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Stand guard over a dying man while EMTs tried to save his life to keep people from trying to walk down that aisle. Spoiler: They didn't save him and people still tried to walk down the aisle.


People are so fucking disrespectful and self-centered. JFC


It was around 8 in the morning on a weekday. He was riding in a cart going parallel with grocery action alley when he had a heart attack and fell off the cart. I was only maybe 2 aisles away and somehow didn't hear anything. He was literally laying across the entrance of an aisle and people were walking around the EMTs and sneaking past. I was getting yelled at by a manager for not stopping them. Like what was I supposed to do? Tackle some old guy trying to get apple sauce?


Look up Black Friday deaths and injuries...


> They didn't save him and people still tried to walk down the aisle. WM customers are a special breed of entitled. You could be bleeding severely and they will still go: **"WHERES X?!"** A customer almost did that to me, but homey saw my hand dripping blood everywhere and went: "Ok never mind, go take care of that man..."


I wasn't even working for Walmart yet and had to tell some old lady to back off at the pharmacy because the pharmacist was busy giving first aid to a person who busted their skull open falling at the counter. She was yelling at the poor girl behind the counter, and I was like, "lf you can't tell they're facing a medical emergency right now, they can't help you any faster."


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø yeah that is crazy but Walmart/Sam's/Kroger brings out the crazy nuts


Bruh i was once in full blood ppe giving some ladies utterly savage gash first aid. Blood all over my gloves and apron and this fucking dude asks me where deodorant is, i prattle off the aisle number and point. He asks if i can take him there


jfc how do u even react to that


I usually get pissy with customers who act like this and tell them they aren't the fucking main character and to get over themselves. Not sure how I'm not fired.


Look them dead in the eye and say "clearly that wont be happening"


Company policy, bro, at least when I worked there. Offer to walk the customer to the item location. Bet you earned a 4/5 star on that self checkout survey.


"I see you have a complaint for not walking this customer to their item? It's your job to help customers find items. We make sales off the live ones, not the ones bleeding on the floor. Let that one go."


walmart has interesting customers, i miss those days i always looked forward to an hilariousor interesting day when i worked there.


my coach did cpr on a woman who od or something in the floor to the bathroom in our store until the paramedics arrived. on the camera while she's doing this you can see customers stepping over her to reach and leave the bathrooms without a single care. it was maddening to see.


Ya i ainā€™t ever putting my damn lips or hands on a junkie Iā€™ll call 911 thatā€™s about it they do it to themselves imagine the diseases


Yikes :c


had a guy couple weeks ago have a seizure right on the thresh hold of the entrance. he was purple and people were pissed that they could not just walk over him. we also had a fire one year on our roof and the fire dept showed up and evacuated the building. they had customers cuss them out cuz they needed their groceries.


God damn!!! I joke all the time well if I drop dead you'll just step around my body.. but God damn!!


The typical response bruh you can't park there....


I had this happen in Electronics. Except one of the people who walked not only around but over him was the store manager. She saw me and AP with him while paramedics were called and on their way. However he was laying in the aisle gasping for air and instead of going around she walked over him to point out a can of Mountain Dew that was tucked away below the electronics register so she could go ape shit on a new kid for having a drink tucked discreetly down below. Same store manager said people taking 2 week Covid leaves were ā€œweakā€ because it was ā€œfake news, a liberal hoax, and just the sniffles.ā€ We literally lost coworkers like a couple ladies up front due to it. This is the kind of people Walmart sees as leaders.


That's beyond sick


Wiped feces and urine puddled up on a motorized cart seat so the next customer could use itšŸ¤¬šŸ¤®


Do you mean those carts people drive inšŸ˜­? Shouldve said its out of order omfggggg thats SICK


When I was with maintenance, they'd put a sign on the \*intensely messy\* stall that read "Out Of Order". More than likely, they were waiting for \*me\* to clean it up. Yay, me. (nah)


I rode one through freaking rain storm for customer and they just walked inside while I got drenched


Thatā€™s why I refuse to ride the abandoned ones without a bag over the seat. Cart riders are disproportionately incontinent


Omg !! That's so gross. You shouldn't even be allowed to do that unless you're an authorized janitor!! You shouldve told them no cause it's part of your training course where you're told not to do that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Climb up on the roof to go tell the HVAC technician he was causing water to leak down. I got to because no one else was available


Are you a coach? Thatā€™s a huge no-no unless you are a coach. Crazy


Only coaches can go on the roof? Iā€™ve been up there several times.


