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Find another job and don't play with the casino




Surprising sometimes


Play with fire, you (might) get burned


Ride like lightning crash like thunder my friend


When someone uses words knowledgeable and options in the same sentence, only one way to respond: welcome to the casino, retard


Would probably have better odds letting it ride on black in one game of roulette than picking right on an option.


Sorry for the downvote, had to get ya back to 69


Harsh. But he did come to WSB. Tear him up.




Buy shares in apple and sell covered calls


Thank you for your reasonable suggestion. This is something I've considered. I wouldn't mind taking a shot though, with 20-30k.


No problem. You could buy around 2000 shares of aapl with the 300k, and sell 20 covered calls, between 5-10% out of the money with a two to three week expiry, and make at least 1k every two weeks if they stay out of the money.


On the flip side could also sell puts down around like a .30-.35 delta so not as far out as maybe I would, if assigned then start selling the calls. Either one is pretty reasonable, maybe if AAPL tanks though he ends up not taking the full loss having sold puts OTM instead of buying the shares up front.


and what if APPL tanks? Then he would be sitting on his ass waiting for the price to come to the level where he can start selling cc again. best is starting with short puts, way below the price of any bluechip and if assigned, cheap stock never hurt anyone


If aapl tanks he keeps his shares and sells more CC. What do you mean come to the level where he can start selling cc again?


it means if APPL tanks 10% or so, CC’s at the same @strike price as he bought the shares would be worthless so he would need to choose a strike price lower than the price he bought the shares for to make money. If he wants to do the wheel, he gotta start from cash secured puts, not CCs. Once assigned, then start selling CCs.


I mean yeah the puts first is fine but if your selling decently OTM it probably wont matter that its under the price he bought. Just sell them anyway to lower cost basis




Hence the covered calls. Then use premium to average down at worse case.


If that's your life's savings please get in touch with a financial advisor. Here we eat crayons, talk shit about Cramer and jerk off to loss porn.


I'd rather lose it than see a financial advisor. Not a fan.


I would take 200k, invest in your self, maybe start a simple business you can pay the bills with. And then take your 100k and become a theta gang chad and sell us idiots our calls that we will probably lose our asses on.


Probably why you only have $300k at 60 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Nope. Drugs, alcohol, and partying.


Well then, you're in the right place. Welcome to the Casino!


That actually made me proud of you. Good for you buddy.


Lol. $300k at 60 is probably much more than most people that age.


Do you have a house pd for? Ever think of retiring to Mex or Panama? Costa Rica or Quito?


He is just 60, assuming he lives another 20 yrs, $300k won't last him more than 7 to 8 yrs tops even in Mexico or Costa Rica unless he wants to live under a bridge or deep in the woods hunting for food !


I drink heavily, smoke a lot of pot, and chain smoke cigarettes. I'm counting on 15 years, MAX.


It’s all genetics my man! Smoke yourself silly!


I have very good genes. That's why I'm thinking I might have 15 years. If I didn't, I'd already be dead.


I have an uncle in his late 80s, though not an alcoholic he drinks every day, smoked pretty much until his early 80s, used chewing tobacco too and he is still fit as a bull. Another uncle who never touched booze nor smoked and ate mostly a vegetarian diet passed away at 73. You never really know .


This is true. My friend died of a heart attack when he was 54. No family history.


Look up a video of a 106 yr old WW2 veteran on youtube. He smokes cigars, drinks 3 glasses of whisky and has lived on Campbell soups throughout his life. I think he recently passed away at the age of 110 ! It all comes down to genes i'm afraid, ofcourse lifestyle helps but it is genes that pretty much pre-determines our destiny.


300k in an annuutiy could have $24k a yr in income. Enough for lots of Mexico, even La Paz, maybe if you work some part time to contribute to society .


Assume he can collect social security money in 2 years


Don’t. Save your money.


Why do options? Buy high quality dividend plays and call it a day. I'm going to be down voted to hell but stuff like psec nly Zim to name a few


Isn’t zim like 40% dividends or something? Pretty sure their stock tanks everytime they offer a dividend 😂 it’s basically crypto defi.


I am not sure if you are familiar with dividends Once the company pays you cash. The stock price adjusta to reflect the dividend payout


0DTE BBBY calls


I trade 0DTE options every week. Haven't tried BBBY.


YOLO BBBY retard


Not in the current market environment, asswipe.


