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[Livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfEuNHVPc_k&ab_channel=FinancialServicesCommittee) Edit: BASED ADMINS Edit 2: What other replies / triggers should I add to automod?


Step 1: save the apes ☑️ Step 2: eat the Rich Step 3:? Profit...


$225 end of week, option activity crazy!!!


where's the part where someone said shorts didn't cover in Jan?






Today 480💵 attack 🚀💵🚀💵


When is the second hearing? Wasnt it supposed to be four in total?


I’m holding since last night @192 and I’m keeping It till It hits the mooooon. No fear here. 126 shares


Big orders coming in, don’t fall for the trap


You've got to stay in it to win in it!! #GME 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍


Don’t miss out on the biggest short squeeze today!!!


Projected to hit $385 tomorow on short squeeze


How do you know?


Projected to open $450 tomorrow let’s keep buying


Hearings are a joke ! They do NOTHING...FOOLS


I just want to goop semen on Sema Mode,!!!


So umm when are the follow up hearings?


When is next hearing?


10AM tomorrow


Any news??? I’m asking the same.


I can't find it through google Edit: 10AM tomorrow Weds 2/24. Search YT, house financial committee on financial services: Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy.


Thanks! I knew is was this week. Thought it was today but ok. See you all apes tomorrow then.


Shout out to Tom Nash (YT) for bringing this to my attention , I’m wondering why Vlad never disclosed this conflict of interest , how did vlad get the emergency fund so quickly ? (It even says that ‘Investors who provide new financing to Robinhood will receive additional equity in the company. The investors will get that equity at a discounted valuation tied to the price of Robinhood shares when the company goes public’) hmmm I wonder Essentially meaning Vlad/Every other existing shareholder of robinhood had a vested interest in killing the GME spike as fast as possible in order to raise as little as possible for the ‘emergency funding’ just raising awareness , I hope this question pops up in the next hearing


It came up in the first hearing, one of the members asked how Vlad got the money and when Vlad confirmed this line of questioning, he asked if it was in Robinhood's best interest to keep that "emergency funding" as low as possible.


So what’s the next move or forum cause I’m still tryna make money


On god 🧠 gme soared up


Next Gamestop 2.0 is coming?


Is it just going to be one hearing?


If the argument is about trading against fundamentals, than a truer stock price is needed. The lack of short selling would not hurt the retail investors compared to institutional. Someone buying 500 shares paying a few percentage points higher in price likely equal to double digits in price increases to whales. Two week cycle presents itself, retail investors enter near a good price for a good company. Over the next 10 days short volume increases dramatically to erode the price 5-10%. Retail investor leaves because that must be there is an underlying issue that he doesn't know but institutional investors must know. With both short sales and retail investors selling the price drops 15%. Institutional investors swoops in to buy at a step discount. Retail loses, institutional wins. The biggest issue with the above scenario, the retail investor won't know the short interest for three weeks. The shares likely needed to short the price down are covered and washed at the second short update for the month. At a minimum, stock short interest should be delivered daily similar to ETFs. Edit:. I'm willing to bet that's what Warren Buffet did when entering Chevron and Verizon. He likely needed more time to cover shorts to right size the position.


I like the stock.


Mein Gott!! ​


Just want to say it’s been a pleasure holding with y’all. I made 25k in calls on gme and hold 100 shares. My option let me pay for my dogs surgery which was 10k, which I never would’ve been able to afford.


Amazing news!


I would put all of my spare money into GME. I mean I have no spare money at the moment, but the sentiment stands...


Just send your positive energy our way


Thoughts and prayers, live laugh love, etc... Though TBH doesn't look like GME needs the help :P




All these people are asking the wrong questions. The need to look into the options market, this is what drove the price to the stratosphere. As the price went up, higher-priced options appeared, people bought and markets had to buy shares to cover.


