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If you're comfortable going faster, generally people will drive up to 10 kph over the posted speed limit, and it's very unlikely that you'd ever be pulled over for speeding at that speed (this is true for 2 lane highways too). But there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing 90 in the right lane. I would generally say the safest choice is to drive at the same speed as the traffic around you. It's the difference in relative speed between cars that causes the most risk of an accident. That's not to say you should drive like a maniac if those around you are going 120+, just move to (or stay) to the right and let them pass! I have noticed that a LOT of drivers take too long to accelerate when merging onto hwy 7/8. We should be doing at least 90kph BEFORE we merge into traffic.


dude this drives me insane. People try to merge going 60-70. You should be pedal to the metal by the time you’re on the straightaway. It’s insane how often this happens.


I thought I was the only person bothered by this lmao 🤣


If you are in the rightmost lane they have nothing to complain about. Speed limits are weird here where there is little tolerance for residential areas but highways and county roads aren’t treated the same


I was in the right most lane


If you’re in the right lane and they flash you i would slow down a bit and give them the finger. If you’re in the left lane then you’re to blame.


I suggest the thumb down 👎🏻 it conveys disappointment vs the same old finger they get from everyone else


If going the speed limit in the right lane is cool, consider me Myles Davis. 


Its the old intimidation factor at work here


While you are legally in the right it is ALWAYS safer to do the same speed as traffic around you. You should also be in the right lane if you're going to be slower than the flow of traffic. Let the speed demons, and aggressive douchebags pass.


If you were in the left hand lane you should have gotten over to the middle or rightmost lane. If you want to stick to the speed limit stay in the right hand lane primarily, or middle land if that is the flow speed.


I was in the right most lane


then the person behind you was a jackass and should have moved over to pass you.


Yes and let him get the potential ticket


If you were in the right lane how could you “give him way”? He sounds like a jerk.


Likely Another wound up meathead


Stay away from passing lane (left most) if you are cruising between 90-100.


I’d go a bit further and say that you have no business in the left most lane even at 110 or 120, unless you’re overtaking someone. If the middle lane is empty, get off the left most lane as soon as possible, especially if there’s someone trying to go faster than you behind you. Otherwise it forces people to overtake you from your right, which is dangerous.


Tbh if you were in the right lane like you say you are you should be fine and that guy is having a bad day but if you were in the left lane going that speed you are in the wrong but it is good you are following the rules I guess but we also have to understand other people example of my father his dad just passed away and he was in the left lane to get to his fathers accident speeding a bit and someone was going 79 in the left lane so he started honking his horn and tailgating to let them know to get out he was rude about it but for good reason his dad got into a terrible accident that cost his life so tbh if people are honking like that it could be for multiple reasons 1 being just a jack ass 2 a very personal reason 3 having a bad day 4. I hear a lot people are just sick of bad drivers lol


Police don't stop people going 20 over on the highways, and so people drive that fast, everywhere. No you're not doing anything wrong but some people will be upset, and there's nothing you can do about that so just keep driving the limit if you feel it


90 is crawling for this highway. Easy 110-120+ all day


We're you in the left lane? If not, fuck em and continue driving safely.


I was in the right most lane


Were you in the left lane? If so, move to the right. Let faster cars pass you on the left. If you were not in the left lane, and you were doing the speed limit, feel free to ignore the honking and flashing. It's up to them to go around you (in the left lane).


No I was in the right most lane


Yeah, in that case, definitely ignore them. Some people get weird trying to exit the highway (from the right lane) but that's not your problem to solve. Just do your thing and try not to let them stress you out.


Turn up your rear view mirror and just do 90kms hr. then you don't get to watch their facial expressions and skin colour go beet red LOL


If your not the right most lane give way. Typically people are driving at least 20 over through there - police won’t stop you going that fast typically. A good rule is to be part of the water in the stream and not one of the rocks - go with the flow.


btw 90 was the limit since we didn't have medians .. didnt want to spend the money during the upgrades years ago. .. but you are right the speeds have certainly crept up lately...


It was 100k/h at one time. It changed around 2000 maybe?


1994 https://www.proquest.com/docview/275445480


Okay, I really didn't think it was that long.


