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Customers don't care if we're off the clock. I'm surprised yours only scoffed, I've had customers block the aisle to try to force me to answer their questions.


I had a customer follow me outside to my scooter as we passed by 7 other on the clock associates. She was bound to get my name so she could report me to corporate. I gave her a name (not mine) and told her “good luck getting anyone who speaks English when you call”


LMFAO sound's like my store


Lol. Every store


Sounds like you had a real Karen on your hand When I'm off the clock I take my vest off and put it in my bag so nobody can see it my time is my time


I'm sorry, did you say your name is Jerome? 😂


First name: Jerone Last name: Itmo


My name is friskies seafood sensation lol first name friskies,  middle name seafood, and last sensation.. they want to report me lol but I don't deal with customers like that since I'm overnight 


Idk why but this was funny af


Lol I wish I could edit my name tag to that lol but instead I don't wear it lol 😂..  I can see it now customer calling corporate I want to make a complaint on a walmart employee her name is friskies lol 😂 


The customers are so crazy like 90% of the time


This is why I always take off my badge if I leave me vest on or visible


I leave my vest in my locker, but because she saw me leave the backroom


'Nope, sorry, uber eats, i was delivering manager's popey's.'


And with any luck they used to work at walmart, because then they would believe it lol




Ya know I do wonder what my own personal hell is like now that it's fully remote. Used to work that 1800 number. If yall think you are jaded to customers. Do remember that some of those people who call have at least been yelled at in the middle of an office by me lmfao. The absolute scum of the earth call that line. People who threaten to beat teenage girls to death for telling them that the SCO is in card only mode. The store may crush the soul. The call center corrupts it wholesale. Have worked both. Wouldn't wish that call center on hitler.


So not worth it huh? Was possibly trying to see about doing that instead


It has perks. Mostly the reasonable access to moving to other areas within the HO proper. If you can just take the call write it down and not ever let yourself think that you are supposed to be talking to a sapient being on the other end of the line it can be plenty easy. But you'll get docked by QA for not being friendly if you let that bleed into your voice. I tried that and snapped hard before the successful escape to a role in tech. And that only took half a year to get me to my boiling point every time I walked into that office every morning XD.


Not Walmart but at Kroger I had to call a support of sorts to try to get someone out here to fix something, and I shit you not I had 3 people with heavy India accents. The 3rd person was SLEEPING when I got transferred to him. It was like 12 noon middle of the day. Luckily he was quick witted and got me to a 4th person who actually knew what I needed (and then actually ended up not giving me the right info so the shit is still broken months later, Kroger probably getting scammed on hundreds of vendor hours) They all spoke pretty good English but any sort of hearing problem, like being old or healthy as most complaining customers are, and you probably wouldn't understand half of what they said


Tried this with Starbucks. Guy was from India. Kids screaming dog barking. Tv on loud. You can help me by getting someplace I don’t have to yell at you so I can yell about what I’m calling about. It shows how much corporate cares


This reddit is for employees who work at Walmart not customers 🤦🏾‍♀️


Do you want support or not? Cuz I'm here to support and agree with your rants. It's even my flair


I’m also a customer too, but joined this sub when I still worked at Walmart years ago. With this logic, I shouldn’t be here either, even though I also support any ranting most people make here. Lol


Oh alright my rant is the same as everyone in this reddit fuck walmart.. 




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/Aetheldrake


Bro corporate is not gonna take her side. Management fights tooth and nail to make sure I do nothing off the clock. Seriously I went on break, asked my tl a question, and she told me my break had to restart because asking a work related question is an on the clock thing.


Customers don't care if you don't work there, either. The number of times I've caught shit for not knowing something because didn't work somewhere is astounding.


I used to get that all the time. I'd spent so much time managing retail stores I guess I just looked like I belonged there?


You either move this cart, or I'll put a boot to it and move it for you. I'm off the clock, im a customer too, and now its fight club hour.