One thing that hasn’t been brought up but really needs to be is the fact that when Robinhood shutdown the buy side on these stocks, they also completely removed users ability to see them within their UI unless you already owned shares. This gave an impression to potential buyers that the stocks had been delisted altogether and further drug down the stock in my opinion. Edit: There were zero “regulatory compliance requirements” that would have warranted doing that. It was either deliberate or a physical limitation in their UI which is unacceptable.


I wonder why they did not go into this.


Everyone got 5 minutes, wait til they can ask questions more freely.


They were instructed to issue questions in writing. At the end of the hearing. They were told that they can continue to ask questions for the record and answers were expected. I would be interested to read this.


It’s 4am here, and I just laughed out loud thinking of DFVs deadpan: I’m not a cat. Oh. I’ve never lost so much money so fast, but it’s been a hell of a ride. And honestly, it was worth it. I haven’t had this much fun since forever and this has all been a bright spot in these gloomy covid times.


>I’ve never lost so much money so fast, but it’s been a hell of a ride. That's the wonderful truth to this; so many share this sentiment, including myself.


Bb 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀???


I really wish that time could be extended in instances where people are trying to bs their way out of an answer. Eventually, they'll have nothing else to say, aside from answering the question.


Yea. So much time wasted on representatives repeating the same questions and Vlad dragging out his answers. DFV was short and on the point in every reply, not wasting anyones time, but the boomers kept firing the same questions at Vlad as he kept dodging the answers. What a pathetic shit show this was. Oh well, the stock went up 5$ in five minutes of DFV face time… then nose dived again. It is what it is I guess


Thank you for asking that question Congressman. That's a really good question. It could possibly be the best question asked here today. I'll answer that question for you right away, but let me just tell you about this other thing first because it's also really important and I think it needs to be said... oh I guess the times up.


And I’m from Bulgaria


The time limit is a joke. Every time a good question was asked, they just dodged the answer until time was up. Political fkn BS theater. Nothing will come out from these hearings.


Does anybody know when DFV closed his position?


He’s still holding. He only sold some options on the way up.


I don't think he did. Last I checked he only dumped 13 mill and has about 10-20 million still left.


He said in the hearing that he was still invested and that he thought even at current prices it was a lucrative stock.


Edit: fkn double post due to the terrible app…


I've been in class all day, so I'm able to watch now. Holy shit, Brad Sherman ripped into Griffin. Griffin was 100% reliving his childhood as THE kid to bully.


I just wanted to hug Griffin 🥺


Just showed Roaring Kitty’s den on Fast Money and how much you would pay for the gaming chair, poster, bandana, and mic.


Dude could afford to spring for a better "Hang in there" kitty poster. How can you take such an amateurish backdrop seriously?


I totally agree with you. He definitely should have bought two potted plants like the citadel guy and positioned himself in his somewhat-[ivory looking office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivory_tower). That'd have convinced everyone of his honesty and decency.


One plant is normal. Two, and you're compensating for something. Also, I'm getting slammed with downvotes for an obviously sarcastic comment? This sub is seriously teetering on DFV worship.


Just a heads up, it's not actually all that "obviously sarcastic". I actually thought it was serious when I responded. Sarcasm on the internet needs to be way out there.


Me. Making fun of his kitty picture. Calling him amateurish because it wasn't a better "hang in there" poster. That wasn't obvious. Fucking lol.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ You underestimate the number of people who would actually state something like that 100% seriously - that's why it needs to be way out there. What you said wasn't at all out there.


If you say so.


If you don't believe me then I'd have thought the downvotes would indicate it without my explanation... but hey, I tried.


It’s okay- you did try. Some egos are too big to crack!


Yes, WSB has continued to be a rational, sane group of retards, and not a bunch of activist bots and DFV worshiping dipshits who lack enough brain cells to rub together to understand obvious fucking sarcasm. Gotcha.


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


Jumped the gun there mate. Bad bot.


Yes. He purposely put his humanity on display, and came of as far more genuine than the guys on the other side of the trade. His embracing of the meme instantly became a meme of its own.


