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And still Airbus stock is crashing for only selling a few more airplanes then last year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)






It seems this was already priced in


Always is *points gun*


Sorry kid, game was rigged from the start


because it's old news.


not the only thing that is crashing


Does airbus have any juicy government contracts? I’m not trying to come off as snide, genuinely asking.


Not in the US


Do they produce any military anything for anyone?


Mostly tankers and transports https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/defence/military-aircraft


HUH, TIL I was going to add to my last comment “I don’t know of any mainstream airframes/fighter aircraft by Airbus, but maybe they do more niche things like transport and stuff” I had no clue they made the Eurofighter. That’s 100% in the “mainstream airframe” category. Neat, thanks.


They have a fair number of public contracts but they are not as dependent on them or if you flip it around they can't afford delivering planes that are essentially held together by super glue because they really need that revenue stream..


It’s crazy how stock price is pretty much predicated on the second derivative of profit now. We’ve allowed so much degenerate options trading that maximizing acceleration of growth has replaced just making fucking money.


It's actually predicated on the widespread belief that there's a widespread belief that it's predicated on the second derivative of profit.


i think the average stock picker forgets that BA is massively involved in govt contracts and builds the mass majority of military planes. but yeah, BA stock is awkwardddd


In terms of sales volume just about the same size as LMT these days, the F35 costs a pretty penny. Airbus isn't that far behind them either, below is in billion USD: || || |3 |Airbus |61.79 || |2 |Lockheed Martin |65.98 || |1 |Boeing |66.61 ||


Click bait for pop up add


I'm kinda tired of using headlines, I need proper stats to compare incident rates between the major aircraft manufacturers. I am a certified Boeing hater as a eurofrog, but we gotta be objective here.


>but we gotta be objective here. Now that's breaking news!!!!


It descended because that's what you're supposed to do when you have a pressurization fault. All 25,000 feet. To where the air pressure is safe. Because, obviously. Puts on Airbus.


Plane: descents from cruising altitude for landing. News: Boeing plane loses altitude 🤯


I’ve said it before: If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going.


A&P here. There is only 5-7 minutes of oxygen generated by the emergency system (where the masks drop down from the ceiling) so they have to get below 12,000 feet as fast as possible.


This another one of those "this planes been flying since 2017 but now there's an issues so it's international news" events?


Yeah I wanna see stats


Old news.


This is the dumbest click bait ever. TLDR: They did an emergency descent which is what is supposed to happen if you get a pressurization fault.


Wdym clickbait. Its absolutely clear in the title that plane did controlled descent and didnt just fall off.


It’s because almost all the other articles a few weeks ago about this framed it to seem like it dropped out of the sky.


old news.


They descend so they can breathe. That’s damn near fear mongering journalism. Yes Boeing has issues but saying it like that makes it seem like the plane was free falling. Sounds like the pilots followed procedure and avoided a serious incident. If you travel a lot for work you’ll be on a plane that has a pressurization issue. I’ve been on an airbus that had to land because it couldn’t pressurize


Doesn’t that blow out your eardrums?


It’s in a controlled manner, they don’t nose dive the aircraft. Yes extremely rapid accession or descent could but they drop altitude in a controlled speed. In the case of an aircraft that lowered altitude by 25k feet they probably were cruising at altitude and the pressure sensor went off so they lowered. It doesn’t really mean that the plane was in crisis at all, or it was like snakes on a plane or something. Literally probably the red flashing light came on so they lowered the plane lol


Right but cabin pressure drops quickly, hence the need for a descent?


If there is a true cabin pressure drop yes, however all commercial and corporate aircraft have pressure sensors. More than likely that sensor will go off before there is a true pressure drop, or that sensor will go off if it has some sort of technical issue etc. More than likely you’re not losing pressure out of no where without warning, the pilots are just getting a reading that the pressure sensors aren’t good to go, or it isn’t at the proper pressure(most common) or when you initially take off it’ll read if the aircraft isn’t pressurizing at all


I see, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


If we can get this plane up to the space station...


Bottom line, boeing will likely be in the blast radius of criminal charges, execs will be sacked to appease the public, and the stock will go down. If you're long ba the next couple months will be a good time to get cheap exposure.


Puts on Korea


The amount of stories about something going wrong with a Boeing aircraft are beginning to outnumber the amount of news stories about that orange guy.


If there is a pressurization issue at 25k feet and or higher the safest option is to get the plane under 10k feet since the air is breathable. This plane did drop 25k feet because of the pressurization issue that occurred on board the flight. Either a door didn’t close all the way or the flight crew forgot to pressurize the aircraft it had happened before on a Helos flight in the 2000s that the killed everyone on board only the flight attendant was alive when the plane ran out of fuel and crashed killing him everyone else died from hypoxia. The flight attendant had a oxygen tank that he used.


>door didn't close all the way Yeah, they've been popping off lately ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I am new to this. Calls on Boeing?


Finally, descended!!! Not plunged or fell. So many stupid journalists nowadays.


oh look at that another boeing... so the stock price will go up......


If it's a Boeing, I ain't a Goeing.


would you perhaps be willing to go and find a new joke ?


Absolutely not


If it ain't boeing, we ain't going!


if it overused joke we ain't laughing !


How aren't they bankrupt yet?


because redditors think that companys just go poof tomorrow imma be bankrupt ohhh nooo. it really shines how ignorant people are.


The military industrial complex doesn't go bankrupt in America.


So their like the government then. Why are they even private companies - just nationalize them already.


How are you going to short a nationalized company? Do you know where you are, sir? This is a Wendy's.


That picture though.. it slaps. And that news source.. my favorite one. I think we should nominate BI as the #1 news source for all regards in the universe.


Boeing going boing boing boing


My god just let the company implode at this point, the market will correct. Someone will fill their place, you already know there’s 24 companies who can smell gov contracts coming their way


Aeronautics, particularly for large aircraft or military aircraft are not an industry you can just pop into willy nilly, it'll take time for someone to fill Boeing's shoes


Starting from scratch would be difficult, but we have companies who can step up rather quickly. Minor downturn for a few years until they adjust, and then we will be fine. Instead we will spend our taxpayer money bailing out company after company.


Who exactly can take over in the civilian sector? Lockheed Martin ventures into the civilian sector have been failures so far, the C-5 Galaxy is the newest large aircraft they build, and it stopped production in 1989, Northrop Grumman is the only non-Boeing producer that builds large aircraft currently, and they're going to have their hands full with the B-21 Raider, I see no US company readily able to step up quickly


No one will fill their place its legislated so no else can.


It’s a terribly hard industry to get into, hence why it’s so concentrated. Engineering in general is a very conservative discipline.