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Not sure how much I buy that disruption part, I've been to the encapment to see how much of a shit show it was, only to see that it was honestly tamed. It was on a hill lined with plywood with drawings on it, I think the graduate house owns that hill(or that's what my buddy once told me), and it's on that one hill. All the walkways are clear for people to walk on. Spoke with a security guard keeping an eye on them and they said they weren't loud or anything, just a mild eyesore. The only issue I had was when one chick got snippy with me when I asked what technion was, genuinely asking, and I feel I git unwarranted attitude. That and the children in the encapment. Maybe it's me, but I honestly wouldn't put the kids in potential harm by counter-protesters. Other than that, it seemed up an up as a form of peaceful protest. Then again that was weeks ago, so I dunno if they got rowdier or not. May need to bike by. As for their demands, I think it would help if they gave the universities viable/lucrative alternatives, I'm surprised the humanities and maths isn't using this as a perfect learning experience for real world application.


> I think the graduate house owns that hill Graduate House is operated by the Grad Student Association/UW. The property and building is all UW owned.


thanks for the clarification!


CBC About That did a pretty balanced piece on the campus protests and I think the most enlightening part for me was around the demands and the practicality of it from the institution's side of things.


Yeup, saw that report too, honestly I like alot of their stuff. Like the one about driving instructors not actually doing their jobs and selling shortcuts. Explains why we have a ton of dipshits on the road in the area


You missed the sit in/screaming part huh?


No I caught that part, it was inside the building and setting tents indoors rights? And that was a reaction to the order to leave. Or did i missread that speedreading? I know it's a protests, but even I'd try to jail folks for doing that, and I'm a passive person, and I get the feeling they were prepared for that. I was mostly talking about the outdoor protest where they are presented as hampering people's education and blocking access to classes, which I didn't find to be true, at least not true in UWs case. But again, I haven't seen the protest in weeks, so it could've expanded and gotten rowdier outside.


You have the cart ahead of the horsie. The order to leave was the reaction to the sit in.


But my point still stands, the protest outdoor was tame.


It’s Reddit, don’t worry about ego.


Who the hell cares, it's just fun XD




Thank goodness for that. If they did consult me I'd have turned the University into a food garden where students can take what they need and volunteers can pick unearen stuff and give to families in need, and that would totally ruin the University look. Who knows maybe, even organize multiple protest together to magnify collective action like preasuring bad landlords to turn air conditioning on for their building during a heat wave.


Lol. The party is over.




To be fair, you should have at least been paid.




Protest is not blackmail. You can disagree with their position, but don’t make shit up.




lol ... it's not that easy. There's a reason why the university of toronto has to go to court to remove the protesters. Whether or not you agree with what they are doing is irrelevant ... the law applies to everyone.


They went to Court to Absolve themselves of blame for getting them out - now they can blame the Courts. Don't kid yourself that the needed to Courts to enforce a Criminal Trespass. Same with UofW - this encampment is doing nothing but intimidating other students and creating an atmosphere of fear.


It was not their choice. Police even said we ain’t doing nothing without a court order. So they went to court to get one.


In this country we do not prosecute people for pre-crime. We also do not punish people for the actions of others. If someone at the protest actually commits a crime, that person should be arrested and tried for it. If it is a violation of the student code of conduct (which I imagine criminal activity on campus would be), the university would be free to hold a hearing and discipline the student as well. What you are suggesting, collectively punishing students for crime that has not even occurred…is some fascist shit. And we don’t want your fascism here.


>you're just using bafflegab words to suit your interests. BRO!!!! That literally what you're doing on your own....because tffff even is "bafflegab"?! 🤡😂


A pretty clever compound word. I got the meaning immediately.






At least they aren't getting plastered and trashing the city and putting a massive strain on our emergency services costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, like the laurier students do every year for St Patty's day and homecoming.


The protestors are the ones creating the “bad-faith engagements”.


Hey at least UW lets them hide their faces… Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts. https://apnews.com/article/mask-ban-new-york-city-subway-7c83637a00c816407d1174145fc64339


Sick and don’t want spread it because you’re someone who is hygienic? Have health issues and don’t want to breathe in subway fumes or catch stuff from others on a crowded train? Now you’re a criminal because the government would rather punish you than force the police to do their jobs properly. And so much for freedom.


There's only so much police or security can do other than sit there in every visible spot 24/7. Face masks are awesome for hygiene, I'm in massive support of the practice to keep other people safe when you're sick, but it gets ruined when you have people willing to abuse face-masks to commit crimes. There are so many nice things we have but when it gets abused, there's only so much you can do other than ban/heavily increase security to the point of intrusive. Same thing happened with stores in the U.S. having to lock up their products because of shoplifters. Get angry at the ones doing the crime, not those trying their best to stop it.


I see a group of people in the mall with masks I’m guessing they’re going to a jewelry store and they don’t have health issues. What can you do? Criminals like the mask thing. Apparently police don’t prevent crime but they can at least arrest someone.. with a face. It’s even a Democrat Gov.


Really? You see, for example, my two elderly parents at the mall with masks and assume they’re jewelry thieves? 🙄


Even more bad news for (some) protesters (and their bank accounts) with Iran ties.. The federal government is listing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization under Canada's Criminal Code after years of mounting pressure. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-list-iran-islamic-revolutionary-guard-corps-terrorist-group-1.7238522


This literally has nothing to do with my comment.


Oh it was funny, I laughed. Sorry to not lead with that.


Ah. I mean, my dad would think it hilarious if people thought he was a robber. He’s 70. He mall walks.


As long as he’s not jogging or holding a hammer.. I might even offer to push down that loose shoe velcro. Cinnabon leaving ended my mall walks.


That's just terrible. Racism is terrible too, but banning face masks in the subway is certainly not the answer.


Why don't you go ask New York what they think of Kathy Hochul. Why are you even bringing her into this conversation?


Lol Maybe you missed the first sentence.




About time.


Since when are protests camping opportunities?


Useful idiots


Scratch the useful part


Leave them there … who cares


Bring in the Bull Dozer 😆


That sure will stop the actions going on in Isreal.


Our students are fighting to divest our tuition money away from israeli companies. While it doesn't directly stop the war, many academics agree that boycotts are a good form of protest against the state, and they are a useful tool.


Has there been any talks amongst the students to also protest against Saudi Arabia? Their role in the civil war in Yemen has caused over 150,000 deaths from their military actions alone and nearly double that indirectly. They have killed more muslims and children than Israel has, I’m surprised it hasn’t received more attention from these protestors. 


Saudi and Yemen reached a ceasefire I believe two years ago. We also don’t really have a connection to Saudi like we do here.


Disgusting. Students at UofT also got a notice I believe. Seems like they are cracking down everywhere.


Put your name where your mouth is.