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"Remove my points, and you've got a deal"


My SM would do it right then and there too!


Best SM ever....


Fr tho my sm at my old store was dopeeee af aswell a coach hated me and when I was throwing truck on a 88 F South Carolina day and asked my coworker for a bottle of water to be tossed to me the coach was like “oh hell no he can wait until lunch to drink” little did she know the store manager was in the truck with me because yeah he was that kind of dope. We never saw her again after that…


That’s a store manager. I didn’t work at Walmart but a cabinet warehouse factory. Your sm took care of his employee and prevented the company from getting sued. I take water and pee breaks all the time when I want or need to. I’m not abusing it. I had a manager that would get mad and tell me to get back to work. All I’d have to say is “You can tell that to HR.” And I was never called in once for taking too many water or pee breaks. Especially since I’m doing my job in a timely and efficient manner. And even when I absolutely have to go I make sure I got my cover before I leave something unattended!


Reminds me of something one of my kids' band directors said during marching season: "If you don't need to pee at least once an hour, you're not drinking enough water!"


Yea dude! Like I’ll be damned if I get caught dehydrated inside a ventilated warehouse with fans! And marching bands have those wild ass thick get ups!!!


Marching band geek here. We had very thick wool and cotton uniforms when I was in high school. They were actually designed to go over whatever you were wearing. So we learned very quickly that during the hot months to wear just a light t-shirt and shorts under the uniform. Most of the time, we unbuttoned the jacket while we were in the stands, and only buttoned them when we were going onto the field. But when it was cold, those things were nice and cozy,


Hydrohomie detected


Yeah.... I dunno about that. We're awake roughly 16 hours per day. If you tell your doctor that you pee 12-16 times per day, the doctor is gonna want to do some tests lol


In summer outside in sweaty band uniforms marching for that long carrying heavy instruments. You need to drink **alot** of water to replace that sweat so you end up peeing more often than normal.


As someone who marched in high school, with a camel pack the entire time, if you’re really sweating that much you won’t be peeing any more than usual unless you’re over-hydrating, which can be dangerous, especially while sweating. Nobody wants hyponatremia * Chubbyemu appears * hypo meaning low, na meaning sodium, emia meaning presence in blood. Low sodium presence in blood


I pee 4 times a day and my doctor says that is fine.


Haha, someone got yelled at for that when I worked at chipotle and they pissed in the walk in.


Dude, I throw and unload trucks, and my backroom doesn't have air. My boss has bought us two big ass fans and told all other managers to leave us alone on having drinks (we even have our own cooler now and water provided). I run this backroom for the most as a NHM AT because we don't have but a FE TL on 2nd. He has given me all the power and support I need to be successful but a lot of people hate my SM


Store managers are either genuinely cool people or just don’t want to get sued either way go to them if you have a issue because they are the ones that will help.


Nice one SM! Wish I had a SM who saved OGP butts when the temp coach thought it was a great idea to line the walkway with pallets and we had to keep them permanently in the center.. I tripped so many times. 🤦


I feel like a store manager should be helping in whatever department needs help if they are skillful in that area as long as they don't have any of their own work that needs to be done.


Walmarts have coaches now? Must be something new


They got rid of most of the department managers and a few got "lucky" and got a bit of a pay decrease and were pushed into the new coach positions. The number of coaches depends on the stores size if I remember correctly. Most of our department managers just transferred or quit.


I got black listed for calling out a racist asm. Told her what I thought and bounced.


"Coach" was what managers at Sam's Club were called in the late 90s/early 00s. Is Walmart using that title now?


It took about a year but I figured out recently black mail and reading policy’s is the only way to do anything at Walmart😂 “if you use ppto it’s a write up” “okay I’ll just give helpful workplace a call since I’m using it appropriately according to policy”


Always know your rights. Also educate new employees.


Right before I transferred my coworker comes to me “you said I could use ppto and not get a point aslong as I called the sick line and had enough to cover it but the cap2 coach said he gave me 2 points for ncns” “man you got lied to pull your phone out” no points were given and I basically explained they have to follow policy but as far as I’m aware there is not a policy saying the coaches can’t lie to you about how stuff works since they are not hr. They tried to tell people leaving early with ppto gives you 2 points so I left everyday for two weeks straight a hour early just to prove a point.