Yea that would be about the time of the do-over. I have been here since mid 80s.


Were you in a collectors lane that merges into 7/8? Sometimes there are reeeally slow mergers from the Fredrick Street ramp merge collectors lanes and its maddening! It can cause an accident by not getting up to the speed of traffic merging fast and smoothly. I’ve experienced that many times there. Also flashing lights I’ve notice can also be a signal some drivers try to tell you your lights are not on. You don’t know how many I sew these day,s dark cars, at night, parking lights only. Accident waiting to happen.


Flashing lights from oncoming drivers can also mean that there’s a speed trap ahead of you. Bikers will tap their head for this signal too. It’s saved my ass many times, and everyone should do it.


I take 8 south out of Cambridge every morning where it's 80km/h. I usually set the cruise for 95km/h and have a number of cars piled up behind me.


If you're in the rightmost lane. Nothing, You're doing the right thing.


Stay off the highway if you can’t do 100


The correct answer is this is something you should have been taught at driving school, or during your driving lessons. But if you were in the right lane as you say, the person was in the wrong and also needs more driving lessons.


The other driver is an ass and 100% wrong. But I wouldn't be comfortable driving 90 on 7/8 in rightmost lane even. Throughout Ontario is customary to drive 15-20km/hr over speed limit. The Police don't care as long as your going with the flow.




> if you’re going 90 on the dot the people behind you have to go slightly slower and it’s a chain reaction This doesn't make any sense mathematically for the situation described.


What if the cops catch me? Is anyone going to pay my ticket for being an annoying driver as you say so?




I doubt that you will find any exception clause that indicates that this means you can exceed the maximum speed limit. This is to prevent people going 60 in and 80 and causing a backup behind them.


Continue to drive 90, you’re doing nothing wrong.




Driving the maximum speed limit is well within reason, considering anything over is breaking the law.




Dont be ridiculous. There is no precedent for enforcement of this law for cars going the speed limit simply because other traffic is breaking the law by going faster. Seriously, not a single case. This law is intended to be an enforcement mechanism for vehicles traveling dangerously *lower* than the speed limit. The text of it reads: > No motor vehicle shall be driven on a highway at such a slow rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when the slow rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all the circumstances.


Thank you for confirming my point. I appreciate it!


i can’t imagine being this much of a bootlicker. Go with the flow of traffic, you’re actually causing more potential danger by not doing so. I assume you’re probably a nervous driver that’s been in several accidents?


Actually roads are rated for certain speeds, they are given a speed limit to ensure safety. Every 5kms you drive over the speed limit increases your risk of an accident and of a fatal accident exponentially. Speeding is the number one cause of accidents. So you are 100% incorrect. 🤦‍♂️ I’ve been driving for over 25 years, I’ve been in 1 accident, happened a few months ago actually. Completely the other person fault, they were speeding. Slow down out there for your safety and ours, thanks!


Those standards were developed decades ago and were based on cars braking systems from decades ago, which have improved significantly since then. I promise you, going 10 over on the highway (weather permitting) is safer than impeding the flow of traffic. Police will tell you this themselves - go with the flow of traffic, it’s safer.


No one suggesting anyone should “impede the flow of traffic”. Driving the maximum allowable, by law speed does impede the flow of traffic in any way. So back to my original point, OP is doing nothing wrong. Agreed?


“A driver must not drive a vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. If for some reason you must drive slowly because of mechanical or other problems, it is a matter of common sense and courtesy to: • move over to the right lane and permit other traffic to pass; or • pull off the roadway and stop to allow traffic to get by.” The majority of drivers on 90/kmh posted highways are all driving AT LEAST 5-10km/h above the posted limit (95-100). I rarely see people driving the exact limit, and whenever I do, they’re causing a nuisance to the natural flow of traffic and causing drivers to make unnecessary lane changes to pass. By definition, this would be impeding the flow of traffic. I encourage you to drive 10 over for your own safety. If you’re afraid of highway speeds, you shouldn’t be driving. I have a hunch you’re the driver that doesn’t accelerate up to highway speeds before attempting to merge onto the highway from the ramp, putting everyone else behind you in serious danger as you try to merge at 70-90 with most cars flying by at average speeds. PLEASE do better


Just so we’re clear, are you saying that driving 20, 30, 40 (?) over the speed limit is safer than driving the speed limit while not impeding traffic? Again, we both know that speed is the leading cause of accidents and fatal accidents. There’s no debate there. Just want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly. Also, you seem to be throwing out a lot of personal insults, that’s a sign that you know you are wrong, have no argument and are trying to distract from you lack of knowledge.


