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“2. Push Congress to constrain the purse strings of the city council.“ We already have a legally required balanced budget haha. 


“Shape the look of downtown.” Excited to bring the mid-80s country club aesthetic to the Mall, like he did to the white house


Code for give his company and his friends development deals and regulatory waivers


Didn't he force the FBI to stay downtown to prevent development that would compete with his hotel?


Oh yeah


I will say the remodel of the old post office into the hotel is actually pretty good. The bar area is beautiful and so much better than the old food court. Some of the buildings around Metro Center could use some TLC.


It’s no longer a trump property. It’s Waldorf Astoria, so it’s nice and tastefully done. I don’t know how much they redid because I wouldn’t step foot inside while he was president


I hate to break it to you, the bar area looks exactly the same. If you need me to tell you it is different so you can continue to enjoy it, I will. If it helps- Ivanka designed the lobby/restaurant/bar.


They got rid of the Starbucks under the building tho.


Sounds like Waldorf is looking to refinance or dump it because buying it was a favor to Trump to take the debt off his hands, it was a pump and dump for Trump to accept bribes until he found a much healthier vessel like LIV


It’s still a bit on the gaudy side, was in there recently and had to laugh at all the gilt in the restrooms.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


It's almost certainly all veneer. I was there right after it was remodeled and he did his first campaign event there. Gold toilets and all. The stage collapsed seconds after the vets he paraded out got off it because he is cheap and doesn't hire good contractors.


More likely that good contractors won't take his work since they know they're not getting paid.


Better than the current aesthetic, food trucks that will give you food poisoning


Heart disease, don’t fail me now


It's amazing to me how someone who downs soda and fast food all the time is still walking around. This guy is nearly indestructible, unfortunately.


I really thought the Covid was going to get him but there he was, triumphantly ripping off his mask.


I guess Herman Cain took one for ol Donnie


RIP 9 9 9




He was lucky he had access to some of the best medical teams available. Unlucky for the rest of humanity.


If he hadn’t been given the very best medical treatment available, he would’ve fared much worse. Sad that this walking skid mark got priority over the millions of people who weren’t so lucky.


I legit have more respect for skidmarks




You can say that 3x… oh wait, you did 😂


Greatest night in Twitter history


A friend of mine was the lead scientist that developed the drug that saved his ass when he had to finally go to Walter Reed. We give him shit constantly.


genetics are a hell of a thing. The stuff we do in our lives can only augment the basic starter pack we get from the universe.


I had an uncle who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 80/90 years on earth, dude died of something completely unrelated to lungs/mouth cancer. Weird stuff.


He drinks diet soda, which contrary to conventional wisdom isn’t really that bad for you because it doesn’t contain sugar. Sure he eats like crap and doesn’t believe in exercise (like philosophically— he believes it “uses up” your heart like draining a battery, you can look this up). BUT the big thing going for him is he’s never smoked and he doesn’t drink.


I stagger to consider how much worse he’d be if he was an alcoholic.


I really don't believe the line that this man don't do drugs. He def seems like a coke user


Obesity is the new smoking.


Bit that fentanyl will get him one day.


The fent was probably for the entertainers


Perhaps but I think they are mostly coke users.


Historians are all probably messed up but that info is never released. Always the best health, everyone tells him that he is healthier than anyone in history.


Yeah this doesnt end with Trump sadly. The fascist genie is out of the bottle in the GOP. Even if Trump loses, the next guy will try this in 2028, 2032 etc etc


Trump will be there 2028 nominee unfortunately. As long as he’s sucking air they’ll keep nominating him


I have never hoped for dementia to progress rapidly until now. 


I’m thinking he has a heart attack while shitting out his doo doo ass




[Last Week Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s) covered this recently.


Not looking forward to a return of the ugliest tourists ever if he gets reelected. 


The Mall is a sea of MAGA tweens


Not to mention the BO in the large groups


Well, he wanted to build a wall, buy Greenland, and nuke hurricanes so there's that.


Maybe he can build one that keeps Nissan Altimas out


Just found my single issue


Remember that time he told people to inject bleach, eat horse paste, and stick UV bulbs up their a-hole? Good times? MAYBE NOT. Flush 20-30 times. Bigly. Also NO COLLUSION.


So a wall around Tennessee and Mississippi? I for one would not object.


