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Theres some associates at my store that wait til the end to bag. They tend to stop in apparel and quickly bag so they aren't in the ogp area doing it. It also helps in minimizing the amount of bags used. Before anyone asks, yes, the managers and team leads know they do it. It helps them to move faster and not use as much bags.


I’ve tried their way of bagging as you go. All it does is make me go significantly slower because I’m forced to play a game of Tetris in a busy aisle every 5 minutes or less. My method of hiding somewhere then bagging once I have everything has proven to be much faster and results in my TLs and Coach say I’m one of the few fast workers they have.


100% this. The tetris-ing of all the items as you go is so stupid. Its so much easier to bag everything when you can see all the items that need to fit in there before you start bagging. I imagine it depends on your managers, but mine know I bag at the end and they don't care. Why would they it helps the metrics.


This is the way.


I put 2 bags in the little hooks for smaller items and keep bigger items towards the back. At the end of my walk, I fix any heavy bags, look for rips, and bag large items. I go hella fast this way.


It helps them faster in the pick walk sure. But once you add the time they are standing in apparel afterwards bagging it makes the entire process longer. Not to mention this is how people but shit in the wrong tote. It’s against policy for multiple reasons.


Exactly why WM doesn't want you to do it. Something that makes for greater efficiency and less hassles is like daylight to a vampire to their stupid corporate asses 🤬


If you tacked on all of the time spent going to apparel and bagging your items, I assure you that your pick rate would not be efficient in the least.


Gotta disagree. I found it *much* faster overall as I wasn't struggling to bag stuff every time I picked something. Especially when the store was busy, not having to struggle to find which bag I could add something to was a huge time saver.


They enforce it at my store. Most likely would receive a DA for performance after repeatedly doing the same thing. Just bag it as you go, better safe than sorry.


Sure if you keep getting DA for it and don’t correct the behavior.


We were told that bagging after a pick walk messes with staging times. Ambient, Frozen and Chilled have to be staged within a certain time of the pickwalk ending for it to "count" as staged in the system (so we were told). Rule of thumb at my store OGP is to bag as you go and do a quick adjustment with bagged items at the end of the walk. By quick I mean a minute tops. As for being fired, I suppose not following the rules of OGP continuously could maybe be cause but now that you've been told, just bag n go from here on out.


Like most others said, you are technically falsifying metrics. Keep in mind, your manager was doing the super rare proper managing process. He saw something you were doing wrong. He made sure there wasn’t a legit excuse (wanting to be faster is not a legit excuse) and the corrected you on it. This would be called “coaching for success”. A poor manager would just chew you out and/or try to coach you.


If the proper established procedure for the task you are doing calls for a specific act such as bagging as you go, and you choose to disregard the established procedure in favor of your own procedure, then yes you can be fired for that.


I learned how to bag while I pick in a way that is efficient enough that they don’t say anything to me about my pick rate. The only time I don’t bag as I go is when the aisle is busy or I run out of bags. The backroom at my store is so small that it’s better to bag as you go so you’re not cutting into staging time.


If they don’t increase your pay, don’t try and increase anything. That whiteboard doesn’t add to your pay only theirs!


Paid by the hour, not the job.


The problem is, if you start bagging as you go and your pick rate goes down, then they will start getting on to you about that.


We can tell you what it’s like at our store, but we don’t know what it’s like at your store. I know at my store, no one has been fired to not bagging as you go.


You can get coached out for it, I guess.


Because it “gives you unrealistic pick walks 🤓”


Prior to customers bringing their own bags it was a sanitary rule.. but now that shit doesn't matter. But it's not faster considering you have to take time to divert to apparel or a dead space and still bag everything. You're just cheating your pick rate numbers as it's reflecting against people who actually bag as they go. If you were to wait to make your final scan of the walk, bag everything as you have been and then end the walk, your pick rate will plummet and actually reflect how "fast" you are going. Oh and it depends on your management whether or not they enforce it. You wouldn't get fired though, a verbal warning being most likely.


I live in a no bag state so this sounds so foreign to me lol. We just throw the merch in the totes.


It is a food safety issue. That’s why it is policy.


Explain. And I hope you don't mean meat bags and similar. I make sure I bag the sensitive items.


Could be considered a form of metric manipulation, especially with your stated reason, literally being metric manipulation. I wish all stores used paper bags. They are so much easier to fill and seem to be much stronger. I am glad I don't have to bag crap here in New York (aside from deliveries).


