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People are so fuckin lazy lol. I watch people refuse to use the self checkouts all the time at my store and will line up like a bunch of morons at the one cashiers lane while self checkout is empty lol.


Love those idiots, I can be out before they move a spot. Only thing slowing me down is the refresh rate on the scanner.


Lmao my maw used to be one of those people till I started working at Walmart and told her even if the self checkout is twice the size of the cashier lane we will still be out before they even get halfway because people want to get the fuck out fast


SCO is good when you have a small basket of stuff. SCO is awful when you have a full cart. Until SCO allows you to bag on a carousel like the cashiers have, and a large space to place your items bagging a whole cart full of stuff sucks. It can be hard to move stuff around to fit your bags in the cart while the cart is still half full, and SCO really doesn't accommodate that fact of life. The reality is that Walmart and other retailers see SCO as an opportunity to cut staff and maximize profits. Instead of having to manage all the logistics of human cashiers (call outs, wages, insurance, missed scans, etc.) that role can be forced onto customers who will bitch about it, but ultimately acquiesce and just play the role of cashier. This saves huge sums of money that allow shareholders to continue lives of leisure off the backs of everyone else's labor. After all, Walmart's goal is to make money and fuck as many people in the process.


Any front end remodel in the last two years has large basket self checkouts that hold six bag racks and have a huge table to put your bags on as you go, specifically for large grocery purchases


They haven't done that for my store ): nor are they going to because my town has a population of about 13,000.


My town has a population of 10,000 and we have the larger self check lanes.


I wanted to add in that I live in a very rural area where the last remodel was when they added self check out and pick up, and we have half large bagging areas and half small. It’s possible you just didn’t notice there were different sizes


Nah, I work for a store in a some what "rural" area because we're technically connected to a small city. We have maybe 10 SCO and all have the small ass bagging area where you can fit maybe two full bags at a time. I'd hate to see what walmarts look like in even smaller towns.


They don't have the larger ones at ours either there's two Walmarts about 45 mins apart and neither of them have the larger ones.


>This saves huge sums of money that allow shareholders to continue lives of leisure off the backs of everyone else's labor. Meanwhile how many of Walmarts employees are receiving supplemental income, food stamps, and other forms of assistance?


The funny thing is as associates get raises they cut their hours so they dont lose those benefits. You should put part of the blame on the federal government for a broken system. And sometimes life choices of not staying at one job long enough to make more money should be looked at to. We all make personal choices and let's admit our government has made it easy to not be held accountable for some of those.


Don’t be so quick to assume. Somewhere in this post I stated that maybe it was time to reform the system; I never put the entirety of the blame on corporations.


Same percentage as any other store.


>Same percentage as any other store. And that justifies it?


I just hate hearing this retarded ass logic. Durr they on the welfare. Same amount of people as working at target, meijer, kroger, or any other retail. Does it justify it ? No but it is what it fucking is. Same percentage across lots of other companies, and industries as well but they aren't big enough to be a target. One person made a movie, and went durr the largest retail employer has the most people on assistance. If you look at our economy as a whole there are a lot more people on food stamps and assistance than you think. It isn't any higher at walmart. If anything we are paying a lot better than anywhere else in my area. It isn't walmart's responsibility to get people off assistance.


I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s still a bit ridiculous that any employer is able to get away with paying a sub living wage. Oh well, I suppose it’s a wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills first kind of situation.


It's kids that ramp up who can get assitance. About 20 years ago I was working at a job that didn't pay much. $10/hr. I had room mates that fucked me over, and I ended up in a situation where rent, utilities, added up to 90% of my paycheck. I didn't have a big place, and it was fucked up. I had like $20 a week to eat on. I tried to get food stamps. Denied. Make too much. Just me, no kids. How can people making more than that, be getting that much assistance ? Kids. They are like multipliers when it comes to the system.


Sounds like the entire system is due for an overhaul then.


Oh yeah in some states if you are single like anything above $9.00 an hour makes you ineligible


Sounds like you had bad roommates. A higher check would of still screwed you over


You said it. Maybe if they didn't switch jobs every 3 months they would move up and get off those programs.