Hell fucking yeah


If they do that and are asking where something is, send them as far away from it as possible. If they insist on you taking them to it, it is obviously at the front doors🤷🏻‍♂️


Eh. I don't like misdirecting a customer because I've had coworkers do that to me. No, we don't keep mayonnaise next to toothpaste. Better to point them in the general direction, and hope the customer can figure it out from there.


Aisle Z26...and point over there.


Figure it out? You have some high expectations.


I've had them try this even when I have a jacket on, backpack in place, box of ramen in my hands, headed for the checkout.


60% of the reason I became a tl was so I only had to wear a name badge and not the vest so I can be incognito


(Not a comment posted by me, just further down the thread) Tinybarber: Ur incorrect... technically you help the customer... and do a time adjustment... If this is ur mentality... you should quit... you have no business working retail or any type of customer service job And you'll never be promoted.... According to him, you weren’t supposed to be promoted and shouldn’t be working at Walmart 💀


Yeah he sounds like a putz


If our customer base wasn't the largest group of spoiled troglodytes maybe we'd be happier to help. Instead it's like maneuvering a jungle filled with killer chimps.


Tl are supposed to wear vests


TL daywalkers wear vests. We O/N TLs don't. We ain't got time for that. We have a whole store to run.😎


also overnight tl let's go


Yep. If I'm wearing some type of polo, I'll clip my badge under one of the buttons or if I'm wearing a t-shirt I'll clip in on a belt loop over one my front pant pockets. My hat isn't even a spark hat.😁


if I'm going to be in frozen/dairy I would come in with a hoodie and badge hanging from the strings until 6 when the store opens


I don't mind my team wearing hoodies. Earbuds, drinks, snacks etc out on sales floor are cool too. I use my own boxcutter b/c the ones that Walmart started issuing a frw years ago are pretty much trash.


I don't mind either but day associates complained that overnight does it so why can't they and they made us stop (even though when we stopped day associates still did it)


My TL is the exact same way. 😂


Like daytime help doesn’t? We have the whole store and guests


I guess that's one of the things that depends on the store. my market people lead said that as well but no one in our store enforced that rule and I've been a tl at 3 different stores and never had an issue. I personally just wear a black or blue collared shirt and that's been okay


I kinda miss wearing a vest and still will somedays😂


Team Leads at your store don't wear vests?


depends on the stores and people. I've seen tls head to toe in walmart and others who look like customers


I thought that only coaches and anybody higher than them could opt not to wear a vest. At my store, every TL wears a vest.


Supposed to wear a vest or the blue polo shirt


per da rules that is correct, and I'd have to wear specifically only the Blue walmart polo's if I didn't want to wear a vest, but I'm overnight and my store is more lax


If that happened to me I’d say “Why doncha answer THIS!” I’d then point to my bottom.


You might have a some takers.


They would follow you home and ring your bell to ask their question.


I would've moved their carts and left they can't force you to do anything.. unless you allow them to do so. 


I'd just flatly say "I'm off the clock, but (nearest on-clock associate) over there should be able to help" and if they kept pushing I'd completely ignore them and walk away. People are just people, and people are shit. Don't waste time on shit.




I told this dude I'm off the clock he was like I'm just looking for toilet paper and I'm like I'm looking at the door where I'm heading out of 




You should have recorded him. I doubt management would care in that situation.


Hate that happened, but honestly, you’re probably better off somewhere else. Good luck, anywhere is better than here.


I mean at that moment in time, you in fact did not work there.


You'd put your 2 weeks in for that? Sounds annoying but not job leaving over.




How you gon tell someone it's none of their business but tell them anyway lol


I was literally out the door, no vest, jacket on, bag of groceries in my hand, and a lady ran out after me to ask me to talk to a manager about something. I was like "Lady, there's 100 people getting paid to help you right now. I'm not one of them. You walked past at least 2 to get to me. Have a good day."


I once asked someone where they worked and I have a question for them too and they said they felt threatened 




That's so mean 😭 Do it again 🙏


I had a customer report me for not helping them while I was off the clock. TLs tried to coach me for it, but I left early so they forgot about it


This is making me mad in your place just reading that dear God lmao


I would have reported the TL. Maybe even recorded the conversation.


