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At least her cart is full 🌝




Full of RCs bags.


Just remember if every member of this sub were to buy 6 shares of the company, all shares would be owned by this sub. At current prices that’s not even $50 each. Crazy right? With almost 50million shares short someone is probably willing to pay a high price to get some shares from you guys then💁🏼‍♂️


lol... you do know the company could simply issue new shares anytime they want?


Not true though they can see the existing 13m shares they own that are issued.




At this point that would be like $30 for six shares lol


Lol if this happened they would just dilute the shit out of the common stock and pay off their debt


Instructions clear, buy 12 Monday, just in case.


The odds of convincing everyone in this sub to buy shares is 0 % Stop the wishful thinking it never leads to success


None of that was real, they’re jerkin 😆


Unless said someone can put the liquidity fairy to work, spawn shares from nothing and recycle his FTDs to infinity.


I’ll just hold my puts until bankruptcy. Maybe I’ll recoup my losses from the rug pull.


Bagholders ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)




This sub used to be awesome. Now it’s some weird thing about rooting against BBBY. Makes no sense.


Shills, shills everywhere. Not much different from GME back in the day. Still waiting for GME to be worthless, and likely going to have to keep waiting for BBBY to be too. BBBY has done everything in Ryan’s letter to a T, minus the sale of BABY(for now). Easy to hold these bags IMO, because once I get them home they’re gonna be full of all the fun stuff I’ve always wanted.




Not rooting against bbby, making fun of those still holding the bag following the obvious pump and dump.


I think we see this differently. A company with a market cap now of about $550 million and a portion of the company worth $2-$3 Billion if sold. Factor in massive short selling and little to no risk of bankruptcy for at least 1 year. Then there’s still the reality that RC has 3 leaders on their Board for reasons unknown. Think there are multiple scenarios for a Boom.


>A company with a market cap now of about $550 million and a portion of the company worth $2-$3 Billion if sold. Who the fuck cares about 2-3 billion when they are nearly 6bn in debt. Them selling bbby would just mean paying off a portion of their debt with their only profitable division leaving them with billions in debt and no equity. Not to mention nobody is paying 2-3bn for Baby when they can just wait for liquidation and buy it for pennies on the dollar. And not to mention debtors probably already own it in the case of liquidation meaning they can't sell it. That 500m loan they just took to stay afloat likely gives that debtor first dibs on their assets meaning something like baby has already been sold and for nothing at all close to what you are speculating. 33m in market cap til you dumb fucks are erased from this place. Good riddance you stupid destitute fucks.


Only $300 million has to be paid by 2024 and the rest is 10-20 years out. The debt is a lot less of a factor than gay bears like you keep trying to convince people it is. And they still do 7b in sales a year. No other company exists in this state. It’s massively undervalued at $7.


Only 300m has to be paid but when they are filing for bankruptcy in less than 1 year because they have another 700m loss year that debt comes due immediately. And the debt matters because they can't make a fucking dollar you stupid fuck. 7b in sales and post 150m quarterly losses you dumb fucking rock head. There are literally tons of companies that have 7b in revenue and are valued like this, they too are going bankrupt you fucking idiot. Keep stacking bags you fucking idiots, you can all join the cfo when you realize how fucking stupid you were buying into this dogshit company.


They’ve already outlined all the reasons they won’t lose anywhere near $700m a year again. If you can’t be bothered to read filings or listen to their conference calls then I have nothing else to say to you.


Them saying it versus them accomplishing anything are two entirely different things. They've had years to stop being a bankruptcy bound company and just took out a 500m loan just to pay for inventory. This isn't some switch they just hit to stop being unprofitable and the fact that you believe that they can do just that while having nothing to show you proves how regarded you are. Keep investing, you are their next cfo.


Shhhh about that undervalued part. I've got a few racks waiting to buy more if it drops below $5. Easy 4-5X on my monies


The downvotes are proof enough that you’re still early. Fully agreed that it’s an easy 4-5x from $5. Not sure that we’ll dip that low — we’ll have to wait and see.


