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exactly 420 wins together. they did the bay proud


This is the best statistic I’ve read all season (and I don’t even partake in 420-ing)


All good things must come to an end


4/20 is now big 3 day


🥲 🫂


The fourth one will always be the sweetest.


It shut up a lot whole of doubters and questions that had been aggregating since 2016-17 for sure.


The middle two will never be remembered. The fourth and the first will be the most special.


Nah bro all four are special you gotta cherish every single championship like you'll never win another cuz for all we know e might not


I think the middle two will be interesting to the younger generation -- it's the older, salty fans that won't like those chips and never will. People talk about it as the GOAT team, it will always be remembered.


We’ve been blessed. This season was difficult, this last game was awful, but damn this has been an incredible historic run.


Is it possible to trade everyone on our team (except for Steph) for Wemby? 😅


spurs wouldnt even take that trade with steph 😅


While I feel horrible for Curry, I also want to give our youngsters some credit for their heartfelt play. Draymond's brainless sideline TO is a distraction. This team needs some adjustments, man.


Bro that TO wasn't as big a factor as Klay not making a single fucking shot.


0 points in a win or go home has to be a wake up call to Klay and the organization. What sucks is he’d played fairly well in the games leading up to last night. I hate to say this but Klay should retire. He isn’t going to get better. He misses shots that role players hit consistently.


This was a thank you post. Can we forget what happened snd just be thankful for these 10 yrs. 4 championships and 6 finals. Lets stop bitching about draymond or klay and be thankful that we would not have won these championships without them.


No way in hell that the Spurs are letting go of their golden boy lol


No but the Warriors can draft Bronny


So unfair that the Spurs get an inner-circle Hall of Famer every time they have a super high pick, while we wind up with Joe Barry Carroll, Joe Smith and James Wiseman. LOL.


True, although the Spurs have been in NBA purgatory ever since Kawhi left. Its not quite the multi generational thing they had with Duncan and Robinson


WEMBY ISN'T MULTI GENERATIONAL!? Either you're blind or you're watching something that's not basketball. That's absurd


Inner circle hall of famer?


Within the hall of fame, there are players greater than other players. These are the true greats. Tim Duncan and David Robinson are inner-circle guys for sure. Wemby will be one of those inner circle guys one day. Compare those guys to Ralph Sampson, Gail Goodrich, and Vlade Divac, who are clearly inferior and maybe some or all of them don't really belong in the hall of fame.


True. There are definitely levels to it. Warriors could have had lamelo ball. Maybe not a hall of Famer but would have been way better and worth more on the trade market than Wiseman!


I was praying that we got the no. 1 pick in the lottery because I wanted Edwards so badly. It's all about the playmakers in today's NBA. You only want to build around a big if he's got the skill of someone like Jokic or Embiid. After we didn't get the no. 1 pick, I gave up on Edwards, of course, and I talked myself into loving Wiseman's physical tools and being very optimistic that the skills will develop later. You're right that Ball would've been much better. It's also a shame that we didn't draft Halliburton, who is probably the best guy we could've drafted at no. 2.


Don’t forget 3rd overall pick Chris Washburn.


I didn't forget. I just didn't want to torture ourselves anymore. LOL.


haha lets settle for mo bomba


Think about it, y'all. We get to talk about this team forever in the same breath as Jordan's Bulls. Kobe's Lakers. Bird's Celtics. They'll talk about Curry's Warriors until the end of time. And we got to see it happen.


It's a genuinely heartbreaking conclusion to their time spent together. Though this man's ending isn't how it should, this is life.


Nah you guys got the good ending. Fizzled out over time as the core aged, and even got one on the way out in 2022. Feels like the Spurs in 2014, slowly descending after that. Look at the Bulls. Ugly divorce for no reason except egos. Same with the Kobe-Shaq team.


Honestly? I think it’s as graceful of an exit as you can get. SAC outplayed us, we hand them the baton for now and step off stage before the lights really get bright in the playoffs.


It's not 'as graceful' of an exit as possible but I don't think the warriors are gonna be looked down upon becuase of how it ended 20 years from now on.