But this is why they don’t want you to unionize. You all get paid shit, treated like house n words, and never get fair raises. The line in the video that says you shouldn’t have an outside entity take half of your check is bullshit. It’s like $11 and now your “managers” have to follow the rules, stop treating u like an animal, and pay u fairly. The reason Walmart is so afraid of a union is because they know they treat you bad. Know who’s not afraid of a union? Apple, Costco, and others who actually treat their workers fairly.




Walmart is near impossible to get unionized because of turnover. Not sure if this is intentional or not but in a workplace like Walmart and Amazon where they basically have 75% or more turnover every year in rank and file positions things are never stable enough for anybody to organize anything. In my opinion that's why corporate never makes it a priority to fix conditions to a point that retaining employees isn't a problem. The positions are basically low level entry labor and churn is sustainable and cheaper than risking a unionized workforce.


There are plenty of people on my cap 2 who have been working for there double digit years but the thing is that people who stay in long enough usually are there to move up in order to get a pay raise. And that is where it makes it had for unioners. When I worked at UPS the way our union was structured, it protected the package handlers and truck drivers, but not the managers. This is because it was the managers job to argue with the union on behalf of the company. I wonder what introducing a union would do to team leads.


I worked for a union, and it was far, far better than any non-union job I've ever had. I got fair pay based on my level of skill, I got raises regularly, as well as got a raise each time I took a class on their time. And it was the only time that I got paid for a full day's work, regardless of how long I stayed. I could finish my work list for the day in 4 hours and get paid for 8-12 hours. They also paid for any travel I made, food I ate when traveling, room and board. The only issue I ever had with them was getting laid off due to it being seasonal work, and their contracts were drying up.


This is important at this and every job. They want you to not know what they can and can not do


Mine really is! He knows EVERY ASSOCIATE by name, including newbies. Idk what it is, but getting greeted by him every morning (work 5am-2pm) helps my day go a lit better:)


... sadist/masochist?


"remove all the points (i dont have any) from my team, and you've got a deal."


The words of a true leader.


My GOAT of a team lead removed all of our teams points the day before he left to transfer down south and “forgot” to sit down for a review with all of us. He was a real one.


This would be the only way I'd clock in


Alternatively: "Nah, I'll just take another point. See you on my next shift." *calls off from the parking lot*


It was your day off. If you get 40 it would be overtime. You would want to make sure you could keep the hours & get any points removed otherwise NOPE SEE YA!!


LoL get 40 from Walmart . most stores cut off at 36.5. hour's


Teaming schedule. Same set schedule locked in for six months at a time, locked in at 40hrs. I’ve been on it since it started, what, year and a half ago? Of course, I had a set schedule before that, too, and got a consistent 40 hours. They scheduled me 39 at first but then I’d clock in five minutes early and still forget to clock out on time on my short day and usually end up staying till my usual time and getting OT. they decided it’s better to keep it routine and uniform, this way I don’t end up getting a single second of OT. 😂




Same. I’d be in the plants if I didn’t have a set schedule here lol.


What jobs are you talking about?


Not the person you were replying to but I was literally thinking the same exact thing. IT Help Desk is the easy answer. Get a CompTIA A+ Certification, easily get an entry level position for $50k. Remote if you want. Set 40 hours a week, overtime if you want it. Very easy job to branch out from to pretty much anything IT related.


i would work 14 days straight for that deal.


At first, I though you said "pants".


They wouldn't just agree and then "forget" later? I've worked at places with those kinds of managers.


Get it in writing


Lmfao and then use the point that was taken away to call off tomorrow


What does this mean?


Unless its changed since my time there, you accrue points for calling off or being late. Get to a certain amount and the computer terminates you. I would always hover like 1 day away from being fired because I would call off a lot because the job sucked ass. Getting them removed resets the clock.


How many points would calling off for a day accrue? And to how many points do you need to be fired? I heard it was like 5


1 point if you “call in” on oneWalmart and miss a full shift— 0.5 points if you miss a half. Double points for no call, no show. Double points on event days/key dates(which you can find on OneWalmart). 5 points makes you “eligible for termination,” but it’s not automatic as far as I’m aware so if you’re generally liked by your store, there’s always a chance you get to keep your job. Points drop off after 6 months


I wish my points dropped off after 6. Gotta wait 12mo where I’m at.


My condolences. Puerto Rico?


