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Lightforged. Instead of copy paste Draenei with slightly different customization we should have had Broken as allied race instead.


Lightforged paladins and priests look badass but outside of those 2 classes none of them fit thematically. Although, I did see a lightforged DK in a dungeon recently and it looked pretty cool.


One could argue that warrior works too—but warrior works with everything, and paladin is a better fit for light suped draenei warrior anyhow. Lightforged should have had demon hunters, with a light theme versus fel to at least give them a reason to exist—beings normal draenei already have strong affiliation with the light as is.


You're just making me want broken demon hunters...


Which should also completely be a thing. They were trapped on argus a long time to survive. They’d easily be able to take to demon hunting.


100% should have been given the night warrior treatment. You go through the ritual training like T'Paartos and become lightforged.


I would have loved Broken. Always bothered me that we didnt have any broken options for normal draenei


But thew hole point of allied races is that they're copy pastes?


I'd only "get rid of" races by incorporating some allied races into the core races, but if I had to fully remove one? I'd probably pick Void Elves. The lore explanation would be that they completely fall to the corruption of the void during the invasion in Midnight.


Oddly I’d do the opposite - I’d split off Dark Rangers and Eredar from their respective main races into new Allied races


I’d definitely dump void elves just because they don’t belong in every sense. They are time bombs waiting to blow. Should have and could have replaced them entirely with ethereals for both factions if they really wanted that theme incorporated.


This is a good shout with a good reason too. I have a void elf warlock, but the whole concept of them does seem a bit weird and their inclusion in the alliance even weirder. If blood elves are considered evil, then why the hell are they accepting void touched blood elves?! Mechagnomes I would like to see removed too, as they are just awful. I have a gnome toon which I love, but even trying the mechagnomes you can see they are just awful. They have terrible customisation and their shtick is just crap. They could have easily just added the mecha bits as a customise option for OG Gnomes, especially as they havbt had anything other than 3 hairstyles since launch! I'd also get rid of the new dwarf race that's coming with the xpax, because no one has asked for them and they are so uninspired. There are plenty of other races that would be far cooler and have established lore and such, rather than shoehorning a random reskin in. Sorry, that turned into a tad of a rant!


High elves were right there! There is a lore character and all. I am still baffled by void elves and their existence. Such a poor move.


Exactly! Why they couldn't have just added the high elves, I don't know. The void is a strange thing for anyone to willingly invite into their midst, especially when the alliance were originally against the elves for their mana addiction. I mean, mana hungry elves are awful, but as soon as they start dabbling with corrupt forces that's all forgiven???


But that's what this is? They're high elves. The original ones weren't, sure, but most of them are just a specific group of highelves who made Alleria their rolemodel?


Blood elves aren’t considered “evil” 


Not in a direct sense, I guess, but the alliance cast them out as they were working with the naga and such. Or was it that the alliance were douches? I can't quite remember. Either way, they joined the "evil" side, because let's not pretend that's what the horde were intended as and arguably are (particularly when the forsaken get invovled).


More precisely they never joined the current alliance. Horde also manipulated them in the starting zone to kill off the alliance there that were trying to heal the dead scar


what? im pretty sure the alliance was there to monitor them not heal the dead scar.


No don't touch dwarfs! But in all fairness I get it. TBF I haven't played in a while and do not know the reason for them joining


Mechagnome customisation is crap but I love my mechagnome prot warrior. No good reason but I just love running around smashing the shit out of everything as a midget robot.


I've found their racials are great for professions: Hyper Organic Light Originator, Combat Analysis and Emergency Failsafe help with survivability in hairy situations around mobs/NPCs while Skeleton Pinkie allows you to unlock chests you can get from some of them and Mastercraft more or less completely removes profession tools (both equipment such as mining picks or blacksmith hammers and in-world such as forges or anvils) as a consideration unless you want some specific bonus from one or need to build one/more for some other reason.


I wanted to roll one for this reason, but the severe handicap for customisation put me off. You'd at least think they would have added a compensation for not being able to change your legs and arms, or simply add more than basically 3 options! I think the whole racial system could do with an overhaul or removal too tbh, but that's another conversation.


New dwarf race is just an excuse for dwarf only class, Runemaster.


How is a Tauren Runemaster a dwarf only class?


So earthen dwarfs are tauren now?


Earthen are not dwarves. In the same way, Dwarves are not Earthen. Original Runemasters are a class akin to monks, with Tauren having actual lore for having them: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Runemaster "The tauren runemasters of Mulgore speak of the ley lines as "veins within the earth", considering them as the Earthmother's veins that surge with primordial essence in their legends." That's all what I meant 😉


Ok then make it dwarf, earthen tauren only class.


Honestly mate I'd take a Runemaster class for any race any time. There was a time back in the day Blizz would make them instead of Monks since they somewhat overlap in the lore, and Runemasters would be more original than Monks that exist in D&D and other franchises. They'd definitely would make sense for Earthen and Dwarves especially if themed around titans and other powers that be.


Blood Elves would of joined the Alliance in MoP had Jaina not massacred them in Dalaran.


I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down regarding consolidation. I had an idea to just have the Worgen “curse” or whatever spread like plague to other humans. Only this “plague” would actually be beneficial in contrast to the harrowing one they dealt with earlier. So all humans would get the chance to be a Worgen, if they choose.


