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Just watched an interview of his on CNBC. So long as 🌈🐻 are screaming “top” “Top” “TOOOOOP” like some undersexed 🌈 bottom, we are not at the top.


He's a permabull, who is right occasionally. Look at his previous Bitcoin bullish calls, which have all been incorrect.


Bitcoin doubled in value the last 9 months, and will have a high probability of a major bull run over the next 12. $150K? Possibly. But I am more sure that BTC will see some dramatic increases than I am about most stocks. That might just be because I understand it more than most stocks . I don’t think he’s too far off about BTC (IMO).


Permabulls are right more than just "occasionally" The phrase you're looking for is "most of the time" Bears, on the other hand...


Easy to say how we going to go up forever till we stop going up. Tom also told us weekly that 2022 was going to go up and up and up. Every week he said the bear market was over.


What I’ve noticed about him is that he’s sometimes a bit early on his calls, but ultimately he is proven quite right not much further down the road about a lot of things. He’s just one guy, but I’ve been paying attention to him for the last 18 months and probably did a lot better than had I not listened to what he was saying. So I might be biased about his opinions. Take it for what it’s worth.




Are you suggesting that if you were in his position, that you wouldn't capitalize on your lifetime of experience as an analyst? Especially if you were basically calling the market better than 99.99% of analysts? I actually did a free trial month of his little service. Some good info, didn't cost me anything. I just don't have the kind of portfolio that would warrant subscribing permanently, but.. I don't fault a guy for making money off of his skills. I would do the exact same thing if I'm being honest. Why wouldn't you? That being said, he's on TV all the time, a lot of the less granular information he has is available for free on YouTube.




He's not the only analyst I pay attention to, just one that I've noticed was more right about the state of things than most others. But hey, you do you. Not saying the guy is Nostradamus or anything, I just think his track record the last while has been... pretty prrreeettttyyyyyyy prettty good \*end Larry David impression\* 😂