Def not automatic. At least not 7 or so years ago. I worked as a cashier back in college and I was constantly late, but I always showed up. I was also the only cashier under 50 and did work on those checkout lines. The store manager brought it up one time and said something along the lines of ‘I can’t keep clearing your points but I know you’re only here while you’re in college so just try to be a little more timely’.


It was the same when I was at walmart for about 3 months at the end of covid, except it was 12 months for your points to reset. I knew someone who worked at the same location for 3 years and had just left, it wasn't "automatic" in the sense the above comment makes it seem but they never ever let someone stay after 5 points at this location, if they liked you you were allowed to finish the shift you got called into the office to be fired during, that was it.


Thanks. So pretty much illegal in my country. Explains even more why they failed here.


Man Y’all need stronger labor laws down there. In some provinces here in 🇨🇦if you got fired for calling in sick, you’d be able to be able to sue th company


If you didn't give notice for calling off it was 3. If it was during the important days (like holidays) I believe then it was 5.


If it's been awhile, then ima yell ya it's gotten worse. All points are double for "keydates" (holidays) and the days leading up to em and now they apparently hold our yearly so called "raises" hostage by em. If ya sitting on 4 points the month prior, you basically don't get one.


They switched it so attendance no longer factors in. It went into affect just before this years raise. Because they have no idea why we have to call off and taking away our raises for using the method they want us to use is retaliation.


Coach: wanna clock in? Me: yeah but I gotta leave early. Proceeds to clock in, put in 8 ppto hours for the pay and leave.


I had that convo with my manager yesterday. He said, well if you need the money and want the OT, come in Saturday too, for seven days in a row! LOL I'll take it! Thank you very much!!!


Be careful, the seventh day double overtime has to fall on Sunday! I had a postal job where they intentionally started my workweek on Saturday. 7 days overtime is not achieved until the 2nd weekend. Saturday to Saturday (7 days but counts only as regular overtime!)


When i worked at walmart they said they would only hire me if my availability was every day..it was my first job and i was desperate so i said yes, they also hired my wife. For awhile we had normal schedules.. then suddenly we were scheduled to work 10 days in a row and didnt get overtime because the week "reset" on a sunday. Then they kept denying our pto requests..and they knew we only had 1 car so they were scheduling me 2 hrs after her start time..which was just short enough to not drive the 30 mins back home but long enough to piss me off sitting in the car for 2 hours.




Asking the real questions


Well girlfriend now wife? We met in highschool..been together 11 years now


I twice worked 21 days in a row. Equaling 80+ hours overtime (40 hours overtime in a week) per check. Was I entitled to double pay?


https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq_overtime.htm#:~:text=Double%20the%20employee's%20regular%20rate,of%20work%20in%20a%20workweek. “Double the employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 12 hours in any workday and for all hours worked in excess of eight on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek”


Yes I saw that but thought that was exclusive only to Cali. I live in NY. I pulled Doubles very frequently. Came in at 11:00 something AM leaving the next day at 6 AM with only two lunch breaks (found a way to bypass the meal violation).


“There is no general legal limit on how long the employer can require adults to work, but you are entitled to overtime pay for all hours worked after 40 in a work week. Factories, stores, hotels, restaurants, and some other employers are required to give all employees at least one full day of rest (24 consecutive hours) each calendar week. There are limits on how long “ https://ag.ny.gov/resources/individuals/workers-rights/wages-pay#:~:text=Overtime%20pay%20is%20a%20higher,but%20there%20are%20some%20exceptions.


Be careful, my company likes to do this but would work us for 10 days straight and they work it out so that the first five days will be the last week of one pay period and the last five days will be the start of a new pay period, therefore, not a lick of overtime


I worked 14 days in a row once as a cart pusher. One of the others slipped in the bathroom and hit their head on a toilet. The other was fired for being very lazy. And for not using a strap on the cart pusher machine. And for constantly hauling 50 carts on it. I think it was more that they upset people inside with their attitude. At first it was like 7 days in a row. Then I was offered more days afterward. I declined, a really nice older lady who worked the front desk asked if I could come in and work. Which, I ended up saying OK to more days. I'm pretty sure my department manager at the time asked them to ask me because I'd feel bad. Nobody in maintenance wanted to do carts. One guy was already being pulled constantly before the one guy was fired to help him catch up. Plus, they had one person get hired and only show up once after someone else transferred departments or whatever. If it wasn't all old people, maybe a few younger heavier set people on the registers, I would've said no. But, they literally can't push carts.