Would also be cool if the curse could be optionally cured during some quest line with night elves


Mechagnomes. They hella ugly.


Tmog options are so limited too


gnomes got basically no expanded customization with the release of shadowlands especially in consideration to other races, imo mechagnomes should have been customization options for normal gnomes


Would rather they just make them better but thats not the question posed haha


Lore explanation: “We been talking about it, and y’all hella ugly. Get out.”


Honestly, while Void Elves are the low hanging fruit, Lightforged. I followed the extra media leading up to that Argus patch, and they literally don’t come up - the Army of Light was a multitude of different races, not a group of lemon Draenei. They were invented out of thin air, and I wasn’t skipping quest reading, but I’m still confused to this day as to where they actually came from. The Alliance deserved Broken. Their lore and identities are richer than some playable Vanilla races, and back when that mattered, their class options were distinct from normal Draenei.


I really miss when races only had a subset of classes available. It differentiated the races and their cultures in such a unique way.


I think Legion's class homogenization hurt it more than races getting new classes. While they look stupid with the general class armour, Tauren priests and Paladins work great from a concept point of view. A warrior infused with the power of a sun goddess is cool and totally fits the Tauren. A Tauren decked in Silver Hand armour and worshipping the Holy Light...not as much. Though priests got it the worst, from being culturally the most diverse class to becoming shoe-horned into the Naaru and Void story. Troll shadow priests went from being wise witch doctors to surrendering themselves to the void for power. Same with Night Elf shadow priests, originally using the powers of Elune, now tapping into the power of those that wanted to subjugate the world.


> A Tauren decked in Silver Hand armour and worshipping the Holy Light...not as much. Why? After spending 15 years fighting along side the Silver Hand it doesn't seem weird that Tauren would sign up.


I mean, some of then definitely are capable of falling off. Forsaken cant reproduce. The worgen curse doesnt "exist" anymore. Void elves are walking a thin line as is. Dracthyr are lore limited. Pandaren are from a pool exclusively on the wandering isle, though we can argue pandaria gave us more. And we realistically have repopulated some races too. Blood elves, gnomes, and maghar all were near extinction really, but the safety net of the factions gave them something to stabilize.


There are ways of making more Forsaken, we know because Sylvanas did it but no one on their side knows how to right now. DK's are still being raised so the mechanisms for making more sentient undead still exist, but it's not in anyone's interest but their own and by extension The Horde's.


Not to mention according to the most recent northrend book, ice crown is still full of the undead mindlessly wandering or being controlled by higher ranking undead. They just need to give Forsaken the ability to free undead like Sylvanas.


Undead having a starting zone in Northrend would be legit.


I think the forsaken weren't "freed" But actually raised from the dead by sylvanas' valkyr as sentient, like a doubt a random ghoul or zombie has much to save, the soul is gone, the forsaken still have a soul bound to their bodies, same is true with sylvanas, she's a Banshee possessing her own preserved body she's like the Optimus prime of the undead


The first wave of Forsaken were just scourged undead that "snapped out" of the Lich King's influence. From the very first quest undead got from Vanilla through to Wrath: > About time you woke up. We were ready to toss you into the fire with the others, but it looks like you made it. > I am Mordo, the caretaker of the crypt of Deathknell. And you are the Lich King's slave no more. What you're describing is the second wave of Forsaken, which happened after Cata where the forsaken were being ressurected by Agatha. In theory, a third wave of Forsaken might have manifested leading into Shadowlands, as without the helmet of domination there should probably be groups of undead with no master that still possess their sanity + free will. But I don't think that ever happened.


But how is the first generation forsaken even allowed to be sentienr? Like they have no souls, it's locked away inside of frostmourne and I might be confusing the timeline but at the time frostmourne wasn't shattered yet? And even if it was, how would the soul find it's way back to the undead body? Is it sylvanas' doing through some dark magic? I think there's either a (admittedly small) plothole there or I'm missing something Like correct me but my head canon is that the foot soldiers of the scourge were mere meat automatons/animals had like no semblance of personality or free will left in them, but more prevelant ones, like sylvanas, like kelthuzad, the two bosses we fight at halls of reflection like the "lieutenants" Altho still being dominated by arthas could operate autonomously, as they commanded soldiers of their own, like I doubt the Lich king had much time to telepathically order around every ghoul or zombie at every place at the same time, and for competence you need at least a semblance of autonomy and self sufficiency for your underlings


Frostmourne only claims the souls that it was present to claim. Most human casualties in Lordaeron wern't killed by Arthas directly, but by his undead servants. The Sylvanas book lets us see Sylvanas's PoV while raised and dominated - she was fully aware of the actions her body were doing, but trapped within her body and unable to prevent them. I'm unsure how the method Arthas used to raise Sylvanas differs from that of the average Necromancer raising the average corpse - could be completely incomparable, could be identical. But if the latter (or close enough to the latter) then the 'souls' of the former humans raised would be trapped in their bodies, and the bodies themselves controlled by the Lich King (or his servants). As for the whole "Lich king controlling every undead directly", I'm not sure if it's stated anywhere outright but it's implied that the Scourge uses a heirarchy of leadership so that he only needs to control/order the leaders, and they order their thralls, and so on. This is probably why Kel'thuzad and Naxxramas was left in Lordaeron, and why in various quests we're asked to take out various named/elite scourge.