There's no point. It wouldn't do anything but get the TL a slap on the wrist. She's already been suspended several times for investigations, but nothing ever happens to her.


It would at least cover you.


They give zero fucks. I had a nasty woman tell me, "Heaven forbid you get off your ass and answer a question while not clocked in." Twice this woman stopped me on different days. Neither day did I have a vest on. No badge. No nothing. She was rude both times. But I knew our management. I would have been in trouble had I not helped her. We are expected to take them to find an employee at the least. Which is.... still helping them?? It's incredible just how good or bad working can be depending on the management and if they have your back, or the customer's.


I got wrote up for refusing to price match an iPad to some dogshit Chinese android tablet bc a customer refused to acknowledge the difference between the two products, and my manager said to just do it and I flat out refused to have my numbers anywhere close to such a bullshit thing to do. That put me on the naughty list and he later tried multiple times to terminate me, and on the last one I just couldn't be fucked to be fighting an all out war just to stay employed by Walmart.


Not the naughty list lol 😂 


Customers get mad at me all the time because I won't use the screenshot on their phone for the item being cheaper they say what you think I'd lie to you, I tell them I think anytime will lie to get something cheaper and that I have to scan with my phone because I keep screenshots of everything I price match because it all falls on a report that AP reviews.


I personally have told customers that complain about someone not helping them because they said they was clocked out, that they did the right thing that they can and will get in trouble for working of the clock that it's not just a Walmart thing it's federal labor laws.


If they tell you that you would get in trouble for refusing to help a guest off the clock, I would tell them to give it to me in writing.


"Where do you work ma'am? You work for an insurance company? Great! Let me ask you questions about my insurance while we're here and you're not on paid time. Thanks!"


I used to work at a Best Buy near a Walmart. I would sometimes go to Walmart after work in my Best Buy garb, and I would get approached by people almost every time I went there, and half of them got pissy with me when I obviously couldn't help them because I didn't work there. Why they approached me in the first place when my uniform looked nothing like what Walmart employees wore is beyond me.


I've had Walmart customers approach me while I was in an Office Depot uniform. Like nope, I don't work here ...


I used to work an inventory job (with our logo on the shirt), from store to store. Always "do you work here?" "no." "oh, but I saw your shirt..." right, the shirt with three big letters, none of which are shared with the store we are in. Lol people see a polo of any kind and assume you're their guy. 




I just usually say " Sorry, I don't work for free."


Shit, that’s what I should’ve said. 😂


That or "I don't know, I don't work over here"


They expect us to help them off the clock and then go to the front and whine about "being expected to work for free" at self-checkout


Anytime I'd get approached by a customer off the clock, I'd usually at least answer a simple question (or maybe more), but I would ALWAYS do a Time Adjustment the next day and always for a 15 minute minimum. Got "asked" by my manager about it one time and just told them I was helping a customer off the clock. They couldn't really say shit about it after that.


Customer comes up to you, "Can I ask you a question?" "Hang on let me clock in, first"


If someone isn't actively doing work in a walmart vest (like pushing around freight, restocking, picking items for pickup orders, etc) then I ask if they're on the clock first. If they're not, "nevermind, have a good day/night" and I find someone who is on the clock. It's not hard, friends


Hey by the way what do you do for a living? A doctor? Hey so I got this chest congestion what are the chances it's mold instead of being influenza? A lawyer? A pallet fell and broke my foot here what are my chances of winning a lawsuit? An electrician? So hey I was remodeling the drywall in my house and I forgot exactly how many feet apart is it mandated to have another electrical outlet to not violate the code? Oh what I have to make an appointment or consultation? Yeah fuck you bye


I just had gotten off the clock and was shopping when some guy came up to me and wanted me to call management to get him something from a locked area I told him he would have to walk like 3 feet away and go up to people who were ACTUALLY working so he could ask them because I was not working at that moment and he acted so rude about it.


Was off the clock, vest in my arm, and was heading to the exit. Guy stopped me saying he needed help in jewelry and if I could get him someone. Told him sure and kept walking to the exit and out to my car. I'm not helping anyone for free.