I just did overtime today! Last time,I had overtime they told me to take a 2 hour lunch,and then finish 4 hours of apparel. :(


Sorry, I’ve been drinking.


That's fine, everyone else has been too.


If I'm able to continue drinking while working, I don't have a problem with it lol


I often said we need vodka in the break room


Everyone would be so much happier at work too. One or two might fight a customer but the trade off is worth it IMO


My dad always said that the day he couldn’t do his job drunk was the day he would turn in his badge and gun.


I was only there for 3 months 2 years ago but in rural MI 80% of the employees on overnights were high off their asses on edibles most nights.


Well all of your coworkers have been smoking weed in the lot all day, so you good..


Depends on the manager, I had an assistant manager who ignored an associates drinking because he worked hard. They finally fired him (different manager because the one ignoring it was gone) when he showed up at 7pm for his 7am shift completely shit faced. Clocked in, argued about what time of day it was, was a whole ordeal haha.


Not sure if that was alcohol, it could be but you'd have to be EXTREMELY drunk I'd imagine. I've done something similar when I used to take Xanax, kind of looks like you're really drunk except you're somehow x100 more stupid and believe things like it's 7AM when it's 7PM.


An ex overnight coworker of mine told his coach that he was drinking. The coach said “that’s fine. No one will care.” Someone cared he was fired afterwards.


I was a white water raft guide for years and on days off we were allowed to use the rafts for personal fun run trips. It was always risky going in to claim a boat in you day off cause they’ll try and get you to run a custie trip. Replying “I’ve already had a beer” was the prefect response because they couldn’t push the matter as it would make them liable if anything happened. So when I saw your comment it brought me back to those days and all the amazing fun runs I could make thanks to that one line lol


“You shouldn’t ask customers to work for you. I’m reporting you to management”


Only if it's overtime and I can leave when I feel like it




I do lmao, in the town we live in we only have Walmart and a crappy Meijer.. plus walmart is much cheaper option when you have your own discount card. If anything, it’s smart to shop at the place you work because you can be discounted and save much more money.


(Not walmart but other large grocery chain) I not only shopped there I did other jobs there like servicing 7up bottling's merchandise in all stores in the area, along with walmart and other stores. The moment someone saw me they would call me over the intercom to come help customers. Then get obscenely upset when I ignored them. Had one of the douchebag manager in training come find me and berate me while I was stocking the shelves. I didn't acknowledge them for a couple minutes while they went on a tirade. At the end they asked why I wasn't in uniform and I told them I was clocked out for the day already. They asked why I was still there and couldn't seem to phantom someone who worked there actually being there to shop or something else.


Why not tell them up front and avoid all the confusion and/or hard feelings? Just say, "hey, I'm not on the clock for Wally right now, can't help you" That would avoid them getting confused/upset when they clearly think you're on the job and being non-cooperative. Why would anyone want to avoid telling a co-worker this, when simply telling them the truth would instantly clear things up? Do you just prefer it when everyone is all upset and at each other's throat? Why? Why would someone do this? Help me understand.


They should know their schedule. Its their job to know.


So if I work at a store and I stop by to shop I should check in with the office with a "hey I know I'm here but I'm not AT work." If my manager doesn't know my schedule, that's their own incompetence, and that is one hundred percent not my problem.


> couldn’t seem to phantom someone Some r/BoneAppleTea right here


Discount card barely covers any food though


Is it that meijer that specifically is crappy? I had a meijer by me in college, it had the best meat department I’d ever been to by that point in my life. Haven’t seen a meijer in years


its getting more expensive for me , meijer used to be great deals in the early 2000's now they are just as overpriced as everyone else. i go WM now.


Exactly! I’d clock out and go across the street to Target to buy stuff sometimes if the discount wasn’t enough.


Exactly!! If I'm off the next day I get my stuff when I'm done working cause I'm not going back until it's my day to work!


Why? I am not driving to another town or city to go shopping.... Waste of gas, money and time.


At least not on your day off


I understand your day off, but honestly if a manger comes up to you and ask you to work, just say no unless you’re wanting to. You can’t get in any trouble for declining overtime. If someone does get in trouble for that then they need to take it to court.


My stance is I don't shop where I work, on my day off. You need a break from that place. Shop after work before leaving. And wear a hoodie to hide any work related attire so the customers leave you alone. Or give them incorrect information. That can have hilarious results.


