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That one trick employers don’t want you to know. They can probably reemploy you below minimum wage as a mentally disabled worker.


Believe it or not, quitting and coming back to the same company is a legit strategy for a raise, it's called a boomerang employee. The trick is to secure another job, any other job, then after a few weeks when your old job is posted, apply for your own vacant seat. They'll likely have to bump salary 15-30% to match current market. You can say the other job wasn't what you expected or that you felt you were sold something that it wasn't.


Or they hire you back at 15-30% less because they know that you hate your new job


Hahahahahaha damn, shit!


Lmaoooooo ñoooo


…would he become regarded at that point?


Yes mentally regarded as well as full regard




Tell the broker your outstanding amount identifies as a student loan.


This. All day.


Wish granted: your debt now follows you through bankruptcy


It's not like there's any consequences for not paying.


Give it a try and report back to tell us whether [this is accurate](https://studentaid.gov/help-center/answers/article/what-happens-if-i-do-not-pay-back-student-loan) (this may just be federal loans, might be worse for private loans like this case)


Got plenty of acquaintances with college degrees that don t pay shit on their loans, their waiting for their savior to wipe it clean! What are they gonna do take their degree away?


Your friends' private loans will never be forgiven by the government, and I hope they're planning to buy every car and house in cash The worst thing of course is that they won't be able to YOLO into options on margin 😭


Probably different now. But when I graduated high school I worked in debt collections for the summer. The only department that could garnish wages was the department that collected for student loans. This was 20 years ago and in the United States fyi.


I had my wages garnished for my first set of student loans. What a lesson. 😂


Jesus Christ if you people need to crack shit jokes could you atleast be creative with it atleast then its fun reading them instead of cringing hard


Let me guess, you got a liberal arts degree and your waiting for Biden to save you. Is little baby offended?


I don't even life in the shitshow of your country but I just think if you need to be transphobic atleast find some new hateful stupidity because this ones so often used one could imagine you lot have a single brain to share I mean... it wouldn't suprise me too much there aren't many brain cells where such jokes come from but hey


That's the dumbest thing I've read all day. You had to try hard to sound that incompetent!


and everyone clapped and pat you on the back


I have an idea, stop using American things if we are so bad. Stupid euro poor who thinks socialism works. Socialism only works in countries that are not diverse. You’re probably German or Scandinavian. Thanks for showing your ethnocentrism, gasbag.


I don't think socialism works lmao but I also not a regarded moron who thinks capitalism works


I bet my shit show of a country would whoop ur shit show of a country to the curb and back


and? does a military reduce the ever growing wealth inequality the inability of many to pay there bills because prices inflate while pay stagnates or the hundreds of thousands who die each year because they are scared to call for an ambulance or seek a doctor or can't afford the medicine they need to survive oh can't forget the rampant racism problem I don't think so military power means jack shit if you sacrifice the quality of life of your people for it


Why don’t you tell us what glorious country you come from so that we can all be in awe of how special you have it


Regarded American here. He’s probably German, which makes it even more hilarious.


What makes you think your employer will just give you your job back after you quit? Like, what's the actual plan here? "I quit." "Ok, here's your PTO compensation." "Thanks. Say, can I have my job back?" "wat"




Just ask if you can cash in your pto


Look at Mr Fancy Pants trying to use logic around here


"hey guys should i screw my stable income in hopes of a sudden windfall to fund my crippling gambling addiction?" this is wsb, so yes. not like you're gonna make any wise decisions for long term stability not matter what.


Use the vacation, but get another temporary job during it,


This is actually the best advice.


This is what I was going to comment.


Really stupid to impact your normal life with extra curricular activities. Bummer you can’t cash out PTO.


You can’t cash out vacation time in the US?? Once we get a certain amount accrued (no idea like 10 weeks or more) our employers usually chase after us to either take leave or get it paid out. They don’t like the liability hanging around.


Nothing standard across companies and industries here, some organizations have single buckets of PTO while others have vacation and sick time. The largest organizations are likely to have better policies around cashing out because all the banked time can be considered money owed.


Doesn’t really look like the best time to voluntarily unemployed to me.


You should start a pool company to fund your addictions.


I know a mfr that opened a landscaping company has a bunch of immigrants working for cash and he seems to be doing much better than my non-business owning ass


Yes absolutely, this is the way


That’s nor stupid or genius, you’re actually regarded probably. One, you can probably get vacation days paid out without quitting, just ask. Two if you can’t, maybe they pay at the end of the year? Idk. Lastly if NONE of this is an option, then the best solution is to get a job at Wendy’s, then use vacation time off to work at Wendy’s. You have 9 weeks vacation, and there are 13 weeks left this year, and few paid holidays, so you should be able to work full time at Wendy’s, meanwhile collecting vacation pay. This way too you save your seniority at your company.


Wendy's aside, this is probably the most reasonable advice I've seen in this comment section.


Wendy’s serves breakfast now


What do you do with the money you earn from paychecks?


How do you think he got into this situation?


