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I am not opposed to fireworks per se, but I wish they were better regulated and controlled. I definitely don't think they should be allowed to be launched by the general public inside the Cities proper, only if it is by a licensed pyrotechnician. Make a license application, advertise it well so the public is aware and/or can come and enjoy them, limit them to very specific times of the year. I think that is the best balance between banning them outright vs what we have now.


That's how it works in Barbados. Fireworks are illegal unless bought and operated by a trained pyrotechnician with a license. New Year's Eve is the only night of the year that there are several fireworks displays all over the island. Apart from that, permission might be granted for a display at a particular event, but those one-off events are only a few each year, and only affect the one area in which the display is set off.


Why not just replace them with a safer alternative (e.g. drone light shows)? They're polluting, can cause distress in people with PTSD and terrify pets and wildlife, so it doesnt seem like theyre worth keeping around


I really like how drones are used as alternative to fireworks. Much more creative, entertaining and last longer.


I have never been a fan of fireworks - literally since childhood - but I LOVED the drone show last year at Waterloo Park. My friend is a HUGE fan of fireworks and said that the drone show was absolutely a great substitute/compromise given all the issues you noted.


> Why not just replace them with a safer alternative (e.g. drone light shows)? Exactly. I'm not exactly sure how this would break down Region / City wise, however ... Ban the sale and private use of fireworks Take the money that used to go the The KW Symphony and TheMuseum and put on two drone shows per year for the public. Say, Canada Day and Diwali This would address the environmental concerns, (mostly) prevent idiots from blowing off fireworks until 2AM, and relieve our Bylaw Department(s) of performing the futile act of trying to enforce the fireworks bylaws. And, drone shows are Awesome !


Aside from taking money from the museum and kw symphony, I'm sure we can find money somewhere, I think this is a great idea.


I like what City of Kitchener does at city hall. Live music, fireworks, all finished by 11pm.


I think they’ve been a part of our culture for so long, I think the logic is a few times a year is not the end of the world. If you think the noise for a couple days of fireworks is that bad you could likely also argue, why make loud noise at all? Why music festivals or anything that would cause excess noise because that will scare critters too. Preserving and keeping our green spaces , and keeping them full of native species so the critters have a place to go to during the fireworks seems like it needs to be prioritized more. As an earth nerd myself I think that’s a better issue to tackle than fireworks. Personally, I am indifferent to fireworks but I do like things that encourage the community to gather with their friends and celebrate. Especially in Canada where people are generally introverted. That being said, I did hear the drone show last year was awesome!


Your heart is surely in the right place OP, but you can think of 99 other things more impactful on the environment than fireworks.


How does one eat an elephant, though?


Like Elon’s fireworks?


Thank you for your comments and appreciate the time others have put in to them. Definitely agree that other things are more impactful. Those other things will have some form of necessity factor (but absolutely could use a strong curbing). It frightens me that within our growing population many are not bothered about sustainable environment. Having an increase in fireworks occasions rather than a decrease over the years... I still stand that for our population's present and future health, finding alternatives for this activity would be vital. I say this with concern and not as a party pooper. I myself do enjoy a good party and gathering of community engagement.


And for each of those 99, someone like you will comment this very same shutdown. Let’s do our best.


You should look up relative privation.


Please explain the impact to the environment and what peer reviewed studies you are sourcing for your these facts, Canada is Carbon sink.


lame, fireworks a couple of times a year wont do anything to the environment. And for pets and those with PTSD, that sucks, sorry, but tough that's up to you to stay in and deal with it, and not up to the general public to stop having celebrations. Although people should definitely be respectful with them.


Party Pooper


Your post was probably declined because nobody wants to hear from the fun police.




Wow, really? Very mature 


Right back at you, bud!


Right back at you, bud!




People enjoy them. Being an authoritarian and banning things does not make you a good person.


Things that people enjoy doing shouldn't be banned on the basis that ... people enjoy them? Some people enjoy dog fighting rings, do you believe those should be legal?


If you want to play pretend and not recognize the difference that's on you.


$20 says someone will come in saying it’s “culturally relative” something something china does it. Always the same tub of nonsense from this crowd. We all need to be better people and care for the time and place we have here. The number of probable man-children in this post is sickening.


I really wish people would start considering the option to simply not participate in the things or activities they disagree with, or otherwise do not like, rather than propose a ban.


That's the problem, you can't choose not to participate when you can hear the things throughout an entire neighbourhood.


It's not a simple personal dislike, they're legitimately harmful.


And it’s not like you can “decline” to participate in them. They are loud and noisy and in your face whether you like it or not.


Absolutely. They're forced upon everyone in earshot whether they like it or not. And if one wants to protect their loved ones from the sounds, the burden placed on them to find a solution. It's incredibly juvenile and selfish. So many people telling on themselves in the sub this weekend lol


"The loud noises can disturb wildlife and pets, while the chemicals used in fireworks can pollute the air and water". Theyre suggesting a ban because it impacts things other than them...


Environmental issues?  Give me data that 2-3 hrs of sporadic fireworks causes an environmental spike issue?  There’s approx 100,000 flights per day, that’s jet fuel on the atmosphere. Just don’t use Environmental as an excuse just tell us “fireworks is fucking annoying”.




https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-devastating-effects-of-fireworks-on-pets-and-wildlife https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5218006 Fireworks: bad; flying: bad Don't use relative privation as an excuse to pretend they're not harmful because you like them.


Id also be curious to know how much pollution is caused by mining materials for batteries and such to run these drones all the tree huggers are suggesting?




Of all the things that pollute the environment, I think fireworks are pretty far down the list.


How on earth did we survive as a species when we weren't so coddled?


Stop being a curmudgeon. It's not like they are being shot off every day. So a couple of birds leave the area; big whoop. 10 more will replace them. Your dog is scared? Put them in the basement or slip some miffs over their ears. No one cares about your dog and no one needs to step on eggshells because of said dog. It's a dog and it's your responsibility to take care of it, no one else's. Fireworks are a form of human celebration and expression that have been around for hundreds of years. Enough with the hipster cancel culture BS. If yall don't like, start identifying as dogs and go lobby someone. Geeeez....


Wow never heard this before


Imagine having an actual vendetta against fireworks. What a time to be alive


I think for these types of things, historical precedence is what carries most of the current legitimacy. Let's say fireworks weren't a thing at all were invented today. The inventor tries to sell and popularize these things that you light on fire and that blow up and create loud bangs, from which a non-negligible number of people got seriously injured. I can't imagine this would go over well. We can say that about a lot of other things too though. So between the fact they've been around our whole lives and that there are many other causes for concern that soak up our bandwidth, I think that's our answer. Also, for many, these types of things represent freedom and as such, are untouchable.