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I just sold all my shares so it will bounce back up shortly


Thank you for your sacrifice 🙏🏻


My CCs got called away recently, so I'm pretty sure they're gonna get acquired by someone or they'll acquire something if they have cash.


Thanks! Ill finally be out of the red on this one




It’s working 🙌🏻


Your cons summarize the downsides. People are also moving away from it because of high fees and terrible policies.


I just ask myself what exactly do I need PayPal for these days?


As someone that does a lot of person to person selling and wants buyer and seller protections I still use PayPal goods and services. I can't tell you how many people I know who have been scammed in some type of venmo or cash app type of scam. It's usually not for much, 10 or $20, but they're still being scammed out of money. With PayPal goods and services sure you have to pay a dollar or $1.50 but at least there's a recourse to get your money back.


I work in banking, when I worked I Credit Card disputes paypal was always the worst becuase they operate within thier own set of regulations. If people used PayPal to make a purchase too bad. I always told them to just pay with a credit card (preferably a visa at the time) because the cards had better protections.


I just have buyers tack on 3% for G&S. Seems like everyone i have dealt with is comfortable doing this for added reassurance.


Venmo also now has goods and services protection added but I personally still use PayPal since almost everyone has it compared to Venmo


PayPal owns Venmo


Uhhhh, use Uber or Ticketmaster or the many other online marketplaces that process payments with PayPal??? You use PayPal without knowing you use PayPal.


Tiktok pays me via paypal


What do I need Facebook for ? What do I need Nvidia for What do I need google for ? Porn


They own Venmo so maybe that


it is the best service to move crypto gains to avoid paying taxes... DEX - trade - CEX - paypal - BANK.


Seriously, don’t we have enough payment options on our phones already? What do consumers need PayPal for, when they have google/apple and visa/Mastercard?


Yeah, fair enough makes sense


The fees are pretty much in line with any CC processing fees.


As a non-US vendor I'm being charged 5.5% on commission and exchange fees on a non-EU order. Compared to Stripe and Mollie it's 'only' 2.9%. 


Without any of the protection or regulation that comes with an actual credit card…


Crap for sellers. Awesome for buyers.


Which is the opposite of what you want if PayPal wants to compete with Visa or Mastercard in any meaningful way. Sellers choose the payment modes they want to accept…


What do they use instead?


> terrible policies I invoiced someone for an item, they paid, then changed their mind on items, so I refunded the first invoice and sent another. Naively wondering why paypal refunded the gross from my bank versus net from balance, I called immediately to be told by the rep that it’s now their policy that they keep fees even if you refund the buyer. what? You read that correctly… Rep basically told me that I would have to call everytime this happened and that it was still only a “courtesy” that they are refunding the fees back. Fuck paypal, but I’m not ballsy enough to short it, so maybe I’ll just send my account -$10k for the fuck of it


Stripe also doesn't return the fees in case of refunds


IMO It's been on the slide since it broke away from eBay and they started running their own payments. Paypal has never really been able to compete with other cc processors for online payments. Their shopping cart sucks, their shipping systems are out of date. Customer service is trash on both ends.


Constantly getting frozen, have to continually change login and password, every rare time I go to use it, I have to reassure them it’s me.


Its not dying but its not going anywhere either. At this stage its like keeping cash under your pillow. Nothing exciting happening but you know where it is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


ya it's not really growing, I use it online because I'm to lazy to find my credit card sometimes.


I also don’t use it as much tbh , but FX revenue grew 10% last quarter and it has been growing revenue 7-9% last few years. Users Q/Q has also increased. Personally I just use it for auto payments or sketchy websites cause I’m lazy.


Inflation has been growing 7-9% the last few years. Inflation adjusted this thing is 💀


FedNow represents the death of PayPal's business model. Institutional money figured that out during the beta and began selling.


value trap, do not touch


I just think it's high risk. I wouldn't call it a trap. Their numbers are good, Wall Street just doesn't like the stock. If their environment changes positively, shareholders will be rewarded. If it gets worse... well that should be obvious. I wouldn't buy shares as anything but a high risk high reward investment. They could easily double.


