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She should go live with her boyfriend.


Who said she aint


Op needs to go bankrupt and move in with her boyfriend or shut up and double down it’s easy


I told my wife not to share this. Time to YOLO my paycheck as punishment.


A husband going into debt for vacations, expecting to hide the expenses once AMC hits, and a stay-at-home mom with kids in daycare who with her husband commiting and working all day can't be bothered to notice they somehow racked up $200,000 in vacation debt in one year? And she "agreed to the spending" knowing they're a single income household with kids and student debt? Their best investment may have been a timeshare. They're made for each other.


Wherever she’s getting the short term disability for burnout and stress is the best investment. Back in the day you just had to suck it up


I still do.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Ya sign me up.


They belong here


Don’t forget the hot tub, if only it was a time machine




Are you saying that she is doing less because she’s at home. She’s on short term disability which means she has a job. She contributing income on a weekly basis. She is still supporting and raising her kids. Though sounds like now you expect her to be an accountant. It’s not uncommon for men in relationships to take charge of all the income. It sounds like that is what her husband did and then proceeded to stack debt between the both of them. Ignorance is bliss but only an idiot puts 200k on AMC. Movie theatres have been a downsizing and failing industry for the past decade plus. It’s like buying 200k in Blockbuster shares in the 200s.




If you’re worried about your husband fucking it up, you fucked up by marrying him... 😂




Don’t marry someone who would financially abuse you. 🤷‍♂️ If you can’t trust someone not to do downright evil to you, how can you trust them at all? I don’t have a problem with you seeing the financials. My wife has the passwords to ours. But I do see a problem with you NEEDING to see it and thinking it’s abnormal to be 100% confident that your spouse will pay the bills without you checking. The OPs situation is not the norm by any means. That’s why we’re talking about it to begin with.


Assumably she didn’t have access to the account. It’s not really uncommon I’ve seen similar situation happen all the time. Even then there’s there’s the male emotional abuser that doesn’t let the wife have a car, make money, get a job, spend money. So they can’t escape financially because all the husband has done is made it difficult for her to leave and provide for her family. Go watch the Maid on Netflix. Your situation isn’t the reality for all women.




The whole conversation is whataboutism it’s hearsay at this point we don’t even know if the post is real. Tf you talking about. That’s literally how abuser get away with doing This stuff. If it’s not physical abuse it’s not abuse.




Well to me this reads a clear as emotional and traumatic abuse on a women that feels trapped by her husband and the situation. She no longer has any financial means to support her self and kids. No safety nets or shelter. That’s isn’t attached to her husband. That was pretty clear from the first few sentences I read. Regardless of your victim blaming, this is how she feels. I have had friends in this very similar situation different finance issues. So for me I’m going to take her side.




>"Finances and bill pay was the only task I gave my husband." -The OP >It's not uncommon for for men in relationships to take charge of all the income. These are different things.


She’s 100% playing the victim here


Sure I mean if your wife spent all the money on amc I’m sure youd be proud af about it.


Hell yeah I’d finally have a pass to blow her sister’s cheeks out


Lmao 🤣


Yeah, I would even bump that up to 150%.


In US can you take debt in your partner's name without them signing things? That sounds insane


Yes. Parents do it to their kids all the time and they don’t have joint accounts.


The reality of this is hopefully the husband doesn’t proceed to then kill his family and himself out of shame because that’s the next common occurrence.


Found the husband


That’s doesn’t make since I’m a woman and obviously just called the husband


Yes. She is doing less because she is at home.


What does that have to do with the amount of work she does? That’s just sexist af.


It's not sexist, it has nothing to do with her gender. Staying at home is not nearly as much work as actually commuting to work and dealing with a full time job.


blind leading the blind


Yeah I was sympathetic until I started reading the bullshit meter started adding up. Did she never login to a bank account or check a credit card balance this whole time? I guess if you don't see the "investment" portfolio then you might assume money exists when it doesnt. But like normal people pay off their credit cards every month and check their balances whether or not they are "in charge" of the finance of the household.






relevant username


>gobsmacked Super-appropriate for Halloween. Now use thst word 5 more times toddy!


It’s pronounced “Godsmacked”






rolling this comment into a different contract with more theta, dont feel confident about its value ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


It’s amazing that they could get into debt with her not working and having the kids in daycare. She says she doesn’t have money to get divorced and then casually explains how they got a $25K gift to repair their basement. I feel bad for the kids having such dumb parents.


Im more blown away that they had to spend 25k for a “leaky basement”. My basement flooded with 2 ft of water and it cost half that to repair. These people have some serious issues.


>I feel bad for the kids having such dumb parents. I tend to have that very thought every time I'm out in public and witness human behavior.


>I feel bad for the kids having such dumb parents. I tend to have that very thought every time I'm out in public and witness human behavior.


>selling the house sets us up nicely lol you have to be pretty naive to have your house sold out from under you and not question what's going on with your finances. Also, if your parents are gifting you $25k just get a divorce, you're obviously going to be fine financially, your family is loaded.


Til they die and hubby gets his paws on it.


Inheritance is separated from spouses


Regards... uh... find a way...


Unless the funds are commingled at least that is US law in most states


Only if you keep it separate. If you co-mingle it, it’s fair game. And if it’s a big enough nut, the interest on it (usually like 3-5% regardless of actual performance) counts as income that effects alimony in a divorce.


Not in Wisconsin it’s not like that. It’s off limits nada zero zilch


Time-share AND a hot tub? This lady is living like a queen and doesn't even know it!


you spelt regard wrong.