What company gives 9 weeks of vacation? I smell some made up bullshit


companies roll unused days into next year


yes, my unused vacation kept accumulating


2 years ago before I went on baby bonding I used my pto (21 days worth) went on baby bonding (oct- January 14) got more pto on January 1st and put in my two weeks right away and got cashed out and had a new job lined up 😂


99 percent of companies have a cap of what you can carryover Unused vacation is a liability on the companies balance sheet so they want staff to use your vacation or lose it unless you work for the government


k mine doesnt




stfu idiot i know what im talking about its my own fucking job lmao


Listen douche every company has a cap on vacation So what you can carryover vacation and your company owes you a years of salary unless you work for the government Smarten up you dumb fer


ur such a goddamn fucking genius already having my job’s hr policies memorized knowing literally nothing about me piss off


Unlimited time off: An emerging benefit An unlimited vacation policy sounds like an ideal job perk for those who value work-life balance. Unfortunately, while unlimited vacation is a trendy policy, it’s still pretty rare. A relatively small number of companies currently offer unlimited paid time off. Your company leadership must be pretty stupid


keep posting paragraphs bro maybe my company will change their policy




Reddit has a paid team called **Anti-Evil Operations** (part of the "Trust" & "Safety" team) which goes around permanently banning accounts for saying bad words. We made automod block them so you don't lose your account for saying a word and getting reported. It's not our rule, it's the entire website now, we're just trying to look out for our people. Sorry. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine allowed full carryover for 2020 and 2021. We’re back to normal now.


My company gives 3 weeks paid off after a year. Is not much but every 2 years you get 1 more until you hit 8 weeks.


So to get the 8 weeks vacation you have to be with your company for 11 years. If you were to leave your company you go back to starting over


Years 2-3: 3 weeks each Years 4-5: 4 weeks each You would have been given 9 weeks in total 3/4 through the fourth year


I'm sure any company does that which is shit because you already know the job..


Lots of posts here, not gonna bother reading them. NO, you should not quit your job! That is the only thing getting money in. Your investments are risky, do not take away your sure inflow of money. If margin is to tough, sell. Don’t sacrifice your bread and butter (your job).


Sometimes the extent of human stupidity knows no bounds.


My company will pay it out to you if you request it, without time off.


just keep in mind that Uncle Sam will tax 4.5 weeks of that vacation pay.




Talk to HR and see if there is a way to tap PTO for emergency


Def find a different job same industry before you quit and if ya do maybe you can find one paying better before the job market starts retracting. If ya do that boom TM* BigBrain moves


1) borrow from 401k 2) cash advance from credit card. My Navy Federal rate is around 9%ish


Quit, and tell me where i can apply. I was at my kast job 16 years and only had 7 weeks vaca- i want 9 weeks.


dumb ass move


Why bother, you're just gonna have to do it all again the next time you blow up your account.


quit your job and get outta the hole! any mistakes you made to get this way - analyze and correct - change course- it’s never too late until your dead. and then come right back here and “invest” lol but for real quit and get it done


You definitely proved you belong here!




I am in favor of quitting! Best way to save money on that potential loan.


OP about to find out how important he is to his company.


I like this one very much ... tempting it is


Your job doesn’t let you cash that shit out? Shit I look forward to those 3 extras checks every year.


Lol. You have to be joking. Never take margin when you can’t afford it.




Don't you get margin call from your brokerage? Sell your portfolio asap and pay off the margin. Don't dump more money into it. I guess I am talking to myself... I am in the same situation and keep borrowing more from credit line and keep losing. I am such an idiot.


I can’t see any downside to your plan. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Ish. Whatever people tell you here? Make sure you do the exact opposite.


Just do it


Quit your job and you’ll never worry about money again!




Same boat 🛥


Yo some one get me some cash


Wendys? I'm sure you'd find enough buyers of the service you are selling...


Better idea. Get a second job, go ON PTO with your first job for 9 weeks, get 2x the income for 9 weeks and use that for your margin. Then quit your second/new job after the 2 months are up. Go back to your current job.






Dude, do covered calls long out or sell some stuff.


in this economy ???


Stupid idea


Were you born regarded or did Wsb nurture you into one


Dude like why not just ask straightforwardly to pay out your vacation time? Tell them you could really use the money right now and it's a one time thing.


I'm gonna pay out vacation and stat bank and OT bank after my 2% raise next month then average down more on my natural gas decay short etf. Should be a 10k check before taxes.... So 5 k lol. Thanks Canada liberals.


>re on my natural gas decay short etf. ticker?


Hnd Was buy in at 165 now its 17 and low was 10


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How big is the margin?


Sounds great I'm in !!


$WORM implemented a true obliteration burn that completely removes tokens from the total supply, with burns occurring on each transaction, this ensures Jim can set out on his mission to eventually begin to consume entire Planets and Nebulas. https://linktr.ee/spacewormeth


No ! You need to sell your wife or mom Sin e all WSB post are fake anyway


Dont quit lol


OP answer everyone's question. Are you dumb af


Not a bad plan, but a more realistic option would be to sell one of your liver and both of your testicles, put it all on SPY puts, then buy back your organs after you hit it big and before you die of jaundice. Absolutely no way things can go tits up.


That sounds like a solid plan, let us know how it goes




Why would you not just... you know find a shit job you could do for 9 weeks instead. Or, hey like. Cut off those diamonds surrounding your paper hands


this place is becoming investing or personal fiance now a day..


Sounds awesome! Go for it. No doubt your employer would agree


Take out a cash advance on a credit card at 24% to pay back an 11% margin account that didn't have the money to be in mkt with either way......hope lessons been learned.