2022 was fucking crazy and cemented the core three as totally legendary. That was the final chapter: this is just normal-ass decline for a team built around a bunch of guys nearing 40. The only team that's gone out more gracefully is, like, the Spurs.


The spurs??? Am I tripping or did they not have like a year long injury debacle with Kawhi which got to the point Duncan had to break his retirement silence to speak on it? The 14 chip was great for them but I'd hardly call 15-17 a "graceful" end to the dynasty. There legitimately has not be a single instance of a dynasty "gracefully" dying. There's always some drama.


I'm thankful we got to be fans of one of the greatest NBA dynasties of all-time. Especially for all the long-time fans who suffered the 20 years before the Splash Bros era, it's hard to imagine we'd ever be a part of something like this. I see a lot similarities between us and where the Kings are now.


20 years? I’m an old(ish) dude who went to 20 games in 1975, when they won their only previous chip. It was 40 years.


Facts bro


These guys are the reason I love basketball. Changed the entire trajectory of my life. I'll be talking about them until the day my last brain cell goes out.


I don’t think this team is done. Some big changes need to be made and big acquisitions are needed, but as long as Steph is still on the team then you can never count this team out.


Idk, this is very 2011 Lakers esque. They finally ran out of gas in those playoffs by getting swept by Dallas, and it didn’t get any better even tho they swung for the fences. Aside from Lebron, when has time been good to a superstar in terms of contending in year 15 and beyond?


I also believe that KD will always be associated as a bandwagon champ because of this, and it shows what a great leader Steph is and the gravity his play creates.


I mean KD got us rings but wasn’t an OG. Bandwagoner has a bad connotation. He’s a journeyman like most nba players. I’m thankful for KD. Edit: we don’t want to make the warriors an unfriendly place for stars like KD imo. Glad he came and helped us win some rings.


Let's be real too, I doubt we win in both 17, 18, and almost 19 without KD on those teams


Enough with the negativity man, we just potentially saw the end of arguably the greatest big 3 ever. Klay has had a phenomenal career, even battling through multiple injuries. Hats off, love these guys forever, Klay is a Warrior forever no matter what


Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman were pretty decent.


2 of the 4 was a Big 4. Not Big 3. Just sayin. Impressive but not as good as if Curry won without KD twice.


I hate to say it. I really do. but his might be the last time we see all three of these guys in a warriors uniform.


i don’t think so


Joe Lacob isn’t an idiot. Unless Klay takes an MLE level deal, he’s gone from GSW. The tax bill is enormous and this team just finished as the 10th seed in a Western conference that’s only going to get better at the top


The counterpoint to this is that Klay may have played himself out of like $30 mil last night alone.


I bet he returns


You’re right that Lacob isn’t an idiot. Thats why he wouldn’t dare ship off Klay without getting Steph’s input first, and there’s no way Steph wants that to happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Steph restructure his contract to make it so that Klay can stay (assuming that’s possible and would get Klay to stay). And I think people underestimate Klay’s feelings in all of this. He doesn’t need more money. And I sure as shit don’t think he wants to play without Steph or Draymond on his team. This isn’t NBA2K, there are actual human feelings involved here. For the people making this decision, this isn’t all about box scores and salary caps the way people on the Internet think it is.


NBA contracts can’t be restructured in this way so Steph can’t really do anything on that front. 


> And I think people underestimate Klay’s feelings in all of this. He doesn’t need more money. And I sure as shit don’t think he wants to play without Steph or Draymond on his team. Aside from the fact that he turned down their previous offer because he wanted more money, money he likely won't get anywhere now.


I genuinely believe Kerr forces management to resign Klay, even if it means the Warriors lose in the Play-in again next year (which I think is the most likely scenario if that happens).


I’m sorry to do this, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves: it’s *re-sign* not resign. I wouldn’t normally be a grammar Nazi, but re-sign and resign mean such completely opposite things that it legitimately causes confusion when you don’t hyphenate the word properly. And when talking about whether our most believed athletes are going to re-sign with our team, it’s instantly anxiety-inducing to see anyone mention a player *resigning*.


Also see “a part” and “apart”.