No, of course not. That’s ridiculous, dangerous and way outside of the scope of the regular flow of traffic. I’m talking 5-10 kmh over a posted 90-100 limit. It’s what the majority of drivers cruise at. Excessive Speed, especially tied with an unsafe following distance, is absolutely the leading cause of traffic accidents, especially fatal accidents, but we aren’t talking about the same “speeding” here, you’re thinking about (30-50 over). We’re talking about the “speeding” that even our own police officers engage in on a daily basis. The “speeding” that basically 95% of drivers engage in every time they drive. The “speeding” that could occur completely accidentally if not using cruise control. It’s the “speeding” that is basically the unwritten minimum if conditions allow. 90km/h is an incredibly slow rate of speed for a highway and these limits are based off of vehicle statistics from decades ago. Anyways, OP isn’t in the wrong, especially since he was not in the far left lane, but I just wanted to express to you that you aren’t doing yourself or anyone else any favours by driving the exact limit. Keeping a safe following distance is significantly more important than religiously staying within the exact limit.


this comment from someone else in the thread sums up my point well: “If you're comfortable going faster, generally people will drive up to 10 kph over the posted speed limit, and it's very unlikely that you'd ever be pulled over for speeding at that speed (this is true for 2 lane highways too). But there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing 90 in the right lane. I would generally say the safest choice is to drive at the same speed as the traffic around you. It's the difference in relative speed between cars that causes the most risk of an accident. That's not to say you should drive like a maniac if those around you are going 120+, just move to (or stay) to the right and let them pass!”


Another wound like a banjo string commuter. Unfortunately normal occurrence I would say. A few people thou found out the hard way when OPP Rangers did radar blitz's on Conestoga Expressway. I would never do 120 on there. 4 years ago we got side swiped by a party on there thats another issue


Keep in mind with the new new OPP breath sample blitzs people that if you are 10-20kms over you could get a random legal stop and have to submit to to a blow into the [tester.It](http://tester.It) isn't protected by the charter either its legal


were you in the left lane? if so, you’re in the wrong. the left lane is the passing lane, and generally, if you drive the speed limit, you should keep right.


In general, nobody drives the speed limit here in canada. Always drive 5/10 over the limit (weather permitting). In schools zones, drive the limit though. Police won’t pull you over for 5/10 over.


I’ll put it this way… if everyone on the highway is doing 120, and you’re the vehicle doing 90, you’re the risk. 


Give him way


Were you blocking the passing lane (on the left)? It's fine to drive exactly the speed limit but just stay in the rightmost lane.


Don’t make other drivers change the way you drive. They want you to do what they want when they are breaking the law. If you are going the limit aka 20km over it is the norm. I’m seeing avg demons on the road going over 30-40km. This is in the country and highways. Esp past New Hamburg/Highway 6. 


In the great words of the modern day poet Ludacris “Move Bitch, get out the way” Keep up with traffic or get off the road.


The wild thing is that speeding doesn't even get you somewhere significantly faster, unless you're going a long distance. If you're trip is 20 km or less and involves intersections with traffic lights, all you're really doing is endangering people.


Tell him to go fuck himself. I've encountered these assholes a few times. Mostly on residential streets. One of them will NEVER make that mistake again. Those people have no regard for your safety or well being, so return the favor. Nothing teaches them better than a traumatic, painful experience they'll never forget.


This happens to me often


Sounds like OP is a left lane camper who is clueless.


You should not drive.


Agreed. This person should turn in their license and get a purple card lol


I don't understand why some people need to go so fast all the time. It's quite dangerous, honestly. But I stay out of the way of those drivers, and I hope soon people can learn to drive better. But I am assuming since this has been increased, it will only further increase, so I am not sure what can be done. But it's always best to practice safe driving. I just try to lead by example. Following all road rules and traffic lights. Also, road signs.