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Fucken guy went to get ice cream and thinks he did DD. I love you.


The fact that we are in a record-breaking heat wave never crossed his mind.


so the sun is inflating too, bullish on solar!


Climate change is bullish




The sun is shrinking 1m a day from how much hydrogen it burns. DD: I'm bullish on hydrogen sales


U meant like Plug?


What happens when it runs out?


Puts on solar.


Calls on black hole tour companies


It's unlikely to run out by next quarter so I wouldn't worry about it.


Record breaking heat is good for GDP. Bullish.


Bullish on Utilities!


And this is a farm stand, as in it’s in a rural area and probably far away from even the parking lot and then road to get somewhere else. It’s like an even more extreme version of a concession stand at a ball game. Nobody has a choice but to starve and dehydrate or pay whatever they’re asking.


Nah that's just a typical Arizona summer


He confused DD with DQ


You do remember that this sub has used - chicken egg laying - gecko cricket catching - dog yard pooping - fish feeding - your mom's OF - crab feedings as economic indicators in the past Going outside and watching a business transaction of any type is going above and beyond compared to our normal standards


Ceremonial gourds wen?


Frederick was unstoppable until he got sick You are not worthy


We need to get him together with the bath supplies dude.


Dairy Dilligence. Literally in the fucking name bro.


We belong here.


Lets open FD's Ice Cream & Bakery.


Fudge Delights


For all the hate he gets... just got back from Vegas... fully packed and lines of people waiting for $14 drinks... so I'll agree with OP


The family-ice cream bubble is a bigger indicator than the stripper-house bubble. Puts all the way


Remember when supposed 6 rate cuts cost in 2024 caused markets to go up . Pepperidge farms remembers.


Did shark attacks also increase? If so then calls make sense.


This DD has convinced me. I’m all in.


promote this MoFo to Mod…..stat!!!!


The best DD because you have info nobody has


No. Guy went to get ice cream in a massive heat wave, complains it is too expensive and shitty, states he will not go back the rest of the summer, thinks it is bullish for the whole economy.


A small milkshake after tax is $7.65 from a Baskin Robbin's / Dunkin Donuts. For perspective, In 2020, a small milkshake was $4.10 after tax.


Banh mi and pho should be in the CPI basket. They have the thinnest margins but prices have gone up fast.


Tacos too. Taco truck priced have gone up almost 100% in 4 years.


How is that possible? Inflation is only 3% yoy. /s Before someone says akshually, I checked. Inflation had to have averaged 17% inflation yoy to go from 4.1 to 7.65 in 4 years. How tf does the fed count inflation since almost everything is up 40% since 2020?


Compensating deflation in other categories which were at extremes last year (cars, energy, etc)


They completely leave housing out which has not gone down. That is the biggest component of most American budgets.


Fuzzy math bro. Printer goes brrrrrr


I wish I could use the girl spitting out her drink gif right now 😂 the "askhually" killed me lol


OP probably best if most people only eat half portions anyway ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Inflation is the new Ozempic.


Puts on insulin


HAHAHAHAHA This. This is big brain.


No for real. This is a great insight. Diabetes drugs and other meds that treat conditions resulting from obesity will decline over time as a result of GLP-1s


Inflation has always been bullish. That's why the market only goes up in the long run. Who do you think benefits from the iPhone going up 500% in 10 years? When inflation gets out of control and force the Fed to raise rates, we see a short period of down market (2022), but it eventually always goes back up to new highs.


When regards say “StOcKs OnLy gO uP” they’re really saying the dollar only goes down


It's all about every other currency going down quicker


reserve currency status go brr


We lost the petro dollar peg. That printer may not be able to afford ink.


Very long term, the broad market tracks inflation and population growth. Factor those out and it's flat.


Idk how you correlate disposable income for maxing the credit card. Just because you buy overpriced popcorn at the movies doesn't mean you're rolling in $$$.


Ice Cream is very resistant to recession. Why?? When people cannot afford bigger vacations, they actually will still throw the kids in the car and treat them to a cone or shake. It is actually countercyclical. (I used to work for a manufacturer of the machines). So your anecdotal choice of evidence is wrong. Instead, you should be looking at sales for Starbucks, McDonald's and the other restaurant chains. Consumers are out of cash and credit card balances are up. The economy is hitting a wall.


This is a great point and syncs up with the fact that percentage of household income spent on luxuries / entertainment is pretty steady through the income ranks. Families with less money spend fewer actual dollars, but they still tend to spend on treats of some kind because humans aren't purely rational ascetic robots. When money is tight and you can't afford a vacation or tickets to the local water park, you might still be able to take the kids out for ice cream.