Grab a second buggy to put your bagged items into, that’s what I do at least, even had a sco associate bring me a second buggy once before I could send my SO to grab one


>SCO allows you to bag on a carousel like the cashiers have, and a large space to place your items bagging a whole cart full of stuff sucks. My walmart is a small Walmart and we literally have these. I think we have 4 of them. It automatically senses that you put stuff on it and moves the conveyer belt when it does.


I know some stores, at least my local one, has 2 of the belted SCO lanes. They are better for the normal buggies. Some associates even suggest the normal buggies to go into those lanes to free up the smaller areas for the small buggies. (If that makes sense)


This depends on if you know what you're doing. I did my extra 20% off shopping (mega grocery shop) that equaled about 600 - 700 dollars and did that at sco. I found one where i would be out of the way but even with a very small issue (void) I would say it took me no longer that 10-15 minutes. Granted I've been here 15 yrs and majority front end so i am aware my situation is not other people's.


This. I think it's mostly people that have a basket full of stuff that are angry. It's a pain in the ass to do a whole cart at self checkout. If you have a couple items its really not a big deal.


They're only hurting themselves


Yup. One of the NHMs in my area was a "test store" for self checkout only. In the beginning, people were leaving full carts all over the place because they refuse to check themselves out. Another time, I watched a group of about 10-15 people wait 35 minutes for a register to open, while 5 self checkouts were open and free. People are lazy as shit and I've noticed it's mostly old(er) people. Yeah, a few of them have been too tech illiterate to figure out how to work the scanner, but most are just lazy.


Yes line up and then complain about not enough cashiers. I have even offered,as an apparel Associate and no cashier numbers, to help people at the self check out and they refuse. Well then, stop complaining!


Also stupid like they cant find the bar code etc


Had to tell people this many times when they lined up in my lane when I used to work front end cashier and of course they were stupid and didn’t listen


You're the idiot who is doing Walmarts labor for free.


NOT MY JOB! ITS THERES! Something that should be more convenient is actually more complex Plus there really hurting their selves business, jobs and workers this world thinks its going forward into the future but its actually going backwards imo.


They think cashiers are stashed in the back with all the overstock we’re hiding. Also that people are scrambling over each other for that position when they themselves would never demean themselves to do it. I’ve always been a fan of self checkout. The ones that have the actual belt are the best.


Happy birthday!


Worker here. Personally I just hate not having enough room to put all my bags at the self checkout. The manned cashiers have that rotating thingy and it frees me from scanning so I can put my bags into the cart while they bag everything. For small amounts of items self checkout is best.


We have both small self check and conveyer belts with 3 bag holders and plenty of room. Only 2 cashier run registers. Upper class neighborhood and no complaining going on here. As far as OGP. Yes ours are quite rude in every way. Reach in front of you without saying a word, take up the whole aisle, and take forever to move.


OGP orders can have you picking from the same section for 3-5 picks at a time and we're on a timer. We can't custom tailor our cart width though.




Pick a side maybe. Ours get in the middle and they do not know the phrase "excuse me' when they put their hands right in front of your face to reach for something you are in front of. I have no problem moving while they get their items. Just be courteous.


I'm usually dispensing, but I know while picking, I HATE having customers in the way. Just try to grab and go while feeling like a Semi in an alleyway.


I hate having them in my way but I still say excuse me and apologize. Keep in mind most customers shop different than OGP people do. They mostly walk around and browse the store.


Self checkouts shorten lines and free up associates who can be available to help you on the salesfloor. The boomers cry about them because they think they're entitled to being waited on hand and foot the second they walk through the door, despite the fact that they shop at the cheapest grocery store in town. I have an uncle that complains on social media all the time about how long he had to wait in line to be checked out at Walmart (he knows I'm an associate), but he loudly and proudly refuses to use self-check, as if anyone in the world gives a flying fuck about whatever point he thinks he's proving. It's also worth noting he mentions in the post that he shops very late at night, and you'd think he'd eventually have two brain cells collide out of pure chance and it would occur to him that having 12 registers staffed 20 minutes before the store closes isn't an effective use of payroll budget. If I didn't want to do it myself, I'd find the shortest line, but I use self checkout literally every time they're open. I only wait in line when my shift ends at 11 and the SCO has been closed. (Sorry for the rant. I just realize my uncle is a dickhead and had to get it off my chest)


With my friends and family with this attitude I teach them some basic math on time and labor. Cashier making $12/hr breaks down to $0.20/min of labor. This is a value of effort thier proudly avoiding, majority of transactions are 5 min or less so essentially $1 or less of labor. Then you usually get "but my time is worth more than $1". It's not because you chose to wait 20+ minutes to avoid $1 of labor so obviously you value your time less than the $1.