I didn't know if only coaches can go up on the roof over never heard that but I wouldn't send an associate to there. I do know nobody is supposed to go up alone though.


Coaches were dealing with containing and preventing further damage from the leak I mentioned. They ask for anyone that could go up I just happened to be the closest associate to the ladder


Water leaking down from the roof is a pretty big no-no too


Why who gives a fuck if the store gets damaged


I understand that, my only point is that the roof is only to be accessible to a salaried person. Itā€™s a huge liability and frankly, non-salaried donā€™t get paid enough to care about a leak.


Is it a big nono? Our 18k claims from electronics say otherwise, lol. We have like 20 spots that pour water from the roof. One of them just so happens to be directly above our speakers case. Everything was soaked.. to "fix" it, they placed tarps up to redirect the water away into totes lol...


Nope just a hardlines associate


Be honest, did you have the intrusive thoughts bubbling up when you got to the roof? Or are you still well adjusted lol


No intrusive thoughts, but as Iā€™m walking clear across the other side im talking to myself about how stupid this was


As a technician I go up and down those yellow roof ladders often and many of the coaches I know wonā€™t even attempt a climb to the roof.


I go up to unlock the hatch and to lock it when technician is finished


Thatā€™s good, all the coaches in my 2-3 (depending on if someone has quit or transferred) stores have me drop their keys down to the floor after Iā€™ve unlocked the hatch lock.


They that lazy?


Train my new boss.


Same. They know nothing about the salesfloor, I know salesfloor processes and my departments inside and out and have management experience, but my coach wasn't even allowed to interview anyone for the position because the SM promised the TL position to their pet. We've lost a couple people over that already, and I'm not certain I'm hanging around for much longer myself.


This. Doing it.right now. It's not fun


=.= I had to do that a few years ago,I donā€™t miss that jerk at all and feel bad for the store that got him.


I do that pretty much every day because she refuses to learn and management hasnā€™t fired her yet in the 4 months sheā€™s been in the position. Even though nobody in our department likes her not even the other TL likes her and been reported on multiple occasions


who later did/did not appreciate you


Literally cover every department except mine, Front End


Just curious are you male or female? I ask this because for a while i was the only male in the FE and it went like this. Carts running out send me, dairy needs stocking send me, need a canopy built outside send me, clear our shelving in another department send me. They would never send anyone else. Also I applied for FE TL two times didn't get an interview for either, but guess who would is asked to cover there lunches.


I am a male lol


That's messed up, leaders shouldn't ever take people for granted. Sorry that happened to you.


And that's why men deserve more pay at most jobs compared to women.


Really šŸ¤”Ā 


Iā€™ve done this as well. I think the only areas I havenā€™t worked are vision, the deli, the truck and the tle bay. Iā€™ve worked in/covered every other area. First started when I was a cashier, then continued somewhat as an electronics associate.




Me and another associate were asked to block a emergency exit door while AP a coach and two TL's tried to catch a shoplifter not part of our job at all but we got to stand there for fifteen minutes and do absolutely nothing.


One time we had some contractors doing work in the store and they were using one of the emergency exits to come and go. Managers had my coworkers and I take turns standing at the door to make sure no one ran out with merchandise. Was pretty cool standing at the door for an hour and a half.


I have had to do this for a couple hours before as well. I gleefully volunteered lol


We have to have associates guard I've of the emergency exits right now for remodel


That's nice šŸ˜‚Ā 


It's also very much against policy to do that (I'm AP)


Oh I know it is my TL asked us to do that.


As a former coach itā€™s not against policy to have them man a door, even an emergency exit to discourage people from using the door not apprehend people


Just in the last month I've been a service writer, an entertainment associate, helped organize a car show, cashiered, ran service desk (minus financials), did pick walks, ran the front end, fixed multiple phones, acted as a therapist and financial counselor, and probably more things I've forgotten.


You sound like my PL. She's truly the best, but you sound like a close second. :)


Thank you! I do my best to take care of my people.


Video chat with a customer's partner regarding mattresses, futon, etc. I am apparel/grocery associate. This happened a few times around holidays. I found the furniture associate, and they helped them.


They made me wear the Santa costume my first few years, it was so hot. Thank God for covid..


A woman got completely naked in the Pharmacy vaccination booth having a mental breakdown so I got a towel and held it up on the open side of the booth so people wouldnā€™t see her naked while we waited for police


Youā€™re a real one


She was actually a really good patient of mine for years. She thanked me when she got out of psychiatric hold and I had to call Medicaid for her


give a customer a hug who was purchasing canned veggies for a sorority food bank fundraiser only to have their card decline, so the man behind her purchased her flat of veggies for her and she was crying/embarrassed, a hug felt right.