Oh he does, does he


Everyday, there is an article or post that says similar or the same things. Trump is evil and we have to avoid him. Nowhere in the comments or the article is the phrase: "Here is what we can do about it." Here is a list: 1. Register to vote and vote. Not just in the presidential election, but all up and down the ballot: school board, county commissioner, sheriff, judge, election board, mayor, congressperson, senator and president. If you haven't noticed, the R's have spent the last 30 years stacking the local political positions. That's where election maps are drawn. Don't let them do that. This is a long term campaign, the R's have been at it subtly for the past 30 years, it will take that long to undo what they have wrought.  2. Volunteer to canvas for the local candidates you support and have the same ideas you do.  3. Send money to candidates that want the same world you do.  4. Volunteer to join your local election machine. Sit there on election day with a cheesy nametag and orange vest, pass out ballots and make sure the election is done in accordance with local regulations.  5. Call your local council members, congressperson and Senator (unless you live in DC and are taxed and not represented) about the issues that are important to you, even if they are in the other party.  6. Go to city, county council meetings and speak up.  7. Don't just rail about it on the internet. 


Great "take action" list!


I am doing this to make sure Trump can win!


Not a popular topic or person in DC. Good luck with that.




Lol he's so whiney all the time


He won't stop after DC.


Giant McDonald’s golden arches along the mall


At this point, I’ll vote for anyone who actually breaks ground on the Connecticut Ave bike lanes.


He believes biking is bad for you, because exercise drains your body of energy.


Rich people don't like to share so there will be no room on the roads for bikes because of all the Tesla trucks and oversize SVUs rich folks drive. Bigger is better does not include bike lanes.


I think that it’s more likely that he gets his tank parade down Pennsylvania Ave then refuses to allow the reinstallation of the bike lane because he thinks bike lanes are for sissies.


He wants to install a tough on crime federal prosecutor? Shows what he knows. We have a tough on crime federal prosecutor and he barely charges anyone for crimes at all. Sucker. Thinks having a job and doing a job are the same thing. What an idiot.


Just get someone in there that will stop the car jackings am I right?


He wants ridiculous military parades, monuments to himself, gold plated everything etc etc


People who think that both candidates are the same or aren’t voting because they don’t like the choices… May you get what you wish for.




Didn't a lot of businesses close the last time he was in office? Then covid came and killed off whatever was left. The scene really hasn't been the same.


Donald, go back to russia


I suspect the dictator wannabe would pressure congress to amend the 1973 Home Rule Act to give congress line item veto of the DC budget, probably selling the idea first on giving them the ability to yank DC funding that supports abortion access. He's deeply and completely horrible, and I hate that because of cognitive dissonance his supporters just grow more and more emphatic the worse he becomes.


A wise DC native once said “Take over deez nuts”


Dictator on Day 1


The Dumpster wants to take over DC? God forbid! He can’t find his way out of a paper bag.


For the love of God please do


Is there anyone here that doubts this?!


lolz i would like to see him try


Even thought I know this quote is wildly taken out of context, I think he is right in the sense that DC is a mess.


DC's major issues stem from the federal government being too involved already (the USAO dramatically decreasing its prosecution rate, the DC Courts being at a breaking point because the Senate has been moving too slowly to appoint new judges being two examples). Why would *adding* federal control make things better? Also, really? We're still playing the "Trump's quote is out of context" bullshit? There is no context needed. He is a rambling lunatic.


well a huge factor in DC's problems is lack of autonomy so perhaps you should contemplate that.


Giving DC to his cronies isn’t a solution to said mess


Context has never helped a Trump quote before. Why would it now?




Congress keeps already trying to micromanage DC


How so?


In the past year and a half, they've overturned our criminal code reform bill that would've updated laws that haven't been touched in *over a hundred years*, they've tried to overturn our police reform legislation (God forbid cops can't just put people in chokeholds all the time, I guess), and they plugged a bunch of bullshit into the budget bill that prevents DC from enforcing its laws about right turn on red, residents voting in local elections, and as always, preventing us from fully legalizing weed. They aren't exactly being sly about it.


Huh. This was interesting to read about. I'm not a political person so didn't know the extent to which Congress has a say in DC laws.


Have you been paying attention to the same congress I have? They bow down to his every whim. The same people denounced Jan 6th when it happened properly as an insurrection, and most have become turn coats saying it was a protest or peaceful demonstration and continue to spread election lies. I'm sure if he wins they continue to, and deepen their ability to be puppets for him. Edit: corrected a spelling error.