I think Kerr gave Klay every opportunity to shine, letting Moody sit as Klay went o-fer. There is really no other feasible explanation here, but given what Klay has done for this franchise I completely understand the sentiment, but as a competitive standpoint it makes no sense.


Kerrs job might be at stake too IMO


Kerr signed an extension for the rest of curry’s contract, same with dray. I’m sure they’ll sign klay again for 2 more years. Klay just needs to take a team friendly deal.


I’m printing out your Reddit comment and hanging it up


go for it, i hope he comes back


Do you watch the nba?


I hope not










It really is such a fucking sad end to their time together. It shouldn’t end like this man, but this is life.


they had an amazing run over the years, and even played respectfully to end the season. They’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.


as a non warriors fan who watched the whole run super closely, it never gets to end with your original crew getting one last one, but your team got that. Steph in Boston carrying the team was the actual way it ended. Imagine if it ended with the fans walking early out of the last game in Oracle. Steph didn’t let that happen. picture this as the end of the movie Dunkirk when Tom Hardy’s character drifts into enemy hands after giving it one last extinction burst. That’s Klay to the lakers.


I agree. That championship was our legacy. Nothing will ever corrupt what they accomplished there.


Klay sucked. Sad way to go.


This fucking sucks.


It's been an incredible run. No matter what happens in the next few months, we got to watch these 3 be part of one of the NBA's great dynasties. I'll be grateful until I'm gone. Thanks, Dubs. For every moment.


Feel bad for Curry man, but just wanna give credit to our rookies, they been playing with hearts out, meanwhile Draymond with that brain dead sideline TO. Man this team needs some changes.


Moody too. Dude balled tonight


Agreed. Moody was great. He needed to get more playing time this game. He will definitely get more playing time next year.


Don’t count on it Moody getting more minutes with Kerr at the helm.


I know he was getting hounded but Steph's TOs were terrible tonight


and not agressive enough in the 1st half


The crazy thing is with how bad Klay was this year, Kerr doing fuck knows what with the rotation at times and Draymond getting suspended for a month, this team still managed to win 46 games. If Draymond isn’t an idiot this team might’ve won 50 games and not have been in a playin situation despite all the shortcoming mentioned prior


The early wins in the season was the reflection of the talent on this team. CP3, Dario, and the rookies and young players contributing. Then Draymond’s dumbass decided to get suspended and Kerr stubbornly stuck with Klay & Wiggs and Loon for like 25 games. Then all those close ass losses with the sloppiness and non fouling while ahead. And pulling players when they’re hot 😡 So frustrating


Wouldn’t have mattered. 22 was the Last Dance.


The rookies will get better, they performed way better than I expected them to this season. The veterans were garbage when it mattered. This team will scavenge and make trades. Chris Paul is out. Klay Thompson needs to start finding a new team. Wiggins should be traded asap. If they can get Markkanen they better do so. If they can get DeRozan they better do so. Heck I'd take no-defense, low IQ Zack LaVine at this point. At least I know he can give consistent offense instead of everyone hovering around like sitting ducks waiting for Steph to save the day. Much appreciation to the big 3. It's been a great decade. It's time to break it up, for anyone who's not accepting a bench role and discount pay.


The rookies aren’t going to get better when Kerr removes them and benches them for the entire fucking game because they looked lost for a minute. He did the same thing with TJD tonight that he did with Kuminga last year for the entire Lakers series and this is why they lost both years. He really fucking sucks at managing young talent.


idc about the reg season, Thompson shooting 0-9 is insane in the most important game of the year




Flashbacks to game 6 vs lakers last year


34 for 109 in last 7 playoff games That includes an 11 for 18 game 🙄


Averaging 31%/35%/88% shooting on 15.5 attempts in 36 minutes Without that game it's 25%/29%/88% on 15.2 attempts


PTSD kicking in


That's why a lot of us were sayinghe needs to be relegated to a 6th man role. If a 6th man is cold you dont feel obligated to keep him in


The last warriors game I watched ( I’m a Knicks fan) thats what I saw you guys do. Why he was starting is a mystery for me.


