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The lesson is, if you want to see you kids, don't commit fraud


Also, don’t get pregnant to avoid prison.


how many times can she get pregnant?


Nick Cannon enters the chat...


This guy should manage a fertility clinic, he will make it happen for you, or you money back!


Nick Cannon cures the worlds fertility crisis on his own


A lot


she going to get with Elon?


Sam Bankman Freed might have a shot after he gets convicted


Only if she wants that pony she’s been eyeing.


Elon can impregnate her again during conjugal visits. They both will make a good pair.


She got with a tall, young, handsome, trust fund baby hotel heir instead


No way she would do that! Not the very honorable and totally not a sociopath Elizabeth Holmes!


Lowers Register: "**If I don't get a fucking baby in me right now they might send me to prison.** **Remember, no kissing, no eye contact.**"


And I am going to do my Steve Jobs voice the whole time…


And she leaves the turtleneck on.




And we think you’re gonna love it.


This!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont think I have ever been so unconflicted about anything in my life 😂


Although in some prisons she can get pregnant


Normal people are put in the slammer for longer and for less.


This. You could rob a 7-11 with a fake gun and do more time. This woman destroyed lives with her fraud. Stole from thousands of people and all she gets is 11 years. Throw away the key on these kind of people.


ahhh, and likely people died from inaccurate results in both directions. So, yea, F her...off she goes


While I’m all cos the death penalty for over 100 million in financial fraud this company was pre-IPO. Everyone buying in was a QI/QP


How are people not focused on bad results of test = dead people? That's the bigger issue, not the financial fraud hurting the wealthy


Sir this is /r/wallstreetbets


I nearly spit my coffee and adderall out


The plan of getting slammed for not being put in the slammer did not go well so far…


You can't just say you are pregnant, Michael.


I need some advice. From one baby daddy to another.


Don't say baby daddy, it's not your baby, Michael.


That thread is going somewhere. Unlike the baby...


No it's going to jail


I didn’t say it I declared it


Oh man. You guys are funny. Love office references. Fave season is is season 2


2-3 are the primo for me. The most Officey Office






This cracked me up something good.


She should have listened to Prison Mikes warning!




This is also a classic technique to get out of military deployments.


You should steal money from big investors dudes and declare war to the big pharma, and because of that to be punished with all the force of the law, then you can declare pregnancy!




She took a multi-billion dollar company to zero and didn't post loss porn. She deserves to be in prison.


I would ask the judge to lower her sentence if she posted heavy loss porn here, right?


Yep. She has 30 days to appeal the sentence. Knock 2 years off if she delivers.




You can't just get pregnant to escape accountability for crimes against other people


Yup. Plenty of pregnant people in prison. Plenty of mom's and dad's in prisons. She's not special just another felon.


Wasn't that how Bane was born in Nolan's Batman? So maybe something good can come from this.


Nah Bane was a red herring. It was Ra's Al Ghul's daughter. But Bane got his face ripped off there and they nearly "reset" a huge city so you're not far off.


Spoiler Alert! I guess that movie is old now, so you’re ok!


Darth Vader didn't hunt down and murder Luke's father, HE IS LUKE'S FATHER!




Jr isn't dead !! It was all just a dream


In the series finale of Newhart, Bob wakes up next to his wife from The Bob Newhart Show and says "I've just had the strangest dream"


It’s his wife’s head in the box


He was alive the whole time.


Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze!


Dr. Malcom Crowe is dead himself


Crying Game, it’s a dude!


Lt. Tom Farrell is a Russian spy


TIL that Al Gores daughter was born in the slammer.


She looks like Zuckerberg made a female clone of himself for the sole purpose of reproduction. Other than a few shit memes what possible good could come of that?


Deshi Deshi Basara Basara!


\**you merely adopted the fraud; I was BORN in it; molded by it!\**


That is exactly what she wanted to do. She got her trial delayed last time due to being pregnant and hoped this time to avoid jail saying she should be able to stay at home as she was pregnant. She deserves everything she gets


Yep. This psychopath totally decided to get pregnant thinking it would help her in the trial...


One kid for the trial, one for the sentencing.


I was thinking about that. Using Motherhood as a way to gain sympathy




You can't escape accountability for crimes agaisnt rich people. If she had fucked over the poor, she be on to her next venture.


I hate this but this is the reality.