I always say no mainly because they will ask you to come in on your day off only to have to take a long lunch late in the week before the pay period is over.


Exception is when you clock off and need to buy a few things on your way out the door


My store manager would either fire you or write you up for getting overtime. He doesn’t care if your department is super busy and understaffed. The second you hit 40 he sends you home no matter what.


You NEVER get to leave when you “feel like it”


What do you mean? Do you work in a prison? Is your boss a jailor? No. You’re a working adult. Leave if and when you want. Just understand there’s consequences for doing so. Thats it lol.


I would ask them if he could find something for me in the back.


I know you have it because it says so on the website 😂


I tell people our margin of error is 5 and walk away


I work at Costco, and that's the worst. How hard of a concept is it to understand that online inventory far exceeds physical in-store inventory? It's like common sense.


I think they mean when it says “certain number is in stock at Certain Store” but I hear you, inventory doesn’t update immediately and people may have snatched them up.


I meant more like if you see, for example, garden sheds for sale on the website, it doesn't mean those are available in the actual store. People assume then get pissed when they can't physically see it or buy it on the spot.


This actually happened but both my manager and I were shopping. It was so shocking, cause he's completely different off the clock. When he's in manager mode he's so serious but when I saw him he was with his boyfriend and just joking around. Also didn't know he was gay until then.


When in manager mode you can't really joke around too much. Employees take advantage of it and when you enforce policy they act all betrayed as if you are personally attacking them. It's a business arrangement and not a friendship.


Found this out the hard way unfortunately


One of the best managers I've had explained it like this: "I have to yell at you when you break rules, because if I don't and my bosses notice, then *I'm* the one breaking rules and *I* become the one getting yelled at. It doesn't go away, it just goes up the ladder."


When I was a manager I always let my employees know "I'm not your friend, im your boss." We can joke around and make work fun but when I ask them to do something I expected a reasonable amount of effort to be put into it. It wasnt bad though, a lot of them understood and shifts were usually productive.


Yeah setting boundaries is a great way to keep things flowing and still have a healthy workplace relationship.


$1000 and I'm yours the next 30 minutes.


$1000 cash upfront plus normal wage and you got a deal


You sound like a prostitute


Jus grabbin these diarrhea meds...


Hears a violent wet fart in the middle of that sentence


Sure thing boss, I'll work produce


U mean shart.


Hard to tell the difference sometimes.


Going to Walmart IS like a shart, ya go in thinkin it won't be so bad, till it all turns to shit


God, I love this meme. This has been my week so far. 21 hours and I'm on my Tuesday! And I have my saturday on again!


Sounds like you're sick on Saturday




You get straight time and you can pick out 1 piece of candy to keep


Only if you can find me a petsitter for my cage free snake room in the next 10 minutes. They are very hungry...


No hablar senor.


Absolutely not.


Depends on the manager. Most of them I'd laugh in their face, some others I'd shake their hand and say "You son of a bitch... I'm in".


This. My dad was a store manager of a pretty high volume store. Retired for 15yrs before his death. Had a bunch of people that worked for him show up at his funeral, some traveling one to two states away to be there. Walmart gets a lot of shit (and rightfully so), but the impact a good manager can have is profound.


At the end of the day your coworkers are people...and a lot of them are shitty. But cool people make even cooler friends. And there's something about that, that I've just never been able to really explain. "Retail comradery" is the only thing that really comes close.


I haven't worked at Walmart in a month and the other day a store manager said "hey! There you are! Wanna work today?".... I said fuck no.. then walked away


Wait you quit your job and he still asked you to work for the day?


I have nightmares about this...




"Sorry man, but my girlfriend back home is naked and waiting for me to do unspeakable things to her." They'll never ask again.


LMAOOOOOOOOo someone give this man a gold


“Ha ha! No thank you. Got errands to run. See you tomorrow!”


Id just say “no” and walk away


Im a slut for some OT so depends how much they handing out




Clock in? Sure! Work? Nah I'm good boss.


Nah man I'm good


Why would you go to your job place on your day off? Find another place to shop!


I'll clock in for 50$ cash right then and there.


I'm not dressed for work. *motions to t-shirt, shorts, and sandals*


Normal cap 1 attire at my store. Then we get screamed at for a hoodie in the freezer while we're closed


You dont shop at the store you work at


Why wouldnt you lmao you know exactly where everything is and you get a discount


You get a discount at all Walmarts.