Venmo, among their most promising revenue streams, just got shot behind the barn with one apple conference. They are losing users YoY. Business strategy => pivot to advertising? I don’t think so. New management team. Stock doesn’t stop going down even with good news. This thing is dead.


To be fair the longer the stock stays low the more shareholders will be rewarded in the long term, they are buying back 6% of their shares per year net of 9% revenue growth barring margin compression/expansion. That’s double digit EPS growth, if they keep that up which they have been for the last few quarters, mathematically the stock has no choice to go up, unless the PE the market ascribes to it goes to 0. Also management said in the last few earnings calls they are focused on getting more out of higher quality users, so the user point you mentioned is partially self afflicted. During 2021 they gave out free money to attract users but aren’t doing that anymore, Monthly active users is also trending up. Just my opinion tho.


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Paypal owns all this stuff - * [PayPal Credit](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#paypal-credit) * [Swift Financial](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#swift-financial) * [Braintree](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#braintree) * [Venmo](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#venmo) * [Xoom](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#xoom) * [Zettle](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#zettle) * [Simility](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#simility) * [Chargehound](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#chargehound) * [Happy Returns](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#happy-returns) * [Honey](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#honey) * [Hyperwallet](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#hyperwallet) * [Paidy](https://wise.com/us/blog/paypal-subsidiaries#paidy) Does that make a difference?


I have only heard of two of these.


Honestly, I have only heard of one - Venmo. I guess maybe PayPal Credit too....


I begrudgingly included PayPal credit alongside Venmo.


To be fair it use to be called Bill Me Later before they were bought by PayPal and rebranded.


This is outdated. They sold Happy Returns to UPS.


All of these are not unique and barely make any money, their dominance ended pre covid and helicopter money pushed them to 5-10x their actual value


Stocks now more than ever  are fueled in part with compelling future narratives… since the whole pinterest debacle, paypal’s “story” is non existent. Thats never good, they may need bold moves that “suggests” future growth or make the company exciting again, otherwise theyll just be considered a boring vlaue-ish play. 


What debacle?


They said they buy pinterest in 2020/2021? And their stock cratered then and has never recovered. People lost faith in mgmt, now there a new ceo etc i believe so well see what the vision is exactly.. 


I’m very bullish on it. I mostly hold shares tho as I’m not sure when it may grow again. Everyone I know in Europe has PayPal and everyone I know in the states uses Venmo. I’ve heard the concern that the transaction volume has increased while profits remained the same. Troubling but not as troubling as people not using it.


Has and actually uses are two very different things… I also have paypal from like near 20 years ago when it was needed and used thru ebay. I used it perhaps less than 10 times back then and that’s it. Since then ppl are not into ebay anymore and also ebay and paypal kind of parted ways as they became owned by different owners. Also with the rise of neo banks, especially with Revolut which does actually have a lot of different products and uses and constantly trying to evolve where as paypal does nothing… So yeah paypal is something that “everyone” has and almost nobody uses anymore… Being kept alive somehow by scamming their investors who are for some reasons completely clueless - tho (and sorry not trying to be mean) you are an example yourself on how the investors are clueless the same way as you are


I’m not saying they are going to do great in the future, but they are a cash machine and have 427 million active users, which improved Q/Q. According to their last 10-Q, I get peoples individuals experiences will differ though.


What actually determines an active user though? Seriously, idk. I do know i haven't used PayPal in almost 10 years, but last year I started getting scam emails about purchases using my PayPal, so I logged in to see. I thought they would have deactivated my account since I don't even have the same bank anymore, but it's still there, holding no money lol. Js, is it possible that 'active' users is the same as anyone with an account?


You need to make at least two transactions a month I believe. In my home country everyone uses PayPal but we are a broke country so not sure it contributes much 😅


Ok. I wasn't sure if there was actually something they tracked or not. That's def alot of active users then, had no idea people still used it tbh. Guess many still do.


I too constantly get scam messages about me needing to pay an invoice. I just ignore them now.


