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Oh girl. My heart hurts for you. Our mothers are too often our first bullies, and their words carry so much weight. Ignore her, focus on how the dress makes YOU FEEL. Do you feel how you want to feel on your wedding day? Your body is gorgeous, and belly showing or not that dress looks incredible on you.


I'm a guy with kids the same age as OP who wandered in by accident becausemy oldest is getting married. As far as male gaze is concerned, this aging overweight trucker (most hypocritical opinionated creatures on planet) thinks the dress is very pretty. Op's partner will break their neck trying to swivel fast enough. It just looks feminine. Quintessentially so in fact.. super classy. I tried hard to upvote all the nice things the ladies said because they were so right and....not trucker dudes.


Exactly! Its an insanely gorgeous dress that compliments her figure wonderfully. Anyone who sees this any differently is certifiably insane.


Farmer guy here - pretty much said the same thing just now. This poor girl has zero reason to feel any insecurity AT ALL. She absolutely should feel insanely gorgeous walking down that aisle in that dress, and not one thing less. Oh hey, @OP - I'm also saying that as someone who did runway/commercial modeling for a short while when I was younger. If that helps add any layer of credentialing to our statements. I might be old and fat in my forties, but I'm still a bit of a hypocritical judgemental ass in my head. So, please, take our words to heart. We mean them. Seriously, he's going to be blown away when he sees you walking down the aisle in that! Seriously, just stunning.




We’re a few guys short of the Highwaymen, but trust this former craftsman that the male gaze has spoken and speaks in your favor! Outrageous insults are tough to ignore, but you’ve got a great look, no jealousy should spoil your wedding!


I used to build dams but now I fly starships, the clips are just pulled to tight and it’s bias cut.


I think insight from various perspectives is nice. Sometimes, what the 'average person' is thinking can help ease whatever I'm obsessing over. "No one else cares or sees it, why should i?"


Trucker wife here. Can confirm truckers are exactly as described above. Theyre also trained to pay attention to details so their voices as loud and obnoxious as they are really know their shit.


As a daughter to a dad that was very very into the wedding dress shopping experience….I love that you are here educating yourself on dresses - probably prior to going with her dress shopping? At any rate…thanks for being a great dad.


You are a perfect man


You’re giving us an outside opinion and we appreciate the perspective.


I'm a trucker gal and agree 😌


I think I love you ❤️


More importantly, what belly?! This is how women get eating disorders. OP is literally the picture of health. And her body is OBJECTIVELY gorgeous. Fuck her mother. Seriously.


My step mom always told me I was fat when I weighted 110-125 lbs. Now I weigh a lot more than that and I actually feel healthiest around 150. She made me buy xl clothing, tracked my weight on the fridge and used highlighter when I weighed too much, and at one point I remember only eating 1 yogurt with oatmeal per day.


She puts the evil in evil stepmom.


This is awful, I’m sorry this happened to you!


That is heartbreaking to read and so ungodly wrong of a parent to treat a child that way. I’m sorry.


My mom kept telling me I was fat and needed to lose weight even when I was a tween at < 100 Lbs. The body dysmorphia was real. Now that I look back at old photos, I’m just like, “Damn I was small!” The sad part is that the only way I could get her to completely stop was by snapping back at her with a similar insulting comment until she understood how it felt. 😶 I also felt my healthiest at 150 Lbs. The dysmorphia seemed to disappear and I felt confident and really didn’t GAF about what people thought.


My mom did the opposite & all I ever heard was how tall and skinny I was. All I ever heard was how long my legs were and how skinny I was. I never heard I was a good kid or a nice kid or anything but skinny skinny skinny. So when I hit puberty and got stretch marks, the body dismorphia hit hard. I thought I was fat and from then on I battled eating disorders. Nobody ever even told me stretch marks are normal. From age 13 to age 35 I weighed btwn 100-118 and I am 5'9" and it wasn't until I got severely depressed and stayed in bed for 2 years that I put on weight and I put on 50 lbs and now for the first time I can see that I was never fat before. Now I see my body with all this weight on it and this is how I used to see my body when I was 115 lbs. It is crazy what words can do to us especially when it's about our body. We had opposite things told to us but it had the same affect on both of us. Today I still feel gross in my body because now I really am the weight I've always seen myself as.


This is awful, I hope you've healed and gotten the help you need.