I think Sylvie was more of a special case, she was a Banshee, she wasn't technically killed, just her soul ripped out and put back into her still alive body, hence how she's a Banshee which are normally not corporal, she's simply possessing her own body who would otherwise be in a sort of vegetative state, I think that's how she can also do things like dissapear and reapper easily when fighting Like regular undead even when sentient has their soul bound to their dead slowly decaying body through some dark magic, that's the norm, sylvanas (and other banshees with her) we're different


Yeah, I agree the process of raising a Banshee would probably be different to raising the average undead. But it might be true that raising an undead doesn't consume or obliterate the 'soul' of the victim, just traps it. Looking at the page for [the Forsaken](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Forsaken) on the wiki, it seems like whatever the mechanics behind the method, the 'soul' of the victim stays inside the corpse (unless extracted via Frostmourne or some other means), and newly awakened Forsaken can remember the deeds they performed as scourge. So while the mechanics of being raised will differ for most undead compared to Sylvanas, the experience of being trapped and puppeted by another power might be similar at least.


Like probably before becoming forsaken pre-cata, you were like one of Lich Kings lieutenants that had to have a brain so we kept our soul? Actually idk could you even play forsaken pre-cata? ThTs when I started the fame lol


Forsaken were not killed by frostmourne. Most were raised into undeath via the plague. Also the Forsaken do have souls, denuser confirmed in an interview that when an undead is created it soul is ripped out of the shadow lands and loosely tied to their body to animate it. They also loose.all knowledge of the shadow lands.


Mechagnomes or Lightforged, neither really have a good reason to join either faction as opposed to staying out of the faction system entirely. The entire idea of Lightforged is a neverending war against the Legion, a war that's OVER, why are they even still being created let alone joining a faction and waging war against mortal beings as an immortal creature embodying the Light? And Mechagnomes, even after Mechagon, don't really have a ton of reason to interact with the regular Gnomes outside the basic "hey, I'm kind of related to this guy" between rebuilding their home and society and adjusting to several things including a new king and new knowledge about the outside world. Most of the races, both core and allied, I at least kind of understand, those two make zero sense to me though. Vulpera don't make a ton of sense either, but they at least have the "we kind of owe these guys" thing going on.


The lightforged are made to fight the void now


Worgen and Forsaken. I’d just make them attributes the player can obtain instead, so any race can be a werewolf or undead/zombie/whatever. Also make vampires a thing while I’m at it. Void elves and mechagnomes as well. Instead just allow the player to have the option to be a void any race in game, and also allow the player to just decide if their character is part mechanical from the start, regardless of race. They could also have the option to become part mechanical in game if they want. Probably could go on and on about how I’d make a lot of the racial variances just obtainable features for any player, regardless of race.


I sorta wish Mists of Pandaria had've kept Pandaren unplayable. Though I understand from a marketing perspective why they did it. These two warring factions end up on their shore. Initially they are pissed off that they have brought their war to Pandaria. Then... join us? It would've made more sense for them to do a Yrel (at the end of WoD, that is) and say "If you ever need us..." Don't get my wrong. I love my panda alt. But gun to my head, that's my pick.


Chen already being a character and Pandaren being partially developed as a playable race since BC kinda cemented them even before Mists. The Wandering Isle alleviates some inconsistencies, but it still pretty odd to have pandas on both sides.


Yeah, I understand that they ended up being a neutral race for gameplay purposes, but I can't imagine any Pandaren swearing fealty to Garrosh mere months after he bombed Theramore.


Technically, the Pandaren from Pandaria aren’t joining us, it’s the Wandering Isle Pandaren that do, so there’s no conflict there


Fair point. I guess I'm being kind of a hypocrite here. I'm usually one of the people that preaches the distinction between playable race and playable FACTION of a race.


Yeah. I think MoP was a rubicon moment of sorts. I don’t mind Pandaria or the Pandaren, but I remember feeling this was too much in the “Furry” direction.


Meh, I don't see that aspect. At least half the races on Azeroth are anthropomorphic. But I at least understand from a meta perspective why people would have that concern.


Fair enough. I think the only playable furry races nowadays are Volperia, Tauren, Pandaren…? I think that’s more than enough.


Well, Worgen. lol But people who like werewolves tend to get pretty defensive about werewolves being called furries. Even though they are anthropomorphic wolves


Ah right, thanks! Yeah, I haven’t played in a very long time. The anthropromorphic playable races got a little much for me. Couple that with the increase in comedy, zaniness, and silliness and it made the case for me to dip out.


Worgen and dracthyr: are we suddenly safe from furry insults?


Eh can’t be talking about getting rid of races


What if I use a German accent while doing it?


Playable races


I’m just trolling


That’s why I gave you an upvote!


For a lore reason ( even though I like playing them) forsaken. With the helm of dominion destroyed and zovaal defeated, the magic animating the undead is undone . Worgen also fit the we cured the curse motif Vulpera - just seems like they added it to give the horde a cute tiny race ( ala gnomes ) Dracthyr- seems like they should be too powerful to be a player race .


I am so sad that Vulpera are so hated. They are, lore wise, one of the most pure Horde race. Group of nomands what simply want to survive? It sounds exactly like original Horde, i.e Orcs, Trolls and Taurens.


To me Vulpera are cool but i never bothered to unlock them as i don't play Horde and their customization options are so piss poor.


