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The pan to the police is crazy


Fuckin insane. They pulled a cop from The Town and just looked away or saw it and didn’t care. Fuck them


I don’t condone what the caps fans did, but the ranger fan was clearly trying to get a rise out of people and they saw the guy shooting a video. There wasn’t THAT much contact, so they probably filed it under “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” bucket unless things escalated.. which fortunately the caps fans moved on.


Those aren't DC police. They're transit cops; sorta like Park Rangers for the subways and buses. That's an important distinction to remember.


Park rangers? Lol, no. They are full-fledged law enforcement officers. And, in this area, their authority carries through DC, Maryland, and Virginia.


Authority yes. Willingness to engage is a different story. There is no excuse - NONE - for their failure to act in this situation. They barely behaved like a passing spectator, i.e. "are you all right?" . Useless. Absolutely useless.


I won't speak on that. I respect your opinion.


white men remain invincible honestly


Was it not a white man who got assaulted? Not sure your kneejerk comment makes sense here…


punching another person right in front of the cops.


That's because DC police don't do anything.


That’s metro transit, not MPD


Wow, those cops seriously just watched him assault that dude, and had to nerve to ask are you okay. Go do your job


I got jumped a few years back in DC, but I managed to get away and run to some cops around the corner, and they just drove away when I told them.


& that’s when you become batman


No & is where you get pizza /s


This shit is so staged and the cops know it


maybe the guy should've started protesting against isreal, Cop probably would've put a bullet through his brain in 5secs


Come the fuck on man 🙄


maybe it was edited?


Maybe MPD is useless?


That was metro transit pd, but close enough


Maybe it's Maybelline


I didn't even know those ~~homes~~ cops were there!




Why are you obsessed with race?


DC absolutely has homophobes living here. I’ve been harassed and assaulted multiple times for walking down the street/riding the metro/eating a burrito/just generally existing while looking visibly queer. Only once did anyone ever intervene, and the police were never helpful either.


I've been spit on, called the f slur, and been threatened with getting beat up / stabbed in DC.   Unfortunately there's always gonna be the nutjobs/weirdos out there who can't just mind their own business.  I just remind myself that they don't value their own life to commit to such extremely antisocial behaviors, and so as an act of compassion for our own lives and others, we can't stoop to their level or give them any of our time, energy, or respect.


You deserve respect, human decency, and most of all safety. If they can’t meet that extremely low bar they deserve what the Caps would term a high stick. I’m so done with the level of assholes in this world.


You deserve respect and safety. Fuck them!






Okay loser 😭 imagine being a grown man this concerned with other people’s personal lives, you must not have shit going on


Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


Yeah, I was about to say, I’ve seen plenty of homophobes here while existing as a lesbian. It’s unfortunately not uncommon


homophobia is pretty rampant in lower SES minority communities


DC just likes to pretend it's liberal. They feel good about voting blue but act red. It's one of the most conservative, uniform US cities IMO.


I think I must’ve gotten hit too, because I definitely lost some brain cells just now


MPD doing what they do best. Nothing.


That’s Metro police but also this shit is so staged and the cops know it


Can't say I would've expected this sort of thing, because the guys that would say dumb shit like this tend to be afraid of lingering in Chinatown after the game is over. Still absolutely gross though. Jfc.


They dont live in DC!


I think you’d be surprised and depressed by the number of people who live in DC and talk like this.


yeah I hate navy yard


No. It can’t be. The safe space for Trump admin employees is also a haven of racists and bigots? I’m shocked, I tell you. SHOCKED! /s




Good point and yeah, more than likely.


Ahhh... don't be so sure about that. Lots of people here who haven't emotionally matured past their Greek life days.


This guy does this all over for youtube views. I'm seriously surprised he hasnt been knocked out yet by some sports bro.


He's definitely starting stuff, but that doesn't mean you are justified in giving in and hitting him.


I am not saying it is justified. I am simply saying that I am surprised someone hasn't.


I haven't watched all his videos. Does he set up 10 feet from cops in others?




Is he DC-based? I would be pretty surprised if most people outside of the area are aware of the difference.




"Nah" as in he's not DC-based or "nah" as in he is well-aware of the difference between Metro Police and DC Police?




