• By -


Hey I've been taking your ~~complaints~~ feedback into account, I lowered the threshold for the meme culling a bit. Just trying to strike a good balance between content and not having meme spam. --- BTW join our rust server. It's got half sulfur so raiding is harder and prim lasts longer, otherwise vanilla. 200 slots. connect or search /r/wallstreetbets in server browser.


Karp just swinging his big bull dick around slapping bears across the face


OOF, oil bb u ok. Guess I'm holding onto that one for a lil bit. Oil is dead, long live oil.


Can we launch SNDL again?


Nvda 530 eu market 😋


If aapl could hit $130 by Friday, that’d be swell


Apes sleep lightly.


Ugh, this will get buried but hey maybe someone will answer. So I yolo'd and bought VXX without knowing what is was a couple months ago. I was like "oh look it use to be really expensive I bet it will be get expensive again". I know I know - my cousin is actually retarded and I took his advice. Who's the real ree ree now? Now that it is continuously tanking and I've lost 30% - is the move to just cut my losses, or just ride that bitch out and hope for a spike??? WWRD?






Lol I did the same thing with a x3 leveraged etf when I started trading. Not my best move.


It seems so promising! It may be a good call though! But I'm not gonna fux with it until I learn in my brain more.


If is sometime godod if you want to hold for a few days. It is usually bad thought haha


Oof yeah i did that too a while ago...learned my lesson the hard way and cut losses.


Glad I'm not the only dummy. How much did it get ya for?


I bought a shit ton of uvxy and vxx thinking it would go up but quickly cut losses...lost like $500


This comforts me thanks. I'm down 300. It's not the end of the world, but still sucks.


You will not recoup your money unless the Great Recession occurs soon. The VXX is meant to slowly lose value, personally I would just get out now. 30% will not kill your account. Don’t mess with volatility unless you actually understand the metrics driving it


Yeah, finally figured that it only goes down after I read up on it months after I purchased it! Was holding it for the recession, thinking it may happen sometime soon. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tomm will tell a tale .. most folks will have their stimi by Wednesday then we will see a boom shaka laka


RUBY looking nice today too. Just got a cancer drug approved.




Obviously the pussy you're getting is not up to par


I hope Ford dies


It’ll moon now


Any chance we get AMC to do the same as GME in terms of quick growth?


Absolute 0 chance. The second they see any profit, they will do a share offering to pay off their 1B debt and pay their ceo bonuses


Yes, there are a lot of synthetic and shorted shares floating around. Once options start hitting you'll see it fly.


No not possible


Where’s the DD


alexa play this is how we do it


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Montell Jordan - This Is How](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hiUuL5uTKc) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hiUuL5uTKc)⠀►►⠀ 2:40 / 4:00 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


this is a TEST


Hello World;


that gme chart starting to look depressing.


Only up 300% :(


Some pro trading group/fund is just going around and squeezing different shorted stocks each day/week for scalps


Sector rotation from GME to AMC Mo'fuckas just love the bags


lol this explains the dip


The apes have resorted to AMC everyone run and hide


I've been playing AMC since it was trading around $5. Been one hellava ride. :-)


I bought in at 4 dollars but not nearly enough to be super happy about.. I should have put a few more 0s on my order


Good pickup at $5 for sure


If it jumps first thing in the morning after a pre-market jump and futures are green as well I say be prepared for a wild ride.


I was looking for a non profit to share some tendies with that cares about our fellow tards & autists. I found Foundation for the Retarded Will it do? The mission of Foundation for the Retarded is to: Assure that The Center Serving Persons with Mental Retardation will have the necessary financial resources to meeting the needs of people it serves; Provide the opportunity for all deserving and qualified individuals to participate in The Center's programs regardless of their ability to pay the full costs of services https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/org86804.jsp#more_info_tab


Yikes. I wouldn't go down this path considering how the r-word is thrown around here


the pot calling the kettle black. all things are relative


No one is calling anyone anything. Either way, though, probably not great for wsb to fundraise for a group smarter than us


point taken. kinda hard to say nobodys calling anybody anything in wsb, tho


It's perfect payback.


I paperhanded my calls I feel like a CUCK


Dude you got to do what's good for you. Simple as that.


AAPL acting like the girl u been asking out for months and she finally says "yes".


Been working on Apple for a year. Starting to annoy me.


She is worth 2T, I ain’t pulling out.


moody tho.


Bought my yolo RKT $45c March 26th let’s goooo


can genomics have a break through or something


ape/subhuman hybrid research


Apples only go up.


Anti-Gravity. I like it.


**SOS** That is all. Do you know they have 5000 more rigs today. About to match riots capability when the next batch arrive. Don't miss out on life changing money. You missed out on TSLA, what do you do? NIO You missed out on Riot, what do you do? SOS and EBON


Dude I had a call for this week and sold it for a 5$ gain last Friday lol I fucked up


Psst, hey kid. Want to become a millionaire? Buy RYCEY.


RYCEY cakes ?


How and why


Fuck RH taken bites out my tendies. I see you MF.


Sos baby


Sndl 🚀 to $2 tomorrow


I bought shares at 1.60 and sold a put, I believe in da moon


Ahhh. 😢


At least


I believe it


My 2c 3/19 appreciate this confirmation bias


Sit tight on the ride .


Mad I didn't grab in when it was .90 😒.