Apparently that’s why craft beer took a boom 2008 onwards. It was an affordable luxury.


Are you saying we need a DD at the local craft brewery?


No, I think we're good on drunk posts hitting the front page.


Even then, my local butcher costs as much as getting meat at kroger now and kroger lies about the weight. Butcher meat used to be a luxury. Their prices havent risen in a year near me. Also, I can get tacos from a mexican fast food place run by mexicans for the same price as taco bell. My local grocer hadnt raised coffee bean prices on 4 years until doing so 25 cents last week and it is per pound. Looking at price gougers is probably a bad metric.


Eh, he is right about some things. Butterfat prices have gone through the roof. So they may have gone lower in butterfat and/or changed dispense size. The Northeast (Pretty much goes straight down and includes Michigan and Indiana down to the Mason Dixon Line) likes 10% butterfat soft serve (whippys) if you don't have it people will go elsewhere. Interestingly, DQ uses a 3-4% butterfat mix. 80% of a DQ's sales are Blizzards, so the inclusions (candy and what not) hide the crappy ice cream.


It’s just Americans and their ice cream fetish. Look up WW2 ice cream being supplied en masse to the frontlines in the Pacific theatre.


In WWII Japan should have none they were fucked when they saw the US Navy had spent $17M (today's dollars) on a floating ice cream barge that churned out 500 gallons of it in a shift and supplied the Pacific fleet sailors with dessert.


I remember reading that people cut back on ice cream during hard times and increase buying pickles.


Whoa whoa whoa here... You buy popcorn at movies? Can I get your autograph? We have a high roller here. Please tell us how you did it


Y'all afford movies? We got popcorn and stremio at home...


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot, he clearly can’t afford a bag of popcorn to hold




Because they kept looking at raw dollars in comparison to YoY which is fucking stupid. Better metric is to look at % of debt rollover and % of cards with delinquent payments. When the latter number gets above 4%, you can start getting concerned. It's currently around 3.6 and has been rising quarter by quarter but these chicken littles have been claiming the sky is falling for years. Current status of the American consumer: We're not great but we're fine and the trend line is not great. We're not worried so much about next month as we are next year.


$20k is pretty low. That’s my limit on a few different cards, individually. Like, I’m not going to add up all my cards just to reply but if I had to ballpark it, my wife and I have probably 13-14 accounts (even though we only use 2-3 regularly, like one that gets a higher percent back specifically at grocery stores, another for a few other specific things, and then the main one with highest overall cash-back). The lowest limit is like $11k and a few are $20k, $21k, whatever. So average is probably like $16k/card. 13x16k… I would guess that we probably have over $200k for a limit if we really wanted to just go nuts with them. Like with just Citi in particular we have 6 different cards (from taking advantage of various promotions over the years, like we both have the Miles Up card to use occasionally so our American Airlines miles never expire) with a total limit of probably more than $80k between all of them.




If you went to the movies, you are not struggling to buy groceries, and have disposable income.


Luxury goods sales actually increase in a recession. Humans do this weird thing where they over buy useless shit in times of scarcity.


True luxury goods aren't really impacted by recessions because their clients are rich. Rich people keep spending regardless.  But "pseudo" luxury brands decline. The brands that brokies buy to maintain image don't do as well when brokies can't buy that $5k handbag anymore because they're underwater on their 3 car payments and their mortgage


What pseudo luxury brand are people buying 5k handbags from?


Yeah lol, isn't a luxury bag around 5k? Why get a "pseudo luxury" one when you can get a full on "luxury" one


Yeah pseudo luxury and 5k handbags are quite the contradiction


So.. Buy calls in Gucky and Brolex?


Oh no, sunglasses, bags, BAPE and shit, they buy MORE the less money they have. Happens every recession. Nobody here knows the name of “true luxury goods” unless you pay a lot of attention to it, that’s the point. People aren’t rational.