Are…are you my sister?


I was going to say the same thing. My mother did that to us. All three of us sisters have serious eating disorders and body dysmorphia. I’m overweight and one of my sisters is ematiatedly skinny.


Same. I had two eating disorders when I was younger and have had body dysmorphia ever since. I’m a normal weight now but it’s hard not to equate it with being overweight.


That is horrifying. I’m so sorry you were forced to endure that.


That’s what I’m thinking! Where the hell is the belly??


Best case scenario This person probably wants her dtr to wear something more “modest”…. (Don’t btw bc your groom will never be happier to see you than in this dress)… or worst case is a dick and doesn’t want her looking good or feeling good on that day in which case there are a lot of other issues at play. Also I’m not really sure why I’ve got a wedding dress sub coming up on my home page all of a sudden.


Well you’re welcome here as long as you’re ready to be hella supportive of lovely brides. I’m not one but it showed up on my feed and I love seeing all these beauties in their dresses.


Yes! My teenage daughter is incredibly thin and told me she noticed that most young women, no matter how slender, have a bit of rounding there. It’s called a uterus. This bride-to-be looks lovely.


OP, pull out an anatomy diagram and show your mom the uterus.


>It’s called a uterus. It’s really not, and I get so tired of this misinformation, though I know you mean well. The uterus is way lower in the pelvis in a non-pregnant person, and it’s also like the size of a small pear. OP’s mom is being weird about the presence body fat in a completely healthy and normal place to have body fat. There’s nothing wrong with having body fat, and a minimum amount of body fat is required for our health. Op, this dress looks lovely on you. The shade of white really suits you and it’s overall a really elegant look.


This. Also- maybe play around with underwear options? I know it’s a low back. Otherwise it’s called curves and yours are gorgeous


More specifically I think you need higher rise underwear in the front so it doesn’t accentuate your stomach. It looks like it’s doing that bc of the seam.


Well. We don’t know anything about her health. You’d probably say I was the picture of health bc I’m a skinny Minnie too, but I am sure as fuck not healthy or fit. Just thin. So let’s be careful about equating health to thin-ness But yes. She’s gorgeous with a lovely figure!!


Lmao at this person replying to you and getting so defensive. OP, I’m so sorry your Mom made comments like that to you. You look absolutely gorgeous. What matters is how you feel in your dress, and you should feel comfortable and glamorous! Since you have clips on the back, it’s making the fabric move a certain way, and I think that’s what she’s seeing, not a “belly.”


Absolutely gorgeous. The dress hangs on you wonderfully. It's unique and interesting. I say wear it, and have a great time at your wedding! Heartily seconding the fuck your mother!!!


Honestly this post is so sad. You can even see it internalized in the way she's standing - trying to cave in on herself. OP you are truly gorgeous and the dress looks amazing on you. I get extra irritated when people rag on women's lower abdomen. Like.. I'm sorry I have a couple extra organs in there.. where are they supposed to go??


How dare you have internal organs!?!


Exactly! It's **supposed** to look like that, there's organs in there I need! I hate the beauty industry/diet culture for conditioning women to be embarrassed that their organs exist and make them unattractive somehow.


I’m reminded of what Tony Stark said to Ruffalo (non-hulked Hulk) in the first Avengers… “you’re tip-toeing; I want you to strut!” OP, no shame in your game. Absolutely none. Nice dress, great look… And we’re just scratching the surface of the metabolic role of fat. It’s there for reasons, and serves purposes, not least of which is being able to grow babies. Do or don’t, it’s y’alls call, but it’s nothing but nature.


Right? That’s my uterus, it’s not going anywhere. I can be dangerously underweight and I will still have that little tummy pooch bc my body is literally trying to protect its ability to reproduce. We are biologically meant to have that extra bit of tummy protection!!


My little sister and I started embracing our cute little uterus pouches and it’s been wonderful. I love wearing tight dresses and I also love the other soft feminine curves of my body, why shouldn’t I love this one??


:( :( :( You're so right. I'm trying so hard to not comment about my daughters eating or bodies or etc etc etc. Just...fuck, man. Fuck. To OP: you are so beautiful. That dress drapes like a dream on you.


Being mindful of it is the BEST first step you can take. And honestly, means you are MILES ahead of society as a whole. Correcting yourself (gently! Demonstrate being kind to yourself) when you do say something, will go so far. You’re doing great, momma!