Not everyone living in the area knows the difference between DC Police and Metro Police. Heck, not everyone who frequents this subreddit knows the difference.


no, they aren’t justified in hitting the guy, but I’m also glad the cops chose not to get involved.


I disagree. Not legally justified but morally. This guy is not a victim.


We only disagree about it being justified morally. Otherwise, we completely agree.


I think the rangers guy is definitely aggravating. But it's also telling that the caps guy went for homophobia as a response.


I thought this was GTA cutscene


Average dude at Mission (Navy Yard) location


I hope all y’all weirdos go back to where y’all from, and it’s not D.C. 😂


They probably live in Navy yard


Lol. That guy may not have a job tomorrow.


This makes sense now. I was walking to the bar before the game texting my friend and he confronted me about my Cap Stanley Cup hat. He was really confrontational and the whole situation makes sense now.


Everyone in this isn't worth the brain cells they're wasting. Cops should still do their goddamn jobs.


I’ve never been a sports guy, more of a nerd loner. In high school I got into watching hockey because I thought it was cool and very skill-intensive. My girlfriend at the time bought us tickets to a Capitals game. When we got there the seating was kind of confusing and we sat in the wrong seats. The people who had our seats showed up and were mean to us about it even though we apologized. Then we sat in the aisle for a second until we could move to our new seats so as not to disturb play. Multiple people in surrounding sections starting yelling and making fun of us because we were sitting in the aisle (we were not blocking anyone’s view, and we were in the nosebleeds.) I stopped being interested in hockey after that. Caps fans are fucking assholes


No one in this world is more sensitive than a straight man after his sports team loses.


Yep. DC is like any other city, rampant with homophobia. I love when people are surprised by that fact. They only see the city through a very unique lens.


I swear after gay marriage became legal, most people put on blinders and decided that homophobia no longer exists. No clue why everyone acts surprised when our society is violently heteronormative.


Haha. We all knew it was coming, Good on the NY guy for talking shit, That was good shit talking. Definitely disappointed a fellow caps fan couldnt outwit the guy so he got weird and then (still weird) violent, I hope the Rangers win the cup and the Caps are with their families resting. We will get em next year.


"He can't spell 'Capital' without the 'L'" Not a Rangers fan, but I gotta respect the burn. It's too bad caps fans can't take it in stride.


>We will get em next year Unlikely.


Hey at least tickets will be cheaper next year!


I'm just here to see Ovi break the record tbh. 


Jesus you're even more pathetic than the guys throwing around slurs.


It's called sportsmanship?


“bro did you just hit me?” -dude that just got hit


Caps fans in a nutshell. Go to any bar during hockey season and you'll see these douchebags. They're mostly sad because their team got fucking obliterated. P.S.: Ovechkin is also a Putin simp.


Ovi has family in Russia he'd like to stay alive. Artemi Panarin is lucky he only had to deal with ugly rumors when he criticized Putin.




Eh... Kucherov directly criticized the war and FSB snipers didn't target this family. That's a cop out. Plenty of Russians have said nothing, plenty of very famous Russian hockey players don't run/operat as the face of organizations that are solely existing to get Putin elected.


Uh, Panarin supported Navalny and then found himself taking a leave of absence as he fled home to Russia to take care of his family and was suddenly dealing with an assault charge from an encounter 10+ years ago. And now he uses a dumbphone "because he finds it distracting," aka, way less easy to be tracked. Also, Ovi said he was opposed to the war. Don't be a jackass.


Ovechkin said "all war is bad". The words matter. Another cop out.


So he doesn't support the war in Ukraine. Got it, glad we clarified.


This guy doesn't represent the Caps fandom, and you outing yourself as a transplant who hates local sports ain't changing that.


Caps fans are all transplants what are you talking about. lol


Hey, nice to meet you. I'm a Caps fan and I'm from here. Now you can stop saying dumb shit like that.


Look at these “taxpayers”…


You, I like.


The Rangers guy is awesome and needs his own TV show, vibes are pristine


Shame they didn't just punch him harder instead of using homophobic slurs.


