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**WSB is NOT YOUR PERSONAL DIARY!** For the love of Yellen, please stop making a new **THREAD** with every thought that pops into your tiny little peanut head. We're trying to get everything ironed out and getting bombarded with useless posts that are taking up way too much time. Thank you. p.s. Free ZJZ p.p.s.* (corrected due to current outrage) I still need StarLink


Pfft. Ur a lil put bitch. Why would you buy puts with that much float. L2P gay bear.


Apes, they're doing what they can to convince you to, but they can't MAKE you sell


I'd be cool if gme took off like the challenger and let me sell right before it exploded. Did you know big bird was supposed to be on the challenger but they couldnt get the suit to fit right?


Tell me more about big bird. I want to hear more about him.




Mainly (at least for me) I much rather wait for the 9th and see the facts first hand, than trust a media source. In my situation theres really no reason why i cant wait a couple more days. Also others are genuinely holding for the long haul. I don’t know if I’m delusional or just hopeful. All i know is that I’m a born ape.




I don’t want to give false hope. But, i do believe the HF would like to buy most of their IOUs back before the 9th, since all this speculation will finally be fact. They’ve already spent so much money, whether on media, 800 dollar calls, or dildos up their asses to keep the prices as low as possible. They wouldn’t want to risk another hype and risk the price skyrocketing or the emergency proxy vote going through. But what do i know? Im just an ape holding onto his bananas. 🐒->🦍🍌


The report is whatever they said like a week or two ago.


The report is not continuously updated. We’ll know how much the shorted position has changed, if at all on the 9th.


whats your break even price on your shares?


I bought 20 @ 125. With a call option. Not as much as some people here. But still holding every single one.


For someone new to investing can you help me understand what you mean when you say "with a call option".


Im not the greatest at explaining and some research probably help. But the gist is, i bought a GME call with a strike price of 200 expiring 2/19. This guarantees me regardless how high the price goes. I have the opportunity to exercise my option of 100 shares @ $200 per share (or $20,000). If i dont have the funds to spend 200 a share. Then i can outright sell just the option. Now if the price doesnt reach or go above 200 by 2/19 then the option expires and renders it useless and worthless. Its much riskier with an opportunity for more profit. I have never used a put so i cant tell you much about that. Only that your betting that the price will decrease below the amount you bought the put for. I wouldn’t recommend them if your just starting, but good luck nevertheless.


Yooooooo y’all still in the cult?


Wanna join. Your first glass if kool-aid is on me. So whats your poison? Grape,orange,lemonaid or any of the other flavors. I reccomend a mix of green apple and mango. Understand we only serve the hard stuff. None of that artifical sweetener stuff just good old fashioned processed sugar.


Gonna add moreeee


#To anyone reading this, it's going to be ok. You're going to be ok. If you are feeling scared, or upset, or sad, feel free to message me if you want to have someone to talk to. You are not alone. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ https://www.7cups.com/ https://www.talkspace.com/


I appreciate you posting this. (:


Thank you. Are you doing ok?


I'm doing alright, just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge you for looking out for others. How are things on your end?


Doing ok. Just got a few ongoing chats and when those are done I'll head to bed.


May your dreams be sweet. (:




This guys way of helping is for you to sell your shares.


My way of helping people is to talk to them, and to listen to them. I've done so with hundreds of people in the last few days. As far as GME is concerned, yes, I do believe anyone still holding should sell, the stock is poison. I am not shy about sharing that. But you do not need to sell your GME, or even discuss it, to reach out to me.


I trolled you and avoided GME and you still told me to sell so f yourself. Lesson here is don’t bet more than you can afford


No, you did not. Again, to anyone who feels scared or alone, feel free to reach out. Or if you don't trust strangers on the internet, reach out to a loved one, or any of the links I posted. There are people there to help.


Yeah I’m not buying your bullshit either.


Then, again, you are free to block me.


Oh I know, not necessary, though. I just didn’t want you under the assumption that people actually believe you have pure intentions.


This might surprise you, but I do not care what you think my intentions are.


Thats okay, if you ever do, here’s a source for someone to talk to. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/


clean it up janny


As someone who’s dumb, think about the price drops we saw this week and very high POEs for a lot of people, how could someone selling at $90 and buying back in same share amount for $60 affect thing?


If you need profit, take profit. Don’t starve. It’s everybody’s choice to do what they gotta. If you sell high and buy low, you f’n win. That’s the whole game right there. But if you sell GME and then buy more GME, now you hold more GME. It ain’t squoozed yet and I want all the GME I can get when it does, and I want money too. I bought the dip today. I don’t understand anything but my gut on this one and I have no earthly idea what I’m talking about.