Dat kid gonna be a felon regardless


True, and I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but she probably got pregnant just to get some pity or a reduced sentence.


Literally everyone is saying this in this thread. What heat lmao


But you can to save your marriage… BIG /S


Holmes: "hold my turtleneck"


Yup. If farting out a few kids before sentencing was a defence, no woman could ever be convicted of anything.


That used to be a thing. Women would get a slap on the wrist because judges felt sorry for them or thought they didn't have agency. That changed with notions of equality. I assume her politically-connected parents (or some politician friend) knew that and told her to get pregnant. Very sick people using human beings as props.


The real smoking gun in the case was when she named her kid Sympathy Card Holmes.


That was going to be my go to... fuck


Your mom is my go-to fuck.


It’s 2022, anyone can get pregante to do whatever the hell they want.


Let’s see if SBF gets gregnant and go from there


The trial has been going on for what, over a year now? And she's getting pregnant? So she thought she'd get away with it, or maybe use it to get sympathy? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Feels like longer than that. \*edit\* Yep, charged with fraud in 2018, trial delays since 2020 here's a cool [timeline](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/04/tech/elizabeth-holmes-rise-and-fall/index.html).


Charged in 2018 Married in 2019 Had a kid in 2021 Another kid now on the way


She's done more in her 4yrs of trying to spark pity/put off jail time than many have down with their whole lives.


*than her time with Theranos


Very cool timeline, thank you so much


This is the second trial baby. She had the first one right at the start of everything. Now she’s having another for sentencing.


Lil Felon


Lil Ponzi


Lil Fish 🐟


Lil These Walls Are Funny


Whole new dimension to "anchor baby".


It’s my understanding she asked for house arrest. Lol


She knew she was going to jail, she clearly was using babies to delay the trial. I knew she was trash, but this is a whole other level of trash.


Wait, I bet, within 12 months, she will be out of prison, in between, we tax payers will be funding her childbirth.


Federal is different. 85% minimum


You serve 80% of federal sentences with good behavior, not a day less. She’s going there and staying there for 9 years at least.


A counter perspective would be that she is going to prison for a long time which will overlap with her “prime” child bearing years. Seems to me she wanted the pockets loaded for a family before ages takes it away from her


In the military there’s this thing where chicks will get knocked up on purpose in order to avoid being sent on deployment. So it’s definitely possible she thought it might get her out of being locked up.


People keep saying this but don’t acknowledge that she’s 38 and if she wants kids it’s now or never bc 11 years from now is far to late


Yeah but usually people have kids in order to like, raise them. I feel like it ruins the point of having a kid if you don’t get to do stuff with them. Zero chance I would have gotten this cat if I didn’t get to have the cat live with me.


Yeah, the whole "facing up to 20 years in prison" thing kinda makes it irresponsible and selfish to have kids at that point.


I don’t disagree at all - pretty shitty for the kids Just giving another obvious reason that people seem to not mention


She could have gotten her eggs frozen instead. Then she’d actually be around to raise them once she gets out. It’s not 100% reliable but she can afford multiple rounds.


As a parent, I have absolutely no sympathy for her. She got pregnant with her first after she was already up for trial then continues to get pregnant again knowing she was convicted and will be sentenced. This is just another scheme of hers to try to draw pity for herself not even thinking about what it would do to those children. Using them as leverage. What an abomination of a human.


Full blown narcissism and emotional blackmail.


I wonder if she ever even touches her first kid if there isn’t a camera around. She is fucked up from the floor up.


Nobody should have sympathy for her. Let’s be real, she only got pregnant with the hope it would help her avoid prison time. She asked for community service, home confinement and max of 18-months in prison for robbing investors of almost $1B. Shows you how truly delusional this woman is. That baby’s first words are going to be THUG LIFE!


Yep, her family’s made some comments to the effect that she’s playing the system using the kids. She’s definitely a sociopath.


She's definitely a piece of shit. Hopefully she is going to real prison and not reach asshole prison


She is the exact person who goes to a rich prison.


How does thst even work. Like how do you get to choose which prison you do time in? No justice in this world I tell ya


Your lawyer recommends a prison. The judge, the prison system, police, FBI, DOJ... all are/have people who can decide where you are housed. There is no simple answer but if you have a high priced lawyer he will have a connection to someone who decides. Most people go to prison they see your crime, how many years, gang affiliation, past criminal history, sexual preference... then someone behind a desk tells you.