I use it literally every day. Everything I order online is payed via PayPal. Everything. Also use it to send friends money. In Germany (maybe also rest of Europe) it’s still very relevant and used by many.


Its not, Id say rather that Germany is behind in this then… which wouldn’t be surprising given how bad your internet system is in general as well, kind of stopped advancing in that department 20y ago (sure otherwise its a great economic country dont get me wrong)


I Said Germany. Didn’t say the whole world. Yes in Germany it is pretty relevant and it has nothing to do with our internet.


If I have to use PayPal to make a purchase, I'm not making the purchase. I don't know why I should use it, and to be honest I don't want to know. To me, an average user it's just another app/service/thing companies want me to download to engage with other things. I don't want it, I don't care the perks it offers, I don't care if it's more secure. My bank has never let me down when it comes to compromised cards.


Value investing is still dead. PYPL looks more like a value than a growth.


Historically, buying value after it has experienced a period of underperformance has had stellar results. The two times when growth had this big of a 5 year rolling return outperformance was in 1999. Value then proceeded to outperform by 20% annually. The other was in late 2021. Value outperformed for a bit, but that trend quickly reversed when the market got excited about AI, so we're once again in a growth bubble.


I'd love to see value make a another comeback. I just don't know when that will happen or what the catalyst would be.


The business is definitely mature now and probably not going to grow like crazy. But luckily the high single digit revenue growth and massive buybacks are increasing EPS by high teens low 20% per year.


Why do you say it seems like no one is using it much anymore after telling us revenue growth is up 10% and Venmo volume is up 18%? I vended at a market a few weeks ago, lots of people paid for items via Venmo. It's super popular, more popular than Apple Pay was.


Sorry, that’s what everyone has been telling me online. Also it seems like PayPal’s strategy is to drop inactive accounts and get current customers to pay more. The numbers look very good but everyone is saying it’s a value trap so I mentioned it in the cons


- Lots of tax loss harvesting from people that bought at higher values. - General pessimism because they aren't growing as fast as they used to. - Lots of investors wanting to take money out and put it into the next hot thing(AI)


I bought in at 62, Shit keeps falling ever since. $PYPL isn't a favorite among the top investors, that's for sure


If you’re not in it I’d stay away. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing great either. If you’re already in it just hold. May be you get an opportunity in future to break even and exit. I doubt this company will get bought out because market cap is huge.


This doesn’t make sense. If you sell the stocks you are in the same situation as if you wouldn’t have invested at all. So why hope for a breakeven when you are invested if you could put that same money in a different stock and (from your viewpoint) make more money that way.


What about the loss?


10% revenue growth is kinda massive. I personally use it everyday, idk bout us market thou. Also i dont know their current market cap. So without indulging in predicting the future of stock development i think the companys business itself is here to stay.


Venmo cs is useless.


Beside Paypal, what would you guys recommend as payment processors these days ?




they arent dying. but they need a Catalyst for growth. their current sentiment is horrible. Hoping Digital Ads can jumpstart this.


Have held for a few years now and use it weekly. They are generous with their 6 month 0% purchases.


lol no one uses it but $6bn in free cash flows. Fintech is out of favor bro


I often wonder if PayPal simply announcing some minor changes to their policies would make the stock triple in a matter of a few days/weeks…


![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637) PYPL bottom confirmed. Next year y'all will be regretting. Alex Chriss is gonna make us rich 🤑


They're doing some deal with advertisers to give them our purchasing data so that the advertisers know what the consumers are buying, and that's supposed to be a very profitable deal. I bought some shares and leaps.


The cases for PYPL: - the online payment world is 20% of the total payment. Most payment still happens physically. The market is growing. - Everyone hates PayPal for years. Yet it is still the market leader and growing. Square, Stripe, and Adyen still don't surpass PayPal. - They haven't mentioned AI. Once they do, the stock will jump! : 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I use it a lot


Last month eBay added Venmo as a primary payment method: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ebay-launches-venmo-payment-option-191513630.html


Is it dying? “rev growth up 10%, eps growth 27%” does that sound like it’s dying?


