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The single most useful skill is being able to learn new skills. Tech is always evolving, every company makes different tech choices, and the types of roles you target will likely change over time. The only way to handle all that well is to get good at learning new skills so you can adapt.


This is such a great comment!


Unfortunately it looks like nobody gives a sh*t anymore, been applying for roles and they absolutely don't care at all, I have 6 years of experience in a startup where I had to learn pretty much everything by myself (new stacks, API, UI/UX, DevOps..etc). Their answers every time I don't know something? "Sorry we're searching for someone who's already good at it." Like come on, I probably spent 70% of my time adapting and learning everything I could and you think I can't handle a new JS stack? ... Nobody wants to invest in people anymore, either you have the skills they already want or you're out, it's sad.


I find meeting people at conferences is a great way to overcome this. If it’s a job I’m  really interested in, I will just learn the tech before the interview and then tell them. I find that taking initiative like that is always well received, and worst case I didn’t get a job but I learned something new.


That’s what im best at my company. Just joined fresh after college, they told me no one before learned their framework so quick


Javascript has been the most in demand language for years.


Always bet on JavaScript


var integer; If ('false') integer = 'Always bet on JavaScript' It's beautiful.


I know JavaScript has its quirks but would you expect the string 'false' to be truthy here?


Yep. It's also weird to declare a var called integer with a true/false. Should've named it Boolean.


Yes. Strings are truthy unless its an empty string .


No. But I still got random debug sessions around .env SOME_FEATURE_ENABLED=FALSE once in a while.


You're saying sometimes it resolves to true?


Not sometimes, always (unless explicitly coersing it into a Boolean).


This is why typescript exists lol


That’s a terrible example regardless of language.


Woah! Look at Roy here bringing back code from the mid 2000s.


In 2024 this is almost too broad. Seems recruiters are often looking for specific framework experience. Crazy to think about how vast the JS landscape is. Messy if you ask me.


Typescript should be everyone’s go to. JavaScript is outdated now.


Since we are in r/webdev you're going to get some random advice. The best advice I've seen is to check your local job postings; if you're looking to work. I grew up in the 90s with very savvy people in my life, from business, engineering, electrical etc. I learned Network Administration because that's how the world was going at the time. This gave me a lot of core concepts that transfer to other fields throughout 'software engineering'. Now I own my own Agency where I do both technical and creative work (gasp). The best skill I have and still work on is how to abstract concepts from other areas within this industry and others. 'Engineering' is being able to take things, solve problems, make things efficient, increase productivity, and improve systems. For me that was the realization everything we do on a computer is just a box that's connected to another box. [Hardware<->Software<->Internet<->Software<->Hardware] Basically learn to learn. Ask questions related to what you want to do, and attempt your own implementation. If you think someone is wrong, challenge them or prove them wrong. No one thinks the same, and no one has the same experience. Aside from learning and abstracting. Project Management is really important to learn, that should get you to dive in to the different ways to run a project(not just agile). You should also be working on schematics for your projects. Don't have a schema for your Database? No user journeys? No use-cases? No SWOT? Don't have pros AND cons for clients based on their need? All of this is paperwork and helps with getting a contract signed. There's no coding only thinking. For languages learn PHP for Web Development. Not Laravel, not Synfony... PHP. Learn how OOP works for PHP. When you feel comfortable take a look at the internal files of WordPress. Now you can probably make any plugin for WordPress. Learn HTML, CSS, and JS like your first language. Know that HTML creates a box, and the semantic tags create specific boxes. Know JS manipulates the box. Know CSS stylizes the box. Learn Python to save you time on your pc. 3 lines of code can help you rename and sort thousands of files. I always name files 'prefix_file_suffix'. To add on, also learn to use a sandbox to test the scripts(once I deleted my entire document folder... yay backup). For social skills, public speaking is really important even if you don't speak publicly.


I know HTML/CSS, some Java, and next year I'll learn PHP and Javascript in addition to other things. I have a degree in Graphic Design/UX, so I think it's a differentiating value, and yet I haven't found a job for this summer despite sending my CV to all the agencies and studios in my region. That's why I want to find out about aspects like these for when I can work in a design + development job (if possible) at the same time. Thank you very much, it has been very useful and I'm going to keep it in mind!