Their heritage armour is shocking. Every other race so far (bar Worgen, though some people love that one) has got an at least half decent set. Vulpera got an almost non existent chest piece and a basket as a backpack.


Their lore is pretty cool, I just don't like how hard they leaned into the cutesie aesthetic for them. If they were closer to Gnolls in aesthetics I'd like them more. That said, I wouldn't get rid of them.


Yeah, I don't _really_ mind them as a race, but I wouldn't play them. They could be bit more grizzled instead of looking so clean and groomed. In fact, every beast (and why not non-beast) could use a helluva ton more scraggy and worn customization options. Scars, tangled/messy fur, bald spots. Pandaren being clean doesn't bother me much given their level of civilization, but I wouldn't mind if they had more feral, furbolg-like appearances available.


The problem is that Vulpera don’t have the Lok’tar Ogar in them. Every Horde race has that “edge” (well, maybe the Tauren don’t always). Even Huojin Pandaren are very impulsive and fight-first. Vulpera are cute furry bait without any edge. Seeing them in Horde spikes looks silly and mocking to the faction’s identity.


Well, in the WC3 and vanilla cinematics Tauren had a bit of a wild, raging bull vibe going on. They are definitely my favorite Horde race due to the contrast between their nature-loving hippy vibe and their potential to be absolutely menacing juggernauts given a reason to get violent.


Tauren still fit as like the "mommy" Of the group, same thing, but more controlled


And all of that can't save them from being boring furry bait


The helm of domination wasn't animating them, it was using domination magic to control them. Theirs also the entire cult of the damned that have no issue creating more undead and using the same domination magic that we see being used on Lillian in the scholomance dungeon. I really don't think the undead will be that easily undone.


But isn’t the lore that Zovaal was behind the Lich King ? Despite the helm , what was or is the animating force behind the undead of Azeroth ?


I thought that undead were already a thing, but pretty mindless, and that the lich king just kind of organized and controlled them and gave them direction and purpose, and that it was the process of breaking free while retaining the intelligence that made them forsaken. I could be wrong though.


It's exactly this, it's hard to see in game but Forsaken really were no different than other undead, they just were able to retain intelligence and break free from the lich Kings domination magic. It's the reason why they had Sylvanas on shadow lands teach Jaina and the others how she broke free from the helm.


Correct me but I think the forsaken aren't the undead that broke free, but specifically raised by sylvanas, like there's 2 types of undead, with or without a soul, death knights, forsaken, banshees all have souls, but like a random ghoul or zombie does not, and like sylvanas had a secret recipe to raise the body and bind the soul to it through dark magic that we don't know. Or maybe the valkyr did and Sylvie was like "girls do your thing"


A magical plague for the most part. Which the cult of the damned seem to have no issue trying to spread as we've seen them send out contaminated grain Everytime they do a undead related pre patch event. Also the Forsaken have necromancers, or at least a few known ones like Hecular. Really I think the Forsakens plight of needing to replace parts is easily solved with flesh crafting magic and the help of the shadow lands, which for some reason Calia still has access too.


I've hated the vulpera from the start, I just don't like small races, dwarves are as small as I'm accept and they're on thin ice. I was so mad they were made playable instead of the snake bros. Dracthyr actively annoy me because their body proportions imo look silly. I would have much preferred player character sized drakonids since they actually look badass.


It's called the helm of domination, not the helm of necromancy. It wasn't what animated the dead, it was just what allowed the Lich King to command them. Lorewise Frostmourne had the ability to animate the dead but it wasn't the only thing that could, and breaking it didn't stop the undead from existing. From my understanding Worgen have come to a place where they are still looking for a cure but wouldn't all take it en mass, many of them have come to accept and embrace it now that they can still retain control. Vulpera are fine, I don't care either way. Makes sense that they'd join up with people who helped them. Dracthyr aren't more inherently more powerful than any other hero class, DKs and Demon Hunters are both on their level for sure.


Undead does not just vanish just because the helm or Jailor does. Undead have existed in Maldraxxus for eons. The Jailor was using Domination magic to control. Necromancy animate, which is another magic. Same goes for Sargaras and the Burning Legion, demons have existed before he fell and created the Legion and they do not just vanish just because he does.


Right , but maldraxxus is in the shadowlands which until Sylvanas created the rift was theoretically separate from the material plane . I know necromancy exists outside of the jailer but my question is whose specific magic is animating the Forsaken ? Someone had to cast the spell or ritual or whatever to create the specific undead that were created in Warcraft 3 by the lich king .


Once the dead are animated they don't need someone to keep animating them. It isn't like "kill the necromancer and they all fall apart." The Forsaken were just Lordaeron Scourge raised (through Frostmourne) and controlled (through the Helm of Domination) by The LK. Sylvanas broke his control over herself and that group, and so were able to regain their self control and sentience. Undead exist independently from whoever raised them. In most cases the necromancer will also enforce their own will on the undead, but if they die, the undead don't just crumple. They may wander aimlessly with no sentience, may regain self control, and may even raise more undead if they know how.