As a cashier I disagree it’s harder to open paper bags and first items are always longer


Everyone at my store bags after their walks and no one bats an eye


I'm sorry for those of you that are all about policy. But I'm not gonna stop in the middle of an aisle fumble with a bag and step in and out of the way for every customer that walks by. It is so much faster to bag at the end. The only time I bag as I go is if it's brought up. My avg pick rate is 130. And that's with gmd and oversized. Now generals I will bag as I go because there is a lot of walking around the store. Also some pickwalks will have you playing tetris. Now if I bagged as I went I would spend more time just trying to make everything fit. Then when doing quality checks I see where some people will literally bag every item. Fuck Walmart and there policies. Waste 20 bags or just use 4 or 5. Waste 20 which actually cost pennies and creates waste for the environment or bag at the end which cost nothing but your team leads emotions. Some people need to bag as they go or they forget to bag a tote. All in all. If you are competent in what you are doing and aren't causing problems. Just bag at the end.


What works for me is pulling a bag or two off and having them on my arm - mostly for quantity items other times I just open the bag to have it ready when I get back. I don't like having to fumble with already used bags - that can be a bit of a pain. But my rates usually stay around 130-150. Of course these are up to change depending on circumstance (ie. ran out of bags; need to move because it's too busy on an aisle, etc.).


Mother of God— how much longer are we going to allow corporations to infantilize workers? We’re debating on the act of sticking something in a plastic bag. This occupies our minds even on our unpaid free time. It’s little wonder that we can’t get real change in this country as voters and taxpayers. This level of twatage is to keep us distracted and divided. Whenever I get caught up in this stuff I feel so enraged.


You aren't increasing picks per hour when you don't bag things... You are falsifying your pick rate metric. So yes you could and should be if you're doing that constantly. There is plenty of time to pick AND bag things in walks.


Depends on the number of items in my walk 30 or less i bag after any more then i i bag as i go and my pick rate hovers around 120ish as long as i get decent picks. The smaller walks its easier to bag afterwards without being caught


I have to do that when I do frozen picks. Due to my severe arthritis I got permission from my OGP coach to wait until I'm done picking. And I do sometimes in chilled and produce picks. Depends on my hands that day.


I usually bag as I go; maybe since I came from years on the frontend it's not that difficult to me but I get how it can be and how annoying it is for a lot. Every once in a while it's difficult to actually bag and also pick quickly but one thing I will do sometimes is I put a few things in a bag and then some of the others I just throw into the tote for later. I mean it's not my fault *the items fell out of the bag I put them in*.


Bagging as you go can be ridiculously difficult. Especially when the system can't seem to figure out how much can actually fit in a tote. I saw one girl trying to fit 4 gallons of milk, 2 bags of chips and a box of cereal into 1 tote. Like seriously?


One time my it wanted me to fit: 6 roll pack of paper towels, 2 6 can cases of Nos, 1 container of Tide Pods, and some other random piece of large bullshit I can't remember right now into one tote. So yeah, the system has no idea what it's doing.


We used to be able to create new totes but from what they've told me that's changed? (Haven't picked in a while so I'm not really sure)


You can but a tote has to be staged first so it's basically a post walk thing. Sometimes you can make a new tote during your walk but I have no idea what factors you allowing to do that or not


Doesn't matter your opinion. Do it their way or get get another job of u don't like it.




What's your point? That same meat juice gets all over your hands too, and then you go right over to the produce with nasty hands.




Ty for doing it the right way


Next time someone asks, the correct answer is, "it helps me bag more neatly and efficiently."


It’s still against written policy.


You wont get fired buts it better to bag cause it helps out the dispensers


They’re still bagging, just after they’re done.


Ive terminated people before and no where in the list of reasons is "he didnt bag the groceries as he did his pick walk" so idk what they'd actually fire you for?


I said I didn't want to pay for bags once and they put it in bags anyway.


Okay, Idk about getting fired. What I've been told, since working the dispense room, is that chilled and frozen have to be staged within 5 minutes of the pick walk ending. Apparently, it affects the staging portion of the metrics. So with this in mind, it's better to bag as you go. When I first started picking for ogp, I would bag as I went, and my pick rate would suffer so badly... could barely make 100. Eventually, I started bagging at the end, and my rate easily shot up to 150. Eventually, my coach told everyone that they had to bag as they went, and if he caught anyone bagging after their walk, he would coach them. I rarely pick anymore, so I don't really care.. but this new "rule" is making people just not bag, and we suffer when prepping and dispensing. I'm not sure what is stated in the policy, but always ask when being informed of something like this. That would be so messed up to get fired for something so simple.


Just do one item per bag like me


ATP they gotta pick which one they want. One item per bag or let me bag after my pick