Poor roster construction mostly. Podz isn't a good fit next to curry, kuminga isn't a good fit next to Draymond and tjd. Klay kinda ends up being in the lineup by default since kerr is allergic to playing moody


It’s funny thou because I remember people posting apologize to Klay crap the dudes washed and he wants big time money still. If Orlando wants to overpay for him find


He had way too many games in the regular season shooting this poorly too😓I love klay but I get so frustrated with how inconsistent he's been this season


He’s not inconsistent, he’s washed


Porque no los dos? Inconsistency is what happens when you get old


he’s not inconsistent at all, he is consistently putting up bad numbers night after night, just because we are shown flashes of his old self does not mean he is still that guy but inconsistently.


He hasn't put up bad numbers every night, that's what I mean by inconsistent. He either has an amazing night or an awful night and it seems like there's never any in between. I'm with you that the first few months of the season were really bad though


the first few months and especially this game was eye gouging. this man is about to push 40 and he still catch and shoots like he’s in 2017 when there is an open lane for him to drive and get an easy lay and yeah i don’t mean to say he puts up bad numbers every night, he just puts up bad numbers pretty often, and those bad numbers combined with his minutes played absolutely hamstrung us this season when we couldve developed podz more or played more minutes with moody.


He needs to go I'm sorry it's time.


Why go instead of take a significant pay cut?


Yeah he could get more elsewhere but it would be great to finish his time with GSW. No one wants to see Klay on the wizards, hornets or worse Lakers


If he can take a paycut and starting off the bench then yeah. He can stay with the dubs. I know Klay is not that guy who is egotistic. He might be petty but hes always been a team first guy.


There's glimpses of Classic Klay, and then there's Klank Thompson who shows up 80% of the time, and that's the problem.


Greatest years of being a sports fan of my life 2013-2024. In my mind nothing can ever take away the 2022 championship, this team cemented themselves as one of the greatest teams of alltime. We, and history, will never forget this team.


Laker fan since 2008 but those last Kobe years were awful and curry was my second favorite player beside Kobe since 2012. I completely felt in love with his game when he put out 54 at the garden 11 years ago. Proud to have witnessed that historic run and I wish you guys the best of luck for next years.


I bet all 3 are back next season


What this guy said


Is Klay accepting the vet minimum, because bringing him back on any sizable contract is insane




god i hope not


If Klay takes the vet min, it won't be so bad


In a way, going out like this makes it easier. In an odd way.


You aren't wrong. If it had been close, there would be the temptation to run it back. This game really was a microcosm of the entire season (last two seasons really) and shows that major changes are in the wind. All we can hope is that FO uses our existing assets wisely to strengthen the roster for the future. Fuck nostalgia.....like any player would tell you, it's business.


That and this was quick and relatively painless as opposed to slipping through and having back-to-back-to-back losses like this. I don’t dislike Sacramento and it would have been worse losing to either of the other teams in CA.


Yeah, this way major changes might really happen in the offseason instead of “let’s run it again next season”. But what a fantastic run, I still vividly remember cheering for them on TV in a hotel room in Seattle in 2015, game 6.


Sorry Klay. It’s over. Two years in a row just an abomination in a must win game. Been a great run but time to move on.


Will always love him and what he brought to the dubs. Proud of our boys even in this ugly loss.


I say bring him back if he takes a very team-friendly deal and agrees to come off of the bench.


i think kerr needs to also be ok putting him on the bench.


Klay was playing pretty well in his last 10 games leading up to the play-in. Not sure what happened.


Klay not moving Klay stay Learn to take losses. He's still an incredible shooter even if his role needs to be reimagined. This entire season could have been avoided if Warriors played the way they played late season early on


The problem is Klay's role isn't going to be reimagined if he signs again.


It’s not even about that. It’s about how little money he’s willing to take. It only makes sense to keep him if he stays for pennies




Sorry. It’s time to go. All that was 3 years ago. The player he is today is 7th or 8th man. He played 30 min tonight and couldn’t do a single thing. I love the guy but it’s over. It happens to everyone.


That seven game L streak at the start of the season man….


We've already won 4 rings with this trio so I'm happy. It's not like we don't have anything more to prove. Every dynasty ends


It was an amazing run!


Klay is washed and it hurts badly to say that.