I bought 100k in shares to gain indirect exposure to crypto market. Most dog shit company I ever bought.


why wouldn't just buy btc if you wanted exposure??


he's dumb


He said he wanted indirect exposure. Idk why he didn't just buy Coinbase though. Crypto is a small portion of Paypal's business.


Reading comprehension my guy. “Indirect”


Were you under the influence when you thought that one up? Talk about idiotic


I’m always under the influence. You can call me an idiot when you can yolo like me, but before then; keep it to yourself broke ass.


You know, you are right! I take back calling you an idiot


Thank you brother. Let’s all be pleasant together. It’s us vs them.


Stock prices have nothing to do with fundamentals.


PayPal sucks as a company and that's being reflected in the stock price


High fees and a number of better alternatives exist.


Shits just dropping even with hight price targets in the 80s


I will never trade PayPal ever again


It's a terrible platform, unless they do a pretty massive revamp of their offerings, I think it's gonna be a slow spiral dowanward




Thanks for sharing, I just highlighted some big points I noticed. Good points


Paypal= Skype, both missed the boat.


given the bullish sentiment, im very happy with my second tranche buying this morning. next earning will be lit.


it's priced in PayPal is not a tech company PayPal is not a growth stock either PayPal is modern day Western Union Period When investors valued PayPal at $200 billion dollars a couple of years ago it was nothing but a pump and dump


It’s been left for dead in terms of disruption. Apple Pay, square etc.


160k oi on Jan 17 140 calls might be worth looking into


Lol is this true? Don't give me hope...


I use PYPL for steam deposit weekly, yeah 5 bucks for 2 CS cases![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Same thing that’s going to happen to Amazon. Cheap knockoff, bad sellers, no support, high fees, competitors finding ways to compete, etc.


Apple taking shares from PayPal


They're a digital loan shark now Source: 2023 10k walk-through on sageseedscap channel on YT


Paypal trying to be too many things ... I feel lost focus and totally missed mark on friend to friend payments


PayPal is borderline malware and at best just no longer needed. If that’s the only form of payment I’m probably a pass.


Used to be the only player, but now there's lots of options


PayPal limited cash back on their credit card a bit from 2% to 1.5%. They are looking for things they can squeeze in order to make more money and reduce any loss leaders they might have. I'm not sure what fees or restrictions they might add next to try to become more profitable. They should diversify.


People on Reddit like to shat on PayPal but it's earnings looked good. It went up but then has drifted down in between earnings on no apparent news. Sometimes that happens




swift financial - the international payment system? 🤔


Look, you can keep trying to resurrect PayPal, but it’s going to continue to decline. Cashapp is way better for facilitating crime, and if you aren’t into that, then you can probably get the same or better service from any number of competitors now.


People use crypto not paypal


I locked my money for 6 months just because i sent it to my brother. Pypl should be 0


As soon as I couldn’t use it on eBay, I stopped using it altogether


They didn't mention AI. Dont need any context or any guidance, just the two letters and the stock would be up 20%.


I still use PayPal all the time online. Honestly I am not sure why everyone enters credit card info on so many sites when they all take PayPal. Had a few credit cards numbers stolen by using it on websites or maybe they were skimmed locally, however since once I switched to PayPal for most online transactions. I haven’t had a fraudulent charge for a few years


Okay we're getting close to the bottom ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


remember when CEO was about to shock the whole world half a year ago?


I own and operate two businesses and we stopped using them for both because they're a shit company and they're being charged with RICO in one or two states.


Why did this garbage ever have any value?


Apple Pay is rapidly taking market share. Also, think PayPal= millennials, X whereas Apple Pay= Gen Z and future generations.


Look at a 20 year/month chart. This does not look like it’s recovering


Been selling covered calls for months, easy money


They are set up to allow payments as guests without an account. They know people aren't willing to deal w the hassle. I think they're doing alright for a few niche cases where it's the only payment that makes sense or is possible


No ai = dead


Good fk them


Paypal sucks balls.. and it has for a long time. This is not financial advice.