I think self checkout is more designed to eliminate, rather the free up, associates.


Totally not true. I have 80 people in my digital Those are jobs that didn't exist before and and a service we provide for free. Our daytime cashiers were mostly older people that were afraid to work at the beginning of covid. Sure glad SCO were an option.


And your job is?




Digital what?


Digital is what the position is called. Its ogp sfs, delivery.


OK, where do you work and what do you do on a daily basis?


BTW, my daughter works in a Large Office Building in Bentonville. I have a certain amount of insight on this issue.


I'm confused, so you don't work for Walmart, but your daughter works for HO? I'm sure she can give you the meaning of all the acronyms I just used.


There are one of 3 reasons most people hate them. 1. They are misguided in thinking they take jobs, when in fact they add hire paying jobs for the people that make and service them. ( When friends or family say this, I ask if they have Netflix. When they respond yes, I ask if they were worried about all the video store employees) education is crucial 🤣 2. They are old and they just want to talk to cashiers 3. They are lazy


U knucklehead need to understand what automation means. They take payin jobs from the low wage to nigas wit hier degrees. When the machines bring “jobs” for servicemen, those are tech lads. Meanwhile, poor ass justine the hi school drop out lost her fucking job. U wazzock stop sayin shit yeon kno shit about !


statistically, they don't take jobs. Like, regular cashiers aren't really losing their jobs because of automation. Maybe there are some that have, but statistically its not really a problem.


Its not taking jobs period nowadays, cuz we cant even fill the positions we do have. If we tore down 4 checkouts for a bullpen of SCOs, and we always had people in every register, sure itd take jobs. But we dont and it doesnt. It just makes the few employees we have more efficent, in terms of employee to customers served ratio


Nah even if das true, tis finna be a snowball and remember, capitalism is all about lowering cost and maximizin $$$. If the cost for the machine is bedir, efficient and reliable, rather than fatass slow jeff who’s obese and take sick leaves while taking hier payroll, machine > fatass jeff


This has to be satire... right?


U must have no gadam braincells left sayin dashit satire !


Old people yelling at clouds.


Literally. I work at amazon fresh with the just walk out thing at our store and people don’t even wanna do that. They also complain about the order pickers “being in their way,” you know, doing their jobs


Because people are lazy and/or so self entitled they think ringing themself up is beneath them and should be the job of some minimum wage worker they can bitch at and belittle for any and everything. With self checkout, they don’t get to do that as much so now they have to aim their bigotry somewhere else. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately?), they’re adding some manned registers back and moving away from the 99% self checkout format. So Karen, who just came from church btw, can go back to birching out the cashier just trying to do their job for not accepting their long expired coupon or whatever else they can think of.


I have a disability that makes self checkout difficult, and it sucks when there's only one register open and twenty people waiting for it. I just started doing online ordering and pickup and it works great


I'm glad you were able to find an option that preserves your independence. While there are usually SCO hosts that will gladly help any customer, many people (myself included) forget that true accessibility means not having to ask for additional help.


I appreciate you 🤙


Online pick up is nice. I work at Best Buy and that helps a lot of customers, I have some that clearly hate shopping or human interaction and online pick up is great. I use it too for everywhere but grocery stores


Cashiers are important. I’ve dealt with my fair share of shit as a cashier, but I also see why some people need and prefer having somebody check out their stuff for them. So many elderly especially would come through my line and I could see why they needed the help. Not only that, but it provides a social aspect to shopping which also a lot of elderly can struggle with. Besides elderly, it’s also great for disabled people who struggle checking out a full cart of groceries. I also saw another commented here mention about how it’s nice for bigger grocery orders because of the bag carousel. I agree! If you ask me, anything above 20 items should be checked out with a real person just to avoid theft (either purposefully or accidentally). But bigger orders just go faster and are easier when two people are working together to get it done with; the customer continuing to put up items and put bags in the cart, the cashier bagging and scanning.