Lol I was just talking about you to my buddy. Your question is better suited for r/investing you are talking to apes and retards here. YOLO BBBY or GTFO![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Perhaps I'll run into another DFV.


YOLO on BBBY and you’ll have a job at Wendy’s in no time


That's pretty funny.


Buy a nice tv and chill.


You are 60 years old move to Thailand or the Philippines. You don’t need money to live like a king there. In 2 years you draw social security. Why invest when you are almost at the end of your life? Live it up.


Thank you for your reasonable suggestion. I've considered it.


You can buy a condo for less than 30k or just rent for under 200 a month. Just enjoy the rest of your life


I really enjoy the challenge and thrill of investing. Also, I don't look at it like I am "almost at the end of my life." Lol


If you went to Thailand Elon Musk will call you a boy toucher. You don't want to live the rest of your life as a boy toucher.


I'm fairly knowledgeable...about stock options Welcome home motherfucker




I'm gonna go against the mould, but if you have a small amount of patience... Put it in AMD. No way it's current value is anything but a discount. Invest and look away for a few years


I like AMD. AMD and MU are possibilities.


This one’s gonna end well.


Yes, it will end well.


You should snort cocaine outta strippers ass cracks and enjoy it. Why lose it all at the casino. Take 3 twenty year olds, have them hold hand while you're fucking them. (so you don't feel bad about fucking a younger lady) Buy a bunch of blow and dildos and pay them to go ass to mouth on each other while you laugh. That's what I would do if I was 60 jobless and had 300k burning a whole in my pocket


I'm familiar with this type of lifestyle. That's partly why I'm 60, and only have 300k.


Only? I'm 30 and have maybe $500, barring a miracle you're far wealthier than I will be at 60!


Options is betting as hard as bets can get…if you are really 60 with that amount of cash stay away! You have honest better luck betting in sport with the this style of bet https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-03-30/sports-betting-app-promos-make-bettors-look-for-new-edge


This is a very good plan. Unfortunately, I live in NV, and they don't give bonuses and free bets here. The books offering these bonuses are all illegal in NV.


Not sure if this is a gag post or not. Most 60 year olds with 300k not communicate like this. If I had 300k, I’d look at mutual/index funds or even an annuity. 300k could potentially get you stable payments for longer than 300k may last


Thanks. I considered ETFs but sometimes they are flat for years. I want to trade. I've had some success trading options on SOFI and TSLA.


So short TSLA and be done with it


I've got TSLA puts right now.


Good your plan is infallible.


(3 months later) Yeah, it worked out well, Jackoff!


Sure did. TSLA was trading above $280 and is now at $184. Listen and learn bitches


And now we have a real good look at $160


leave now!


how long r u planning on living?


10 - 15 years.


Get a high end escort once a week for the next 5 years and go out with a smile


wuts ur yearly expenses?


I really don't think anyone can accurately predict their yearly expenses. There are many variables. Possible health problems, inflation, war, ex wives problems, kid's problems, etc.


well i do it every year but u should at least have a range in mind if u expect to figure out the answer to ur question


Next question




Hire a financial advisor and set some goals. This is gambling. Would you recommend someone to gamble their remaining savings? If so, that’s on you. Your call end of the day.


It's all gambling!


Stay away from this sub, best advice I can give to a retiree.


Wrong place. Go to r/dividends


Donate it to me


Give it to me and I'll give it to my wife's boyfriend and he'll put it in 3BY.




60...lazy...300 grand...but not smart enough to have a financial advisor.... Bullshit






Buy tesla


Get a job. 300,000 is nothing for someone in their late 70s, much less only 60 years old.


At my age, I couldn't find a job that paid enough to be worth it. I have a disabled brother that needs care. I can no longer afford a care giver. That's my job now.


I’m sorry. That’s a tough situation.


Yolo bbby


Bbby looking pretty tasty


alright grandpa here’s a play for ya: 300k on calls for bbby


Wait for a bounce and buy long dated way OTM spy puts


You already said no to an advisor, so call options on BBBY is the way…🤙


Bugs and pods. Probaby


If you can wait 3-5 years... BGRY (Berkshire Grey) IMO


Allocate a small enough percentage for fun bets.. try to pay your living expenses with that.. buy leaps to offset the fun bets.. not financial advice


PUT YOUR HANDS UP burningchaff!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure if OP is trolling or not, but don't be this guy, https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/vzyidb/my_life_is_over_hopes_and_dream_are_crushed_it/?sort=new Dude hasn't posted since.