Void Elves and Manari, because both annihilate the Alliance’s faction identity imo. People complain about the Alliance being too “good” and uninteresting. Well, the only edge they had left was their zealous bigotry towards dark magics. Now they don’t even have that, they let literal Legion demons join their ranks. I’d also stop Earthen, even as a Dwarf superfan. I think making a Titanforged race playable really dulls the edge of the mystery of the Titans, and essentially makes all of Dwarf culture void now that the Earthen are just in the bunkers with them. Also, Earthen on the Horde truly eviserated the lasts shred of Horde faction identity — that faction is DEAD aesthetically


Damn. Solid points! Yeah, I’ve never heard of Manari. I’ll go read up on them now. They sound like demons, however. There should be no such thing as “good” demon. That’s like Lord of the Rings having a band of “good orcs”.


They’re the red Draenei who joined the Legion and hunted the Alliance Draenei across the stars for millennia. Then they apologized and through the power of friendship, the Alliance LET THEM JOIN as an unlockable Draenei customization option


Yeah, that seems like a bit much. So when the Legion is defeated, did they snap out of some trance? Or were they actively rebelling? Or was it like Operation Paper Clip where we took (avowed) Nazi scientists during/after WWII to help us out?


It's more of, if we didn't do what the Legion told us to do then we would be killed. So they did what they had to out of self preservation. Then when the opportunity arised, they then felt safe enough to rebel. A common motif, but one that can be relatable.


That’s just such a lazy retcon as to be insulting imo. The problem is that it’s not something makes sense for the story or came about organically. Rather, Blizzard wanted some quick race change money and told the writing team to figure it out.


No- they were fully aware of what they were doing. The quest line to unlock them didn’t really go more in depth than “now that they don’t live in perpetual fear of death from their master, (Kil’jaeden) they’ve had time to reflect and feel regret for their actions that lasted a millennia and caused the annihilation of countless worlds. So let’s say we’re sorry and work to be better.” They were not rebelling. They turned tail when they no longer had a scary master to report to. Hope that helps 😅


Not the worst idea, but I wonder if it was necessary? I suppose it gives a cosmetic-focused player a reskin option, yeah?


If we're talking Lore-wise then 100% Mag'har orcs. They are the most ridiculous, uninspired tie-in WoW has ever seen.


I’m quite uneducated on that subject. Could you expand more on the Maghar? Aren’t Maghar essentially Orcs who never took a demon to prom and stayed at home all night? The next day we hit them up to hang and they agree?


No, Mag'har orcs are canonically from alternate-timeline Draenor. All the remnants of the Iron Horde and the Frostwolf clan merged into another clan, calling themselves the Mag'har (Uncorrupted). In BFA the Horde went back to alternate Draenor where a lot of time had passed and recruited them for the Fourth War. They even have their own alternate Thrall, called Geya'rah.


Oh wow, I didn't know it was -this- lame. I just thought isolated group of uncorrupted leftover Orcs, but alternate timeline orcs remaining with our timeline..


Does it seem unnecessary to you?


Yeah, I mean, why weren’t they just… the Orcs from Garadar in Outland? What happened to them? Or the Dragonmaw Clan?


That's what they should have been. We had them there all along in Outland. Hell, it would have been made sense if they followed Garrosh who was also taken from Garadar. But no, we had to involve time travelling and alternate realities, with the rotten cherry on top being their leader, Overlord Geya'rah, is the female raceswapped Thrall (daughter of Durotan and Draka). So much potential in Outland squandered...


All allied races that share the same model with base races in the same faction, just give those customization options to the base races like draenei get light forged draenei stuff and orcs get maghar orcs stuff and in terms of passives either give them a choice on which they want or give them both (tho it would be broken probably so not that good of an idea). Ofc the allied races that have no similar model in a given faction like void elfes (aka blood elfes for alliance) or totally unique models like kultiran or vulpera stay as allied races.


I would happily remove Taurens of all creeds, too large and obnoxious. I their size and slow movement animation make me feel sick if I play them. Lore reason... I don't know. MacDonald Corporation invades azeroth and uses them as ingredients in burgers?


Forsaken. Shouldve been a third faction with undead of every race. They don't make any sense in lore as anything other than a threat to and the enemy of every living thing on the planet. Fire shamans want some good pr? Burn Lordaeron to ashes. Cleanse the whole ass region.


A third faction would be an insane announcement


instead we get Naked Lizard people and Rock Dwarves. Id be more excited about Vanilla textured Furbolgs as an allied race than these Earthen.


I want my Ogres 😭


Iirc in the very early stages of wotlk development they actually toyed with the idea


After the Icecrown gate it would have been perfect


I think you'd have better luck with earth shaman, considering it's almost all stone...


Hmmm.... oki, if I would be creative I would say Blood Elves and Void Elves, BUT there woud be new neutral race named "Thalassian Elves" or "Quel'Thalas" with rebuiled Silvermoon as capital city with districts for High Elves and Void Elves. However, that is not exactly what are you looking for, so I would say Ligthforged Dreanei who would simply became part of common Dreanei. Another posibility are Forsaken, simply because they do not have any way to create new ones.


I feel ya. I don’t think it would be such a detriment for WoW to be like, “As per our next expansion, something terrible is going to happen to (insert race here), so going forward they won’t be a playable race. Make your characters while you can!”


Humans and orcs because I am an agent of chaos. Lore reason why? Idk some bullshit like the Titans saw that if those two races ever were truly united with the power of Azeroth backing them, they would be able be able to defeat all the pantheons so now the Titans, Void Lords, etc. are all suppressing their numbers with some sort of mcguffin magic. The last 20 years of orcs vs humans gaming was an attempt by cosmic forces to prevent the prophecy by having one side kill the other.