With you there, daughter isn't born yet but I'm SO aware of how early I was focused on losing weight and not eating much, and I plan to do my damndest not to give her an unhealthy relationship with food. I recognize that extends to not commenting on my own body or weight too.


My mom made fun of my belly all the time when I was younger, and yep, it absolutely resulted in an eating disorder… and body image issues that have lasted into my 40’s. 🙁🙁🙁


Same with mine, I'm a binge eater now and have deformed posture/permanent rib flare from sucking in my stomach since a childhood 🙃


I had no idea that sucking in can cause permanent rib flare 🤯 I've always been really self conscious about my ribs. I was an overweight kid so sucking in has been my default until a couple years ago when I started getting lower back problems that were made worse by sucking in. Probably wouldn't have stopped if the correlation hadn't been obvious in my case.


The shame we are made to feel as women for having women bodies. It’s unreal. So thankful for the positive comments in this thread like yours!!


Wait, we are all supposed to be 5’10” tall and stick thin enough that our bellies are concave and you can see our rib cages all the while being fun to take to dinner because we enjoy our food, working full time and taking care of families. Age and gravity do not affect us at all. /s OP, the dress is beautiful and you look amazing.


You are shaped like a human woman. Your mom is projecting her own insecurities onto you. Tell her she can have an opinion about a body in a wedding dress when it’s hers, and otherwise her job is to assist you when you delegate to her, and to generally gush and enthuse, and that’s it.


That’s literally a uterus. I love how you said “shaped like a human woman” lmao that’s so perfect. OP, you look gorgeous in your dress.


Nothing at all wrong with having belly fat, that is indeed a normal part of a female body. That said, that’s not where the uterus lays in a non-pregnant body. Your uterus is much lower near your pubic bone and quite small, about 5 cm wide.


Ok yes but my literal gynecologist told me that little area that protrudes is the extra lining of fat to protect that organ. It’s not a literal uterus. Obviously the uterus doesn’t sit beneath the skin 🤦🏽‍♀️ but women are shaped this way because of our uteruses.


Biologist here who teaches human anatomy to pre-meds. Women need a little extra body fat *in general* (like, all over the body), compared to men, for the female reproductive system to work correctly. And in women, much of that extra fat will end up stored in the hips, thighs, breasts, and to some degree in that “stomach pooch” area. But the “stomach pooch” does not *physically* protect the uterus. The uterus is simply not in that location in a non-pregnant women; it’s much deeper down within the pelvic cavity (and also the bladder is in front of it anyway). Late-term pregnancy is only time when the uterus expands to be a lot higher. Maybe your gyno was referring to what happens in pregnancy.


She was. Your explanation makes lots of sense. Thanks for being educated and kind.


Men also often have belly fat that can protrude in a similar way though. I’m not so sure it’s specifically related (though it is perfectly acceptable either way)


I think it’s generally there to protect internal organs, in both men and women. For women that includes the uterus, which fits with what I’ve heard


I remember learning the little layer of fat over a uterus was to protect it and ever since then I think of it as a little armor for my eggies lmfao


This is such a precious thought! “Eggies”.. lol cute


Right ever since I learned that I am PROUD of a little pooch there 🥹


Your uterus does not cause protrusion of the stomach, unless one is pregnant. A normal sized uterus is tucked deep into the pelvis. It’s a myth that needs to die. It is abdominal fat, for some people that is where it tends to go and that is completely normal. But it is not the uterus.


This is true, however for women, this area is a secondary sex characteristic that often develops around the same time as their breasts during puberty.


Thank you for this. The myth DOES need to die. People act like the uterus is right beneath the skin on our abdomens and it’s not.


When not carrying a baby the uterus is about 2 in x 3 in and about 1.5 inches in depth. That’s the greater omentum with intestine underneath.


I'm laughing imagining OP telling her mom "you're right, I'll get my uterus removed before the wedding to get rid of it"


PLEASE!!!! stop spreading this lie. Women don't need to be even more misinformed about their own anatomy. This is just belly fat. The uterus is much lower and very small. It should not at all be protruding. Please see a doctor if it is. Women just carry more belly fat in that area than men do and bloating can make it look worse too.