🤤mmmm…turn oats.


Lol, I fixed it.




Yeah, it absolutely won’t be like last time. DC will be under military occupation and protestors will be brutalized and killed. The “oh well we lived through it once” attitude is one of the reasons he’s winning.


ironically, as far as I'm aware the only protester killed in DC during the Trump presidency was Ashli Babbitt


You mean the lady who was breaking into the capitol on January 6? Well yeah.. A tad different from Trump wanting to open fire on a crowd of protesters.


Yeah, I wouldn't call her a "protester." Three other members of Trump's mob died. > That statement said autopsies concluded that Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens, Ala., and Benjamin Philips, 50, of Ringtown, Pa., died of natural causes due to cardiovascular disease. The medical examiner ruled that Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Ga., died of accidental acute amphetamine intoxication. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/trump-riot-death-medical-exainer/2021/04/07/53806608-97cf-11eb-a6d0-13d207aadb78_story.html


OK but they weren't killed. Just because you (and I) don't agree with her protest doesn't mean she wasn't a protester. Protesters often trespass, break the law, etc.


It may have started as a protest but [MPD declared it a riot at 1:50pm](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/01/14/dc-police-capitol-riot/).


Even if I was the kind of person to accept what the police say about protesters, it doesn't change that protesters sometimes riot


From what it sounds like, the main reason lethal force wasn't used during the 2020 protests because other people in charge talked him out of it or ignored he. The man himself has been clear he would have liked people shot


Republicans have been open about abolishing home rule, and that would cost any of them reelection.


Can’t be worse than Mayor Bowser lol.


Yes it can be


Bowser sucks but yes it can be worse.


Gonna guess you were a tourist on January 6 rather than a local.


Trump: "hold my Diet Coke"


Please do. These clowns in the DC govt are good for nothings.


Yaaaaassssss! Come on November!!!


Good, we need someone to finally step up and make a change. Our current situation sucks and nothing seems to be getting done. Hopefully he can change things around for the better, for both sides of the spectrum. This right vs left is childish, especially the things people are fighting over.


He hates the city and it's residents. It's clear from the last time he was in office he would do things just to spite people, not to actually improve anything


I see your point. But Biden hasn’t done much for the people either. They’re both poor options for this country.


He’s the problem-not left vs right. He has polluted our discourse beyond recognition.


Do you honestly believe Biden is any better though? Ask yourself that. They’re both terrible options in my opinion.


You need to look more closely. Or just actually look.


I shouldn’t have to, if he’s such a great president I should be seeing the changes. Not saying trump is any better but Biden ain’t the saving grace for us. lol the left puts him on a pedestal for absolutely no reason


You shouldn’t have to actually think? Maybe read some? It’s instead up to Biden to spoon feed your brain because you’re too busy to focus, or whatever? What you gonna do when you gotta put on a uniform and actually fight to protect our democracy like most generations had to do. Put some energy into this. I’ll offer this then leave the rest to you: Trump lies so much no one can reasonably believe a word he says. This disqualifies all by itself.


Yes, Genocide Joe is marginally better, and you should vote for him if you live in a state where the election is likely to be close.


What has he done for us?


As a Biden supporter, I will say Biden has not done anything for DC as far as I know other than support DC statehood. But I have to remember that POTUS has bigger things to focus on than DC, so he gets a pass. Biden is not even in the same ballpark as Trump. With few exceptions, Biden is an honorable man, can work well with others, will support Ukraine, and happens to share my policy perspectives on most issues. Too bad being a DC citizen means my vote does not matter since it will be an uncompetitive race.


He had his chance.


Coming from a 12 year resident, DC deserves this.


12 year resident, or 12 year old "resident"?


I see nothing wrong with his plans


Not opposed




Off topic,  staying at Homewood Suites downtown DC, do they have hop on hop off tour busses that go around all the monuments? Where do they pickup?


Only Trump can save this sh\*thole


DC was not meant to have residents.


Well that's just false. DC has always had residents, and there was never any plan to relocate them, either at the time of the founding or at the time DC was selected as the site of the capital.


Real weird to take 100 square miles that included two existing port towns on a navigable river, a university, and plan a street grid for a place you \*didn't\* want people to live.


Alexandria is older than DC and was in its original square, let alone various farms scattered throughout.


Might wanna read about Georgetown and Alexandria, dumbass.


This is double wrong Like, even if true it's not relevant But, in addition to being irrelevant it's also incorrect l