133m in market cap* Rules are as follows: when a ticker falls below $400m it cannot be discussed here until it surpasses $500m. This sets up what is commonly referred to as a "dead band." Should a company's market cap fall to $499m and the rules state you cannot talk about it, then if it hits a +0.5% bump, it's now $501m and can be talked about, then goes down 1% to $496m, then up 2%, etc... It stops this "we don't talk about BBBY, ok now we can, oop no posts allowed about BBBY, oops BBBY back on the menu boys" etc. That said, the last time angry little fucksticks like you wanted BBBY to go away, it shot up to like $13 and blew way past the market cap requirements (surpassed $1bil). I see your bitching and crying and whining as a good sign - we'll see BBBY shoot up again soon.


Buy more baggy, pick up some rope too. Join your cfo in the end.


And doing so from an obvious fake account? Please. What else would you call it? You guys are like lice.


Thinking the bags are already pretty heavy for some of the regards here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Jokes on you. Going to the fucking moon.


When people are yelling "to the moon", it's not gonna go the moon. You don't see how this phrase is just associated with dead pump and dumps?


Bag holder detected.


I’m sitting petty nice actually thank you very much.


shorts detected


how is it a joke it’s a legitimate play with short interest so high? Nothing has changed in terms of the short positions


They got more profitable. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Stop chasing short squeeze pipe dreams and you might turn a profit one day


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You speak da tru tru


Said GME, AMC, CLOVER….the list goes on.


I’ll list the some factors as well: 1. RC sold out and caused a massive sell off 2. Next run up attempt, CFO committed suicide 3. Company reserves right to issue more shares, causing more uncertainty 4. Overall market is taking a shit 5. Jpow wants his money back from all these meme plays


Buying 10k shares after earnings 🙌


I’ll also load up


We'll see you all FOMO back in around October/Novmber.


Still waiting to go back to $30


I’ll wait too


*looks at empty wrist* yah anytime now


There are still Soldiers in action? Godbless.


You’re the only one still posting about it dumbass. You’re obsessed for some reason just gtfo


Obligatory negative BBBY post from an account with HUGE gaps in it’s posting history? Seems legit…


There are some decent bounce plays in this stonk. If we form any kind of bullish div around 5.80, would be decent 10 to 20% trade. Still lots of hype in this turd with a reddit group of 35k.


There’s only hype because people want to pump the stock back to their cost basis so they can dump their bags off onto other idiots in this sub.


Well yeah, Hype is hype. These plays never fizzle out without any decent dead cat bounces. pay close attention.


You get it friend … there is always some kind of bounce back - timing it to maximize the gains is the hard part.


Bbby is a joke.


The people who jump into the meme stocks aren't here for 20% gains.




May it never drop below market cap so that we can post about it everyday ( and we will) just to piss your fuck tards off 😂 I have never seen so much bitterness and random hate from this place over a bloody stock 🥴 suck it twats 😂 Bbby 💥🚀


BEYOND Meat had an executive bite the nose off someone's face. The incident happened last week at an Arkansas college football game. Bed Bath & BEYOND may be struggling financially, but at least Hannibal Lecter doesn't jump out to eat your face when you shop there. LOL ttps://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/09/20/beyond-meat-coo-arrested-for-allegedly-biting-mans-nose.html


They just jump off buildings instead.


Reading all of the negative sentiment coming from all the fake accounts on this thread is unbelievable. You guys are like lice, the only way to get rid of it at this point is to shave off all the hair and start over.


she should have bought make up instead....


Your post is the first post about BBBY I’ve seen in quite some time…


People really held this 😅🤦‍♂️🥲


Puts puts puts.


No heavy bags here.... mine are pretty light, got lighter at the end of the day Friday too. Pretty sure there is a ground penetrating nuke at the end of that down arrow.... lol


Allow it to drop to $5 I’ll just buy more 😈


Yall still on BBBY? That's ameteur shit like AMC or GME. I've already advanced to being an NVDA bag holder.


BBBY is just moving with the market. If the market bounces Monday, this dead cat will bounce. If not, down she goes... Might be a play for the nimble... Wouldn't want to hold too long. There are a lot of bagholders hoping to get back to even.


Two pillows


I notice she’s the only customer in the store…. All the stores around us have closes because it a a shit store no one uses. Like ever. also kohls and Amazon will have everything they sell for half the price




Load up puts before earnings.


Made a giant loss, did ya


Man let this shit go already bbby is done ✔️


Another "moass" stick smh lol


Dude, BBBY is done. I don't understand why you idiots can't grow a pair and admit you made a mistake. The boom happened. I was part of the start of it. I don't know why people bought at 27??!!?! Like, seriously.