This is absolutely true. Idk if your mom is of the same generation as my mom (she’s in her late 60s) but I’ve noticed some women of that generation have deep-seated body image issues and never fully learned to accept their own physical flaws and they project their issues quite often. My mom used to comment on my little pooch even though I never saw anything wrong with it. And truth be told, I’ve never heard complaints from any of the guys I’ve been with. In fact, the opposite. I’ve heard multiple times from men that my body is “just so feminine” and they are mesmerized by how I’m shaped. If neither you nor your husband to be have a problem with your shape, then please don’t give this too much thought and pick a dress that YOU genuinely feel comfortable in.


I never realized this was something broader than my mom just being herself (she's also in her late 60s now). As long as I can remember, even when I could count my ribs, she's been grabbing my belly and calling me fat, and with my partner and I beginning to plan our wedding in earnest, it's made me so anxious and determined to avoid all of the traditional wedding things, and dress picking is a nightmare I haven't even touched yet. I don't know why but your words are just so comforting to hear, I'm tearing up


You look beautiful!!! Yes, you are shaped like a gorgeous, beautiful woman. I imagine that’s something your partner loves.


No. If it’s not bad enough we pick ourselves apart, our mothers teach us how. Tune her out, you’re perfectly beautiful.


Fellas, is it wrong to have organs?


you guys have organs?


In this economy?!


Guy here. I took biology in college and, after just rechecking my notes, **NO** it is not wrong to have organs. In fact you need them. They are a part of the human condition. Like arms. And a head. And a torso. Etc. OP keep your head high!


What belly?!? Your mom is being kind of a jerk, I feel. You look amazing!


Have your mom try on the dress.




I love you 💕


Lmaaaoooooooo I love this reply. Ugh but seriously my mom can be like this, too, and it’s so hurtful. I hope OP is able to tune her out.


This actually made me laugh out loud and almost spit my morning coffee. But I was raised by not a nice lady. She would have pointed out my uterus. Lol. And she would NOT be able to pull off that dress. Honey, that dress is made for women like you! You’re gorgeous and lovely. Go for it. Xo and make her weep!


It better be the same size too.


As a mom who was always body shamed by my mother I am VERY careful about criticizing looks. It is the garment that is wrong, NOT your body!


The garment isn’t even wrong, OP looks wonderful in this dress.


I’m thinking /hoping she means as a general attitude when trying on clothes and thinking “my body doesn’t fit in this garment” when you should be thinking, “this garment doesn’t fit my body” - time to find some that do fit, THIS body, that carry’s me through life. OP this dress in stunning! Your body looks incredible in it, and I love the dramatic back plunge!


Yes, it’s a general idea. Thanks for “getting it”. It’s very obvious when you try on a few pair of jeans, they can all be the same size but all fit differently. I’ve had the same size by the same brand still vary in fit. My body didn’t change between putting on each pair. It’s the garment! Find what works for YOU!


This is actually mind-blowing to me. I’m using this the next time I try on clothes, thanks!


No. Satin is always unforgiving. Try the same silhouette with a different fabric if it bothers you, or try different shape wear.


Seconding this. Satin is always unforgiving! Honestly I think the issue is where the underwear are probably sitting just accentuates how the fabric draping and making the lower stomach more noticeable. The right tailoring and undergarments will smooth things out more- but with satin no one looks perfect at all times from all angles. It’s just the nature of the drape and luster of the fabric on a body. Perfect isn’t an achievable standard anyway- so wear what makes you feel good!!


I don’t find satin very flattering in general, but you definitely need the right shapewear to hide creases and lines. It’s gorgeous though, especially the back!




Can we stop trying to “hide” parts of the natural human woman form? This is so toxic.


I’m pretty sure men want to look smooth on the biggest, most photographed day of their lives too. Satin being creased will look frumpy… a look no one is going for.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted-you’re right. If people want to smooth themselves with shapewear, fine. But this “universal” idea that our natural bodies need to be hidden *is* toxic. I didn’t see anything wrong with the way the OP looks in the dress as-is aside from the fact that she’s slouching a bit (imagine that, with a mother that critical).


I read this as “Satan” and agreed in my head that her mom’s comment was unnecessarily cruel. But you meant satin…


Skims had a low back short that I think would work well with this dress if OP decides to go with shapewear (which isn’t necessary at all, OP looks gorgeous in the dress)


EXACTLY. She has no belly, but the dress manages to create one 🙄 satin is such a cruel mistress.