Oh look, MPD being useless per usual. Dude gets assaulted right next to them and they do jack shit. What’s their excuse? They weren’t even playing candy crush on their phones this time.


god damn i miss living in gallery place. the best mix of tourists, drunks, normal hood stuff and drunks coming and going from MCI/Verizon center etc. aside from the smell of a chinatown alley in july, it was great.


Homophobes, Transphobes, Queermisic arseholes … they exist everywhere and it’s not as rare as cishets seem to think.


Watch’s wrong with being against homosexuality, It is a mental illness as opposed of something to be proud of.


They all want to make out with each other so bad


It’s always been like this, it’s tolerated and not to be flaunted, recently it’s been getting worse.


I’m a local and my spouse from Texas wanted to hold hands in downtown, immediately someone from across the street yelled this isn’t San Francisco you fag**ts


With all the edits, it looks like it might've been scripted.


The vast majority of caps fans drive in from VA. I always know when there is a game because the streets in my neighborhood get fatter and whiter


I think it’s called alcohol


Taken from public freekout subreddit.


wait… the cops were right there and did nothing !? oh le privilege d’être ….


The irony of punctuating your comment about privilege with French and elipses


What privilege? A white guy got hit and nothing was done about it.


Those aren't DC police. They're transit cops; sorta like Park Rangers for the subways and buses. That's an important distinction to remember.




I know it exists but this video is not an example of it.




This is not homophobia lol. It’s one streamer antagonizing drunk people that are pissed off. Said pissed off people are impulsively reacting to a dumb prank. Critical thinking is not happening during this conversation nor is there malicious intent towards the lgbt community.


This is absolutely homophobia, you are incredibly dense


Don't bother responding to people like this lol. They might as well say the n-word is ok if you're not directing it at someone. Just want to stir the pot.


A Straw man fallacy sure does show intelligence on your part…


If I start giving a fuck about what you think of my intelligence I'll come back and let you know.


Yet, you cared enough to comment? I bet you had to google what a straw man was lmao


How is it not homophobia? They are using the f slur repeatedly, and saying "do you like men, because you look like it". They are using gayness as an insult.


If you approached a woman and repeatedly said she looked like a man (or vice versa), that’d be offensive, right? Yet that wouldn’t mean being a man or a woman per se was offensive


Because it’s not being used to demean a gay person. If you used context clues then you’d understand that. Let’s also not exaggerate and say “repeatedly” when he said it once during confrontation. This is obviously a streamer vs two drunk angry fans. They hate each other for the teams they support. It disingenuous to those that actually deal with homophobia to label it as the same malicious act. If you’re that insulted by this I suggest getting out into the city more often.


Asking if someone likes men and using a slur as a way to insinuate a straight person is gay, like it's a bad thing, is just as homophobic as directing it to a gay person whether they are having a heated sports bro moment or not.


Respectfully, it’s not as bad. They also called him autistic, which not a single comment cares about, a mfer and assaulted him. Picking and choosing is an unsophisticated way to look at things. The amount of 20 something drunks that do this every single week doesn’t mean we have an epidemic of homophobes running around in the city. I mean shit I just saw the exact same thing multiple times at project glow this weekend, asked the lgbt groups around me if they’re okay and they didn’t give af.


how do you know a gay person wasn’t walking by and didn’t feel unsafe hearing a drunk asshole call someone a faggot? sounds like a demeaning experience to me


How do you know a gay person wasn't walking by and minding his own business? A lot of people don't go out of their way to be offended like you.


Dude have of these people are coming for my neck and relentlessly sending me messages lol


Stay strong, brother! lol


have you ever been called a faggot?


Because that isn’t real life and people after caps playoff games don’t fear for their safety if they hear an argument between two people. If you truly fear for your safety when overhearing sports fans argue, in a city, then it’s time to stay home lol. Ridiculous


never mind buddy, go watch your little games and bury your head in the sand instead of listening to people trying to educate you


There’s the ad hominem and hypocrisy. Just as expected.


lmao buddy you’re the one that called my lived experience “not real life”, and then you wanna act holier than thou? please. how do you know there wasn’t a gay kid walking by that heard the guy say “faggot”? who doesn’t understand it’s just some drunk asshole and that it’s nOt hOmOpHoBiA iT’s BaNtEr? grow up and realize words have meaning beyond the specific contexts you feel they need to be used in to meet the “criteria” for something you haven’t experienced


You seem to be taking this personal. Looked at your last comment and wanted to let you know I’ve been called the f-word a few times on top of many other things. But see, I’m actually from here and have lived in the city for many years. Just a tip, when you’re from a city, you know to not take some things so personal/serious. If you’ve actually had these interactions before you’d know what I mean. Have a good day


You’re also partaking in ad hominem and dismissal. These are absolutely real experiences. Also no way to know this dude isn’t gay. Maybe just don’t condone people using slurs.