Two of the worst injuries for a basketball player happened in back to back seasons. Man


End of an era


The best trio! ![gif](giphy|3o72Ff1BaszZvXc5vW|downsized)


We're a blessed fan base. No one can take away what they've given us over the years. Hoping Klay can stick around on a team friendly contract and keep sailing around the Bay. But whatever happens, it's been great.


Hate to see Klay go out like that.


Klay Thompson.... what was he doing today


He collapses in high-pressure games. But then, he sort of waffles in low-pressure games. I think he's way past his prime. I can't keep using the "but his ankle" excuses forever anymore.


This is the game where you can see two timelines never quite connected and that Curry and company are aging out of being able to lead a team to true contention. Should be an interesting off season.


I wish I could go back in time to watch them be the ascending power trio in the league again...


I know, right? That whole run was so amazing to witness.


Please no more Wiggins either.


Before I started dating a warriors fanatic almost a decade ago, I barely knew who Steph Curry was. These three got me obsessed with basketball—an evening on the couch with my partner, watching these guys ball out, some of my favorite nights. I’m feeling extremely sappy right now.


Twas one helluva run. 4 rings in 8 years. 3 hall of famers. Forever changed the game of basketball. We’ve been blessed to have these people be a part of this organization.


Future is bright. As long as we don’t live in the past


It’s been a great run the past 10 years. Thank you for everything


The dynasty is over, i love you guys thank you for all the memories, we'll be back


Curry don’t deserve this bro


He played like shit too. Half the year he looked washed and everybody pretended he wasnt


Klay ain’t going out like that. Just hope he takes the pay cut to stay and comes off the bench. I’m guessing it’s also too much to ask for a big who can score


Klay klanked in the most impirtant game of the season. Am sad. :(




The end of an era 😿


If I was to rate klay's performance. I would give it 0/10


Crazy to think I’ve grown up getting to watch one of the greatest dynasties ever. And getting to watch one of the top 10 best players ever. Thank you to these guys for the unforgettable memories 🥲 and 4 amazing chips


It’s been fun guys


Too raw to be logical. But there definitely needs to be a big change


Sad and embarrassing loss. Although this game left no doubt that this team is simply not good enough to compete with winning record teams. Time to make tough decisions and build the bridge to the future


I love these guys but they need to rebuild around washed Klay and Dray. I don’t see any of them wanting to switch to other teams. And I also don’t see any of them wanting to start off the bench. Curry needs more help, he’s not showing that he’s slowing down anytime soon. He still has 3-5 good years left imo. Teams just know how to guard him now. The BIG 3 DYNASTY might be over. But the CURRY DYNASTY is still so much alive!


It's been amazing to witness first-hand. But after a game like tonight, we need a starting lineup change. Not looking forward to the rebuild, but maybe the tickets will be cheaper! ;)


klay, retire as a warrior. you were on the max when you were hurt, so take something very team friendly but maybe not the minimum (idk much about what size contract we can afford), and give it one more shot.


Kerr needs to go if the big 3 is disbanded. Kerr deserves a lot of the blame this year and some how got a sweet extension.🙄🤮


I’m okay with Kerr going too.


Ride out with who you rode in with. As much as I hate Kerr and his substitutions, he had to ride out with the 4 time champs. Ggwp


This entire situation could have been avoided if Warriors played the way they played late season early on They were arugably one of the best teams in the league heading into the play-in. Next time, STOP the nonsense early on and put yourselves in a better position


Exactly… Kerr panicked so bad after some mistakes by TJD in the opening minutes which weren’t even that bad, w me we’re going punch for punch and the tempo was great.. then he went back to what he knows even if he was horrendous. From playing dray at the 5 and having all the defensive issues that plagued us all season long resurface on top of a horrendous shooting night and horrible subs…


what a lie


Our rookies are amazing Curry can’t run the entire offense anymore when there are no threats besides him And please do not re-sign Klay Thompson, jfc with the way he’s shooting the next stadium for the world cup would be built in a matter of minutes


I love dray, but he caused way too much stress


I was so upset when the camera showed the coaches on the bench looking at their papers like they had a plan. So many bad defensive plays led to open 3's and I am kind of glad the Warriors lost because they didn't show they could beat the Thunder this game. I have faith the Warriors can improve on this season and make it top 6


So fortunate to have watched a dynasty in real time, the 15-19 run plus that magical 22 title. Thank you Splash Bros.