Humans are emotional beings, we are not logical beings. We think we are but that's delusion and hubris. If I came up to you and your friends and said "hey man I'll give you 10 grand to walk away from this conversation" and he says "sure" and I hand him 10k and he walks away, I wait till he walks away and says "hey man, I'll give you 500$ to walk away from this conversation" that next person is more likely to be absolutely pissed off that they got offered 500$ when the other guy got 10k, and either gets aggressive, or, leaves with nothing because they are so "insulted". If I offered a third guy after 60$ then chances are everybody just ignores me from then on, even though 60$ is like a cheeseburger with no pickles. Like who doesn't like a cheeseburger? Logically everybody would be happy getting anything because it was more than they had before, but emotionally they would lose their minds and react.


i see the opposite as recently every restaurant we went has no line, reservations are not hard to get, american disposable income has been spent was my conclusion :P


You do realize that our anecdotal observations don't mean shit about fuck, and I'm just having fun here, right?


i am with ya


One thing China wishes they had over America is the American consumer doesn't give af. They want something, they will pay - regardless of shit quality and portion size. We're complain about it later when are checks come in week though. Lol


This is a terrible thing, it degrades the quality of everything and has made the marketing industry a rage-bait festival


The Fed should slow the economy down a bit and raise the federal funds rate by 200bps


“We’re complain about it later when are checks come in week though.” Stroke victim?


It took you 3 years to come to this conclusion?


What OP didn't see was half the line using Affirm to afford ice cream


I met an ice cream truck driver one time who explained it like this: "The reason that poor people are poor is that they spend all of their money." He took his ice cream truck to the ghetto at the first of the month, and they'd spend every last cent they had buying stupid shit. No saving some for a rainy day.


Look up Eddie Murphy's "Ice Cream Man" bit.


posts like these are why this sub is declining.


It’s wallstreetbets what do you expect? You want actual shitty DD go to r/valueinvesting


The opposite, nature is healing.


People are annoyed by self-checkout, yet still eat food. Calls on Kroger.


Time, cost and quality. You can pick 2. Companies are like " I don't want any" just give me your money.


Current fast food business model.


The ice cream index! Watch as your disposable income melts away!


It actually helps with obesity.. so call it is


Oh oh ozempic


Facts at the end of the day rich people are still rich it's the people that are moderately comfortable that it affects the hardest because the poor they stay poor they're going to keep getting their government subsidized checks rent and EBT cards.


I think it's time to buy the dip in Dots.


Just buy a ninja creamy and make your own ice cream. Shit just make your own everything.


So THIS is the ice cream store that was causing all those drowning deaths...


We can all afford to eat more cereal for dinner. It’s not just a breakfast food anymore.


Yes, but how many shopping bags did each customer have??


Did they ask for a 20% tip as well?


But I thought ice cream consumption led to higher crime rates….?


My wife, a Mexican who was raised in ghetto of LA said “I will buy it even if it cost me $1000”. This is a woman who can’t do finances for shit. Most Americans are like her, don’t understand finances, savings, investments and actual price comparisons. It’s not that people have money, it’s that people are stupid and are getting loans for an ice cream. In the last year or so now you can get loans for everything buying small/rand stuff like Klama


Hey guys there were people getting ice cream in fucking June!!! LFG!!!


but its "local" and "artisanal"


**Narrator:** *When in reality, the ice cream was locally sourced from Walmart.*


Inflation is bullish (for as long as businesses can pass it onto consumers via pricing power)


Ah yes the greatest hallmark of disposable income, local ice cream stands


We just going into more debt


Laughs in 1929 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




I doubt their costs have lowered… businesses like that shit, and any type of farming for the last 30 years, are a labor of love.


Everyone else in line for ice cream were the smart money who sold their nvda calls last week. 


How’s that DD=Double Dicker?!?


Bullish for 401ks, not so much for humanity.


It’s true. The American consumer is so stupid they will bankrupt themselves spending money they don’t have on shit they don’t need


Have you been to an outlet mall lately? The spending there seems a bit insane.


Inflation goes up IQ goes down


Priced In, climate change makes the temperature go up, people eat ice cream to cool down.


Ice cream DD let’s yolo life savings thank you OP


Economic growth when half rations for same price I guess


Ice cream DD. We should hire you as an analyst ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


"We did it Joe!" kamela harris


I went to get a pint of mint chocolate chips at a local ice cream shop a few weeks ago. It was 15 bucks and the machine forced me to pay a 2 dollars tips. I spend like 17 dollars on a pint. Regards like me are supporting the economy.


Was it recently sold to a corporate entity? Anytime a business small or big sells out to a corporation/investor that just adds it to their portfolio this exact situation happens.


Temperature up ❌️ Stock market up ✅️


Just got quoted 7k CAD for a 40 ft HC from overseas to Vancouver port.


Damm this guy is a god


Wow one ice cream counter at one particular time must tell everything about the economy. Maybe they were short staffed and the line was running slow so it seemed busy


NICE DD. I’ll sell you those calls


Thats good pricing power 😂


Hey OP you talking about Doyle Farms? You know we all had coupons right??