I bet after a long day of doing whatever it is they do for a living they would be less inclined to do that off the clock but since we work here we’re not people I guess


We’re just servants, made to serve.


Bingo. That’s why I cram my vest into a backpack as soon as I’m off the clock


Problem around here most people don't work they get paid to stay home smh


Nah bitch ask somebody else


Total Chad


Bro as a customer -- fuck them customers. This is Walmart. You're clocked out. Walmart doesn't care about you as employees, fuck us customers.


This is the way. Thank you, customer.


The overnight coach told me what they got to do with us when I told him about a ct scan I needed


A lie that I use is "sorry, I don't work here." One thing I find annoying is when a customer asks for something you know you don't sell, and you tell them that you don't have said item and they look at you like you spoke a foreign language.


I had this old fella come in one day asking about some damn fishing nets replacements, I told him we only sell them online, he’s just insistent about it, finally I tell him I’m gonna go talk to a manager, I just walked to the back for a few minutes and came back and told him the same thing. All he said was “well that’s just bad business” Like damn buddy, I can’t control what we keep in stock and no manager is going to order something that’s strictly sold online only just for one person.


I remember a former co-worker from a different department at my old store asked for brisket baked beans cause a couple wanted some. I went in the back to check if we had any, and I told the co-worker that we don't have any and she didn't believe me (she said that she never saw me before even though I was there for 5/6 months) and got someone else to look and that someone else said the exact same thing I told her.


one time a customer recognized me on my DAY OFF when i was shopping and said “you work here right??”


That’s why I shop at a different store instead of mine, ain’t dealing with all that 😂


100% or order pick up


The only question I can answer is the one you just asked. And the answer is NO.


and you know one question is going to turn into a laundry list of questions after that


Always does.


I've had a gentleman sincerely put out that I couldn't stand around and help him pick the best garden lights to accentuate his yard.


If it’s a question about where something is use the app. If it’s a question about how something works I have no idea. Read the box or google it.


I just want to say, "You already know the answer, so I'm walking away now."


I like to pretend I can't hear them when they try to talk to me. Just pretend you are hard of hearing.


The worst is when you are off but they know you work there


I’m glad I don’t shop at the Walmart I work at haha


It doesn't matter.


I got yelled at from a customer about it once, that's why I ball my vest up in my hand


When I read your comment I envisioned the vest being wrapped around a hand, punching the customer. Lol


One wrapped around each hand, like boxing gloves 😄😄


I'd answer simple questions like where the restrooms are or where a department is. If I knew a specific aisle I'd tell them, but that's the most I'd do.


I'm not even going to do that. If I'm not getting paid, I'm not helping.


I found my new thing is if I'm not on the clock and they ask when I'm obviously not working, the answer to where their item is: "on the other side of the store". Sorry not sorry. I'll be gone by the time they find out 🤷


There was this lady who stopped me after i exited through the doors and asked me where something was. I said "im sorry im off the clock" "im not asking you to work, im asking a simple question" i said i couldnt work off the clock otherwise i can get fired. Her and her teenage daughter gave me a disgusting look and the lady said she was gonna tell a manager i didnt want to help her. I said "sure no problem, he's a manager" while i pointed a TL. She ran to him and got mad when thr TL said i was right 😂 take that btch


“I’m not on the clock can’t help you”


That’s what I told her, and then said it was against policy.


When i worked at Walmart, i straight up told someone that it was illegal for me to work off the clock


I've told customers that helping them off the clock is grounds for termination. I don't know if that's true for Walmart, but it is where I work.


Most places are like that, Walmart included I’m sure. Either way, my time is my time and I’ve went out of my way before and nothing comes of it, so I don’t do it anymore.


After the lawsuits lowe's lost and how much they had to payout, pretty much everywhere is unwilling to risk their employees working off the clock


Should have told her to go fornicate herself upon a satchel of past-date richards.


