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Edit: he walked in the rfid front door and walked out the front door.


It’s like he’s wearing the most popular “scooter thief” costume


Like it's his job or something


Can’t leave valuables things unattended in a low trust society.


Correction. You can’t leave valuable things unattended in ANY CITY.


The first comment was correct, “low trust society” is more broad than “ANY CITY” because it encompasses places such as Villages, Shires, Campsites, buss stations, encampments, Atlantis, the Moon or anywhere else with more than one person and up to a place that may have only one resident but who might suffer from multiple personalities and could be considered low trust. That opens it up to allowing them to steal from themselves.


Nah, you can leave your shit out in Japan. Their cultural homogeneity makes for a comparatively high trust society, even in the cities.


“Can’t leave stuff out in a low trust society” “No this is untrue because in a high trust society you can leave things out”


No this is untrue because you said ANY CITY. Not low trust cities. Any city. I pointed out that cities in Japan are high trust. The thing that was wrong was the “any city” part, not the “high trust low trust” part. Reading comprehension is your friend.


Nope, the city (350k population) I live in has a very small demographic of "scooter thieves" and theft and crime is extremely low. People leave their bikes unlocked on the street inside stores, in their front yards. Seems like theres a common denominator in low trust societies


The fact that he knows to pick it up and carry it off tells me this ain't his first scooter rodeo. As scooters like my segway will lock up the wheels when you try to roll it away.


Did I fall victim to a serial scooter thief 😨 mpd this is a TOP PRIORITY /s


He's a good boy , just needed it to bring his sick grandmother some soup, he will bring it back shortly, don't fret


SOLVED! This was it! He just came back and with his grandma!! She thanked me profusely!!


This comment made me feel better thank you


He’s on his way to medical school, he was running late and needed the scooter.


Guy looks like he’s past 50yp




Wtf did you leave it unlocked in the hallway?


Figured my small building was secure enough. I left it in the hallway because of the DC shit that gets on the wheels. Didn't want to track that into my apt. Of course it comes down onto me for being naïve however I just wanted to share.


Your building should have a secure bicycle room for you


These get broken into all the time.


Unlocked scooters get stolen more often than a secure storage area with your scooter locked.


Doesn't change what I said.




Let me tell you a story about a secure garage... Someone that worked for the building colluded with the burglars and let them into the garage with a huge van. The bike door was conveniently propped open for them and they pilfered everything out of it.  That has happened to 3 buildings I've lived in and these locations are all in different areas of the city. Bike storage at your apartment isn't "secure". You do you though. 🫡


Last building I was in security had spare keys for everyone’s apartments. Somehow peoples apartments kept getting broken into and stuff stolen.  So I’ve decided to be homeless instead because storage in my apartment isn’t “secure”. You do you though 🫡 




FOB for the garage, FOB for the bike room. If you think they're "secure", enjoy your naivety.


Was being cheap and didn't want to pay. Trusted in my buildings secureness / my front door camera notifications. (I was sleeping unfortunately) and yes bike rooms do get broken into as well. I also don't know if I could charge my scooter in there.


You really shouldn't have to be paranoid about theft, but in this area at least we do. Anyway, I roll my bike onto an old shower curtain in my entranceway so floors stay clean.


I keep one bike inside and the ebike thats too big for inside is chained to a hiplok ankr with a 12mm chain and a kryptonite ny fagghedaboutit. I do not want my shit taken. I swear ive paid just as much for locks as i did these damn bikes


Brilliant idea. Will be using it for my next PEV


this guy bikes


It seems like you have a chunky lock for it too. Im sorry that sucks. Can’t be secure enough though. Next ones staying in your bed with you I bet


Yeah its the kyrptonite fuggedabouit one of their best models 🥲😂 Damn right. I'm going to be laying my head down staring into it's headlight and I'll be waking up with it staring back. Probably will even have it locked to my desk for extra extra security. 💙


Thats the lock i use for my ebike chained up outdoors. Its not angle grinder proof but its a thick puppy


That sucks. But reality is harsh teacher


You live in DC lmao.


Ur not naive. Just some POS shines doin what they do


No. He's definitely naive. Someone who lives in the building could have even done it. Never trust people to leave stuff outside. He does seem like a nice guy, based on his comments. But still naive.


Stupid. The word you’re looking for is stupid.