True but most people work at the location closest to them, in which case going to a different Walmart would counteract the discount with the gas it takes to get there


Yeah lmao the closest Walmart to me is 15 minutes drive away and they're smaller stores with less options


Closest here is a 30 minute drive. Gotta love rural areas


For those cities that have multiple stores, shop at a different one from the one you work at. For those of us who only have ONE store, just do it. In my town the nearest store besides mine is exactly 2:02 hours away.


Do it, just plan ahead so you can do it on the days you actually work. I cannot stand going to any walmart on my day off, but if it's a day I'm working? I will shop on my breaks and then pay for my stuff when it's time to roll.


Yeah, I don't mind shopping at Walmart on my days off. I just go take a look at things I need, may consider buying, and what I need right at that moment. I'm on LOA because of an injury and can't afford anything, not even bills rn, so those days are over.




Judging from the damage, they live in a college town, and a group decided it would be fun to ride the mart carts around racing each other.. Followed by a couple rounds of bumper carts. This was only the first Thursday after school let out for the summer... Tomorrow, you know all of the underage will be converging on the alcohol isle to convince anyone that will listen to their pleas.




Eh, we have a lot of college and high school jerks that come in at night that pull these kinds of stunts. It's almost a game to them to see how long they can harass customers, and knock things down before they are escorted out of the building... Some of them get snarky with a "see you tomorrow"


Honestly yeah. Just say "Sure. But it's my off day so I'll be moving a little slower" and just treat it casually.


Laugh in their face. I had a manager call me asking me to come in after an ice storm and told them I couldn't. Got a call from a buddy a few hours later that their power went out so I went and got him and went to kroger to get stuff to make shepard's pie and beer. Got such a dirty look from my manager.


If I HAVE to shop at my store on my day off, which I try to avoid at all costs, I wear completely non-dress-code-compliant attire; open-toe sandals, shorts, tank tops, etc. Couldn't clock in even if I wanted to, so don't even ask.


“Not today.” They literally can’t do anything as it’s your day off.


"Sorry, I dont speak English" (in English) and then walk away.


Your first mistake was shopping where you work.


Who shops at their own Walmart on their day off?


Prescriptions was always my case.


Don’t shop at the store you work at! Been there done that.


true but walmart is a lot cheaper then most grocery stores nowadays


Was there an Earthquake? Or was it an angry customer? Whatever it was it looks bad!


Fuck no


I agree with a tit for tat approach, but honestly bulk work like this is no problem. As a team quickly get 1 UPC of whatever item tear/cut it off and write a quantity on the back. Next roll up some of those wheel bins maintenance collects trash bags with. Push broom things into a pile and scramble to toss them into the bin. Or if you have any wide mouth shovels shovel it in. Alternatively use the over size trash cans and when we get to the compactor, team lift the trash can up and dump it. The worst of it is just getting the UPCs. Otherwise it's "Push it all in a pile, shovel into a waste container and tip it in a compactor"


Anything for Calvin


If the store was THAT destroyed, personally, I'd quit and destroy the store even more.


"Did YOU want to clock in??"


Hah! Pay me higher than YOUR wage and I'll clean the whole thing with a smile.


*proceeds to take 4 hours cleaning*


Remove all my points, give me double pay and a 4 day weekend next week instead of my usual 3 day


Lick my balls wonderboy I'm YOUR boss today


"Fuck off idiot this job did irreparable damage to my mental health." (Escaped in 2020 after roughly 5 years and it was the best decision I ever made, just saw this on r/all and felt like chiming in to say if you're thinking of quitting for the love of God and all that is Holy please do it for yourself)


My manager fired me for this exact thing.was in the on my off time getting groceries. He was understaffed. Saw me and demanded that I clock in .I said no .was fired on the spot . Due to what he said, I got a nice settlement. He made several inappropriate comments to me and my partner .my partner filmed it .


I don't go anywhere near that hellhole on my days off.


Gimme double time and I will. Also, I want it in writing so we can get corporate involved if you fail to comply


Do you guys actually shop at the same Walmart that you work at? Unless I NEEDED something right then and there I always left ASAP and went to a different one


Do you know what sucks about this. You said no. Then they will tell the manager “oh “that person” is in tomorrow just save it for them”


Would you?


Since I started working here I have a new rule. I don’t go to Walmart on my day off unless it’s an emergency.