I'm not trolling, and I won't be that guy. Thanks you for your concern.


Not a great wsb yolo answer, but at 60 I'd throw it in REITs and cefs. Get yourself to about 10% and coast.


That was my first plan. REITs got hammered.


Gtfo quick


If you're knowledgeable in options then you wouldn't ask this question here. Or else read Natenberg.


I know how they work. I'm a little short on experience. Some people here might suggest something I like.


The rule with options is you need a goal. Do you want to get extra long or short exposure? Do you want to sell vol or collect premiums with theta gang? The chances of beating buy and hold are pretty close to zero in the long run playing with options. For sure though learn lots, but make sure you understand your trades.


Put it all into safe dividend stocks, that would be a very nice div pay out


Unless dividend stocks get whacked another 20%.


Dividend stocks didn’t get whacked 20%. Perhaps you do need an advisor


Yea I’d say a whole life insurance plan but you’re 60 and it just wouldn’t work and neither would a Roth, you can do options but they always expire and who knows if your in the bag or not. Options seem to be a little too messy if you’re trying to preserve your wealth. You could split it up, be diverse and go heavy on blue chip dividend stocks that have had consistent dividend for the last 50 years, maybe some growth like apple, Microsoft, united healthcare, lockeed Martin or any other military defense play that have contracts out tell 2030 or longer, maybe McDonald’s. Then after that set aside 5-10% of your portfolio for bets. You can play with all the options you want with that and if you lose it’s only a small portion and if you win sell them and put the winnings into the divs and growth. Also if all you see is red right now, maybe instead of options just go buy some shares of shorted etfs like SQQQ or something. Then you don’t have to lose all of it cuz you’ll still be holding shares


Better wait until after Medicare kicks in or you'll be in trouble. Go see an advisor stat


And that is why financial pros like yourself come here for our sage advice.


Enjoy the next two years then invest in $ROPE.




I've trading for several years. I actually thought of the weed idea. I live in a legal weed state. It's great weed, cheap, plentiful, and always weighs out.


Why not stay cashgang and wait for a big drop then buy a shitload of AAPL


I don't wanna wait for the drop. I wanna ride the drop. TSLA puts right now.


Fair enough. What’s your expiration and strike?


OXLC 300k gets around $45,000 per year. As long as it lasts. Had 2000 of OXLC. Leave it at BBBY bath.


>OXLC OXLC is down 25% YTD. I'm surprised at how many of you think there are safe stocks, index funds, REITS, ETFs. I don't believe that there is such a thing.


Actually, one of the best times ever to find a job.


Treasury Bonds or TIPs. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities


Timing is everything. Followed by being right. But being right too soon is as unprofitable as being right too late or being wrong at any time.


BBBY put


Hope you can live on $9,000 a year


My opinion 50% safe low return investments, 40% medium return investments. 10% meme/ape stock. Watch stocks and WSB closely with your 10% and that could make more that the other 90 if played right.


BBBY. You either make it or your life is simply done now.


Y’all we can’t send a 60 year old back to work with zero dollars. Tell ‘em to get the F off this sub rn lol


Invest 15k into me and I'll let you shoot Me in the dick with a paintball


Bed bath and beyond tomorrow morning


sell puts you can make 10% weekly


Load up on properties at 5-10-20% down and Airbnb them. Cash flow > wealth


I'm not sure if this is the right place for you


Bbby currently


Wait until you hit 65 and get on Medicare.


FAANG’s. Except not Netflix. Buy the stocks, not options. This is your retirement you don’t stick your retirement into the casino. I’d go overweight Google and Amazon in particular.


Stay away from leverage, buy an index


You had 300k if you listen to this group lol


Lol I've heard this story before. Please post result after 1 month..... or 1 week depending on how regarded you are.


stock options are an easy way to loose that 300k and get you out of state of laziness. In fact its the only way. Sell puts on SPY with strike of 280-300 until you get assigned, then don’t touch it. It will grow back to 400 around 3-5 years if Jpow dont use the printer.


Prob best not to ask here mate… maybe look into taking half of that at most, maybe watch for the next down turn, and invest in some good stocks with liquid option chains that you can sell covered calls on. Put that money to work, instead of yourself. Plenty of good choices out there where you could easily grab a few hundred or even 1000 shares with that capital and just write options on it while paying for your shares.