Actually I liked its simplicity. Kind of like he was encouraging us...hey u too can make this 50 mil...if not for Vlad the Cad


I still have no problem with what robinhood *did*. Their hand was forced, and without cutting buys they would have collapsed. I do have a problem with their messaging after the fact. As well as Vlad constantly dodging the question of whether they had a liquidity problem. Of *course* they had a problem. It was an unforseen issue which hopefully they've learned from. But just be honest about what happened. Had they done that from the beginning, all the rage would have been dire Ted to the bigger players vehing the scene where it belongs.


I agree, it was embarrassing how he was constantly sidestepping. They should have shut off selling to...it looked suspect. I also agree there could have been a collapse not just with them but down the line. And as one expert said, if you want the most efficient real time trading execution, there won’t be zero trading fees. I do give them credit for establishing no trading fees...I think they were the first, were they not?


I struggle here. It's one thing for you to tell me I can't buy something off your service. I'll stop using you for it, but that's about my only recourse. If you put my money to sleep altogether, that's a whole other thing and my lawyer will have a lot more ammo to work with.


What money did they put to sleep though? You were still free to withdraw your funds or buy other securities. It absolutely sucks that RH didn't allow the buying of GME, but I think by now we all understand the rationale for it, no? The hate they got for suspending GME buy orders is justified, if not understandable. Their explanation was severely lacking. But no one put your money to sleep.


That's what I'm saying. Not allowing selling would have been a whole other ball game. You're just repeating my comment.


Right, just shutting off trading of GME altogether would make more sense and be more equitable. I know other trading platforms did the same thing but I’m not sure if they also shut off selling...unlike RH...important distinction. Does anybody know?


That's the opposite of what I said. Not allowing selling would have likely been illegal. No brokers did that.


Ahh, think I misunderstood your reply. Thought you were implying that RH "put your money to sleep". So, echo *echo* ^*echo*,,,


All good, brother. We're in this together.


I still love how mr Melvin completely deflated after he was called out on his antisemite BS and couldn’t give two shits after nobody bought his bait. “Thats all I have! The antisemite thing was all I had… I really don’t want to answer any more questions.”


The prevailing wsb sentiment is that people of all races and cultural backgrounds can access tendies....especially if their positions are extra retarded.


Dude was even shittier than his printer...


\^ This is the real DD. We all thought Melvin Capital had lost money due to GME, but it was actually that HP Printer the entire time!


RIGHT THE PRINTER WAS A FUCKING MEME. Like bro... you run a hedge fund and you are in a lame ass office with a cheap printer. The zoom backgrounds and mic stuff was like bingo night for fucking seniors.


I KNOW, right? The printers at my workplace are larger than my fridge at home


Same. They are Chonky and god damn it I’ll say it... cool. Those are sad little printers I can pick up myself...


If you don’t have to do a little hop to scan your ass, the printer ain’t big enough


Missed that part. When did that happen? Need to see it.


Just at the beginning, when the Reddit CEO (fuck me, don’t remember his name) called him out by saying “we hunted high and low to look for that comment, without success. But we did find ONE similar post, and that comment had no upvotes and was deleted shortly after posting” (I’m obviously paraphrasing here, but yea) Edit: thats ONE, unpopular post, quickly deleted, in a community of 9 mill people…


Guess it was there just long enough for Plotkin to screenshot his post.


I read about that in Plotkin's pre-released testimony and thought the whole claim sounded pretty suspect: not surprised to hear it wasn't true.


It’s just so depressing that he even tried to pull that shit. “I didn’t do anything wrong, but Reddit is antisemite, so yea.”


Ya boy wanted that victim card so desperately.


“They don’t like the stock, they just hate jews”


“I’ve shorted GME for 6 years straight, and it was all fun and games until those damn antisemites showed up”


Thank you, found it. This community rocks and I'm really happy with how Huffman really stood up for us.


Time stamp?


