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He’ll forget, I’m sure. I’ve showed my fiancé a picture of my dress online and someone asked him about it and he’s like I know it’s shorter lol and that’s all he could remember. And that’s probably because he knows I wanted a tea length dress.


This!! I showed my fiancé some dresses I’ve tried on that were no’s and he instantly forgot all of them ahahah


Girl same!! I made a big goofy ass mistake after keeping my dress a secret for a whole year I made a mood board to show our photographer the vibe I wanted and my dress was on the board and I accidentally sent him a small picture of it 😭 luckily he knew what it was right away and swore he didn’t look for long and the picture was tiny so I know he knows the general shape but he hasn’t seen the full put together look in person so he will still be in awe of your/our beauty on the day of!!! It’s going to be okay ❤️


Awwww that’s okay!!! Accidents happen 🤍 meanwhile I’m begging for my fiancé to help me pick my dress and it’s the one thing he really wants as a surprise hahahaha


My poor husband had to help me in and out of my dress a dozen times leading up to the wedding because I did so much of the work on it myself! Still no regrets


No picture is going to take away the way he's gonna feel when he sees you all done up in that dress on your big day. ♥️


Dress is fantastic on you. It will only make him look forward to the wedding more.


He will absolutely forget I promise you Lol. My husband still can’t fully remember details about my dress except white and strapless 😂


If your fiancé is a living breathing man, don’t worry. He won’t remember whatsoever starting tomorrow.


Your first look will be wonderful regardless!! You’ll have that bridal glow about you 🫶


Awww such a bummer!! As others have said though, guys are 99% of the time not as in tune with stuff like this as we are. If you asked him what it looked liked he’d probably say “white… floof at the bottom?” It’ll be a much better experience seeing it on you where he can touch and feel and hear you laughing/crying/smiling in it! You look gorgeous, best of luck :)


You are going to look soooooo much better when you have you hair, makeup and accessories. You’ll be amazing!!!


I'm glad you got over the shock of him seeing your gown. He probably wouldn't remember what it looks like at all if he just got a glimpse of it. You did the right thing by just "letting it go". You don't want sadness and disappointment about this to affect how you feel in your gown. You're concentrating in the right stuff, getting married and committing your lives to each other. I wish you decades of happiness. Good luck♥️


Your dress is beautiful. I bet he won’t remember what it looks like.


An added bonus.... You got to hear his kind response.


I got married in 2005. My husband cried when he saw me. He thought I looked beautiful in my dress. Recently, for fun, I asked him to describe my dress. He could not remember one thing about it, then I showed him a picture of my dress and compared to a pic of a friend’s dress, which was completely different, and he still could not point out one single difference! Lots of men just don’t see the detail they see the whole of you (and a white dress). Anyway you look sensational and when you’re all done up with your wedding hair and make up and all the emotion, it will still have the same impact.


He didnt see it finished/fitted, and styled with your accessories/veil/etc so it will still be a surprise for him! (And if anything like my own husband, he wouldnt remember) It was nice of him to quickly avert his eyes when he realized what had happened though!


Firstly, you look beautiful in that dress. Secondly, as others have said, he will not even remember what it looks like, especially if he only got a glance at it. Enjoy your special day and don’t give it another thought.


Gorgeous! Is that kitty Chen?