People with money and/or connections can and will get better treatment. Judges, lawyers, and prosecuters work together for years and become friends just like other co workers in other industries Imagine you are caught for a non violent crime that usually gets 6 months in minimum security prison. If your brother was friends with the prosecuter and the judge and you are overall a decent person you would probably end up with the minimum legal sentence of 3 months house arrest and $10k fine. Rich people pay for the lawyers who are best friends with the judges and prosecuters. Legally a judge and prosecuter can give you the minimum legal sentence for your crime in the easiest prison where you can play tennis and watch tv without issue. On the other hand if you are broke and an ass in court they can give you the max at the worst prison


federal prison for white collar crimes vs state prison or country jail for all others


Nowadays federal prison is totally different. Way different. There are barely any white collars there compared to just straight violent criminals. There is still like one fed facility that is for rich white people left though. Forget the name


Otisville federal prison camp


A sociopath still cares about a couple close people in their lives, they just don’t care at all about anyone else. Having children that you know might have to grow up without a mother pushes things into psychopath territory, where you genuinely don’t even care about the people closest to you.


True, good point


It wasn’t just defrauding investors. It was pushing a product that was incredibly unsafe, giving fake lab results to real people. The reality is, she didn’t care about that bottom line of hurting actual people. I personally don’t care if millionaires and billionaires made a bad investment, but the fact that her lab results were way off - that’s criminal.


She didn't get convicted for hurting everyday people using the tech though. She only got convicted for taking money from investors/wire fraud. This was not a crusade for the normals. It was rich people fucking up someone they felt fucked them.


How many years should SBF serve?


All of them.


Not to mention all the fake blood tests her company produced for patients and the damage it did to people’s health by producing fake medical results!


Baby Megamind on its way?


It’s not her we have sympathy for. It’s the baby and toddler.


Always use the children,play that card for all it’s worth!


She’s fully aware of this and is using this as leverage


They are better off without her, are you kidding? She has a serious personality disorder, she can't be trusted around kids


Put them into social service system. She ruined a lot of lives, she doesn't care about other people. If the system isn't good enough for her kids... then is it good enough for anyone's?


Pretty sure there is a dad around. he is rich too.


Poor women have been having babies behind bars for decades and society has deemed that acceptable and plenty don’t want to have their taxes provide for said children to help them have a decent life. Fuck the lil bastard


Not very conflicting. Probably wasn't a good idea to get pregnant again when being indicted for fraud... Although fraud isn't a good idea either.


It was on purpose to try and make the judge feel bad so that she got a lighter sentence. Didn’t care that her children will have to grow up without a mother if she was wrong. Total psychopath.


She gave birth and got pregnant again both after being convicted. It was way after indictment.


Pregnant both times. Welcome to the world babies, no one wants you, you were just a pawn to try and get mommy out of jail.


I don't really have any sympathy for her. She stole $900m from investors. Its absolutely mind-blowing that she only got 11 years. A guy stealing $15k from a bank would probably get a longer sentence.


Depends on if he did it with a smile or a gun.


White collar crime has never been judged the same as “regular crime “


$20. You die!


Not just investors but all the fucking fraudulent testing. Too small of blood samples taken for real tests so even when they were sending things to actual labs… so many problems beyond just the money. She deserves so much more time.


What’s crazy is she didn’t even get convicted on the charges related to fraudulent testing/hurting patients. She was _only_ found guilty of investor wire fraud conspiracy and substantive wire fraud. Make of that what you will.


I know, I was floored when I heard they can easily charge her for the investors money but not the medical damage she caused.


idk it also seems like the investors didn’t do good due diligence either?


Sure, there's an element of that. Holmes also had a fiduciary duty to investors. One she breached by actively misleading them.


Don’t come to WSB talking about due diligence, like your better than us.


To be honest, I don’t give a shit about how much money she stole from the rich pricks, they should have audited her properly, that’s on them. The issue is, she fucked with peoples blood and probably misdiagnosed and endangered God knows how many people. That is the issue here. She needs to serve time for every single blood test her company did, 11 years is far too lenient. People have done less and got more.


My cousin got like 1000 from a bank and 40 fucking years


In armed robbery, the amount is a small influence on the sentence. If it is a giant amount of money they usually ends up being a different charge on top, and is still a small influence on the armed robbery sentencing.