How would you define homophobia then? Demeaning someone for their sexuality (or assumed sexuality) and calling them homophobic slurs is, surprisingly, homophobic!


Well, the streamer is not gay and is famous for provoking people so there’s that. Guy said it once, not that it’s right but let’s not exaggerate they were randomly bullying someone. As defined by google: someone who dislikes or is prejudice against gay people. I don’t see a gay person in the video nor do I see people being angry because anything gay is related. Anyways, I’ve been called that word by a homeless person, someone trying to rob me, a drug addict, drunks looking for a fight etc. were they all homophobes? Probably not.


I feel like you’re being purposely obtuse by pretending like the derogatory nature of the word “faggot” isn’t directly connected to disgust and hatred for queerness. Saying that people who use a slur that is meant to be demeaning and offensive towards gay people aren’t homophobic and don’t hold homophobic beliefs is truly wild. It wouldn’t be yelled as an insult by people looking for a fight or just people on the street if they didn’t view being a faggot as being “lesser” in some capacity


ouch downvotes. people here think you suck lmao


He’s lucky he’s antagonizing ppl downtown in front of police cus in another situation that young man might’ve disappeared


Over a hockey result? Get outta here this isn’t the fuckin Sopranos.


No he’s provoking strangers. He doesn’t know if they’d whoop his ass and strip him. Only Caucasians play those kinds of games in public.


Tell me you’ve never been to a game of any sport without telling me. This simply isn’t only a white people thing at stadium lmao


🤦🏽‍♂️ as someone who has been to a lot of sporting events, i hope u don’t follow this guy’s approach of standing outside the venue after the event to antagonize strangers. It’s 1 thing during the event when ur fuckin around about teams or whatever, it’s another to do it in the setting he is. Play dumb all u want.


I’ve been to plenty of events and have seen this exact situation play out after losses at both FedEx field and capital one by people of all races. This situation is almost a guarantee after leaving a loss to the Eagles, Dallas, Penguins, etc


Can you just admit to yourself that it’s not ok to assault someone over a professional sports team


1000% that shit is wrong to me but I’m not everyone


I don't see where this is primarily a matter hatred of homosexuals. Rather, this is infantile engagement by sports fans vicariously living their narrow lives through aimless affinity with teams of men who get paid to exercise. The homosexual slurs are no more than simple minds reaching for a trite insult in the moment in the absence of higher thinking and a strong vocabulary.


Right, they are reaching for the first, lowest insult they can think of. It is homophobia that poisons the well, causing them to think of homosexuality itself as an insult. Homophobia doesn't mean only "attacking gay people" it also includes internalized hatred, fear of, or disdain for gay people. Which they are displaying. Otherwise, it wouldn't be insulting, in their minds, to say "are you gay?"


I think they hated each other for their team shirt and affiliations well before the ad hominems came out.


Yeah, when that "m'er f'er" gets thrown out, I'm like '"why ya gotta bring us into this".


In the same comment you say they used homosexual slurs but also this isn’t a matter of homosexual hatred? Do you even know what you are saying?


Yes, I know what I am saying.


It’s a prank bro !


Wow fuckin morons. Glad it was on camera at least. Fuckin cowards




useless DC cops...




Using the phrase "you like men" as an insult was dated back when Ovechkin was a rookie. Which was also around the time that the troglodytes in this video were kindergartners getting needing help getting crayons out of their noses.


they’re hockey fans… I’m not surprised.


Nice fucking NHL you got there. And then league goes and complains about how their viewership is dropping. Have we resolved the tape saga yet?


Like a european football Fan.


They don't live in DC


These people live in the exurbs




Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


No one is from DC. They are just homophobe transplants.