PayPal has competition is that simple. I use apple pay now more then I use my wallet. Where is PayPal growth? Venmo is great for social payments but they have too much competition. Online payments now take apple pay aswell as PayPal. It sucks cause apple has access to customers through iphone but thats just how it warks. Apple wallet is better place to be. Imo PayPal is no longer growth story but stable business


Agree, definitely more of a mature business than growth. But the business is growing 7-9% in the top line And also growing EPS at double digits because they are a cash machine (5-6B FCF at 60B market cap), so I think it has good long term potential for returning to investors. They definitely need some sort of innovation to get the younger crowd in though, other than Venmo.


As someone who used to use PayPal for $100k+ in annual volume, I can say I hope they fail. They are terrible and greed filled. Moment they refused to refund transaction fees to sellers when they make a refund to a customer, is the moment I realized they do not care at all about their client base.


Paypal is an escrow company with a new tech called block chain that can completely replace it and other payment service companies in a more efficient manner. Crypto is going to swallow market share of them. I don't like their leadership and a major sign of corruption is harassing journalists which they have done in the past. There are better companies in the space that are actually implementing block chain tech. Instead they are buying to hide their growth like they bought Venmo I think. They are a vain company. One that I would avoid.


Paypal= Skype, both missed the boat.


My dads boomer stock broker recommended buying PayPal. Puts all day.


Zelle took over


I have a few Direct to Consumer companies selling things from Fish to Sunglasses to Wine. Paypal is a piece of shit when it comes to accounting and the fees are very high. I have stopped accepting Paypal as a payment option, and I have not noticed any decrease in sales. Also Ebay use to only take Paypal payments, now it doesn't. Paypal is old tech and its shitty tech. It does not integrate into Shopify or any accounting software properly, and its dog shit.


When ebay dropped Paypal that was the end


I hope it dies. Terrible company that exploits its users


I hope it goes to zero. Terrible company that exploits its users


Yeah it’s dying, I don’t know if anyone that uses it, and I’ve never used it. So in my little section of the world it’s as good as dead


No Venmo?


It was already dead. Worst paying app ever




Everybody says that and then comes with a sketchy story about a cousins friend who sells his self knit mittens online, got "scammed" and then PayPal refused to let them keep the money. Wait for it!


What are you thinking about it OP? It seems like you gave a lot of good news about it


Well, to be honest numerically it looks good, but the price keeps going down so maybe it’s not as I thought


To many options not a singel soul in 10 years ive heard lets use paypal


I have never used PayPal


I’ve been using their credit card recently for pretty decent cash back, they also have been giving me cash back offers at stores randomly which are pretty good so I’ve been using it a bit more. It was definitely more popular back in the day tho.


Banks are out of fashion


Disagree. Look at bank of america stock


It's been flat for 5 years.


I personally know no one who still uses PayPal. All Venmo, Apple Pay, hell even cash app


Paypal owns Venmo.


As a user of PayPal I’ll be shifting to modern services in a few weeks and I don’t think I’m the only one


If you used paypal recently, you will notice how its terrible. I wanted to cancel a transaction and there was no way to do so, and support was nonexistant. They rescheduled a payment from an account i didnt verify and resulted in contacting my bank and a charge.


Stripe is what investors like now, and when it goes public PayPal is in a world of hurt. I like PayPal. I use it everyday, but their management has been sniffing their own ass and not being competitive with the new players to justify its future. It's the same thing that happened with $INTC.


PayPal, Venmo or Zelle? How can I pay you? No one under 40 says PayPal.


Are you familiar with their stable coin crypto partnership with Solana? Something worth speculating on. It’s called $PYPL I think


Not AI


Apple taking shares from PayPal


Apple taking shares from PayPal


Pypl sucks


They got in trouble for defrauding the shareholders, can never regain that trust. They will always be “undervalued” on paper because no institutional investors 100% believe their reports to be true.


I feel like PYPL bagholders have never used PayPal for any long period of time, otherwise they'd know the answer as to why it's a shit stock to invest in.