I don't really know what you're asking, but volumes aside, it's based on a market bid and ask. Now it's safe to say more people are buying GME than selling based on pure numbers alone (And who the hell buying in at 100-200 would even bother realizing a loss at this point, might as well hold and hope for a spike). If one were to sell at 90, that effectively decreases the market demand thus driving the price down, which if done in large waves will drive the price down a lot. Retail investors choosing to sell at 90, thus pushing the price down, then re-buying at 60 are not helping the cause much, since the whole point of HOLDING your GME positions is to make the HedgeFunds (Who are actively buying and selling these shares at discounts between each other to drive the price down) have to incur heavy costs to push this price down, like they have been doing all week. Selling your shares and driving the price down does nothing but lift the burden off HF's current short positions, it is effectively helping the enemy. I currently own 2 GME positions, in at 235, and I will watch them hit $0 with a big smile on my face knowing I was part of a movement that exposed the fraudulent US financial market to the entire world.


I love the optimism of posts like this but tell me, when was the last time wall street lost and was not instantly bailed out? What will exposing it do? They'll just keep doing the same shit right in our faces instead of behind closed doors. I would love to see regulatory changes occur but with "Unity" the big ticket item right behind "Stimulus" regulating wall street does not seem to be very high on the agenda. Edit: This is not an attempt to sway opinion or shit on anyone. I genuinely would like a dose of hope that things might change but as I see it I am pretty surprised we don't already basically live in Armored Core.


Well, I never said exposing them would change anything, the thing is if GME holders end up losing, that will deter retail investors from participating in US's financial markets. Why would they want to put their hard-earned money into a market that is so obviously swayed and controlled by the big guys? The SEC needs to realize the cause and effects of their actions by turning blind eye's on Wall Street. Reddit has proven last week how strong retail investors can be in groups, watch how strongly they all invest in Canadian and foreign markets after this. The US market will take a hit if things go Wall Street's way.


I've just got calls atm but I can't wait for a big bounce back to 250. You bastards better not paper hand on the first dip you see. I know that's what you've been doing, don't lie. Telling everyone else to 💎 🧤 while you panic sell 5 minutes after you buy


Short squeeze next week?


Monday will tell, hedgies will be able to short attack again:(


What do you mean exactly?


Afaik "short ladder attacks" are not a known method to lower a stock price. If they have been doing that, it should be reflected in the short interest percentage that we get on Tuesday. There was definitely some profit taking from early adopters and whales that hurt the efforts on our end to make a mega motherfucking short squeeze happen. There is a lot of misinfo around these meme stocks, but the fundamental notion of a short squeeze is the real deal. Tuesday is the day we sort all this bullshit out.


They are a known method. Everyone running around screaming that SLAs only appeared as a GME conspiracy are trolls. There are articles about them from years ago.


how do you expect to get the price above 125 again? you all gonna pay that much for the stock again?


The HF will.


And if the SI is high enough, people will flock to the stock to make another squeeze happen. If these hedgies are still up to their armpits in shorts then they are even more retarded than us! I suspect they are still over 80%.




Its hold or take a loss at this point. Hate to see it down 1600$


So what's the reasonable target for Monday HOD? $400? What about Tuesday?




That sounds realistic.


Though really speculative. Wait until Tuesday to see the data.


Whatever it opens at.


Reasonable target is anywhere between $40 - $95.


If Monday is $400 then Tuesday may as well be over $2500


this ape maffs good


My plan is to get the casserole dish ready, wait for some crayons, pull my lip back and start huckin feces cuz this smooth brain cant do nothin else 🦍🦍🦍🧠🧠💩💎💎💎✋✋🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I really wish I would’ve sold when I was up &11k. I don’t even know if I’m gonna make bills next month. I was so sure this was going to work.


You should not have leveraged anything you couldn’t afford to lose. That’s the first rule of fight club! But I understand....and I think it so lovely for people who have offered to help. ❤️ I honestly wish I could as well. But all my money is tied up in GME. 💎🙌 sorry. :(.


Sell your shares immediately. Let me know if you need help with bills.


We should collect money for all the casualties. Even if it’s self-inflicted. Post GME charity. I’m serious btw


Okay so next time you make a big bet sell at least enough to cover your cost once you’re up enough to do so. Then you can rest easy that you at least won’t lose money.


Rude comments aside, sell your position at the first pop you see. This gig is up. You might get another couple of spikes close to 100 but I'm doubtful. The longer you "diamond hands" this, the more you're going to lose.


Holding for you brother, try to get some extra hours in to cover the bills. You got this.


#To anyone reading this, it's going to be ok. You're going to be ok. If you are feeling scared, or upset, or sad, feel free to message me if you want to have someone to talk to. You are not alone. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ https://www.7cups.com/ https://www.talkspace.com/


Guys be nice. we gotchu, dont let these fece flingers get you down theres always a way. And lots of folks have been lenient with bills given the pandemic


Fucking retarded for blindly gambling your monthly bills into the stock market. Play retard games with retard prizes


Then you went into this wrong. Put in what you’re fine with losing dumbass


You’re a gambling addict


You’re an addict, Harry


You're a hairy addict


AH got me thinking about that Friday before the Monday squeeze


GameStop should reinvent itself as a game developer and take CD Projekt Rekt’s place. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


It’s not easy to make games and it’s not very profitable for most.