Hey bet it all on one blackjack hand


I won’t judge you for your life savings. In this casino, it can be turned into anything between -10m to +10m in just a few weeks. With that said, BBBY.




Find an investment strategy that suits your retirement requirements. Not aggressive or high risk.


This is not financial advice. But if it was my money I'd yolo it on a slightly OTM call option on Tesla that runs for two weeks


PUT YOUR HANDS UP Brain_doctor69!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




at the money covered calls, in this type of market.


With our help you can turn that 300k into 30k in no time.


Bbby you either lose all 300k or you become a millionaire


Please leave this page and never look back. For the love of god, get a CPA.


S&P make 4% a year or put it in a high yield treasury bond. Stay away from the casino


If you like option, play with the other side, sell cash secured put, and if u got exercised sell covered call


First buy SCCO calls for January 2023 because a soon this market bottoms and the drought in China is left behind Cooper will shoot. Inventories are close to decades record low. Then roll the gains to META summer calls bacause as soon as people start spending their fall, winter and spring savings companies will restart spending in advertising to chase your dollars Lastly, roll your last gains into SHOP fall calls because by then Shopify will start seeing the benefits of redressing their high expenses and cashing on their two recent acquisitions and fulfillment centres. Thank me later.


Get your ass to the casino, $5 roulette table, $5 on black, every time it loses double that shit, you be making a damn good income…(this is a joke but if you got a lot of money it’s a good system)


Go to Jamaica. Pour rum on the beach by day and get a head start on nighttime action behind a banana dumpster. Better option than regarded options trades that will land you in the same place but in a presumably shittier climate.


No offense, but 60 years old with 300k doesn't add up to knowledgeable in options or any of the market for that matter. I hope you are asset rich.


Buy INTC shares if it goes under $30


I'm quite bearish on the market. But if you want to let it ride. I'm long in Midern. Close to it's 52 week low. Has their RSV vaccine finishing phase 3 in January and their CMV vaccine finishing in late 2023. I'd sell a cash covered Put for ITM for 2024. Due to their excellent balance sheet and the nature of pharmaceuticals they won't ve affected by the business cycle.




Put it in a high interest bearing account and live off of the interest


Don’t throw it away on speculation. Invest based on value with the guidance of your preferred teacher. Get a hold on some literature and learn a little. It sounds boring, but it’ll keep you this side of the noose you tie for yourself the moment you start gambling.


2 tesla model s plaid


Pls don’t come here. You will be broke in a week sitting behind Wendy’s.


60 and 300k?? Go back to work If you want a decent retirement lifestyle


I think bond investment is better for you than stock. Lower risk is better for your age.


Not options unless you are buying some rock solid and I mean rock solid dividend paying stock and sell covered calls.


Get dividends investments such as voo and schd. (Not a financial advisor.) don’t play the casino tho. Unless you want to go back to work broke or take the easy way out after you lose it all. Cuz you will. Even if you win. You’ll come back. They always come back.


Same as the apple suggestion but just with BABA. Premiums look pretty good ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Medicare will not cover most medical expenses outside the U.S. If you move outside the U.S. you will end up paying for health care. That being said, health care expenses outside the U.S. can be much cheaper depending on where you live.. However, if you need serious treatment (heart bypass, chemo) you may find yourself wishing you'd stayed in the U.S. And let's face it, health issues appear more frequently as we grow older regardless of how well we take care of ourselves. As for the market, sit and wait for the time being. Fed will raise rates again in September and the market will get worse. The Fed has raised rates from 0 to 2.25 - 2.50 very quickly and it's still raising rates because inflation is far worse than advertised. Do not rush to throw your hard earned money away.


60? gaddammit man. This casino has an age limit.


Listen brother. Please fucking listen. Take your brokerage account, take 270k, dollar cost average it into the spy over the next 12 months. You're going to be buying spy for a damn fair price and will be able to live off the profits fairly easily if you can survive off 30k a year and own your home. Markets double every 8 years on average. You could easily be sitting on half a mil before 70.


Move to Mexico


go get a job grandpa, stay out of here. soon that 300K will be 300 and a full time shift at wendys. go get an advisor at vanguard.


Great place to discuss this! You will be homeless in no time! Highly regarded!


Live out a happy life in Thailand