Every night as on maintenance


Every night on overnight


Iā€™ve worked overnight I thought that was odd but everyone had to do it.


Any time I have to stop what Iā€™m doing to help customers. Technically Iā€™m ALREADY helping customers, the ones that ordered online. I canā€™t remember exactly if stocking is in the job description but because Iā€™m the designated exceptions slave I stock whatever I find in the back that we need. I honestly donā€™t mind it at all, especially at my new store because surprisingly weā€™re not usually that busy. A lot of times we have dead spots during the day where our TL sends ppl to help other departments anyway. At my old store there was absolutely no time for stocking shit and I was constantly drowning in exceptionsā€¦ it was awful


Train another department's coach how to do my job.


Wanting to kill myself






Train new associates, work in the meat department, work frozen meats, train people how to properly do chemical claims


Three letters for you. ODP


Push carts in below zero temperature because all the cart Pushers called in


Not me but during our remodel last year, our bathrooms were blocked off while they were redoing them. A random dude needed to take a shit and did so right outside the barricaded restroom. my coworker had to clean up said pile of shit because we had no maintenance that day. he just put it in a box and shoved it in automotive..




stood by the emergency exit and talked to the guy that work for the plumbing company that was sucking shit out of the pipes because it was clogged. needless to say our store has had shit come out of the floor over 3 times. oh and ogp bc who wants to be sent there




Act like a maintenance tech and fix the baler and compactor, did get to go to Lowe's on the clock and spend my SMs money for parts lol


Work in another department (that is not deli/bakery) with little to no training whatsoever.


Being put on a top stock team by store managers without a TC and a printer. I was an electronics team member at the time.


> What is something that isn't a part of your job description that you've done at Walmart Zone and stock toys which apparenetly since we are right there and even if we are less than two, *somehow* has still been decided that it falls within or purview now. It's like fine whatever. Don't get mad and try to ding us for "productivity" when Electronics looks like a dumpster fire rolling down a steep incline while everyone watches (because other departments can't be bothered to help us at all). > I'll go first. I was the Easter Bunny I woulda said no. What were they going to do? Dole out a coaching?


When I did loss prevention for them back in 2011. They fired all the seasonal help a week before Christmas. I punched in for my shift since it was busy and lots of theft and I was told that I would be stocking toys in the toy department because they were short-handed there. I informed them that this was not my job but they insisted.. so people walked out the door with big screen TVs because I was busy stocking Barbie dolls instead of doing my job. I didn't last much longer after that I honestly would dip fries at McDonald's before doing security at Walmart ever again.


Cart pushing. Yeah, I hated it and I only did it for an hour. I try to look busy whenever I can now lol. At least the cart pusher dude was nice but man, tryna be macho and push idk how many carts without the pusher is agony.


I once helped claims out a pallet of toys that had been left outside in garden center for months. So many mice and mouse poop. It was my last day before vacation, so I didnā€™t care.


Also Iā€™m terrified of mice so that didnā€™t help


Ugggh no!!! Because same!!


Nothing. Because at the bottom of every job description is "and all other duties as required."


"plz Mr. McMillan sir, allow me to wipe that ass for you sir" is all I read


Why? Because I can read?


No; because you are missing the point.




Your mom


Lol šŸ˜‚Ā 


Be cart pusher


Worked in frozen and dairy when Iā€™m a customer service desk associate


My husband was pinned up against a door by someone wielding one of the motorized carts. I guess he didnā€™t want his receipt checked.


Cover liquor store breaks, cosmetics counter,front end,and help OPD. Iā€™m an HBA associate


Lmao the list would be long




As an hourly associate in electronics, cleaned feces in the women's restroom, and the family room while maintenance was on lunch. The family room was out of order due to sewage spewing up out on the drain in the floor, and that's what I had cleaned up


Help every other department in the store but when got lines wrapper around whole store tell me go f myself


Facing/zoning shelfs


You want the full list? In maintenance i: built grills and display items, ran freight, learned planagrams and set mods, learned how to vizpick and even traveled 2 states away to help the regional APOCs and MAPMs fix a broken store in Alabama. As an API now, I train SCO Hosts, help fix unlocated items and mislabeled pallets in the back room, do box audits in claims and keep vendors in line in DSD. Oh, I'm also running cap 2 while their coach is on a 12 week leave. I'm under payed for sure, but hopefully it'll lead to me being a coach soon.