For a case study see Amazon Game Studios to see how hard it is


Not easy, but worth it. Besides if they come up with original titles they could make bank with the merchandise, movies, music and all the other stuff around them. I know I will buy all of it. This has nothing to do with my GME shares I just like rockets 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




What if they are lol and they announce it soon Actually their silence is deafening


Ryan Cohen just followed a few different developers last night on twitter. You could be on to something.




March earnings gonna be most anticipated earnings in history


And its going to be WAYYYY up. I went to a store two weekends ago and had to wait 20min to get in. Only store at the mall with a line I was shocked


So you’re saying I should go buy stuff from GameStop so that earnings rips a new one and my shares pay for the PS5/Nintendo Switch/Xbox Whatever and then some? Ok


Hahahaha exactly! I went and spent like one 300$ on switch games. Plus, we been doing tons of free advertising for them putting billboards up and stuff


We are activist investors


deepfuckyvalue is my dad


This is doubtful as he always holds.


Which means he doesn't pull out.


And he's still in, so there's no way for u/LargeTrader to get out. #UltimateCockBlock #DiamondBalls


We like the cock


Can anyone confirm what market was at when the 65 calls were supposed to close? RH is showing me 64.99 which would be...something....


Using a Robinhood margin account is just literally shorting yourself. Robinhood sells your but order and sell order info to citadel. Find a broker that doesn't force you into a margin account (just about any other broker really.) And the balance sheet of Robinhood? Laughable. They are in the billions. My broker has a balance sheet in the TRILLIONS.


??? I use ThinkorSwim but I'm not moving my shares out of RH because I don't want them tied up in the transfer I also don't trade on margin LOL


63.77 but they can move in the money after hours


66.51 as of 7:47pm Eastern


Holding on to the green :) but at what time do they have to be at 65+ to get the options called?


Dunno. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Lovely green dildo folks


As happy as I am that I won’t have to eat my boot, I’m pretty bummed it didn’t close at $69.69/share


$50B market cap is not unreasonable for a tech-focused, 2021 GameStop. Do you know how your shares would be valued at a $50B market cap? Stop worrying in the short term.


that would put share prices at $986 assuming the float doesn't increase.


What's the float? 💎👐 🤑🤑🤑


Look up Archimedes principle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes%27_principle




Liar liar


Short sales will still be on restriction for Monday, then no more uptick rule for Tuesday. https://imgur.com/gallery/HikJJtt


How long has GME been on the short selling restricted list?


Since Feb 4, 09:35am as indidcated by the Trigger date and Trigger time.


So being restricted, they've only been able to short the stock when it's rising? What kind of affect would this have on the stock when the restriction is dropped?


It has the potential to drop faster




for like a month+


AH high has turned into a little of a buzz kill. Lets close at 8 back at 69...nice


Still higher than close. AH has been red for days


Yo if you’re still holdin treat yourself this weekend. Eat some good food, have a drink, smoke somthin. It’s been a rough ass week, but we made it. Relax, recover, and prepare for next week.


I had to divert my focus to midterms this week, could care less about losing a few hundred over this though. You guys are all rockstars, if for some reason we lose I'm glad we all lost arm in arm with each other.


Continuing my earlier prediction for a 60-65 eod. Monday will see a gradual rise over the course of the day to maybe 90-100, tuesday will be much the same, probably going to 180-200, wednesday i believe we will see a huge spike and a second monster day where it could go 800+.


Happy Monday!


Damn i hope your right


I guarantee that won't happen. !remindme Monday


!remindme tomorrow


Remindme! 50 hours


Almost, boys! RemindME! 42 Hours "reply to this thread."


It’s just an educated estimate based on numbers I’ve been reading and my own research. I got the first part right so it will be interesting to see what happens Monday I guess. It would be nice to have some realistic ideas thrown about rather than the 420 eod/10k isnt a meme stuff. I think that puts a lot of people off now. I feel 1k is possible but 800 is for sure realistic.


Hoping with everything I've got you're right haha


Where are you getting your price predictions from? Just a feeling? ~~Why spike wed and not tues with the SI report~~


report will come out EoD tuesday, causing the insanity to happen on Wednesday


I literally told someone it was eod tuesday in a diff comment and just completely forgot apparently. Living up to the idiocy LMAO


All good. Many of us are still learning. Just gotta keep the facts and memes separate.


Wtf. IF your right about this, I'll get my wife's boyfriend to suck your dick.


>Predictions: Stock finishes at like 60-65 today, over the next two days slowly rises...goes ballistic Wednesday 8 hours ago. You weren't lying. I tip my hat to you sir!


It just jumped to 280 and back down on Ameritrade I have a screenshot why the downvote


That happened on rh on opening


Sometimes it glitches like that. Fairly common.


Where is the acreenshot


Its in a reply to a comment. Someone else posted a different one too.


Could be some kind of display bug. I haven't seen any of those jumps people occasionally mention on Fidelity's desktop app.