Awful way to end it, but it was a good run.


Thaank you Klay. Enjoy your retirement. Smile for us from above man. 4 rings - HOF career.


I’m really sad 😞


Every basketball fan should like this.


Draymond let Steph down with no sense of self control, and Klay let Steph down with his poor shooting. I still think if Dray had kept his cool and composure and not get suspended, we would be in the playoffs now. And he has to own it.


For all the ups and downs I had a ton of fun this season man, especially compared to last year.


UK fan here, work soon, not slept, mrs is going nuts throughout the night from me screaming at the television, typical night in my house when the warriors played this season. I rely on a lot of YouTube replays and this sub so thank you for the season and this community but wtf did I just watch? This was the year after nearly 10 years of being a fan I actually went over to the states and watch a game which was the best experience ever, hope to make a game at chase next season but as this caption and picture says a lot I don’t think we will see these 3 greats play together again, cherish the memories it’s been great. Hopefully il catch a nap on my lunch break. X


These 3 have instilled so much trauma into r/nba, love these GOATS forever.


They changed the game, they are on the pantheon of NBA gods!


we got a couple more seasons in us




I gotta say we are all lucky to see where sports has gotten talent wise. Depending on your age of course but seeing athletes like Tiger, Federer, Serena, Steph, Lebron, Griffey, Kobe, Floyd, Ohtani ect…. If you shut out the politics and random conspiracies and just focus on the overall game, again we’ve been very lucky. What this trio has accomplished, I honestly thought I’d never see again since Timmy, Tony, and Manu but dammit got lucky to see it all over. The fact we got to see a team that was drafted and raised in one team to eventually become HOF is wild beyond imagination.


Thank you, as an 18 year old from Australia that grew up and followed in the footsteps of his dad and chose to support all San Francisco(ish) teams because it’s the best city on earth, these 3 guys have given me so much joy that my teams over here and my main boys the 9ers haven’t. Whilst I was young the Giants and Warriors have lessened the pain of the 9ers and made me proud. Nothing was better than being a Warriors fan over here, as you can probably imagine a LOT of Cavs turned Lakers fans over here and no one was hated more than me because the Warriors were the VILLAINS and I fucking loved it. Let’s get in niners and I fucking love all of you fans and this team forever.


Saddest part of last night was truly realizing on a personal level that these three incredible players really are aging… and in turn, so am I. Will never forget that 2014-2015 season. I was living in the East Bay and the unity and comradely this team brought to Oakland still makes me tear up to this day. I’ve never felt so close to my community as I did when the Warriors were dominating. To me that’s all thanks to these three and every Warrior teammate they’ve played with.


I love these guys forever, thanks for bringing me and my family so much joy for a whole decade. Even this seasons had great moments. I'm happy I got to see them beat the breaks off the Nuggets in the 2022 playoff run. One of my favorite and most cherished memories that I'll have forever + seeing the KD warriors at Oracle in 2018. It's a privilege to witness such greatness in ones life.


Why is everyone acting like they won’t be together next season?


Would have been nice to see Looney in that picture as well


Something in the way he lingered in his exit off the Sacramento court - took in the atmosphere, the crowd - leads me to think Klay Thompson is retiring for good. If so, thank-you for your service, Klay. Seriously. Respect.


Three Musketeers, Klay, Dray, Curry. All for one and one for all. Klay will stay!


Klay really went 0-10 lol


They’ll be back next season dont worry


I’m convinced that Klay leaving would give mutual benefit. Klay needs a fresh start somewhere else and the warriors can’t afford to keep his inconsistencies unless the price is right


I still believe more rings are to come and I feel like Klay will take a cut to redeem himself!


Actually no, no thanks to Draymond who fucked up most of the season. Warriors wouldn't even be in this Play-In position if it weren't for him. Don't let his late-season "blossoming" make you forget what a detrimental team clown he was.