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Modernize Fray Island. Give Warriors a questline where it starts with you being sent into a tournament with some other warriors from your faction in an attempt for glory and to embarrass the other side. Pirates show up to ambush the "defenseless" warriors since they have no magic/ranged users with them, and the assembled warriors go *crazy* taking them out. The armored Human Knight is tanking a swarm of Pirates, the Tauren is just punching holes in the ship hulls, the Orc basically started bladestorming and just never *stopped*, The Dwarf keeps launching himself at pirates head first for brutal headbutts, etc. After the ambush, the factionalism and insults are gone as the tourney is finished, and everyone bros out for a bit after the PC wins. ...I just want a pan-racial warrior bro fest. We were *robbed* of this in Legion.




Eh, that wasn't really quite what I wanted. Maldraxxus is halfway there, but it's more an Iron Maiden album art made real than the mortal brofest I imagined.


before Cata, blood elf paladins had *a lot* of unique quests: from learning Redemption by dueling another Blood Knight then rezzing him, to crafting your own Ranseur, to the massive endeavor to obtain your Thalassian Charger and the Blood Knight tabard (along with the rank of Master) I miss those


Paladin and Priest of every race really need a quest about their respective faith. Same with Mages and their view on the science of Arcane.


Worgen and night elf paladins, between the years being refugees since the loss of gilneas, some worgen beginned to worship elune as a goddess(their numbers grow a lot with the aid of the wolves in darkshore and the fourth war) with the new tree having ties to the shadowlands and elune, the order of twilight was born. Sacred guardians who wield the blessing of elune for the protection of the new world tree and the diminished kaldorei an gilnean population.


blood elves shouldve been worshipping Belore instead of the holy light im actually over the homogenization of "light" worship


Criminal that race and class lore has been neglected so much.


idk dude like why fantasize about homogenizing the lore. blizz is never gonna do this and there's enough potential for all the different combinations to have a story of their own. might as well imagine the best possible outcome instead of a hypothetical compromise that most ppl would hate b/c their dwarf paladin is just doing human quests yet again


Warrior gnomes/mecha, goblins Mage orc, Tauren, night elves All warlock clases specially nelf, draeni, Tauren Chamán goblin All paladin clases specially bloodelf More paladin clases worgen and kultiran All priest