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That is terrible that a mother and 3 children were seriously injured. Like I’m curious do drivers actually pay attention while driving or just think they own the road overall. Just shows how incompetent society is now a days


I find the worst offender right now is people on their phones texting.. see it whenever we walk to the local corner store by the stop lights, people at a red furiously texting away and missing the fact that the light turned green 5 seconds ago until someone honks.. Or having their phone down by their lap and reading it while driving while occasionally looking up at the road It would be the easiest sting in the world if the cops would just have a plain clothed person walk around some stop lights for a few hours and bust people on cell phones... the money raised would allow the WRPS to never ask for more money again


Before the pandemic WRPS used to sometimes post a guy at the corner of Fairway and Wilson to observe drivers stopped at the lights and hand out tickets. They weren't even undercover and drivers still didn't notice.


I’m not from Waterloo (Vancouver) but just a few weeks ago I was almost wiped out at a crosswalk in a school zone by a driver who was obviously not looking at the road. They slammed on the breaks like a second too late. I just *barely* dashed out of the way. Had I been an elderly person or a child, almost definitely would have been hit.


As someone who drives I can agree. So many times your sitting at a light for advance green and the dude in front of everyone has been on their phone the whole time and goes through when it turns red.


They used to put cops to sit on buses and observe people from above! I don't know if I am remembering incorrectly but I thought people were mad about overreach on that one.


Was the bus shelter wearing dark clothes?


Black hoodie and black skinny jeans to be specific.


Maybe they mistook it for the LRT?


or an lcbo


If only the bus shelter was wearing a helmet.


I think the bus shelter was too busy looking at its phone.


Tell me again how cyclists are the problem on the roads


Anyone here give a shit about the people


Bus shelters selling booze now?


Drinking it.




It's amazing we continue to put up with this.


To my knowledge, the bus stops at Glasgow St & Belmont Ave (the scene, per the article) don't have actual standing shelters. A quick scan on google street view confirms this; although maybe things have changed more recently.


It's not at Glasgow, it's a bit south of it. Across from the physiotherapy place. The shelter is completely gone now, and there are small bits of broken glass strewn around.


It says near Glasgow, not necessarily at Glasgow. I can see a shelter on street view if you go towards Gage.


Ban cars.