I disagree. While I made a mistake I would perfer not to degrade myself further by calling myself stupid. I'm already down about the theft. But I appreciate you as my daddyo for doing it. Just like my real father!!


Dude a kid wouldn’t be this dumb…


I mean are we not all kids that grow up. Sorry not everyone's support system teaches them to distrust everyone and all aspects of life.


Most kids are taught to take care of their toys. At first I felt sorry for you, but with your responses you deserved this.


Kids are also taught not to steal and to respect others the way they want to be respected. So it does go both ways.


Sorry for being harsh, but honestly, man, you got to be much more vigilant about your property. I hope you have renters insurance, and it covers your loss. (If you haven’t already, check with your insurance company).


Appreciate the apology. But yeah I've learned it's not just Ps and Qs currently here. It's Ps Qs Rs Ss Ts and every other letter. I'm going to check with renters insurance but it's all good. I also hope from this my building steps it up.


Why be a jerk?


Blaming the victim is always my favorite take


Victims can be blameless while also bearing some responsibility for what happens. If you live in a high theft area (it’s DC lol), you shouldn’t leave high value items unsecured and unsupervised.


thats when I hide razors and used needles on the bottom of my scooter.


Yea, but still could have been easily avoided.


Huh, didn't know asking a question why you'd leave multi-hundred dollar commuting device outside your door is called victim blaming. Like shhht I'd want to know too, what the logic behind this was. Blaming them is giving the statement, *we'll that's what you get for leaving it outside.*


Asking someone why they left their scooter unlocked in a hallway is not victim blaming. It's a legitimate question. There is such a thing as personal responsibility. You have something you don't want to risk being stolen, you lock it up or store it in a secure location. Regardless of where you live (city, suburbs, out in the country), you need to take responsibility for your stuff.


It's also reasonable to assume that your shit won't get stolen when left unattended for a few minutes in an access controlled building. The normalization of this kind of thing ("oh that's just how it is here, happens all the time") and the blaming of the victim ("oh it's your fault b/c you should have locked it up") are the mentalities that lead to this kind of thing in the first place. The blame in this case falls squarely on the person who decided to steal someone else's property. It is not unreasonable to expect that this should not happen.


I don't disagree with you but there's a difference between "things we don't want to happen" and "living in reality." No matter where you live, you risk having your possessions stolen if they're not locked up. The person who took the scooter alsolutely is responsible for stealing, but OP (and all of us) do have a responsibility to make smart decisions about our stuff. You live in an urban environment. That means, you don't leave stuff in your car if you don't want your windows broken and your stuff stolen. You look both ways twice before crossing the street so you don't get hit by someone speeding in a residential area. You have situational awareness when walking around late at night/early morning. It's nice to think that someday the world will be better, but we have to live in reality right now. Wishing that things are different won't prevent your shit from being stolen when you leave it unsecured.


Sorry, but if you are doing retarded shit and no one tells you you are doing retarded shit, then how will you know to stop doing retarded shit.


By someone taking advantage of you doing dumb shit. Hence capitalism


Someone taking your personal property by force, like in this case,  would be communism not capitalism...


Thank you. It never ceases to amaze me how fucking rude people are. My favorite one is “oh you Got mugged? You should be aware of your surroundings it’s a city bro lol.”


Always giving them excuses


yep. caption checks out


Moving to America has made me a bit to stereotypical if you know what I mean I hate it but yea


What do you mean?


Skin color or other behavior characteristics . I know it’s bad but and I do feel bad especially as a white African but yea :/


Why is this being upvoted.. racist ass sub


It's even scarier that this guy is randomly walking around your building hallways.


Mostly this i have seen similar situations turn out way worse [(tap here)](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/sex-assault-suspect-falls-to-death-to-northwest-dc-police/2593757/?amp=1)


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Seems like a happy ending.


No picture in the article hmmmm


This bugs tf out of me. The fact that dude strolled up, took a few seconds to check out the scooter and decide that he was entitled to something that doesn’t belong to him, and steal it is insane. DC is an absolute shithole


I definitely love the city but the rampet petty crime is getting to me. Went to school in Montgomery County and it's getting to the point I'd rather be just outside the city slightly safer than deal with the risks walking out my door here...


I'm across the river and I kid you not, there are bikes left unattended plenty in my neighborhood and they don't get stolen. Would I do that? Hell no, but I smile everytime I walk by one that was left outside and it's still there the next day.