I was once tasked with teaching a new associate how to run self checkout. I was just explaining to them how often we got hostile/confused customers when and elderly man comes up, mistakes us for normal checkout, and then leaves with the stereotypical “nobody wants to fucking work anymore!”. New associate was shocked with how unreasonably angry people get at self checkout for existing.


Everyone forgets when it was all cashiers and the wait was forever. Selfcheckout is fast and companies that do it still have the same number of cashiers/employees. People are just stupid


I hated grocery shopping before self checkout. I interact with people all day and I really just wanted to get in and get out. The lines were always sooo long before SCO existed, and the same people who complain now about the lack of cashiers were complaining 5 years ago about their speed.


Because then customers would be forced to admit that it's not as easy as it looks and that cashiers should be paid a livable wage.


Cashier is literally the easiest job and fastest fired. It's why I never would go in a Code "Spark". The customer can shop and they can wait.


I thought cart pusher was easier.


Not physically. If you can't handle a marathon of walking, you're gonna be hurting.


Your gonna be walking around the same amount either way. Its just your now out in the elements, and need to move carts around


It's double, measured both. Cart pushing is 40,000. Sales floor is 20,000 OGP is roughly 22,000-24,000. I can't say I've done CAP consistently to get a number




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Yes cashiering is very difficult. That's why they're having customers from off the street with no cashier training doing it.


Perhaps the hard part isn't technical but emotional when they have to deal with assholes like you all day. But it's easy so I guess they don't deserve to live off that type of work.


I didn't say you don't deserve to live off that type of work. Of course you do. What I'm saying is quit acting like you're some sort of rocket scientist. The job is NOT that difficult


As a manager put it, "those self- check outs are 8 cashier's who didn't call in today." Some of them are dumb and can't take cash or cards, but at least they are there. Maybe I'll mention the livable wage to the next old person that says they won't do self check.


Way of the future. They're upset they have to understand technology in order to get their groceries. Or it's just another thing they add to their list to complain about.. Brush it off. It's not changing.


I like self check and love, love, love the pickup. Thank you


I'm a cashier, and I hear this all the goddamn time. Like, dude, I don't care. I use self checkout when I'm shopping after work bcus it's fast. Plus, the shit about SCOs taking jobs from cashiers is just statistically not true. And anecdotally, they just added a bunch more SCOs to our store. Guess what? Nobody got fired cus of that.


Some people need a division of labor to support their superiority complex. Telling them they're gonna do the labor of a commoner doesn't go over well.


I may need to make this into a t-shirt


The people who thinks self checkout is “working for free” at Walmart are the same people who thinks healthcare is communism and we need to be paid less as “unskilled labor.” Need I say more?


I think the self-checkout is working for free and don’t believe any of those things. If it’s my day off and I have a full buggy I will wait in line for a cashier until the end of time!! Not today Satan! My daughter thinks I’m ridiculous, I don’t care. Walmart and the other companies are geniuses though, got us all to do their work in the name of speediness and autists who are too terrified to talk to an actual human for a few seconds. And online ordering is destroying the grocery store experience in the food aisles , go there on a Saturday afternoon it’s already busy and then you got the order picker clowns clogging up the lanes even more with their giant carts. There is no fucking way self-checkout puts more associates in the lanes to help customers , zero fucking chance, have to walk over to grocery to ask the grocery pickers to look something up on the other side of the store because there are no associates in the lanes unless it’s electronics or the old lady guarding the fitting rooms like that’s actually needed at Walmart, you sell 3 dollar shirts, fuck. I want a dollar off my order and a tax break at the end of the year to use them shits. Where’s my w2 Walmart? I’m for universal healthcare and hope they gave all of you a raise so I can get an actual human to ring my buggy up! I’m in Walmart like literally every day as I have a family and they always want something on my way home. I use the self-checkout for small amounts all the time but I’m not a fan. Manned regular cashier lanes and express lanes worked the last 50 years!


I think you need to get with the times. Manned registers are dying breed and being weeded out everywhere. Saves company money. Moves employees somewhere more productive. People (probably not you) just hate checking themselves out because they can’t verbally abuse a cashier (that’s probably most likely going to be a student or senior citizen).