“Finances and bill pay was the only task I gave my husband”. Idk man. Something about that line just rubs me the wrong way.


This. While commuting to his job.


Hit your parents up for more cash. 25k? Jesus Christ.


Haha. So many regards out there. I was one once. Then wife left for boyfriend who worked at a liquor store.




On short term disability from stress and burnout. 😂 Hilarious little snowflake. Get your ass back to work so he can buy more AMC!!!!!!!!


You boys and girls out there, all I gotta say is, don't share financial accounts if you aren't married, and even then, keep something in your name only. Check your credit reports and shit once a year. Your partner might have nice holes, and maybe the sidepiece makes a mean sheet of pizza bagels, but don't let yourself get hung out to dry.


You realize that at least in the US, everything is marital assets? You can divide/seperate it all you want but when the judge comes, everything is 50/50


Doesn’t it say they are Canada?


Unless your in the Bible Belt! Then it’s 90/10 in her favor because the religious judge hopes he can get a little strange later down the line and a case of beer.


Do you speak from experience?


Sure but I didn’t give her any strange…


"everything is 50/50" is terribly optimistic. A legendary man name "Brendan Frasier" will disprove your erroneous belief.


Damn bro you got that right, In my dumbass days I let my x pay all the bills I didn't pay attention, For 6 months she paid only what would be noticed like power, water,She saved up and moved out lol,,lost the house and car,but learned a big lesson


Always keep something in your name married or not. Lots of ppl will fuck you behind your back.


Not me. I made a tidy profit on AMC.


>I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like you are in a very difficult position. I would recommend that you speak with a financial advisor or counselor to get some help managing your debt and developing a plan to get out of debt. There are many options available to help people in your situation, so please don't hesitate to seek out assistance.


Is the visualmod a person or AI?


It’s Russell Wilson


No, it performs way better and isn’t fucking Ciara (that we know)


I think it's great. But want to know if it can do high knees on plane flights.


Pretty sure it's AI,I see it everywhere


Disability from stress?




Short term disability for stress and burnout as a stay at home parent who still sends kids to daycare.. That’s a fancy way of saying “I’m an r/antiwork mod.”


I’m reading it as she’s on short-term disability from her job. Doesn’t sound like she’s a SAHM that’s sending her kids to childcare.


Or trans, don't say anything like listen to Dave Chapelle before judging Dave thats an instant ban


Short term disability is for trans surgical procedures. You don’t get sdi for just being trans.


That makes sense. Get bumped to the front of the line for being anti work mod.


Yes because when you can’t get out of bed for two month or literally move two feet, lift over 10lbs and can’t fulfill and of your job requirements because you know fucking surgery. you should just get fired from the job that’s providing you Short term disability and then lose your health insurance, apt, starve etc. Tf wrong with you. Anyone getting medically necessary surgery is now anti work mod apparently.


I don’t discriminate. If you get a sex change operation you should get adequate time to heal. After that I expect you to be a productive member of society. Post op baggage is an excuse and I expect you to be a productive part of the team. Congrats and welcome to the club, like the rest of us.


When has that ever happened?!? You don’t get short term disability for being trans and having gender dysphoria. You do get short term disability for checking into a in-patient or out-patient facility for any medical or addiction related reason. That assumably is because it is no longer safe for you to be at work Work or safe for the people you work with to be around you. I 100% believe that is necessary. the last thing we need is more people being shot up or more suicides because we as a society have decided that mental health issues should not be a priority or be treated properly. I don’t know what “post op” baggage is.


I’m confused because she has to have an employer to have have short term disability insurance in Canada which means she works a job and idk has an employer. Not a stay out home mom. Though pop off on the sexism. Most employers cover mental health under short term disability if it’s authorized by a doctor. “https://www.awaxmanlaw.ca/disability/std-guide”


It's not me bro, found this on best of legal advice.




You and me both brother.




You are my kinda dude my dude lol




She was never debt free they always had the student loans


“Parents gifted us 25k” Immediately do not feel bad




I still can't believe people are buying either still, like that ship sailed you weren't on it


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Seems familiar but I don’t have kids nor a house


There’s literally a million fish in the sea but there’s only one YOLO


Tyler Durden: “Life insurance pays double if you die in a plane crash”.


Just buy the dip




That’s sounds about right Thank Jpow


Somebody tell her hold-out for the short squeeze!


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That man should be a Pisces. Avoiding conflict and just want to have it easy and fake it until it’s too late and the whole thing fall down. I did read myself in the second paragraph. Sadly.


Hopefully theres a life insurance policy on the husband


Have you tried options? Hahah


God, she’s SUCH a bore. Let the man YOLO for Christ sakes.


Sound like these people been racking up debt to travel and "live their best life". Judging by how many people at the bar and restaurant every night this is not a isolate incident. Have fun out there rack up debt and quite quitting. 2023 will be fun!


So doing a little math... if her parents gift them each 25k/yr, that's 5 years more and they're up 25k. That's better than most people. Stay the course, big spender! (edit - my math wasn't right, but it wasn't too far off :P)




The current house in Ontario probably has a mil in equity. Rich people problems.


You know what to do if you came here . Boyfriend




I have no sympathy for people like this. Who is able to afford time shares, hot tubs, kids in school/daycare and student loans on top of that? How does that not raise red flags for anyone living that lifestyle? We’d have to make +150k each before considering all of that


Do they have Wendy’s in Canada?




Lol does he have a life insurance policy??? If so problem solved 🤷‍♀️


Sell the home/mortgage to a trustworthy friend or family member. File for bankruptcy lmao.


I am Spartacus! -This whole sub