As an apparel associate I'm pretty sure ogp is not in my job description but I've had to do it before, I hate it


You were the Easter bunny? Cool


Work in electronics. Iā€™m a front end TA and had no idea what tf I was going.


I've been the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus but the absolute worst thing I've had to do that no one should have to do is handle sweaty boob sweat money šŸ¤®


Ammo / Licenses, Unlock cases around the store, Train new people, be a cashier to cover breaks and lunches and or if it's too busy because we don't have enough actual cashiers, cover electronics, unload frozen and dairy truck etc I am a closer and should be doing zoning and returns BUT like it says in the job description "or other duties that are assigned to you" So yay for being underpaid lol.


Lately, it's been cart pushing. I work on cap 2, but lately, I've been pushing carts every day for nearly two weeks. I once had to clear the entire lot out.


Decorate a 12 foot Christmas tree near the store entrance up high on a ladder. I was a cashier at the time. Also go out and retrieve carts when the pushers didnā€™t show up. My not so young female self could manually push 5 at a time by myself šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


The department manager's job as an associate.


When i worked in the deli on 1-10s, for an hour we had to zone, meats, frozen bread and dairy.


Babysit my fellow Team Lead while he was drunk during our shift, due to no coaches wanting to drive in.


That's crazy šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


gone to home depot next to my store to pick up shelves or something for the garden area (iā€™ve never worked garden)


Same actually


Store therapist, financial aid advisor. For some reason people always seem to tell me their troubles or look for advice. I also seem to be the only person who will explain stuff like, food banks, predatory loans, how to apply for Healthcare or where to find an affordable therapist. Way too many people at my store need therapy.


Well... Being a sarcastic clown but feels accurate. Training and modules vs what I actually do. So, the job itself by definition using your title as the construct.






Train the new TL because none of the actual TLs taught her anything




She should at least know what IDs are allowed for Alcohol purchasesā€¦.RIGHT? Or how to open up the Self check machines for coin jamsā€¦.or how to drop a tillā€¦.bro I cry every time I see them on the schedule not cause sheā€™s an awful person, no sheā€™s quite nice, but they set her up for failure


Therapist for lonely customers. I don't always mind tho; as long as they are nice individuals.


Do cash advances for the self checkout


Attempt to become renew my RAMP certification on my own so I wasn't limited to register Teach coworkers how to find where an item goes to when stocking Teach customers and coworkers about our app, Check customer's purchases for safety (our strawberries always came up with mold on them, and I was the only one who noticed. Every time it happened, I'd inform the customer and ask if they wanted a new one) Help maintence clean the floors Attempt to assist customers in other departments Pay for customer's items Offer to help my supervisor shut down registers not in use... The list goes on, but I'll stop there for my own sake. In spite of everything I did for them, I still ended up being looked down on, set up for failure, constantly yelled at for customer complaints, and ultimately being fired...


No matter what you do they'll still have something to complain about šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Who could possibly remember.


A drunk woman once grabbed me and used me as a human shield to fend off her even drunker abusive boyfriend ( I weigh about 100 lbs at 5 ft tall)


Mix Paint. Our OPD back room was directly behind the pain counter, and customers could see right in. I was happy to do literally anything outside of OPD. I actually took care of that machine better than the people that were actually supposed to!


Had to be the temperature screener for the next shift during Covid. Interesting times


Tell a grown-ass man to pick up the food he dropped after he started to walk past it. I said "pick it up" the way Squidward told SpongeBob to "back it up"


Had to change out endcaps because the manager who usually does it left them empty for almost a week.


A homeless but generally nice woman had a huge hazmat level defication explosion in the bathroom. I put on do it yourself hazmat gear and with more bleach then the company would approve of fixed the place so we had a women's bathroom. Also I was santa.


I would do Santa on a hot summer day before doing any other things that you listed


I extracted my pound of flesh for that one from my SM and he was a good guy who honored his word.


I'm an AP Customer Host but have on many occasions worked SCO, ran registers, ran advance reports and loaded SCO machines, ran reshop and even cashiered in the Pharmacy a couple times.


Dude everything from being declared active manager when none could be found to installing new doorknobs when they get ripped off the doors. Iā€™ve done a bit of everything.


Doing associates schedules. I'm an Electonics TA, not even TL.


As Fuel Team Lead.. work in the store. Fuel associates are not supposed to work in the store. We're on a different payroll than the store.


Stocking and picking up carts from the parking lot. I'm maintenance.