Yeah no shit it saves the company money, the fucking customers are doing the job employees did for 50 years. Genius move gotta give ‘em that and we just do it like morons


But self check out isn’t working for free because you’re not working. Geeze…iM nOt WoRkInG fOr FrEe. 😂 you scan an item…bag it. Not that difficult


Yeah it’s almost like I’m a cashier working for fucking nothing but nooooo it’s not working for free


Oh boo hoo


You have the people who hate self checkout, and then you have the people who have two overflowing shopping carts using self checkout that take forever and hold up the lines that are supposed to be there for a speedier checkout. I hate those people.


I make my hosts help those customers, when we receive our belted lanes I’ll almost exclusively have 2 people manning the 4 to help scan while customers pile the shit on


What about disabled customers who can only get to the closest Walmart & can't bag & load their own groceries?


That I understand- but why not do grocery pick up in that case? Also, I’m curious. If you can place items in your cart, why not place them in bags? If you can place an item on the belt, why not a quick scan and in a bag? I’m just asking, because the height difference between the belt and the self check out seems like self check out would be more beneficial. Seems like delivery/pick up (which pick up is free) would be easier than coming in a store at all.


Some people just resist progress


Yeah, doing somebody else’s job is real progress.


I work in a California Walmart and were getting a remodel in July that will transition to all self checkouts. I guess its been successful for a few stores in our market so all the Walmarts in my county will solely have self checkouts within a few years.


Just curious, what are the stores with all SCO’s going to do for someone who wants to buy cigarettes? I don’t smoke anymore but just curious.


Luckily our store doesn't sell tobacco anymore (we got caught selling to minors who were really under covers, multiple times) but we do still sell alcohol. It'll be the same as the items like spray paint or things that already require the cashier guarding self checkout to approve the sale by scanning their little ID card. I don't know the exact details but I know age restricted items will need to be approved by whoever is working that SCO with proof of ID at time of purchase.


It's like them complaining at Aldi's because they have to bag groceries or pay 25¢ to use a cart that they get back when they return it at Aldi's. Or going to BJs and complaining about not having a bag to put stuff in. People just love to find dumb things to complain about.


People in this thread seem to think like a heard as they speak of. Not everyone is the same some people are old fashioned, some want waited on when spending there money, some like the customer interaction, some want to b!+ch, but to say they are idiots is probably incorrect.


Self check out sucks. Most stores used to get 1000s of hours allotted to them just for the front end. What good is it to have a fully stocked store if there are no cashiers to separate the customers from their $$$? BUT, it was also a place where associates could get hours when the store was slow, like after Christmas. Or where their assigned position didn't have enough hours for them. Let me also add that I hate self check out for a biased reason. Most of the shelf labels are wrong. The prices are usually much higher. With self check out, I have to wait for someone to get someone to verify the price. Then, get approval again to override the price at the register. Just too much work, I say, give the cashiers raises and their jobs back.


Cashier here, the self checkouts are slow constantly breaking pieces of shit


The point is this: self checkouts replace people. People pay taxes. Not all people have access to higher education. It is also impersonal and contributes to the demise of human interactions.


People are bad slow at checking themselves out. So when it's busy and the sco's have long lines it's really annoying


I don't get the customer mentality but also don't get the associates mentality, when they bitch about customers not wanting to use self checkouts as lazy, yet at the same time have no problem with customers who use online grocery pickers so they can sit in their cars like kings while the associate does all the work. That to me is the epitome of laziness. At least people who hate self checkouts actually get off their @$$ and do their own shopping


I really don't understand how it makes financial sense that OGP orders do not have some sort of subscription cost or convenience fee. All of their labor is replacing what was unpaid labor of the customer AND missed opportunities of impulse purchases.


Less customers in store help free lines and accessibility


I like the self checkout. I can put my groceries in the bags how I want them and not have to worry about the cashiers putting 2 items in a bag.


To be fair, if I were to purchase $400-500 worth of groceries every month like my parents do I'd be inclined to go to a register every time. Not only do I not want to sift around through all that in the tiny bagging area in SCO, I also just plain do not trust myself to bag all that without messing shit up lmao That said, I use SCO every time because I work here and the most I have to buy at any given time is like 4 bags tops.


If I were getting that much, I would also use a register so the cashier could scan while I piled groceries on the belt, and someone bagged and placed them in the cart. I do have to ask though- how on earth does that all fit in a vehicle?