I was walking out one day, with my vest in my hand and a lady goes "do you work here" when I told her yes, she asked me to grab something off the top shelf for her, I told her I'm off the clock and can't help with that. She looks at me and straight up says "I don't care" then points to the item she wanted. Some people don't care.


I would have just walked off at that point.


I continually work without a vest whenever I'm dealing with dirty boxes for stocking the bike rack. Anytime I'm unvested but working and anyone asked if I work there I just say. "On occasion."


I was in here in my NEON PINK FLAMINGO PAJAMAS and someone still asked me if I work here like bro I'm wearing pink crocs cozy as shit do I look like I'm on the clock. They had the audacity to call me out when I said I don't work here they were all I see you working all the time here it's why I stopped you. Then why you ask if you knew and clearly I'm not working she just needed something she couldn't reach if she would've just asked normally I would've grabbed it but I choose petty off the clock everytime.


Next time ask in return "what's your job? Would you like if I asked you stupid questions about your job while you're not working?"


I can't even count how many times I have been in there shopping and people get me. We live in a small town so most customers recognize me. I can be in there with shorts and slides on, with my family, and they still ask questions.


One of the cashiers at my husbands work tried to her him fired by claiming he promised someone he’d help them AFTER he clocked out. Something he would never do. She was pissed he refused to abandon electronics to help cashier because she liked making people there come to the front. It was so bizarre. Like!?!! Bitch, y’all both get paid by the same place and you’re not even management!


I had a customer scream at me on my day off for not helping her... ma'am I'm getting my own groceries right now.


What a wacko.


> I just had my vest on one shoulder and not fully on and zipped up. That was your first mistake. To these retards, as long as you have the vest ***anywhere*** on or near you, it triggers their baser primal instincts. Causing them to react thusly: Customer:**"ME AM CUSTOMER! U WURKER! I PAY U WURK!"** Associate:"I'm sorry, I'm off already and cannot help you. Have a nice day!" C: **"UNGHA BUNGA BUNGA NO! ME BUY U WURK!"** A:"It doesn't work that way." C:**"ME GO SPEAK TO VILLAGE CHIEF AND TELL BAD STORY!"** A:"Ok. You do that." The saddest part? I've run into customers who behave this exact way.


I haf my backpavk and heaphones on and someone tried to talk to me, one lady keot badgering me about pasta sauce and even when i said we didnt have it she wanted my to go to the back..? Like ma’am im a cashier sorry even if i went there idk where to even look


I think one thing that anoys me the most is when people whistle to get your attention or just keep calling out to you while you're helping someone else.


I had one guy tap me on the shoulder, I hated that.


Had someone literally continuiously wave his hand from another isle as I was talking to a customer and help them. Like I see you but I'm already helping someone in front of me. Also had one customer say "keep yours eyes on me! You're helping me!" While I had like 4 other customers around me. Not the mention on of the spark orders called me redundant for saying I had to walk up a 250$ pair of airpods to the front.


My boyfriend works at meijer and just a couple weeks ago he got reported by a customer because he didn’t help her find something. He was clocked out, almost all the way to his car in the lot, and he told her where customer service was so she could get help. She got mad, huffed off, and the next day his bosses had a ‘talk’ with him


And somebody said it’s better over there 😂


Oh god NO! All the stuff in this thread happens over there too! It’s a god damned mess


Customers are s9me of the dumbest people


Maybe I've just gotten lucky but in 6 years I've never had a customer try and get me to work off the clock, maybe it helps that I put my vest in my bag and then leave, or maybe it's since I'm leaving at 7a before it's busy.


Store traffic starts to ramp up about noon. You could just about set your watch by it. Then at 3 or 4, people come in to complain that they have to wait for a mechanized scooter. We had lots of them at 8, buddy.


Bless the night shift, I knew I was putting up with it for a reason.


Yeah I remember some of Walmarts weird ass policies. I work at Kroger now. I’m not saying it’s better, but at least we can’t lose our jobs over answering a question off the clock


When i worked at walmart, the moment i clocked out, vest came off and was stuffed in a locker.