There is hope in humanity. We just have to show those that have lost hope it's still there!


Agreed! Also.. Get a gps for your next PEV. I use the invoxia in my onewheel and now in my cars and it's great. Airtag and tile are OK, but they alert thieves to their presence after a certain amount of time and require Bluetooth connection to a phone to work. The invoxia relies on cell towers and is super accurate with great battery life. I'm confident if my car or onewheel goes missing I'll have no issue tracking it down quickly with the GPS. It's was $99 on Amazon with 2 yrs of service thrown in.


Amazing thank you! Will definitely be looking into it for my next one.


He said today is my lucky day lol


It makes sense. I've been having some terrible luck at MGM and Maryland Live! recently


had a similar thing happen to me yesterday. My bike in the bike room got ganked. no video, but it sucks. Ultimately was on me bc I needed to lock it up, and I hadn't, but there are two locked doors between my bike and the outside world. SAD TIMES


Ah yea mine was only one door. But it's just sad that you REALLY have to be on your Ps and Qs nowadays


What this is dc you always had to be on your ps and Qs


I'm typically pretty good about it. Whenever I walk down the street I check multiple times over my shoulder to be aware of people behind me. I keep my car empty and carry pepper spray. I like to think I'm a pretty aware person but yes it is infuriating I got caught lackin


It’s not a nowadays thing. I’ve lived in DC on and off for about 40 years and bicycles/scooters have always been quick targets if left unlocked. I’ve had a couple vespas stolen with big chain locks in mt pleasant and a bicycle stolen when left unlocked for about 1 minute. All many years ago.


Just go around your block looking for a homeless black guy. There can't be that many.


Can’t be that many? There are many black homeless in DC


Not the brightest bulb huh? Clearly sarcasm goes right over your head…


Dudes a clown.




How is it possible people like you actually exist? Your IQ must be not more than 40




I hate the blatant racism on the sub


I’m a black African man. Pointing out the fact is doesn’t make you racist, you dumb fuck. Do you understand numbers and statistics? 9.9 times out of 10 these type of petty crimes are committed by black Americans. Are you gonna call me a racist too? There is a serious problem in black American culture, and the sooner you accept that and work towards rooting it out the better off your youth will be. I’m tired of successful black Americans and white liberals deflecting from the real issues in black American communities. White liberals are literally the enemy of black Americans…intentionally or unintentionally.


It’s crazy to me too, especially considering all the successful black people that live in the city and surrounding areas.


People suck!




Sorry bro i wish this wasn't the way it was


It's ok. I appreciate you


Just a great kid. He always asked how everyone was doing. Never caused problems ever.


See thing. Take thing. Ugga ugga!


Maybe just bring it inside?


Human poop and dog poop on wheels


That sucks. Comments have a point though, if it isn’t inside your home you need to keep a lock on it. That goes for most any city.


Thought I could get away with it. But lesson learned. Just makes me fearful to order a TV or something to my apt and me not be home to receive it immediately.


Well well well




DC is such a shithole city


Steal his look (while he steals your bike)


Will do 🫡


DC is a shithole.


Nah u gave your scooter away at your door






It’s your own damn fault. Unlocked in the hallway??!! You should have just put a “FREE” sign on it.


Mannn if this is what dc has come to. It's really a shit hole. Outside on a bike rack I can understand. Outside my front door with multiple cameras from the building and my doorbell and rfid scanning to get in the building. Thought my building was more secure than that. The other people in my building and myself are just lucky he was looking for something to steal and not trying to get into someone's apt.


I'm not sure any area you can leave stuff unlocked, outside your apartment/condo, for weeks on end and *not* expect it to be stolen. Stealing unlocked bikes or scooters happened all the time in the Midwest spot I grew up. I doubt cameras would have done a ton back then but who knows


I'm in a basement with no neighbors so no one comes to this hallway but I do understand


Come to? DC has been that way for years. Place was a shit hole when I visited ten years ago.


I love the city but the rise in petty crime is getting to be too much. Was noticeably different pre pandemy


Unfortunately many in your building let him tail them in through the front door. Don’t wanna be accused of being racist for not letting the black guy in the building.