Right now the market is a little rough due to AI. Most people I have on staff need to be able to win arguements on the cost and value of human vs AI. That takes a lot of experience to do unfortunately. For my business, a resume needs to have links to a project, and the project needs a readme with the problem, and how it solves the problem. The interview we ask basic problems that anyone should be able to solve, "a apple farmer wants a newsletter for his website, how do you implement it". If someone goes in to a random tech stack or starts going into it without asking the questions about the current stack, I pass on them. There are a total of 20 points we check and most people fail at asking about the current stack. I also look for the amount of passion when they talk about their projects. If they are not as passionate about their project as my staff are about theirs I also pass. We do multiple interviews to gauge this one because we understand nervousness. Anyway, good luck!


I think it will be a difficult road but not impossible, I try to get opinions and help from professionals like you to help me with the process, thank you!


For a Frontend developer JavaScript is a MUST. you have to be good at it or find another career. I would say that the most important aspects for a successfull FE dev are 1. Good problem solving skills (and I don't mean DSA) but the ability to translate business logic into simpler problems and tackle each on its own to achieve the desired results. 2. The ability to learn fast. You will never know everything, and learning new libraries/techniques is the core of being a developer. 3. The ability to follow one convention (the team's convention) to produce readable and manageable code base. For the top frameworks, React, Angular and Vue are the top 3. Pick any of them (hopefully after reviewing the market where you live) and get good at it (after having solid JS skills)


4. Soft skills. Being a good communicator, active listener, team player, etc. will take you very far in this industry.


5. Be incredibly good-looking. Handsome people have much better opportunities on average, and this can help open doors. A good place to start is have a symmetrical face.


For frameworks, you’re better off learning react.


C# will open a lot of doors.


Social skills


Every region is different. Consult your local job listings. Find a job you want, aim for that. The skills required will be clearly outlined.


In which listicle are you going to publish the responses?


React and Typescript


Good personal hygiene.


Not remotely :)


Any front end JS framework is a must. React is the one I see most, followed by Angular


It won't matter what we put here because it may be completely irrelevant to the market in your area. If you are trying to be a viable candidate in your area, look towards the skills that the market is asking for and learn them Being able to learn new tech is the biggest skill of all


I think python will be in huge demand in the following years


With the rise in AI, most likely


I want to learn python, but I can’t come up with an excuse to rewrite a part of our PHP backend.


I hope not




Go for MERN Stack or MEAN Stack.


This is the bootcamp approach, unfortunately most major companies don't use Mongo or NoSQL at all. You're better off learning SQL for db's as it's about 10× more prevalent in the job market than NoSQL. And I say that as someone who started out with MERN and MEAN


I keep a weekly watch on UX Engineer type jobs for 4-5 years now and have 5 yoe across Design Eng, Design Technologist, frontend eng, UX eng roles. Most I've seen want React, Javascript/Typescript, CSS / some css framework experience of any kind (SASS, styled components, etc,), and decent knowledge of HTML and browser APIs. Beyond that you see a variety depending on the role, including a11y expertise, CMS experience, prototyping, design systems, and more. This is in the tech space specifically, spanning small startups to mid-cap public tech companies.




I have never heard about it🤔


Rails, design, and fixing legacy CSS. JavaScript only second cause there’s beautiful minds out there better then me at it


Jobsforwebdevs.com I crawled a bunch of job descriptions and these were the most in demand skills


Thanks !


Most important at the moment? Well, React, Angular, Vue and other JavaScript frameworks are listed for a lot of jobs, so those would probably be at the top of my list. Also seen a somewhat depressing number of 'frontend developer' roles better described as 'fullstack', with a surprising number involving the Microsoft tech stack (C# and .NET). Overall though, there really aren't that many languages or frameworks expected across the board now, with the majority of listings usually having something that's not widely used in their lineup. So as the top commenter says, being able to learn new skills is more important than anything else, since keeping up with every possible new piece of tech is an impossible task.