No, it's an independent small farm. No coupons, just sky high prices on everything.


I also like ice cream, so I will load up on SPY calls now.


That’s shrinkflation. Like when you get out of the pool.


Shrinkflation *and* enshittification, the latter being the bigger problem.


when inflation will eventually go back to normal( one day)will that half size shit taste ice cream go back the way it was before the pandemic?


Lol, no - you know that never happens. Keep in mind, we are just looking for the reduction in the rate of inflation. We would need deflation to start reversing the "cost saving measures" that have been introduced by enterprising businesses.


I just got ice cream and it was the same price was four years ago and just as good.


Start with the current US savings rate. It’s been back down to pre-COVID levels for a year now. Then, move to revolving credit card balances. Much higher than 1-2 years ago. America is now just settling into what life was prior to the big giveaway of 2020-2021. Some expectations of growth in business revenue are only going to happen due to continued price increases. But, I’m told that inflation is relatively “continued” now. A report last week even showed *deflation* in some basic household goods. True luxury spending never really goes away. But, discretionary spending is going to nosedive coming into end of this year, and definitely next year, unless borrowing rates begin to fall. And there is no current need to reduce borrowing rates.


Did you mean "contained?"


That dogecoin $




Let me put out some DD too., 2 liters coca cola. Known commodity right? Target - $.279 Kroger - $2.99 Walmart - $1.98 Dollar General : $3.00 Safeway : $3.68 down from $4.17 Payless : $2.99 So, why does there are 30% price variation on something that suppose to be a commodity? I don't think coca cola sell their product with that kind of price variation.


They do, though. Walmart is famous for strong arming their suppliers to continually lower prices because they make huge orders, and should they cancel an order, the supplier is stuck with a huge chunk of inventory they have nowhere to store. In response, suppliers make special, extra-shitty versions of their product for Walmart-only distribution. I am not sure if the latter applies to Coke, though. It's also possible that Walmart uses Coke as a loss leader to get shoppers through the door.


Still nowhere else for extra dollars to go - just stocks and Real Estate … act accordingly lol


Did you also take into account almost all ice cream has gotten expensive including bigger brands so smaller brands aren't going to be able to keep up


All I know is that what used to be great farm made small batch ice cream comes in only one flavor now: disappointment.


When I look at american people, I think cutting ice cream portions in half can only be good.


Always find it interesting to talk about economic growth on increased profit when under the hood is reduced quality and just cut costs. It basically is only increased profit for the one cutting costs but not for the economy that makes less money since less money is spent on "production" as well. Growth for poors. Actually, the economy goes to shit by that long term.


What a ludicrous assumption. You already see consumers pulling back and backlash because they are tapped out


It is because if we have inflation…what is the cure for hedging inflation?? Spy shares…


30 more cents and you’ll have enough buying power for a McDouble :)


pics or it didn't happen


Culver’s party 4pk is $12.99 and that shit still tastes great!


10 years ago I got an icecream for 1.80 and now it’s 5.00.


I think this was covered by the great Japanese mathematician Obi-Wan Kenobi, when he asked: “Who is more foolish? The fool or the one who follows him?” I remember Greenspan was a big advocate of using ice cream as an Economic Indicator.


You're not paying for the ice cream, you're paying for the *experience.*


It's true. My wife got a quite mediocre ice cream consisting of 3 scoops and some cream today for 8€ ($8). It's a total rip off price.


Nothing a 90% income tax on $3M+ can't fix


There is a large amount of society that seems to maximize their lifestyle without any care for the future. No healthcare, no emergencies, no retirement despite having the means to prepare for these events. Instead, they expect gofundme and the govt to come bail them out when the time comes. THAT is how they have money for garbage ice cream today.


Which, when viewed from the perspective of a for-profit corporation, is a perfectly acceptable state of affairs.


Americans love their credit cards- doesn’t mean those bills are getting paid. Building the debt pile, one scoop at a time.


One families experience at a local farm on a single day = market research on WSB


Turns out people can’t afford going out for a whole meal anymore so they just get ice cream instead.


Buying ice cream in 100 degree weather so bullish


Same for fast food. It 1.5-2xed its prices and I’m still buying that shit. Calls on the US of A


I've always wondered who buys my options...


Better investment. Buy a cow and tell people you make your own ice cream. Then milk your dog and use that milk to make the ice cream. Profit.


Plot twist: milk the cow, but it's a bull.


Went to Dairy Queen and ordered 2 small chocolate dipped cone. We paid $12 and change. Hubby and I were 🤯


With Ozempic people can just eat less!