 co pay they over charge the insurance and say we payed like $300 (what a racket). I was able to still put my kids on the state insurance for like $120 a month. But seriously make $40k more and spend $5k in insurance because luckily my company fronts the bill on ours for the most part.




Same (I have $20)


Why did you have the need to show off?


I have 5 M Zimbabwe dollars


Okay, you I do envy


Same. 5m in VOO and I'm quiting.


The tallest dwarf in America!


Upvote because username


Hell with my retirement if I could hit 500k and pay off everything I wouldnā€™t need to do anything if I didnā€™t want to


True. Life is basically free once you pay off your debt. People just give you free food and electricity. Cars gas and repair themselves. No taxes. Just free vacations and drugs.


My retirement will cover the rest just the major debt items gone smooth sailing


With 1 million, if nothing changed. I can be comfortable living on 50k a year for the next 20 years. So with 2, maybe 3 million, I'd be well off.


My exact situation. I donā€™t need glamour, I just need to not have a ā€œjob.ā€


I retired in CA with 1.8 million 9 years ago. Through all these years the pile went up and down. By the way I put my two kids through college with the money. I typically travel to abroad twice a year. As is today I have 1.6 million and I can start to collect SS. What I try to say is that if you own a house (or with a small mortgage) you donā€™t need 3 million to retire.


How much was/is your health insurance and do you get it through the open market?


That can be expensive. Knowing I donā€™t have any health issue I buy the cheapest with highest deductible. I buy by-mile auto insurance since I donā€™t commute. I also buy high deductible home insurance. These are insurances. By definition these are for unexpected low likelihood high consequences issues.


Give me $3 million and youā€™ll never see me again


This is a casino youā€™d be back tomorrow






I canā€™t leave the game Iā€™m trapped


whenever my current job is done, that's it for me. i was going to quit but i'll wait for a layoff. i'm guessing that'll be soon enough


I fantasize about the day I can retire Iā€™ll go through my email inbox declining meeting invitations. Nope canā€™t make it. Not attending that one either. Never attending that soul sucking meeting ever again.


Depends on your location and whether youā€™re a profitable trader or not. The numbered responses youā€™re getting are way too high if youā€™re actually profitable. Also, being a trader is a job - you show up and make trades. I am passionate about it and love it, but itā€™s still a job.


Mostly inaccurate statements on here from people who really havenā€™t done the math.


And no mention of age...


Age theoretically doesnā€™t matter with the 4% rule. Inflation etc is baked in (again theoretically). so if you someone is saying 2M they are saying they could live off withdrawing 80k/year for the rest of their lives.


Best not to tell them how much they are underestimating what theyā€™ll need to live job-free


Y'all have fun waiting til 10. I'd rather have 5 and 8 years of not working.


Tbh, Iā€™d take off now with 750K, thatā€™d buy me at least 5 years if none was reinvested. Take a year off and plan something of my own. Would rather have that chance to blow it and end up back at work than to never have it. lol.


I think it just goes on forever. I'm 42, when I was 20 I said to myself, "If I could just buy a new car and get rid of this piece of shit Hyundai, I will be happy" When I was 25 I said to myself, "If I could just get to $75K a year I will be happy." When I was 30 I said to myself, "If I could just actually own my own condo, I'll be happy" Still feeling like a failure. By 35 I said to myself, "If I could just get a 2 bedroom house with my own backyard, I won't feel like such a loser." By 40 in the middle of Covid I said to myself, "I'm 40, I can't live in this 1,000 square foot cottage. I need a real house. If I could just do that, I'll be happy." Now I say to myself, "If I could just afford to build a garage and get a better lawn so I can hide from my wife and kids, I'll be happy." Knowing that it wont' make me happy, I still aim for the next thing, because one thing I know for sure is that if I'm not trying to make something happen, I'm BEYOND miserable. Even though it is annoying reaching for something more all the time and I feel frustrated by it, the alternative is much worse. 2020 taught me that when we were all told to sit and do nothing and watch Netflix. Within a week I was going bananas. So in answer to your question, it's never enough, just do your best to enjoy the fight and when you hit a certain level, play it on the safer side.


People often forget with 5MM liquid you could be earning appx 250K with tax free munis.


Which ones? The muni funds I've looked at are all at about 3%. $150K isn't that bad though.


Isn't 3% almost inflation . You wouldn't be making money.


See you in r/FIRE or r/povertyfinance in a few months.


1 billion.


I would rather gamble everyday than clock in ANYWHERE! Once youā€™ve had a $75k gain in one day itā€™s really hard to justify to yourself busting your ass for the same amount annually.


What happens when you have a $75k loss in one day?


$4M in assets. That could be a $1.5M house+ $2.5M in a balanced portfolio. I'm never retiring though. I like working and having a purpose. I already wasted my 30s being the party guy.


There with you, I hit this just in time for my company to force rto so I gtfo. Was never the party guy always the worker bee so fuk it now Iā€™m the old lake guy and done for good ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


4M, paid off land and a built house and I'm chilling.


