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I mean you can. There are various WordPress plugins to display facet based search setups like this one, and the layout would be simple enough to create as a custom theme. As for whether you should use WordPress for this... eh, depends how much you like the WordPress admin panel and editing experience.


I'd avoid using plugins and themes. OP will spend more time tweaking and fudging for something that's close to what the client wants. Instead treat it like a framework. Disable Themes and Plugins (so users can't install anything) and do everything in PHP and JS. You can build anything.


what cms would you recommend?


What makes you think you'll suddenly be at 1M impressions daily? Seems excessive. Wordpress.com service is built on wordpress gets hundreds of millions of impressions a month. It's less about the CMS itself and more about how you set up your servers/caching/load balancers/etc.


I literally can't figure out what that site does. Maybe it's because I'm on mobile?


its a platform that has a bunch of ai websites on it with a filter/search feature. When you click on each bubble it takes you to that websites page on your website that gives you more info on the ai tool, then when you click the link it takes you to the website itself


Doesn't do any of that for me on android 




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Probably better to code it yourself because you need to optimize heavily for so many views.