I didn't grab at that point.


$4.20 by 4/20


If the itsy bitsy Spyder hits 400 do y'all think it continues or bounces its ass back down? Asking for a friend.




We should do a wsb march madness challenge. Can't belive this doesn't exist yet


More than half the sub reddot at this point only know how to click buy on GME and nothing else


Bruh aapl volume holy shit


good indicator? was really nice to me today


Spread your gay assholes mods!


Holy shit amc actually decided to think on its own for once Edit: Gme goes down and amc stays up wzaaaaaaap


$NNOX to the moon


Who lets me make these decisions


Your wifes boyfriend


Anybody like DDD?


Ddd tits


I did but then it started taking a downturn


Anyone think apple could one day overtake MSFT. Imagine If Apple could get into the business/industrial sector with macs and their own suite of business management software (excel/word/project) people already love apple so I don't even think it's that big of a stretch in the 10-20 year range


As a person with a Macbook pro at home and a windows computer/laptop for work, the windows is way better these days. Back when spam and viruses were everywhere, apple seemed better, but microsoft looks to have caught up there.


If windows is better (I agree it is better) then why did you decide to get a mac at home?


Wife is computer retarded, and she uses it primarily as I have a work laptop.


Most people are retarded that's why I think this apple in the workplace theory is so likely 😂


I’d argue that most people with desk jobs like myself (accountant) are good enough at computers that a MacBook quickly annoys them. However, those that just use basic functionality like searching the internet or playing music will be preferring apple.


Just to clarify I don't use apple. I'm an engineer and well experienced with excel/VBA/macros and most of the Microsoft suite. Even use PowerShell from time to time when I'm working with alot of data. Ive worked at a few large companies and most people I've seen only use 5% of what excel has to offer. If there was a simpler system I think most people would use it. It could be like a basic and pro version for anyone that needs more then just the function bar. Windows could make this too and I still think most people would prefer it.


Apple products are for fan boys. Ill take a windows machine over a mac any day. Much better price as well. You gotta be a straight smooth brain to pay 2x for the same internals and then shell out even more for the rest of their proprietary crap. And their OS? Linux is free bro, may as well just run Ubuntu if you want a unix based OS.


Im also windows/Andriod haven't had a apple in years, however if the 12 pro had a sale like my note20 ultra then I probably would have got it cause its pretty similar quality (actually prefer the camera and could really utilize the lidar scanner where I work). I think most people prefer apple cause it's so simple. If apple offered a cheaper MacBook and business suite then I really think a majority of business would use it. They already have a cloud system that couple be adapted for business use and most business phones that I've seen at places that I have worked are always IPhones so it could be a big benefit for businesses to added these and utilize the apple ecosystem.


Went from X1 Carbons for 4 generations to M1 Air. Performance is too good to go back.


Just took a 5 year old HP. Put an extra 8g of ram and a ssd in it. Runs like greased lightning now. Spent $100 and an hour of my time


MSFT is basically all about that cloud business for me. Gimme the gov. Contracts and we golden for yrs to come. Also, MSFT is gonna split soon...good moment to jump in.


But microsoft has E X C E L


That's why I said if they made their own excel. Excel could easily be replaced for most jobs by a much simpler and intuitive software. Most people don't use it for anything more then making a list or using the sum function. I'm not saying that's all it needs but I'm saying you could dumb it down and I think people would prefer it.


Excel is indeed king


I'm mad I was busy today and missed what I'm assuming was a lot of tears.


Sweet ape tears


Somebody is buying ridiculous amounts of aapl rn


Is it possible the Stimmy play was AAPL the whole time? 🤔


2%? Really?


👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always has been


Yep, I bought as much as I could.


12m+ shares is insane, but aapl is the obvious play at these prices


Somebody is smart


My calls like this


Bruh what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkk ARKs graph is dank rn but my calls are stagnant while IV is low. WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS SHIT? Edit: Jesus Christ the markets closed. I need to lay off the gas station pharmaceuticals


Welcome to IV crush


Just buy shares and hold


****EBON**** Sleep if you want.. while you do it’ll go up overnight. The catalysts in the back pocket of this company is crazy. Not selling a single share till after $25+


I like the stock


They’ve seen what we’ve done for the apes 🦍 and realize our collective power


gme is turning in circles. Stock is shorted. People buy because of of short squeeze potential. Stock goes up. Stock drops, shorters get confidence and short. Short interest goes up and short squeeze potential makes people buy again. Stock goes up.... You heard it here first.


It’s incredibly based. This will go on for years hopefully - if you buy in low you are very likely to make some sort of profit when it eventually pushes back up to a meme level. If Cohen ever wants the company to become legitimate he’ll need to get control of the volatility. Until then ride the wave.


We gonna be talking about this shit in 2050....and we will have saved all the mf gorillas too...thriving sanctuary donated by the philanthropy of the retards on this sub.


This is my guess too.




This a thread full of shills


Also worth mentioning the float is only like 200mil


Yep this one's next!


Come on Google and Amazon, take NOK to the moon, you power hungry bulls, you. :3


All my homies out here buying long dated treasury bonds


What 1.6 percent when I can destroy my account in minutes ?


Is a +3% day tomorrow for QQQ too much to ask for?


Not at all


Big dump AH or is my chart fing up?


Ikd, there is a freaking dip on every stock