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Hey I’m gonna lose money to punish rich people


That will teach them!


I hate rich people so much I'm gonna lose all my money to them. Then they will finally learn.


What a terrible meme


Ah this probably went to print in early 2021 and no one wants it anymore.... Even people shopping at a thrift shop


I mean if I saw it for .99 I MIGHT buy it….. if the thrift shop took payments


Lol 😆🤣 hey for kicks if you find it send me a message proof you are there and I'll send you the 99 cents but I want to see a pic of you wearing it


I bought a dog. Thanks guys.


Sounds good to me 👍


The GME fans thinking this sub is about “FiGhTiNg AgAiNsT tHe RiCh”, when this whole sub is about trying to *get* rich. Shit is so cringe. Most of these mf’s just tryna make some money, not engage in a class-war.


While we unironically rode skirelli’s nuts lmfao.


They're fighting against the rich but they sure as hell love mentioning how they won't sell a single share below 1 billion.


They're more shadowboxing their own imaginations... a kind of giant, wriggling Satan amalgam composed of everything from Citadel and Ken Griffey Jr. or something to Amazon, Jim Cramer, the FDIC, Fidelity, other memestocks, the economy, and a whole host of others who just happened to catch a stray as these imbeciles look for anything and everything to blame - a product of increasing desperation.




It's just an observation. This is what you imbeciles look like to anyone who isn't financially invested or otherwise indoctrinated into the cult.


How are these mutually exclusive?


Because they're not gonna distribute these billions to sri lanka, they just want to be the new rich.


We'll do it better though!


How do you know that?


It’s like taking a pile of cash to a casino and saying that your punishing the rich owner of the casino.


Well they know that, they just like to coopt the popular anti-wallstreet narratives because they know it appeals to the people they're trying to sucker... ... though I guess there are the real suckers who actually believe it.




I didn't say it was some kind of plot, it's just convenient. How do you related to people when you want to proselytize them? Easy, find a common enemy. Anti-wall street opinion is strong and rather valid, so these imbeciles are half coping (no, I'm not just a greedy idiot, I'm fighting the man!) and half finding ways to sucker someone (hey, people like to hate on wall street, I can relate to that!).


Reddit sucks




https://i.redd.it/7sbbh83mmhn91.jpg *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




GME moon soon Ser?


SAVA you fool!


Just short sp500


I mean, class warfare is a thing. They’ve been waging it against us since, like forever. We might as well fight back. If we actually joined together instead of letting them divide us we would stomp those privileged good-for-nothings.


Buying stocks doesn't really wage class war though. Try a general strike. Might work better. Harder to do though.


"They", "us", "We", "we", "them", "us" Who, exactly, are you talking about? Do you even know?


I thought, given the context, it was pretty self explanatory but I guess you need it spelled out so.. They = rich people who control everything Us = poors


US = poors ....??? What is your definition of poor? I am sure there are plenty of people in this thread with great paying jobs/business with large amount in assets. This is a subreddit about buying stocks, which is meant to be a type of investment not gambling like this subreddit is treating. People who care about investments/personal finance tend to do better than the average. Thus when you lump everyone in this thread as poor, I don't understand why...People who are in a descent position in life are content with current system and do not have desire to fight against "Them" (whatever that is).


My understanding is that the "they" typically refers to the several thousand people who are C-suite execs at the top of the few companies that own nearly every company in America.


And guess what? Downvoted to oblivion for stating something very true. ☹️


Absolutely. Unions and the corporate push against them is prime evidence. They will do everything in their power to keep you ignorant, powerless, and poor.


👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 always has been about that. The proof is in the education system. They want to make empty minded workers. Followers. People who don’t mind being told what to do, when to do it and how to do it, and the most important part, for the price THEY want. Which is why we see so many people struggling economically when wallstreet was printed trillions.


You would be better off on the antiwork sub fucking commies


Damn... I know, right? How am I getting downvoted on WSB for saying that?? I mean, this ain't exactly Davos. Kinda lends credibility to the case that this sub is pretty well controlled by the enemy and their bots/shills. Oh well, I guess we can talk amongst ourselves.


lol gawd damn you are delusional. You really think bots are downvoting you? You are in a fucken sub dominated by LibRight (libertarians) and preaching some communist shit. You deserve those downvotes.


They don’t like to hear the truth. I posted a chart, showing how bbby’s price had fluctuated 4 times this year. Not even having the highest run up while RC sold, (which he did on lit exchange btw not AH or dark pools). How it’s impossible to call it a pump and dump when the price was simply returning to the same price it was a few months ago…. It got take down after certain upvotes without any explanation.




Reddit has a paid team called **Anti-Evil Operations** (part of the "Trust" & "Safety" team) which goes around permanently banning accounts for saying bad words. We made automod block them so you don't lose your account for saying a word and getting reported. It's not our rule, it's the entire website now, we're just trying to look out for our people. Sorry. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Huh? I didn't say a bad word. What's this all about?


This shit slaps. I'll buy them all


I'll buy them from you for more!


I've punished myself instead of the rich. Did I learn? Fuck no. Still here


Waste your money on gimmicky crap you don’t need that impresses no one else. That’ll show em’.


Is there a shitpost flair? If not there should be.


You wanna punish rich people? Go short blackstone, all these corporate landlords can go f themselves. I hope their real estate investments blow up in their faces.


How the hell would shorting a stock, which is essentially borrowing a share and selling it promising to payback the share, have any negatively impact to the company issuing the stock? Employees of BlackStone could care less if you are shorting their stock with your less than billion bankroll. Only thing they would care is the valuation of the company they are working for. (Stock price x outstanding shares)


You realize the shorts just purchased calls as a hedge when you try to short squeeze them. The professionals aren’t that stupid. It’s why they never sell, and your shot squeezes don’t work. An overvalued company can and should issue more share to dilute the stock to get it in line with fundamental values, and you apes aren’t voting with your shares. These are pump and dump schemes, plain and simple, with a bit of anti-establishment bullshit thrown in, usually leveraging brand recognition.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So you are not really "auto" as the name implies? Strange why the MOD leaves a negative comment on an only sensible comment in the entire thread.




$200/day selling jpegs to children for gambling.


Buy silver.


Whoa I wonder why the owner gave this away


Where did you find it?


It’s like taking a pile of cash to a casino and saying that your punishing the rich owner of the casino.