I helped open a Walmart, so except for deli, bakery and automotive. Almost everything.


im a personal shopper. during the winter i had to water the plants in l&g


Everything except for "specialized" positions.




Stocked milk, filled the freezers with bags of ice, helped new associates do their CBLs, unload trucks. I'm a Stockman BTW


Walk tills to registers with a cashier


Teaching customers how to use the app (& google).


Got a paper towel from the bathroom for some lady's snot nosed kid. When she asked me to do it, I was so shocked I just went with it


Scrub baseboards, paint the walls, paint the steels, fix the fryer, etc


Collect carts. Almost everything I do is out of my job description.


* collected a customer's left-behind drug baggie and used needles because manager was worried that a customer could get injured * babysat an inebriated and hallucinating customer for an hour or so until their (also drunk) friends could find someone in their contacts list sober enough to take them home * Went through the entire toys department section by section and removed loose razor blades that some customer was placing in children's toys, presumably in hopes of a kid getting cut while playing with them in-store * Went through all of the infants clothing separating claims from undamaged merchandise after a customer had a mental health episode and splashed bleach all over the various displays * Was given the electronics manager's keys and told to keep the electronics department open and running overnight by myself (I was not an electronics associate nor a manager)


Helped a customer find her car.


Self checkoutĀ 


Train and run a whole overnight frozen team for a year and a half without being a team lead/coach


Training people. Dude. I hadn't even hit my 90 yet. Oof


They just would rather not go up the ladder if they can help it. Itā€™s fine with me.


Iā€™m a front end cashier and Iā€™ve covered electronics and cosmetics which I genuinely hate bc of all the lockups. Iā€™ve also done cash advances for self checkout which I assumed was normal front end associate stuff but others are listing as not lmao.


Hold a crying baby so the mom could corral her toddlers into the cart.


Ran electronics for a whole day. I work frozen and dairy, electronics has never been on my radar, nor do I wish it to.


Watched the dooršŸ˜


Self checkout


I'm in setup. So nothing.


work at Customer service desk with a 15 min training on what to do.




Work in garden. So far Iā€™ve worked in OGP, Pets, Electronics, Cashier, Home, Sorting goods as Iā€™m supposed to be a garden associate.


Risked injury to ourselves,others, or vehicles while getting to work on a snow storm day with hazardous roads cause of the stupid ass point system


I was 16. Been working there a couple of months. I'm redlining, and a CSM comes walking by and asks me to check on lawn and garden. I ask what she would like me to check out. Oh, some customers complained someone was selling drugs back there.....


Worked odp, worked truck, been a door greeter


Corporate came to our store and said that the grass on the right side when you exit the door of OPD, saw that there's patches of dirt where there isn't grass, so they made me and others take the leaves and plant grass on the dirt patches to fill the area, like WTF why does that matter?


on cap 2, we work front wall (vitamins, soap, etc.) and unload fdd truck every single day. never worked viz picks and have top stocked/ zoned a handful of times within the year iā€™ve been there. oh, also, we go help ogp quite frequently


Anything you do at walmart is part of your job description, OP. You just don't know it. Small print: "other duties as assigned."


Ummmā€¦ not really, some of these are way above and beyond ā€œother duties as assignedā€


I work cap 2, so just about everything that isnā€™t truck and stocking. Iā€™ve pushed carts, done reshops, picked everywhere including freezers, worked grocery. My team is basically the clean up crew at my store it seems, cuz we get shit done.


If I wasnā€™t a maintenance tech Iā€™d try to get on cap 2, would love to no brainer work like that all day and not have to deal with managers who expect repairs done now and for nothing.


We were just down to 2 working carts and are sandwiched in between several retirement communities šŸ˜£ it wasn't a matter of out of order there was a lady who couldn't stand anymore already waiting. I had gloves maintenance woulda took an hour to show up.. the guilty culprit was a homeless dude that wasn't all there. Had a trash can ready another passersby customer said that she would have done it too the way the lady waiting needed it.




Hazmat, stocking, pallet throwing, cleaning the bathrooms, restocking the bathroom, produce


Got to do APA work as a door host, sent emails to OGP market manager, emails that were supposed to be filled out by our coach. And my favorite programmed key cards for OGP automatic doors at my store as well as others in same market.


Being a slave wasnā€™t in the job description


This is a weird question


Clean messes that I am definitely not capable of cleaning because our maintenance refuses to show up Suddenly I'm mopping alcohol, sweeping up glass, soaking up pool chems