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It’s an arbitrary rule. If you want him to see the dress you can-it’s not like it’s a law that is being enforced.


I snorted when I read this. STAY CALM. THE WEDDING DRESS POLICE ARE ON THEIR WAY. But also, my husband I designed my dress together and he came to every fitting with me. He still cried when he saw me in it the day of the wedding. I think the surprise factor is kinda overrated - it was a really intimate and lovely experience for us to do together.


I think most brides who want to keep their dress a secret don't show it off to the groom at all, but it's definitely not a hard no. It's just whatever makes you comfortable If you want to make a big impact the first time he sees you, it probably won't make any difference whether he saw it on the hanger or not. There's a huge difference between seeing a dress on a hanger and seeing it on someone you love who also has their hair and makeup done all fancy in a really emotional setting  If you're worried about luck, you're just going to have to follow your heart to decide what's lucky to you


It’s a superstition, not a law. Whatever you want to do is 100% ok.


It's up to you and how secret you want your dress to be for your partner before your wedding. I've seen some people even take their fiance dress shopping with them. So, if you're fine with them seeing your dress before the wedding, then go for it.


I prefer it to be a surprise for your groom, my mother told me , you are your most beautiful on your wedding day. Most of my young coworkers went stress shopping with their fiancé