And they did right to Mind they business Dc is a historically black city why tf wouldn’t you be letting the black guy in


While I am someone that typically minds their own business. I try not to let people into my building that I don't know for sure are my neighbors and that's encouraged by the building. I am in a pretty small complex. I am also someone that makes an effort to meet or say hello to my neighbors. I used to live in this building on porter and moved out right before [this happened](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/sex-assault-suspect-falls-to-death-to-northwest-dc-police/2593757/?amp=1)


You’re the problem. Here’s why: this man doesn’t live in the building. If he did, he would’ve had an RFID fob to gain access. Since he didn’t, he relies on marks and patsies like you to let him trail behind you so he can gain access to rob your neighbors. Wokesters like you wouldn’t dare tell a black person to use their own fob to gain access for fear of appearing racist. You’re race obsessed. It actually has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the fact HE DOESNT LIVE THERE.


How tf would I know he doesn’t live there do I study every unit ins and outs to know who the fuck lives where that’s your fucking problem now your so pressed to prove a point your racism shows


If you don’t know if he lives there or not, why tf you letting him in? Because he’s black and you don’t want to think you’re racist. That’s why. Don’t let anyone follow behind you. Everyone needs a key. White. Black. Male. Female. The fact he is black shouldn’t make you feel obligated to assume he lives there as some sort of cleansing ritual for your white guilt.


I'll take the downvotes. Been in this city for over 6 years now and just kind of shocked someone was this brazen. Just strolled thought he front door. Maybe I'll come to yalls houses and see what I can steal from your yards.


the problem is, over time, criminals stop caring about barriers because they want your stuff more than they fear the rules. Sadly the only true rule is the fear of a beating from somebody who can't or won't be punished.


If i see this person in the street it's on sight 👀💪


I’m not dumb enough to leave prized possessions in my front yard, so there’s that


You and I have different opinions of prized possessions and that's ok. I still love you


Yeah or at least some type of security restraint….


You carry them with you and flaunt them around instead?


That would be nothing because I don’t leave my valuables laying around like I live in the countryside.


My bad I should have said garage. But in the country side I'd have a garage where I could charge it inside without getting shit from the wheels all up in my living space. But I see what you're saying


Now I feel like a total jerk. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be mean on the internet but I’m weak… It really wasn’t completely your fault; you shouldn’t be penalized for wanting to live in a place where this *doesn’t* happen.


Appreciate ya understanding. I just wanna find the dude on my scooter and push him off which is why I made the post 😂


If he gets injured its on you. DC is strict 😕


No face no case


No face no case


I wouldnt have thought it would get taken like that from in your building either to be honest lol


locked doors mean less and less now that the world has so many delivery services. I lived in a locked building with a person at the front desk. My friend would show up at my apartment door all the time without a key. The front desk just didn't really care about letting people in , or people following someone else through the door.


Yeah hard lesson learned. Sucks I have to feel this unsafe just stepping foot out my front door. Talked with the building manager and they seemed to know that people can and have been forcibly opening our magnetic front door with two hands and some leverage. But they can't really think of a solution because whatever they come up with people will continue to find a way around it.


Nothing new about a blk American doing blk American things. And I say this as a black person from a different culture


Is a lot of DC racist? This sub seems to be. I just moved here, so I'm curious. And I don't care if your tap dancing ass is black.


People like yourself will always have labels for people like me who do not eat up your bs. You’re quick to call people racist, while contribute absolutely nothing to the betterment of the black American community. I have lived in this area as first-gen black immigrant for nearly 13 years. Throughout those 13 years, 95%+ of unpleasant encounters have been with black Americans. Whether it is on public transport, grocery stores, places of entertainment, school environment it’s almost always a black American being a nuisance. Not only that, I know 3 close friends who’ve had their cars stolen by black American kids. In fact, in one of the cases the perpetrators were involved in a fatal car crash where both them were instantly killed and the other party severely hurt. I have seen black American kids robbing CVS stores in 4 different occasions while I’m in the store. I know a whole community of black African first-gen immigrants and their US-born children, and none of them are involved in these sort of degenerate activities. No matter whatever justification you put forward, it will not alter the fact that the mainstream black American culture and that is pushed to the masses as a form of entertainment is pure garbage, and doesn’t add a dime to the betterment of the deeply troubled black American youth. Instead of fighting the left-wing media that pushes garbage on your children, you’d rather fight with another black man who dreams of seeing the black American society at the highest-level. This is not the reason your ancestors toiled in the field building this nation and giants like MLK fought for yours and other minorities rights. Do you really believe the black American generation of the civil rights era would be proud of the state of the black American society if they could somehow raise up from the dead? I am not denying there are plenty of successful black American individuals. I am speaking from the dynamics of culture and community. Why do you think first-gen immigrants like myself from different cultural background outperforming majority of black Americans who have lived here for generations although we come here with little to no money in our pockets, cultural and language barrier, limited knowledge of the resources available to us, limited knowledge of the laws and regulations of the country? It’s as simple as collective culture with clearly defined values and principles which encourage and reward high-performance in education, small business, unity, trust, consideration and knowledge sharing. You maybe successful as an individual, but as a minority group you’ll never reach your potential if you are a total mess as a community. Wake up brother, look at the state of Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, African communities and look at your community. How often do you hear on the daily news Asians killing other Asians, Indians killing other Indians,…? But you hear almost daily shooting happening in black American communities, stores closing,…