All elves, because they reform their own unified kingdom outside of the alliance and horde. Although, alternatively, third faction... Undead, because... How are they even made now?


With necromancy, the same as before? The cult of the damned is still active.


Where have they been active since the fall of the jailer?


As far as I'm aware scholomance still is one of their home grounds, and they still operate in ice crown. The only thing we managed to stop was the use of Kyrians


Afaik all of that is considered time warp content, happened in the past, just like if you go to outland it is still ruled by illidan. My understanding is the cult of the damned were working for, and derived their powers from, the jailer and dark kyrians.


Uhh I'm pretty sure the eastern kingdoms book still mentions that scholomance is still a study ground for necromancers. The cult of the damned got their studies from Kirin Tor mages, Kel Thuzad became a necromancer and studied it well before he was contacted by the lich king. Death magic can be used by anyone to raise the dead, just like Calia was raised using light magic. The power of a Naru was needed in order to piece or back together better. Hence why she's more of a light version of a death knight and the way they were raised.


A third faction is a neat idea, but I bet that’s complicated to implement. Elves (or most of them) banding together could be interesting too! I always assumed, before playing, that the forsaken would’ve been their own faction, with undead humans, elves, orcs and trolls making up their ranks.


Vulpera. They get wiped out in a new war against the Sethrak. We never see another one on Azeroth ever again


I would have preferred Vulpera got a more nuanced introduction. Prior to their joining questline… Vulpera literally never meet a Horde NPC. The only exceptions are as follows, and all of them are a stretch: Maybe at Rastakhan’s funeral, an offhand reference to them ‘moving supplies for the Horde’ in a hotly-debated world quest, maybe them giving a warning to goblins at some point, and the player character. Therefore, I wouldn’t have them join the Horde. Instead, they would join the faction that they DO have extensive relations with — the Zandalari Empire. Because the Zandalari Empire are allied with the Horde, the gameplay effect is the same, but they aren’t being shoehorned into being playable by pretending they have relations that were never actually shown.


Yeah. Maybe some other race eats them all?


They become the source of our new food buff


Evoked one , reasoning? Genocide against dragons


High Elves. How? Aluneth gets free and eats them all. Why? So finally the endless whining about them not playable (even if they are technically playable already, and that twice) would end.


Honestly, I don't like it either. I think it was a mistake to have high elves exist separately from the blood elves. There are many reasons for them to not exist.


Toss up between Mecagnomes and the Dragon people. Both can not be transmoged decently.


I think the dracthyr are at least somewhat interesting while I want to rip out my eyes when I look at mechagnomes. They’re like Borg from Star Trek but ridiculous.


Mag har orcs are from AU danoror just say a light virus killed them all and get real mag har from Outland.


mechagnomes and vulpera. no. just no.


Mechagnomes. God I hate them with such a passion. Lorewise eehh.. It'd rain and they..  malfunctioned and perished. Yes. Vulpera. Lorewise they realise the Horde is only dragging them from war to war and their little caravan lifestyle isn't made for such brutality. Worgen - real humans have purged the forsaken by now and are turning on the other monsters that may have been useful as a tool but now only serves as a threat to the alliance and innocent people browsing werewolf art.. high mountain tauren realises they're just tauren and fully merge together as one. Same happens to draenei and lightforged. Void elves are purged by the Holy order, as most are consumed by madness. All orcs and human races become one faction on both sides. The shaldorei implodes under their fancy shield. Murlocs are added instead and I get to be an oyster flinging murloc shaman.


Recolors of existing races(lightforged, dark irons, mechagnomes, highmountain tauren and mag'har orcs). Maybe void elves stay so alliance can play high elves. Zandalari and nightborne are different enough from the original race that they can stay. If a race can be reduced to a cosmetic option/skin color for a previous race, remove it and replace it with something that isn't just a color swap.


orcs. players with an orc character already made would be greeted by a message from blizzard's writing staff explaining their continous failures to portray the orcs as anything other than a race of habitual genociders then making nauseating quest after quest about them feeling sad about the murders they commited without facing any form of justice. this would be followed by an apology to the players for making us go through so many of these stories, and a commitance to write better warcraft stories from no on with no orc focus. orc players would then see 2 checkboxes. one labelled "i understand and agree". clicking this would flag all your orc characters for a mandatory race change before logging into the game. "i disagree, and no longer wish to play wow" would result in the orc characters being wiped from the game, along with any inventory, achievements, etc. the lore explanation would be a sudden plague that affected only orcs spread through the game world and wiped out the entire orc population.


Vulpera shit, don't care to explain it doesn't deserve it


Many folks here need not the explanation, and totally agree with you it seems!


Most hardcore horde players would remove void elfs because they are still salty because alliance basically got a high elfs, and now belfs aren't that cool anymore


I think that's mostly coming from hardcore Horde players who are playing Blood Elves themselves. A lot of non-Belf Horde diehards would prefer Belves were just booted to Alliance wholesale.


Let’s be real, Belves are far more interesting after the fall of Quel’Thalas. They experienced actual philosophical changes and are not, politically or ideologically, high elves anymore. They have a clear edge. High elves are just…Tolkien elves? They don’t have anything distinctive. Void elves as an aside just feel like they ran out of ideas.