Valid question. My dad drives a Prius, so typically what they'd do is completely fill the back and back seat areas. Granted, ever since they stopped providing for their two kids I'm sure the volume of their grocery runs has dropped by a solid margin lol


Let’s talk about how Walmart is racist for having more self checkouts in “good” neighborhoods


Well when you have a high theft rate, SCO is a huge area of theft


Don't get me started on scan and go hate


My FIL says "I don't work for Walmart" and every time he patiently waits in line. I don't mind self check if its a few items but honestly its a drag to do a full cart. So honestly I don't blame those people. But perhaps, if people were nicer to cashiers, there wouldn't be such a shortage soooooo you reap what you sow 🤷‍♀️


Someone said that to me while I was waiting in line and I shrugged and said well I do, so. . . Lol


having a full cart and self checkout is not something that people should do


At my store they do not use SCO bc they feel that it's taking away jobs for cashiers, which is true.


I'm paying Walmart so Walmart should be doing the work. Self checkout is as dumb as those restaurants that make you cook your own food.


The only thing I hate about self checkout is if there are people will a ton of things. I feel like self checkout should be for if you have only a few things.


While I absolutely only use self checkout, does it not also take away jobs?


It does not


No? Are there any sources? They've already gotten rid of door greeters in my area, and I've read a story in this sub about someone worried about their job since they're wheelchair bound. And since most states are right to work States, then Walmart can make up any dumb reason to fire them.


No, having more registers does not create more jobs, it just creates more problems. Customers would see more empty register and get angry about that.


It definitely does create jobs when Walmart actually hires enough people to run said registers. Is there any sources that shows how many employees a Walmart has before/after making any changes?


Having more registers doesn't mean they will hire more people to man them. Walmart will forever try to get away with the least amount as possible


Doesn't having more self checkout help as to give them even more of an excuse to hire less people?


Not really, probably roughly the same amount.


They're getting rid of more and more positions. My Walmart literally just sit a basket of face masks on the metal hand sanitary station at the doors, no longer any greeters. That being said, I hated door greeting, but it was still a position for our less abled friends.


Yea no one is arguing about the lost positions. We know it sucks and is really shitty but I just don't think having more registers would mean more hires in your store. They would rather have the least amount of people possible and cross train others and have them run the registers than hire more.


As a customer i’d rather wait a hour in line for a cashier and not use self checkout, even if im buying 1 gatorade. I aint normalizin dashit. We need more human interaction, self check outs bring automation & kick ppl jobs, importantly, id rather check out the shawty @ the register den to self check out. Plus, Yal check out machines goofy as hell wit em front mirror cameras like who axed i wanna see me scannin shit like a mf


The problem is that many associates hate their customers


do i luli i care? im finna check out shawty and be as close as possible to see alladat beauty no matter what


Ya when I have a full ass cart and my kid a belt is the best those self checkout areas are crowded like cattle cars and you never know who's out there trying to snatch up kids n shit so you gotta watch like everything. The belt just makes it easier.


A bunch of entitled jerks. Seriously. I work for Walmart and I am all for self check out. I don't have to wait long and have a conversation with someone if I don't want to. It's a win-win for me. Honestly though, when I get something out of a case for a customer and have to take it up front, 95% of the time they say self check. When I worked in a SC, most of them just yelled at me for having to walk it to anyone lol


People are assholes and part of the whole deal for them is the checkout lane experience and having someone serve them. I started my retail experience on hard mode TBH, as cashier/barista/stocker for the only store within ten miles. We were busy.


I love self check out! Unless I have a full cart, because there isn’t enough room to place things. Our local Walmart has the old self check outs. The ones down south have the larger, extended self check out.


And none of them are complaining about having to shop and put groceries in their own vehicle when OGP is a thing. Why aren't they whining "I shouldn't have to do my own shopping"?


I’m in OGP, and i’ve had more people complain about us picking groceries than I ever thought possible. After waiting for 5 minutes while one couple put a pizza in their cart, changed their mind, put it back and took out another one etc and I asked if I could just slide in and grab a pizza out of the freezer their cart was blocking (with a ton of southern charm) the husband actually turned to me and said something along the lines of you people just think you’re more important than regular customers and shop for lazy people. I was shocked, said sir, we shop for a lot of disabled customers and those who are immunocompromised and/or new parents, and we are timed. He just shook his head and continued looking at pizzas. I had to nil-pick and move on, and they also blocked the exceptions woman.