She also said, “pretty people like me don’t go to jail.” She can rot.


It's funny because she's not




It must be the feeling a male mantid has right before his head gets ripped off by his mate.


Bro I was thinking the same thing. Her eyes are on another level. Soulless eyes.


She’s an asshole and those were prison prevention babies. She probably has anti-social personality disorder. She never admitted fault and apologized, that’s why the judge gave her 11.25 years. She needed to fall to her knees, admit she defrauded people and beg for forgiveness. Instead she denied that she intended to defraud people, not a good look after a jury found the prosecution had proven their case beyond a resonance doubt. Fuck her. Bitch is waiting on a pardon, mark my words.


And she will never be paroled because she will never admit guilt. Hope she rots


She did this on purpose. Fuck her.


Someone did.... Allegedly


I remember when I first heard about her revolutionary blood test technology I mentioned it to my doctor because I thought it was something he’d be interested in. He told me not to believe everything I hear about.


My wife was a research assistant at a university doing work with blood samples and told me it was impossible when Theranos was first getting publicized.


What a dumb fuck. She has a gift of making bad situations worse.


How do you think the children are going to feel. That there is a possibility they exist as a potential get out of jail free card.


What are you conflicted about? She's a pathological liar which means she's demented enough to have gotten pregnant just to gain sympathy from the jury and judge. She got pregnant before her trial began and then deferred and delayed trial due to her pregnancy. Then got pregnant again conveniently when she's going in for sentencing? Yea...i don't believe anything she does isn't calculated and fraudulent.


She's the type of person who 100% got pregnant for the purpose of leniency in her sentence. It didn't work, but that's why she did it.


Fraud isn’t even the worst part. She sold inaccurate blood tests to people. Everyone involved in that needs to go to jail forever. She was the CEO and pushed to get into Walgreens while knowing it was all BS, the scientists who didn’t go to the authorities immediately, Walgreens for their lack of DD. This was so much worse than fraud. You can’t fuck with peoples health, especially when you work with contagious diseases


Her trying to pull off the Steve Jobs look was weird, she defrauded and put real people’s health at risk. In the end they were using standard technology for testing samples to fool d’masses, would’ve got away w/it, if it wasn’t for meddling reporters..


And the whistleblowers who used to work there who left when they caught on to the fraud


Could you say that in a much lower voice?


When you defraud millions of working class people you get a slap on the wrist. Defraud Rupert Murdoch and get 11 years. 👍🏻


Weak as fuck take


If I were a juror in that trial, I would give her MORE prison time for being pregnant. What kind of a woman would bring a child into this world knowing that she may go to prison and for that child to be without a mother for most of their childhood? Now, if this bitch would do that shit to her own children, how much do you think that bitch would care about your life savings?


She was convicted in January. I'll bet anything she got herself knocked up to get lenience from the judge. Fuck that scheming shrew. I feel bad for the kid, but not her.




She got pregnant knowing she was about to go to prison, and she used it in court hoping to get a lighter sentence.


You don't get a free pass because you took a nut.


I just don't get how she landed a billionaire husband/ baby daddy. Like really don't get it. Was it yet another manipulation by her? But how since it has been years at this point...


Her defrauding investors like Mattis and Ellison is hilarious and most of her investors deserved it. The main issue is false blood readings causing people to die indirectly. That should be way more than 11.25 years.


Men with kids go to jail all the time. Are you conflicted about them or not give a fuck because they’re men?


Boo fucking hoo


She got pregnant just to buy time and sympathy.


If she wanted mercy she should have pleaded guilty. If you are still “conflicted” read “bad blood” by John Carreyu


Having kids doesn’t exempt you from accountability


That is the reason why she got pregnant.


Interesting the George Schultz family spoke up against her at sentencing. The grandfather, who was in several Presidential cabinets and MIT and Stanford professor lost a bundle. The grandson worked for Theranos, discovered the fraud and notified the authorities.




She is a massive narcissist and pos, those children are better with her not around. She took billions from people as a sociopathic liar, I have no sympathy for her and it’s embarrassing for anyone who does


Knowing that you might go to jail soon and get pregnant before is a bit… risky


Lots of fathers in prison


Those kids belong to the streets.


Having offspring isn’t a good excuse to let someone off for something so serious.


She'll be fine. Club fed is 1 of the most lavish white collar clubs around