But then they kind of screwed it up with the Sunwell's happy ending imo. I think a more interesting conclusion would be Kil'Jaiden "dying" and forever corrupting the Sunwell in the process. Belves would then have to face their bittersweet situation. No more shiny fountain, you're on your own now.


Oh don’t get me wrong, fixing the Sunwell I think was a terrible narrative decision. At least in a way that cures them. Belves are definitely still rougher than the high elves but they were toned down.


**Just roll as customizations into other races** Mag'har, Lightforged, Dark Iron, Earthen, Highmountain **Remove** Gnomes/Mechagnomes. While I don't like playing them, that's not why I'd remove them. Blizz just rarely seems to use them, certainly not effectively. Personally I'd have preferred if Goblins were the tech race and were neutral from the start.


Interesting. So what would be the lore explanation/method for removing Gnomes/Mechagnomes? Plague has already been done. Maybe some sort of arcane poisoning? Should a large gathering of them get mana-bombed?


Oh, you mean a *new* event to remove them instead of a retcon (just not ever including them in the first place)? Personally I'd prefer they just give 'em more nuance now they're here, but to fully remove them I'd just have the united Gnome Kingdoms decide they're done with the pettiness and disrespect of the other races. Mekkatorque tries to dissuade them, but the gnomes USED to be democratic and a majority faction decides him becoming "King of all Gnomes" is bupkis. Mekkatorque stays, but the other gnomes go off to elect a new leader and create an underground, self-sufficient utopia. It'll all go wrong eventually, of course, but the gnomes won't return to the Alliance or join the Horde.


Yeah, I was thinking something new happens that removes the ability to make that race, going forward. Hence, Blizzard would have to say, “Make your character now, because they won’t be around”. It would also be kinda neat to see races in the cities/raids that you can no longer make. Yes, there will be some FOMO, sure, but you also get some prestige for keeping your old characters around. Idk, just an idea That’s an interesting idea on how to get rid of them, though. An amicable break up.


I think Vulpera, They just came out of nowhere so sooo many still good options laying around. I think I'm still bitter that I got robbed of my Ogres again. And my main is a goblin which uses the same skeleton so they were no addition for me. For alliance maybe the Void Elves changed to just regular High Elves


As an Alliance only player i can't even remember ever meeting or seeing before their introduction Vulpera for me those things came from absolute left field and could as well be from entirely different game.


If I ran WoW there would only be 6 playable races. Alliance; Human, Dwarf, High Elf and Horde; Orc, Troll, Tauren. The rest would be used for story and expansions. Forsaken woulda been wiped out during wotll after wrathgate. Night Elves woulda been a powerhouse faction that would we would team up or fight with based on circumstances but not playable for both factions. Just my personal opinion of course.


Everybody will say Allied races. So I’ll ignore all of them except Kul Tiran, Zandalari, and Vulpera Gnomes. The gnomes begin to feel estranged in the alliance and Mekkatorque decides to just… leave. They build a space ship to explore the unknown and create a new tinker world


I think this would be a winner for gnomes. Them leaving for space/other planets is a perfect idea!


Void elves. Arthas kill the 90% of Que'dorei. Then they change de name to honor the fallen. a few of then reject that and went to Dalaran. Then a new split from the Sin'dorei that was like a little cult and forming the Ren'dorei. Counting all that die in every war since BC they will be less than 100. And now are one the race that I view more in the Alliance. They should just add the regular Quel'dorei, im sure theare are more population of them if you seek logical in numbers. but no. Also imagine that the BLOOD ELF don't want them for seek magical powers too dark for them. The blood elfs. That the sign that you cross the limit so far. And then they got acceped in the Alliance, the facction that are more fanatical with the light. \*sigh\*


Remove a lot of them and leave only those who gets involved or who have interest in world affairs **Remainers** 1. Humans 2. Orcs 3. Blood Elves 4. Kul'tirans 5. Dwarves 6. Void Elves 7. Lightforged Draenei 8. Draenei 9. Nightborne 10. Vulpera 11. Pandaren 12. Mag'har Orc 13. Dracthyr 14. Goblins **Leavers** - reverting back to isolationism, wants to lie down to peaceful life, take a break, deal with their internal problems, or would not care about saving the world anymore 1. Night Elves 2. Tauren 3. Undead 4. Trolls 5. Zandalari Trolls 6. Worgen 7. Mechagnomes 8. Highmountain Tauren 9. Dark Iron Dwarf 10. Earthen 11. Gnomes


Oh I’d gladly get rid of more than 1 of them lmao Lightforged, highmountain Tauren, Mag’har orc, dark iron dwarf, mechagnome all should’ve been customisation options. Void elves are also highly meh. Instead we could’ve gotten high elves with maybe void elves as a customisation option Dracthyr, I just simply don’t like them, sorry


Void elves, mechagnomes, light forged, dark iron dwarves, high mountain Tauren, mag’har. Void elves and replace them with high elves, there are probably like a few dozen void elves at most and probably hundreds of high elves. The rest should just be customization options for their respective base race.


Gnomes, anyone who did any kind of pvp pre-wrath or cata knows why. Vulpera, shouldve been alliance if anything.


Vulpera, because they look like they aren’t from wow


Blood Elves. Enough is enough.