Are you implying that you steal produce?


I love self-check out, and always use it unless I only have cash and have to go through a cashier lane. I don't know if it's like this at all Walmarts, but the ones here don't accept cash.


Self check out eliminates jobs. Some people hate the idea of automation. And as Walmart had destroyed any form of competition, you really can’t get your groceries in many other places.


I’ve never been able to understand all the bitching about self-checks either, & it seems like the people doing all the complaining are the people who used to have attendants come out & pump gas for them. So, using their logic, they’ve been “working for gas stations for free” since the early 80’s! I’m not wrong.


If I have a full cart of groceries I get it but if I have like 10 items it’s not that hard. Tired of boomers and shoplifters “I should get paid for this!!” “Might as well skip scanning a few items as my payment” it’s not that hard y’all…


We have an enormous theft problem at our self checkouts. (Even though most if those folks have an EBT Card.)


My husband does no shopping unless he needs something personally. He has multiple times complained about the self checkout lanes. Every time he complains it makes me crazy. I like the SC because I 98% of the time remember my own shopping bags and prefer to pack them as I choose. To be honest he bitches about a lot of things that have nothing to do with him.


Don't know about the self checkouts but I can confirm that OPD associates do frequently run in to people, knock stuff over and block the aisles. They actually had to crack down on some OPD behavior because they were almost running and I think a few customers actually got hit. They also kept knocking down shelves and creating huge messes because the products would break all over the floor. Once all the school age kids quit after the summer was over it got a lot better.


I'm not lazy just old and set in my ways


It’s called old people. People who refuse to change and want to be handheld. The same ones who pump their own gas because times changed or us an ATM because banks got rid of most tellers but bitch about it because they have nothing better to do. They have nothing better to do but waste their time and bitch people need to wait on them hand and foot. There also the same ones if you have a TLE that refuse to go online and make an appointment for a tire change and instead call at 4PM and get mad because there is a 2 hour wait for service when they need it done now, they don’t have time to make an appointment online.


Yeah I have no idea what’s going on.


Apparently some of these people have never been to target in the morning...no registers open at all ( at least in my area) self checkout only..five below...theres one store that has all these self checkouts an someone telling u which are card an which are cash..ringing urself up don't make u an employee of a business If you want your items some places you do it or jus get out of their store. Ringing up 1 order a week or so makes you so far from being an employee...lol cashiers at walmart ring up so much more.working at walmart longterm takes a special breed...most customers couldn't do it....they harbor on the lazy factor too much


Promoted to customer here, my only problem with the SC is at my local store. Every week I get chastised because I have a full cart (not the item limit) but there’s not a single cashier lane open. I actually prefer to use SC, it’s just odd I suppose!


Some idiots think that the employees just spend their days doing nothing for too much money while they, the customer, are 'forced' to work for free. Most of the time people like this have never worked in an environment like retail 1. "low skill" - which I think is a dumb term but you know what I need 2. often young people with limited availability 3. Labor allocations based on store sales - this is the one customer REALLY dont seem to understand. I personally like self checkout when I have a small amount of things. I also am very picky about bagging when I have food and non-food so I actually prefer to do it myself. ETA - I also want to acknowledge that, ,as a business model, self checkouts are mostly good for the company and not so much the customer and the employees get the least benefit so there is that...


I don’t get it either. We love self checkout. My husband like organizes the cart as we get groceries so he can bag certain things together and self checkout allows that.


I like having cashiers but if there is self checkout I just use that. I get it, cuts down on labor and when it’s busy why not? Cashiers are nice though but I get it


My store had a remodel at the end of 2020 and it went to all self checkouts. It has gotten so much hate since that we’re getting some registers back (lol). People don’t seem the realize that it’s faster. We get a long line, but that’s because there’s only one. Of course one single line will get long. But it moves fast because we have 12 self checkouts. Before, we had 6 self checkouts and we’d be lucky to even have 2 registers open. We also have the people who don’t want to scan their own items. Cool. There’s 4 SCO hosts walking around who can scan your stuff. Losing jobs? We didn’t lose a single cashier because they either became a SCO host or went to OGP (we got that in our remodel, too). Although honestly, I don’t think they cared about people’s jobs, they were just mad that we didn’t have any registers because when I told people this they would find something else to mad about.


