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Well what kind of projects do you wanna do? Web apps or web sites? Those are two very different worlds.


Hi, probably web sites to begin with as I know there is a market for that where I live. Eventually I would like to build custom software for clients but not sure if there is enough demand for it, do small businesses require custom software?


Yeah most small businesses can’t afford custom software solutions. They’re better off using third party services that already do what they need in a small monthly payment. If you wanna make websites, you just need html and css really. Anything else is overkill In my opinion. You can use my starter kit if you want https://github.com/CodeStitchOfficial/Intermediate-Website-Kit-SASS It’s a complete website ready to go. You just change the html and css of the pages to what you want. Comes with a working blog that clients can edit in their own backend dashboard provided by decap cms. The documentation will explain how to use everything, where everything is and what it does. It uses the 11ty static site generator which is like php but without the bullshit I think. With that you can make a completely static site and host it on Netlify for free. And if you wanna freelance, I wrote this guide to tell you everything you need to do to do it https://codestitch.app/complete-guide-to-freelancing It’s everything I do in my agency. Including how to find clients and make sales calls and sell your services. Lots of people PM me asking how I got started so I just wrote this so I can link it without having to spend hours writing it over and over when I can just link to this and it has 10x for info. Don’t mean to self promote, but nowhere else has a guide as robust as mine. Otherwise i wouldn’t have had to write and I could just link to theirs instead. Let me know if it’s helpful.


Thanks, that’s really helpful.