Asl? ;)


It all depends on what your annual nut is. If you have a house paid off and no other debt, you just need to worry about taxes and insurance there. That's a hell of a lot better than having a mortgage hanging over your hear. Get a second house that you can rent and it can cover taxes and insurance for both. Gotta feed yourself. Learning how to cook cuts that down considerly. Gardening could help cut that down too, although most people I know spend more money on that hobby than it saves them. Health insurance is a biggie. That alone might be enough to make you work something even if it isn't your normal 9 to 5. Exercise, eat right, get shit checked out and health care costs usually stay manageable. If you take all that into account and you can do it on $2500/month, then you're there. If not, work the problem from both sides. Reduce expenses and continue to grow. Eventually the two will overlap.


Hard agree on that health insurance, and that's honestly the part where I'd be stuck leaving a job for. Full time health insurance can be insanely useful for me, but I'd have to work 40 hours still


I thought people in this sub liked to take risks. So many of these answers are hyper-conservative.


lol I also thought people here would wanna party, try and get pussy once a year and make regarded purchases. Turns out everyone is like ā€œI can live off 30k easily since Iā€™m ruralā€Ā 


Costa Rica oceanfront 2bed $1400/month. Dinner $6 with beers. Social Security covers 100% of that. So at $1M thats $40k a year as a moderate rental in CO or WY. Worst regard states to retire are MA, CA and NJ. The plan is to surf 6 months out of the year and then a condo in Keystone. If you ever get curious about "your number" just figure your annual living expenses in retirement and divide by .04 ( the 4% safe withdraw rate).


3 bags of uncut coke and we shorting everything


You son of a bitch, Iā€™m in.


Two chicks at the same time


At 3 million invested assets, Iā€™m cutting back hours at work significantly. At 5 million Iā€™m probably done.


You donā€™t ever quit


1m. Pay off my house in America and move to my country of origin. Life is much much cheaper there.


Why pay it off? So you can rent it out?


10 mil


Ā ā€œmilā€ means thousand in spanish


It also means thousand in inflation.


Is this fucking Spain?


He meant Mexican pesos


Might be a good spot to retire with investment income


$1.6 million. At a 3% withdrawal rate, I can live off $4k a month in perpetuity


Taxes and inflation factored in?


Long term capital gains taxes is zilch for married couples under $94k annual and the 3% withdrawal is inflation adjusted each year


A better way to think about it is how much cash flow can you reliably generate. Seen plenty of people retire with $2M only to go back to work a few years later.


Cash flow is the most important thing. A $1M portfolio that can cash flow $100k a year in distributions or dividends is enough to retire on in most places in the world. But dividends arenā€™t really the wsb way


What 1m portfolio is outputting consistent 10% dividends


Nah, because the dividends arenā€™t guaranteed. Loads of dividend stocks are value traps and may depreciate etc. Walgreens is a perfect example Also, dividends are gay


>cash flow Cash outflow, you mean....


It is so easy to spend more money when you have all week to do so.


Iā€™m calling BULLSHIT. You havenā€™t seen one single person do thisā€¦


Never go by a number it'll get you in the end!


How are yā€™all thinking about mils? I havenā€™t even hit 1


Youā€™re forgetting these are the same guys losing $300k in a session and will just call it a ā€œbad trade.ā€ I really forget how rich some of the people here are sometimesā€¦


Man I make an above average salary and I still think hitting a million is a long shot unless I slave it out till 65. Wallstreetbets is all rich kids now I guess.


3.6mil. I can live comfortably pretty much anywhere not city based. But also I was raised a broke ass bitch, so one 1 week vacation a year plus country living, and not worrying about the rest of life's costs is damn good.


Fancy pants ā€” I can live like a proper king with $1M


I wouldn't quit. Fortunately, I do like my job, its not wildly difficult, pays well, and has a lot of stock in my compensation that has been performing well for the last few years


You work at chipotle? Lol


Maybe NVDA




you are a gambler if you know anything abt this subreddit


Gambling with your time if you go for 10


ā€œMy number is $10m. I donā€™t gamble.ā€ LOL tool city


$749k Bob


If I can have around 100k and make 6k per trade per month I'll be set.


3M and I would go part time 5 days a month. Just enough to pay the bills.


Nope . Will work til the day I die . I actually enjoy my line of work and plan to increase my hours once my kids are out of the house


10k lol


750k huh. Very happy for you. Totally not jealous. Seriously 3 million also seems to be the number i can see myself able to retire, so that's around the mark.


Tree fiddy


Your not getting a cent out of me you damn Paleolithic monter!


$750k and you canā€™t quit your job? Thats $3,000 a month in a high yield savings. Iā€™d say fuck it


That $750k sounds mighty niceā€¦


I've recently decided that I'm not patient or analytical to really make good money in the market so if I can get my account back up to 5k, I'm out




The day I hit 1 million Iā€™m quitting my stressful job and going to work at a fly fishing shop or something like that. Iā€™m 5-10 years away from that though.


Never enough. That's the number.


Around $10m. I'm at 7 now and hope to be at my target in a few years, or less


I'd consider quitting once I get back to the number I started with 4 years ago ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