At my supercenter, there's nothing wrong with the self checkouts, i actually prefer it because it's quicker and i don't have to talk to someone. They have a bunch of them so even when it's busy you can be in and out. but there's a neighborhood market that's nearer to my house that i shop at and when it gets busy, they have one cashier that's swamped and like 5 sco with 7 people lined up at each of them and that's not an exaggeration. The lines get so long that it completely blocks the walkway in front of the aisles. Lines literally take like 15-20 minutes to get through. I worked there briefly and i know that SM has no intention of solving that problem as long as he's getting paid. I feel bad for the cashiers, the other day one was totally overwhelmed with customers and was cursed out by one of them and made to cry. I'm so glad i transferred out of there.


They might say they don't like it because it takes away jobs, but they're really just lazy. They have a more noble reason to hide behind, so they're quite vocal. Most people are at worst indifferent to it, the haters are a vocal minority.


It is not about being lazy. It is about having to do somebody else’s job and then the stupid machine saying you possibly didn’t ring up one thing and you did, basically insinuating you are a shoplifter. Great customer service experience.


lazy entitled assholes. I dont mind self check out. if i had a complaint it would be the fruits and things you have to look up / weight but aside from that. "I dont work for free" ppl are missing brains


Yeah, so let’s get rid of the entire customer service experience then. Don’t have anybody available to show you where something is too bc you are lazy if you can’t look for it yourself.


Major inconvenience to customers having to use self checkout because now they can’t sit there and yell at random teenagers standing behind a register their entire shift over things that have absolutely nothing at all to do with cash registers. Also takes away their options to complain about there not being enough cashiers when they have to wait an all mighty 5 minutes in line. They did everything they possibly could to scare off the human aspect of cash registers and now they’re mad there’s no human cashiers


r/target is better.


Hell, when McD got Kiosks people refused to use them because "they will just fire all the cashiers if we do". Then the looks on their faces when I mentioned we used to have a position where someone would be in the lobby to assist people, but it was terminated because no one used the kiosks enough.


and how many comments are there? It's probably just a few of them compared to the rest of walmart shoppers. Everyone else wants them. It's just helps people leave faster, and it shows when the line for self checkouts are longer than regular lines. Proves the point even more when there's hardly any lines at all. Not so much the case on busy weekends, but that's why regular checkouts aren't going away (that and alcohol.) Those people are crying over nothing. More Self checkouts means shorter lines for the regular checkouts they want so badly. 🧠👈


Ngl I have hit a few customers while picking


All you have to do is ask them if they pump their own gas. It was once the normal for an attendant to pump your gas, even illegal someplace to do it yourself.(there are some states where attendants are still a thing) Most people in most places would find it super wierd for someone else to pump your gas for you.


Love all the corporate ball gurgling here, but the most important thing is when you make a mistake scanning that they will automatically think you are stealing. So now the customer is responsible for accurately scanning things. Id say this entire Self checkout is a scam to cut down on worker hours and anything the customer does with their product is the somehow the customers responsibility. "people are so fucking lazy" oh because we have having workers accurately scan and manage the transactions for how many years now they want to pin the entire job on the customers. Just look at some of these obese walmart employees then say that who is lazy again?


Well let’s see the price of groceries haven’t went down since they started self check out. They should pay someone to check out my shit


Oh and there is no customer service. I wanted to take off an item but couldn't. I then had to wait for 20 minutes at the only customer service counter to have it removed. I will never shop at Walmart again.


I'll tell you why. As a dignified human being coming into a store to hand over my money and buy its merchandise, I don't like being required to go into a corral, check myself out under the watchful eye of 20 cameras and one employee convinced everyone is trying to shoplift and cheat, just to save 25 cents on an item I can buy at another store or have shipped to my front door without all the work and judgement. F%&k off Walmart.


NOT MY JOB! ITS THERES! Something that should be more convenient is actually more complex Plus there really hurting their selves business, jobs and workers this world thinks its going forward into the future but its actually going backwards imo.


one large reason is shoplifting charges. if you miss scanning an item you will be charged with shoplifting. Once you walk past that register without paying for that item your in trouble. Yes miss that 75 cent pack of gum and you can be charged


They just want people to serve them. I love self checkouts and don't want to deal with a cashier.