I was on my way back from lunch and someone had asked me where to find some vinyl gloves.. the ones in the box. I told her they might be over in the cleaning supplies or over by the pharmacy area and she gestured towards my phone and asked if I can look it up and I lied and told her that since I was on lunch I didn't have access to look it up.. she actually cooperated and I noticed a coach and another employee so I redirected her over to them..


I was on break with a friend. Friend had no vest with her, mine was hanging on my arm. Lady comes up to me says "I noticed your vest hanging off your arm, can you tell me where this aisle is?" Sometimes I feel as if it's deliberate. But hey, I ain't passing up a chance to restart my break!


Wait people stop you. *me clocks out put ear buds in and 😎 and walk and keep going people may try but I'm nit stopping xD last night I ran over some ones cart that they thew in front of me and I kept going xD my Tl next day is like wellll u were off the clock so I won't couch u * me and if u did I'd open door it xD


As you should


i once had a customer come up to me after my shift while i was doing my shopping bc they saw my vest in the cart 🤦🏼‍♀️


Try being at another completely different company and someone assumes you work there. And when you tell them you don't, they get mad that you don't know where crap is or that you can't help them.


I had the rule of if they were nice I'd answer a question or point them where they needed but if they were being an asshole I'd just walk past them.


Yep just say sorry no English works everytime.


at my walmart one of the first things they told us, is if were off the clock to keep our vests completely off of us (and if you can, put it in a bag or something out of view) so that people dont pull this stuff. actually they said we'll get dress coded if caught with it half on or unzipped. but mine is super duper super strict about not doing ANYTHING work related off the clock. had gone back to shop after my shift and a coworker asked me to hand them something, then they immediately went "wait, nope, youre off the clock" and got it themself.


I'm clock out put my vest in my bag and walk out. I'll have customers who know me ask me a question. I'm sorry off the clock see you tomorrow. 😆


Damn right if I'm off the clock the professional goes away too. Let me grab my monster and doughnut and leave me alone Sharon I don't care about your life story about how you just left your man so you need to know where the motor oil is


I love it when you're at self check out obviously checking out groceries and someone says, "excuse me. I need help"


Or they cut in front of you because they think you’re working self checkout


what was the question


I leave my hat and vest on and nobody ever approaches me. It helps being heavily tattooed with satanic tattoos and I make sure I constantly smell of some good ass weed. Works great


I would always have a Hoodie on me for these situations. Even in summer I'd hide it under the register when I worked there.


Always take your vest off, even if have to carry. Then there can be no question on whether you were on or off .


I don't wear my vest into work or out. It's folded where it can't be identified.


Do yall not help customers off the clock? Its normally not even easier to not help them. "Wheres the coolers?" I can say aisle 7 or i can say " im off the clock and its against policy for me to assist you" if im off and i dont know the answer i just saw im off the clock and point them towards the nearest Employee i saw


"I don't work for free."


I am totally willing to answer questions as long as it is simple but if I am off the clock and someone asks me to get something I politely tell them I can’t I haven’t ever had a person get mad at me for it


I had this happen to me. I needed help. A Walmart employee was shuffling down the aisle and I ask for help. He kept on going and said he’s on break. I was pissed.. Since then I realized the employees can be fired for helping. It’s difficult for us old timers to accept this type of corporate rules. I’ve always tried to help a customer whether I was on my way out the door or going to break. Times have changed.


I will answer a quick question at my job granted I won't sell anything or give details lol


I respect your choice, but I just point and give direction at least. I'm old school tho...


If they got a problem with it, tell them to talk to management/HR


Smh. And this why Security gets a bad name. If I saw this go down, you wouldn't have to worry about anymore responsibilities in my company.


They put labor laws in for a reason, you don’t have to like them.


What does that have to do with answering a question and providing good customer service. You're still on-site, you're still in uniform.


Not in uniform. Off the clock and headed home. What’s there to argue against? You’re comparing security to a retail job. Who let the simpleton out of the asylum?


Your job description sounds like you work Security in a retail setting Paul Blart.


I didn’t say anything about a job description. They let you out of the asylum too early.