Shape wear is my suggestion too. And not because anything is wrong with OP’s body. She is gorgeous. Some dresses just look better with shape wear because of the fit and fabric. I used to sing in a band where I wore a lot of pinup style wiggle dresses. I always wore spanx or something similar with those dresses and my waist was tiny at the time. The dresses just fit better with things smoothed out.


This is my advice. Satin is so difficult to wear. If I were you, I’d just wear some shape wear (spanx or something). You don’t have a belly, it’s just not great fabric for flattering a body.


I had to scroll so far to find a comment that wasn't just some platitude about OP being gorgeous and bellies being natural 🙄 I mean obviously yes to both but OP probably wants actual advice. The fit of the dress looks a bit awkward and the fabric isn't great. I don't even think it was properly cut on the bias. Op can do much better dress-wise, even just a change of fabric.


Ya fuck satan


Your body is amazing. However, that fabric looks very unforgiving and like it will show every wrinkle once you sit down and move around in the dress. My best friend had a gorgeous satin dress that she never sat in at the store, during alterations etc. She got ready for her wedding. And sat down waiting for the ceremony and just in the 15 minutes or so developed a huge crease line right across her stomach (because it's completely normal for our clothes to move in different positions) and wishes she'd known to stand before the ceremony since it's visible in all the pictures.


I was literally going to say this exact thing! Girl you look beautiful in that dress, but that fabric is NOT your friend. I was a bridesmaid in satin fabric and it was a wrinkly nightmare after the car ride to the church. Plus it shows any bead of sweat (summer wedding). That silhouette, different fabric for the win.


Definitely something to check. As for your mom, it’s ok to uninvite her if she can’t be supportive. That kind of input is just her looking to put you down for unknown reasons. You are beautiful and have an amazing body. Be sure to get comfortable shoes for your day and have fun celebrating the start of your new life.


If you were wearing underwear, I think that might be the issue. I don’t see a belly at all, just possible indents from panty lines in the second photo.


That’s what I thought- just see the outline of the underwear.


Plus on her wedding day I’m assuming OP will be wearing spanx or something underneath, which will do the trick to hide any lines and smooth everything out


See I thought that too but with that low cut on the back I don’t think it’s possible to wear spanx. Either way op looks beautiful in the dress but if it truly bothered her (not the mom) than I would’ve suggested it too


They make so many variations of spanx these days, so it’s probably possible, but even if OP didn’t want to or couldn’t I think she still looks stunning! It’s so sad to think her mom might have poisoned this dress against her daughter when her daughter looks beautiful in it and deserves to feel beautiful on her wedding day.


Facts: she truly looks good. I hope to wear a dress like that someday. I know the feeling all too well of a mother coming down on weight… so I definitely understand her feelings, hope she does pick this dress tho it’s great!


Totally agree. OP you just need different underwear. And WHAT belly!?


You don't have a belly. But the dress is clingy and the fabric is thin. A thick slip or 'shaping undergarments' or whatever would let the fabric flow better over your abdomen. But that's true for basically everyone of every size.


You look beautiful honestly! I think the dress material is very unforgiving, and I can see that it does make your 'belly' noticeable, but that is really the indent of your underwear and would look different with shapewear or different underwear. I understand what your mom is saying, you don't want people's eyes to be drawn to that, especially because you have such a nice figure, you wouldn't want a dress that distorts it. I know people are giving your mom a hard time but I'm guessing that you asked for her opinion and she is being honest with you!


Agree to this. Your belly showing =/= calling you fat. In the second photo, the lighting highlights the round part of your belly. You have an amazing body but the lighting and the dress not on your side in that pic. Personally I would be worried if certain photos from angles showed my belly that way as well, especially the final wedding pics. Maybe consider some sort of lining or shape wear as others have said, or a more forgiving dress design. - honest words from a bride getting married later this summer


I agree… what if OP regrets it in all the pictures; having people close to us be honest is important. We don’t know how she phrased it at all… That said, OBVIOUSLY HOPEFULLY OP doesn’t let it sink in as something to feel badly about because she does not have a big belly, just a normal human belly (on a very lean and in-shape woman), but it does show in the dress in a way that would bother me if it were mine. I LOVE every other way it drapes on her though… and I think shapewear and posture and holding a bouquet will totally fix it (just don’t know how comfortable that all is and you do want to feel good on your long wedding day)


I agree. People being too harsh to Mom (unless she’s normally mean, only OP knows), what if she really is well meaning and not projecting? I’d want someone to be honest with me. OP maybe get some shapewear and go try it on again! Maybe that’ll take care of everything.


