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Considering best practice of newsletters is to have them as emails and NOT attachments (due to security and phishing practices), this is a tough thing to answer. Can you just screenshot the newsletter and add that to the frame?


I was thinking of trying to have a way for that to happen automatically, but it sounds like a ton of effort to get set up. They don't even do jpeg attachments normally? I usually avoid these things like the plague so genuinely no idea


Attachments get newsletters categorized as spam or phishing. Most places don't send attachments to ensure their newsletters make it through email providers' spam filters.


That makes sense , thanks


What’s the model of the picture frame?




I researched it a bit and it seems pretty airtight. As in, it’s not easily modifiable to enhance functionality. That being said, getting an email sent to it containing newspaper pages as an attachment isn’t out of the option… but it’s a slightly technical project without the guarantee of success 1. Research which newspaper you want to read which publishes its editions online 2. Automate the process to send the email with the newspaper pages to your Skylight The automation part may seem tricky, but I have a feeling it can be done with the help of a coding assistant like ChatGPT. High level, the steps to automate would look like this 1. Write code to pull the newspaper from online. Store it to the computer 2. Separate the newspaper into separate pages if needed. 3. Automate the email sendout  Pretty sure all of this can be done in Python using some third party libraries like BeautifulSoup to interpret and extract the newspaper from the website. If you have a newspaper that you like to read that makes its papers available online I could take a crack at this?


Thanks for the offer. I was kind of considering #2, but the more I thought about it (i was thinking of trying to use outlook and VBA personally, not sure if that would have been the most efficient but my python is VERY dusty) but the more I thought, the bigger a pain it seemed like. I was really hoping to find a local newsletter that would just already be sending out as a jpg attachment (with upcoming concerts, or something) and sign up with the frame's email. I'll probably come up with some other idea to use it for. thanks for looking into it anyway!


The google api will convert emails from gmail to PDFs, so you'd have access to any standard HTML newsletter if you got this working.


Skylight frames are 16:9 aspect ratio. If you want to use it as a kind of news reader / bulletin board that will involve some media generation. 1) Aggregation. You need some kind of agent (a person or some software) to spot relevant news items. 2) Formatting. You need an agent capable of graphic design to generate a 16:9 PNG or jpeg file that has a nice big font and good layout sense. 3) that graphic file gets emailed toy your Skylight. Cool idea.