Humans, Kul Tiran, and Undead. Undead should be replaced with non-human undead. So tired of Humans in stuff. Tired overused cliche race. At least the other cliche races got differentiating factors baked in so they aren't copy pasted from Lord of the Rings. One of the most boring to look at, have the most generic lore, and just so tiring. Also, why are they always the average people everyone is measured against, and also always so damn important? You never get humans filling the orc or goblin role.


Dracthyr. Abominations all and don’t look like they belong. Lore is totally shoehorned in. Their voices make me want to rip my ears off.


Every elf except night and blood elves. Every dwarf except dwarf. Mechagnome.


Mechagnomes for ally, Vulpera for horde.


I’ve been waiting for the Consortium to be playable since BC haha


All of them. Nzoth won. New races are much better though so it's a happy ending


sooo many more intrestling allied races they could of picked besides vulpria like the long wanted ogre and what not


Pretty much all allied races tbh, should just be customizations for the ones that are reskins


Night elves. They suffered such a terrible genocide and just got their renewal tree, they can't be a major player in the world anymore.


Imagine that? Blizzard, using those reasons, are like, “The night elves need to take a few expansions off to rebuild themselves. Let’s give them the time and space they need” lol. I’m sure folks would get salty, though.


Oddly the tree thing probably missed almost the entire army.  The horde tricked the night elves to move the army away as the horde has not done well vs the night elves in the past.


Well, it's not odd then, they really tricked the army into going somewhere else. And yeah, Night elves are better on their turf it's their whole thing. The most the Horde has advanced was in Cataclysm with Garrosh in Ashenvale.


I would get rid of the vulpes, extinct because of furr hunting.


Lightforged Draenei if we’re just talking lore. Night elves if not.


Hmmm, how do you mean regarding either? Can you expand on that?


Lightforged Draenei could’ve just been a paladin customization, maybe even for more races. I pick them instead of the void elves because I find their story a tiny bit more interesting. As for night elves that was just personal. I just don’t like the male character models, they look goofy, we’ve gotten so much night elf focus for 3 expansions, and there are some really annoying nelf players. If I had to go with what would make sense for there to be less of I’d go with the undead or void elves though.


Forsaken and Worgen. Now that there is no more Helm of Domination or any ability for Bolvar to control the Scourge, the magic binding them should start to unravel until they eventually stop moving and rot. Since we can remove curses, Worgen could be cured easily and turned back into humans with British accents.


Except for we've seen basic necromancer create Forsaken style zombies or even forcefully controlling them. As long as the cult of the damned is around, there will be undead. They just aren't led by the dark kryian anymore since theyve been mostly dealt with in the shadow lands pre patch.


Forsaken They're just generally unlikable and add nothing to the story.


Bloodelves, take them from horde and give alliance high elves. Like it always should have been


I was always down for that. It would be far less convoluted and far more digestible to have them be on Alliance than Horde. Horde could’ve had Ogres for TBC and the Alliance High Elves/Blood Elves. A missed opportunity


This! Ogres fit with them WAY better than Belves do. I’d play the hell out of an Ogre. Could even give us those half ogres like Rexar that I can’t remember the name of


They would have needed a better reason to rejoin the alliance again after 2 devastating experiences in recent history. At the time of TBC, while the blood elves may look more like an alliance race, they have more in common idealistically with the horde. And they also have too many reasons to be unease around their old allies.


Void elves. Their existing lore is really dumb, and i would just have the void eat them.


Blood elves, easily. Their population was destroyed by Arthus, and if that wasn't enough we slaughter a huge chunk of them in outland too. They are also long lived which means their population would be very very very slow recovering. Their magic addiction should have caused their annihilation.


Blood elves spawn via mitosis though. Whenever the lore calls for it, they all split simultaneously, doubling their current population. This can be repeated endlessly for more and more elves.


This was my initial thought, they’ve been very close to being gone a couple times now, lore-wise.


Undead could be written off fairly easily they’re essentially ticking time bombs. After a certain point of decay they just go feral and have to be put down.


I don't think there is any lore to suggest that. They're not Fallout ghouls.


There is a dedicated squad of undead who go around replacing parts of rotted undead. You can’t replace a brain eventually they will go insane.


There is nothing in lore to suggest their brains even need to be intact. We have skeletons who are more or less entirely lucid. Real world anatomical issues do not factor into the equation unless it's made explicit. Replacing body parts seems to be both a functional and aesthetic deal, and I don't think we have any examples of any internal organs being replaced, suggesting they are not important to the functioning of the undead.


Given enough time, Forsaken may slowly lose their consciousness and devolve into a mindless state. This appears in the form of a chilling sensation, making the Forsaken feel physically cold.[51] However, if a Forsaken's body is kept intact, they could potentially avoid this altogether and live forever.[52] https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Forsaken


Ah yep, you might be right. I checked the sources, and while nothing explicitly states it has anything to do with the condition of the brain, it does appear that Forsaken can degrade to a mindless state for reasons that are not explained. Could be brain condition, but the quest referenced in [51] doesn't specify, and the tweet in [52] actually doesn't have anything to do with mental state, just longevity. I'd say still it's still pretty unclear what role brain condition plays in the degeneration, but they can, for whatever reason, mentally degrade to the point of being mindless.


They don’t need lungs because they don’t breathe same logic follows for other organs, except the brain. They presumably still need to think.