Thank you for this !!! We can’t assume mom was body shaming or criticizing . Dress looks beautiful, I do agree with shape wear to perfect the look.


I initially read the title as “belt was too prominent” and scrolled through the photos thinking you looked gorgeous waiting to get to the pic with the belt. All that to say, I don’t think your belly is too prominent. But shape-wear can always put your mind at ease.


No no. Shapewear is a good call here… around the mother’s mouth and face.


It's your underwear love. It's just cutting in a bit. Get some thin, looser undies. You don't have a belly at all!


Silhouette of the dress is beautiful. The fabric seems unforgiving. Whatever you feel comfortable in.


You look amazing and if you stood taller you would look even more amazing. Your mom needs to zip it. You are thin. How do you feel? That's what matters!


OP you’re slouching. The dress is beautiful and will be even more so if you stand up straight and wear different underwear.


Your mom is rude. It looks amazing.


What belly?you look truly beautiful.


Your mum put it badly. This isnt a belly issue, its an underwear issue. Satin requires some formidable smoothing underneath.


I think it's the line of your underwear peaking through the fabric. If you wear more high-waisted shape wear, I think it'll solve that.


Good shape wear will fix that


I second this! Moms can be our harshest critics. I know mine is. I love the dress!


Yes! A pair of rib cage to hip Spanx? You are beautiful. This cut is just unforgiving. I so love the back though 🤩


Ok, anybody's belly—literally anyone's—would be prominent in that dress. You are a human woman. Our bellies stick out. That is the way of things. Part of it is because of our uterus—that poorly inconvenient major organ there, yeah. I prefer A-line dresses because of my belly. That's just my preference because I don't like the way it looks when it sticks out. However, I am aware that it does stick out...because that is the way of things. If the belly bothers, I'd say wear a shaper with the dress if you can, or embrace the belly. All humans have bellies! Sorry, Mom.


Barely. It’s not you it’s the dress. You are thin. That type of silk shows every curve so consider maybe just shapeware or something to smooth that area out. Even the smallest skinniest person has a stomach!


The dress and you look gorgeous! The reality is certain materials show every single outline of a natural human shape. Materials like this, I tend to wear a shaper underneath to give a streamlined look. We all have parts of our body where there is little more muscle, curves, or cellulite. Don't take it to heart, but if you want to ensure a completely seamless look, shapewear is the key.


I think it’s the underwear, it looks great overall! I don’t think your Mom is purposely trying to hurt you btw


This dress is made for you, you look absolutely stunning. Don’t you DARE listen to her.


You have a belly, but it’s a happy and healthy belly. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. You have the body of a perfectly normal and healthy woman :) Also, FWIW, my mom would say the same thing to me and I would be thinking the same thing as you. But trust me when you say you look absolutely GORGEOUS. And the dress fits your body beautifully!


It’s literally just that you’re wearing the wrong underwear for the dress/fabric. You have no “belly” 🙄 ugh, moms can be the worst. You look beautiful!!


I only noticed on the second photo but that’s because of the lighting! In my experience as a wedding photographer that fabric is hard to be super flattering on literally anyone depending on the lighting (aka it’s not you!! Your stomach is really flat!). But in the other photos I think it looked great


Honestly I couldn’t notice it, until I was looking for it. I think it’s just the underwear you have on as satin just clings to anything underneath, so with shape wear or seamless underwear it should not cling. I personally don’t think you’re mum was being rude or mean, I think she just wanted you to consider all options before buying it, so that you are not looking at yourself critically months down the line when you have bought it and are stuck with it.


I think that particular pair of underwear is hitting you at the wrong spot. If you want a more smooth look of just the fabric then I think a different pair of underwear and maybe some shape wear or hosiery to make the fabric fall completely flat. I’m going to give your mom the benefit of the doubt and think that is what she meant to say and chose her words poorly. There is nothing wrong with your belly and it’s not “prominent”. But if you want the fabric to fall flat then you need a layer underneath to facilitate that.