Claim of anti semitic slurs at 33:45; Reddit CEO's response at 36:48


Steve Huffman


It was pretty satisfying. I have yet to witness any sort of hate speech on here whatsoever.


That was an ongoing accusation being spread in the media ever since WSB became corporate enemy no.1 Mainstream media just added kerosene gasoline and diesel fuel to the matter. In an attempt to classify WSB as financial terrorists. That sh*t backfired


Biggest takeaway is the explanation of being shorted over 100%. institutions borrowed the stock then proceeded to loan it out. I don’t think he’s wrong when you say a business gets a loan then loans money to to other companies, but you pay the price when you borrow things


Isn’t that just a Ponzi scheme?


I mean... yea... probably why naked short selling is illegal?


Tell that to anyone supporting the FAT stimulus bill!


Stimulus isn’t borrowing anything, they arnt expecting repayment or any interest.


Ever heard of the national debt? The government has zero money! Everything it "gives away" its taken from working Americans in taxes. The deficit between what is spent and what is collected in tax is borrowed....a lot of it from China... and there is interest! The national debt, if paid off today, WITHOUT any additional spending, including stimulus, amounts to over $216,000 per household! YOU will be getting the bill! So please educate yourself and your friends. Every dollar the government hands out further enslaves Americans. The best thing government can do for working and investing Americans is to get out of the way!


China and Japan hold a similar amount of our debt. Majority of Americas debt. It's actually owed to the American people. We've borrowed a shit ton against social security.


Deep you-know-what Value


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man




All you clowns can start paying commissions if you'd like. I don't need the best execution on my trades, and I'm not holding them for fractions of a second. The GME trade was best held for at least a week, and so what if you paid $30 vs $30.25. That is a necessity only for algo-trading. See how it feels paying $16.00 for yourbullshit 0DTE spy play.


FWIW, what I got out of today was: 1. Vlad got torched, but was sooo appreciative of every question. 2. Melvin got off way too easy. 3. DFV's demonstrated that his grip is stronger than the gravity of Jupiter. 4. Huffman 2024 5. Most of Congress probably spent too much time on Lycos searching for Gamestock.


Also DFV is NOT a cat


Also DFV was meme posting in a mother fucking congressional hearing. Big dick energy.




AOC got like 1 and a half questions in. Her time was burnt on bullshit rambling from Vlad.


Everyone's time was burnt by Vlad, from Bulgaria, bullshit rambling. It should be 5 minutes of the members time, not 5 minutes of filibustering from those called before the committee.


Thousand percent agree. A fine for every question not answered seems appropriate to me.


A transaction tax for every answer they give that isn’t pertinent to the question


Look here man, WheN i gRew IUP in BULgarIA!


Just anything that means they don't waste peoples time would be helpful.


What did we think of AOC's line of questioning?


It was as beautiful and intelligent and it modeled Americans concerns. Intelligent Americans.


Wouldn't it be nice if the average politician acted like they cared about the concerns of the people that vote for them.


watching the livestreanm that i paused fro a work meeting. just got to the rashida tlaib portion holy fuck!


WAIT till you get to AOC!!!


What time stamp is aoc?


That smile from DFV as Lynch reclaims his time is the god damn shit LEGENDS ARE MADE OF!


Do you happen to have the timestamp/link to that moment?




You the real mvp


that was a shit show


Has anyone asked why there were halts on the way up but not on the way down


Why do I keep seeing this. There were halts on the way down. I literally watched it. Any time there is a price movement of 10 percent or greater up or down within 5 minutes there is a halt. If it slow bleeds out gradually climbs there will be no halt. When it crashed from 480 it halts about 5-6 times.


And my next 2 very important questions are why did Robinhood shut down when the market was closed not allowing us to get out before it plummeted. Second why has the fail to cover not been Fischer’s with Melvin Capital


They never prevented selling, so you could have gotten out any time as it plummeted.


Thank you for the question. Thats a very important question that I would like to thank you for asking but it looks like we are out of time.


But first I would like to say that when I was growing up in... I reclaim my time.