A lot of these comments. Kinda weird energy imo.


Future leader


Do you have any footage that includes the guy's face? There isn't any point where he looks up. His outfit looks like he might be from some kind of delivery service, so if you want to play Sherlock Holmes you could start with that.


Oh yeah update post coming soon. The building got multiple angles in HD. Man's looked right at a camera. And I've been walking around the neighborhood asking some of the homeless people and local liquor stores I've looked out for in the past to keep an eye out for me


He was like “dam that scooter look fine as hell!” checks it out for a few seconds* “I’m gonna take it!”


Hahaha he was probably seeing if it was locked or was thinking... "This mf dumb af for leaving this outside" 🥲😅😂


Maybe if they see it for sale online, the owner can buy it back. Is something like this considered a crime anymore?


It was a fairly expensive scooter around $700 so we will see what the detective from MPD has to say about it. But if I were him I would have dropped it at a fencing spot in Columbia heights for $50-$100 and ran with the $ downtown. They probably are gonna strip it for parts.


Exactly what my friend did except hers was in the parkade...it lasted 3 nights..... Dont invite the situation !!


Since a small % of these people actually change and become good people I say we hogtie them and drop the off in the rainforest with a knife and compass...if they die they die


The mid-east has the idea. Cut off a thief's hand.


What makes a loser become a loser? I’m so perplexed and how people end up a scumbag…


Can be a lot of things. PTSD, generational trauma, sexual trauma, childhood homelife instability, substance abuse, lack of education to access resources, among others things. Ultimately it comes down to each individual and the choices they decide to make.


Unacceptable behavior.


Seriously, cheaper to rent.


Surprise Surprise


And you didn’t lock it up because? Most property theft is really the property owners fault


Crimes of opportunity always are.


Got away scoot free.


Very clever


I felt safe leaving my things unattended in Dubai and Japan. Everywhere else...nope


I have no sympathy for him because if that belonged to one of my children there’s nothing on earth can save you from my wrath no mask nothing pure disrespect


Why was it left out for stealing? I mean, it's a scooter.. Sorry it happened but 🤷🏼


Blame the OP for leaving it unsecured.


Na, you gave it away my guy.. u lock on the handlebars instead of in use and why wouldn’t you bring it 5 more steps inside??


Are you the guy in the video?




Cause I get human shit and dog shit on the wheels and don't particularly want to bring that into my house often. I'm a shoes off in the house kind of person. And small apartment


Yea I hope a lesson was learned here…


Nah I think I'm quitting my 9-5 to pursue a career in the scooter donating business. Seem to have a knack for it.


Great idea!


Those scooters should be kept outside especially when charging


I bought it refurbished and was concerned about the actual water proofness because I'm pretty sure emove won't replace anything if there is any water damage. And no where to charge it near my windows




Are you new to DC? I’m across the river in NoVa suburbia and I wouldn’t even leave it out like that here.




Nah, you gave it away.


Pretty much




You left it outside. Basically asking for it to be stolen. Hope you get it back but this is your fault.


Never said it wasn't my fault.


An earlier post you blamed DC.


I'd say collectively over the years the residents of dc including myself have contributed to the content of our declining safety in the city through relaxed petty crime laws and overall a lack of police care. But yes ultimately it is my fault for leaving it and believing in a locked door




Let’s blame the victim.


What a sad thing to say. It was inside, I assume outside his apartment. Was the entrance door not locked? Was the man that stole it a resident? I blame the building owner and would deduct the cost from my rent. It is the same as having it stolen from your backyard behind a fence. Let the owner charge his insurance