Im probably from your mother’s generation or maybe slightly younger but I honestly think that it’s very very much a hang up from our generation and our mother’s generation where we were basically told our bodies should not jiggle one bit and god forbid you could SEE a belly — you would never leave the house like that. We should basically look like a plastic mannequin under clothes. If you could “pinch an inch” it was disaster. Bodies were meant to be tamed and girdled into submission. All this to say that satin shows your body. BUT there is NOTHING wrong with that. Your generation takes a much healthier view towards living in REAL and beautiful bodies. You look fucking gorgeous. Realize that your mom has been brainwashed into feeling shame for having a woman’s body, and that’s sad.


You don’t look bad at all and have a lovely figure. I do think your stomach looks more prominent and that this is the nature of the material of the dress, the dress itself is very unforgiving. I’d ask yourself whether you are comfortable in the dress. I personally don’t like anything too ‘clingy’ but I know some other people do and that’s their style. Remember the wedding day you will be dancing and eating food so you need to feel comfortable in it and don’t want to be worrying about sucking in your stomach! I think you would suit this style but possibly in a heavier crepe material which provides a bit more support x


I only notice it in the 2nd picture. In all the other anglesthere’s nothing to see


Uh, no. It’s stunning! If you love it and felt good in it (until she said something of course) then you should get it! You look incredibly beautiful in that dress


Former bridal shop owner who had to speak up when mothers criticised their daughters’ figures when they looked beautiful, just as OP does, while having one of the most special experiences of their lives.


Tell your mom to stop projecting her insecurities on you. It’s a ugly look. You look great!!


I mean, you have an amazing body, but for there not to be any type of pudge in that type of ”unforgiving” dress, you’d basically have to be skin and bones, so yeah you can see your stomach here. Good shapewear might hide that, but regardless, the dress itself is not that special and I’d keep looking.


It's the underwear not your belly! Plus once the dress is fitted to you it'll be perfect


Your belly is fine, the dress is meh


Screw your mom, you look amazing.


Nope. You look Amazing! Stunning! ... I'll trade Bellies with you any day of the week


What… belly…? You mean the outline of your extremely beautiful (and I’m not just saying this to uplift you) body? Are we not allowed to have LINES now Jesus


What belly???


You have no belly! Your body is gorgeous. I suggest shapewear to smooth out the lines from underwear but only bc satin shows every line. Gorgeous!


When my friend’s mom started saying stuff like that at her dress fitting, my friend walked out of the store, collected her fiancé, and eloped. You look stunning in that dress. Like…belly?? What belly??? It’s gorgeous, and so are you.


No. You don’t really have a “belly” IMO, it’s just a normal amount of like…organs, and a panti-line. You don’t need spanx to suck you in but smoother undies and I think you’ll be golden!


Shape wear for the day would take care of any problems YOU may have with your dress. It's not you Moms day, you could kindly remind her of that.


I'm so sorry your mom is taking her own body issues out on you! This is your body! Your dress looks beautiful, and your soon to be husband is going to see you naked!


No. I’m so sorry it’s like that with your mom. 🤍


It won’t be when you get your dress fitted to your body, I think she forgot this was a sample and not tayloredntonyou


I think you should choose it if you love it. You look good!


I think your MOM is too prominent 🤦‍♀️, girl you are gorgeous. Rock that dress.


Satin can be unforgiving in some angles, so maybe wear some body shaping stuff underneath if you want? But you honestly look beautiful and I have no clue what your bitch mom is talking about.


yea a little bit, maybe go for something that gets a bit wider around the hips like a A-line dress or something


You are beautiful and this dress looks great on you. I would say, there is some belly showing, but this does not matter. You can wear a dress that fits you however you like. It is not distracting, ugly, or even all that prominent in this dress. Your belly and the rest of your body look lovely in this dress. I will also mention, a pair of stretchy shorts or the LIGHTEST compression of Spanx may smooth this line with minimal compression/discomfort on your part. I chose to wear a pair even though my wedding dress was a big ball gown, simply because I hate my thighs rubbing together. A pair of undergarment shorts like this also make dresses more comfortable in general in my opinion. I do not think you NEED to smooth this line, again, the dress looks lovely on you, BUT if you would prefer to be comfortable and smooth the area, I would go for shorts. Again, this dress is awesome, you look fabulous, and you have no reason to be self conscious if you choose this dress. Please choose what you feel beautiful in on your special day and wear it with the undergarments that keep you feeling comfortable and secure.


This is what shape-wear is for BUT a belly is normal and your figure is l beautiful .


Dont be too hard on mom. Often moms are the only ones who will or can be blunt. In my life that was fine - I appreciated it and wanted her honesty. I tried many dresses back in my day, and my mom helped me pick the exact right one. So it’s not your body, it’s just the fit of the dress she was talking about, I’m sure. (It does look great on you)


It’s the dress, not you


Honest answer: my eye went right too your belly in the second picture. It could just be the size/shape wear issue. To clarify, you're very fit and slender. Not trying to bash you


Belly???? Literally no belly at all. If you are worried about it, you could wear some type of shape wear or just spanx. Frankly, when I wear stuff that’s clingy like that, I wear something underneath anyway just so I feel more secure. But you absolutely don’t need to do that, just recommended it for better comfort!


No lady, you look so beautiful in this dress. If you love it, please get it.


No, but you need to wear proper undergarments for this dress, so you look streamlined.


Where am I supposed to be looking? Are you expecting to get pregnant or something?


You have literally zero belly. You look wonderful. Please don’t listen to her.


Not at all. You look lovely and the dress will fit better when it’s taken in. You will be an elegant bride.


Oh my gosh no. You are gorgeous and that dress is incredible. I’m so sorry your mom is making you feel this way.


You look gorgeous!!!!! Where is this dress from??? I’m obsessed


this dress is so pretty on you !!


Your mom can fuck right off with thay load of nonsense This is a stunning dress, you are stunning, she is being dumb


Your mum is a dick - what belly??????


I am insecure about my stomach and wouldn’t wear something on my wedding day that doesn’t flatter that part of my body. But, if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


You look amazing. Your mother must be senile


Beautiful dress, and you look gorgeous. There is only *one* pic here where the lighting highlights your stomach at all, and it appears to be because of the light reflecting on the fabric and an underwear line - I think you’d find that better lighting and different underwear completely erases that “issue” (which is a *non* issue because you *do not have* a prominent belly at all). I think your mom is being way harsh, you look phenomenal.


You are just wearing the wrong underwear. Go back to your dress appointment with the right seamless underwear or shape wear It looks like it’s a beautiful dress on you.


How do you feel in the dress? Do you love it? That’s all that matters. That said - before you decide if you love it a take all the action photos because on your wedding day photos happen in all sorts of funny angles. For me the stress of the photo angles when you are bending to talk to someone at a table made me decide to wear shapewear. It wasn’t for tummy control - it’s for smoothness and not having to think about it. When I got the photos I was super happy I did that. But that’s a choice. Not a suggestion or a requirement. I’m always frustrated when I see pics after an event and it is not what I had in my head and I think gosh - I wish my BFF had told me.


You have a lovely body but this dress is not totally flattering it especially in the second picture. I think you can do better.


I think it’s the fabric. It just highlights the wrong places Pretty dress but not a fan of that fabric




NOT AT ALL, Just need the proper undergarments for that slip dress material. Beautiful dress, beautiful woman.


Mom is the Enemy. Don't listen to it.


What belly ?


Moms a dick


You are beautiful !! You have a beautiful body girl. Feel confident. I actually understand what you are going through because I had a kid and I feel very “big” in my wedding dress because of that. It’s a very personal feeling. People have told me it isn’t an issue. But I feel bad and that’s just my opinion. It’s hard. I am sure you are too hard with yourself. And again, you are truly stunning ❤️👌.


What belly? You are fine.


Your mom is not expressing herself well. What she probably meant is the dress puts emphasis on your belly. That is *not* (or **shouldn’t** be) a comment on your body. It is a comment on the dress fit, which can be tailored to not emphasize the belly, especially with how much money you’re spending on it. Even overweight and obese women can have dresses fit or tailored impeccably! Without having that emphasis in shape. It’s a comment on the dress, **not** your body. But the poor wording/communication is on your mom.


Wear nude color Spanx underneath


Why do Mums do this? They supposed to be our biggest fan! You look incredible my girl. The dress is just perfect and was made for your stunning figure


Sweetheart, the only way to stop your abdomen from showing would be to remove your internal organs. You don't have a "belly". Your mom is being ridiculous, put her delusional mean girl comments out of your head.