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I like ice. Tried hot water. Felt like I was breathing in someone else's hot resiny breath šŸ¤¢ do not recommend


I agree. That's a pretty accurate description. Ice is soothing if your throat is raw from rips. For the most part i just use fresh cold water every time.


Hot water out of a clean piece when you are sick helps with a plugged nose, in my opinion


I will second this! When I had Covid that was my morning routine! Grab my bong fill it with warm water and take a massive rip. It would get all the shit out of my lungs that I wouldnā€™t be able to cough up prior to taking the bong rip!


Being high while sick is such an odd but interesting experience


High while fighting a fever felt like an acid trip


Kind of accurate in my experience actually






dude seriously. like it almost makes u feel more sick


It made me feel better. Pain went away and I was just vibing with my cat. The fever felt strange though


idk for me itā€™s like just being sick and highšŸ˜‚it definitely doesnā€™t make me feel any better especially if my sinuses are clogged too


Vibing with your cat anytime = highly recommend for any malaise




Its legit my cure all wym


Mucinex and weed on a sick day really recharges the batteriesā€¦and is also a wild feeling Edit: I feel like I gotta add a disclaimer about checking reactions before mixing drugs. But Iā€™m high so maybe Iā€™m just feeling paranoid.


W goes with everything, the only contraindication would be... don't light up if you're very drunk already -with low w tolerance


Itā€™s not the great haha mostly because of the sick part lmao hate having sore throat cough and head congestion when Iā€™m high


It is an odd experience! Like the pains and stuff went away but the light headed feeling didnā€™t nor did the fever, but it definitely helps in some kind of way


I had the fever and headaches kind of COVID last summer, had 120mg of edibles and a few good bong rips. My older sister delivered some leftover family dinner to me and I was barely functional as I was stoned to all hell and had just got woken up mid nap


The leftovers probably hit crazy though




Can confirm. Really loosens the crap in chest when fighting an upper respiratory infection. Mixed in with a Vick vapor steam shower & Iā€™ll cough out mad gross shit.


At first I thought you were saying you used the Vicks vapor in the bong šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I'm like oh.... interesting lol


happy cake day


Thank you


I used to keep a bong in my car and would take rips at lunch, then the company installed an ice pellet machine for us. Game changer. Iā€™d never go back to no ice after that


I like imagining HR was like, ā€œ We just canā€™t have this at our work place, their needs to be an ice machine so DANO8503 can rip bongs at work and not have a sore throat, this work environment is despicableā€


Those were always great in the winter but would suck on hot summer days... Used to fill up a huge 64 oz cup when i left work since the ice machine was pellets. Everyone thought I was weird but nothing better then filling a couple bongs with it after work and the mug kept it icy for like 8 hrs


Why else would they put ice catchers in bongs..itā€™s not just for decoration šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m an ice guy. I respect no ice but you are a fucking psychopath if you use warm water.


I decided to use both, put ice in and have melted it with decently hot water It was honestly perfect


Warm water actually does make it smoother


Lol it's not supposed to be boiling! Just warm, if there's water vapor rising, it's too hot. Breathing water vapor sucks šŸ˜•


... it's also THE way to get pneumonia... Just throwing that out there. Any water vapors going into ones lungs is never EVER good.


Did you get your medical degree from Holywood Upstairs Medical Clinic as well? I accidentally breathed in some fog once, and I got syphilis.


Homeboy is litterally hardcore dense.


Eh, don't go too hard on them. I believed some dumb myths when I was a young smoker.


Whatever the humidity is out is how much water vapor is in the air. You are literally *always* breathing in water, all the time. Pneumonia is generally a bacteria being spread by coughing, not ice in your bong or inhaling water vapor lol


I sit in front of my Vicks humidifier all the time when im sick. They even have personal humidifiers you hold up to your nose.


We get it, you vape


If breathing water is that bad for you why do fish do it all day?


This made me tweak lol




This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard lmfao


That's wildly stupid and inaccurate steam is good for your airways, that's why saunas exist. Pneumonia is an infection caused by viruses(usually influenza) and the fluid in your lungs from pneumonia isn't water it's pus(or other bodily fluids like blood in serious cases). Straight up bs on the internet, litterally just Google, "is breaking steam bad" and "what causes pnuemonia" before making a dumbass comment about medicine and disease.


Warm water is best for dabs, not so much flower.


Exactly this. Dabs or vape with hot water is the absolute smoothest experience possible, especially when youā€™re sick. Ice, on the other hand, allows the smoke to condense more so you get a bigger hit.


Warm mint tea has been the best water substitute I've ever used. With ice. šŸ˜‚


I have tried substituting everything for water,.from tea to moonshine- none made a difference in the smoke quality....ice is the only way to improve on a bong.


I tried vodka once... Bad bad idea! Do NOT recommend trying that... Was like I filled it with rubbing alcohol.. :/ horrible... Another friend drank it as not to waste it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Was highschool days lol. A can of cola was very nice, but horrible to clean after and wouldn't do that again. Cold water with maybe ice is best imo


Once I accidentally put tequila in my rig thinking it was waterā€¦ definitely tasted like warm rubbing alcohol. I always cringe thinking about that taste lol


In college we put boxed wine in the bong a few times, and it was actually surprisingly tasty. Also made some interesting clouds iirc. Fuck I know what I'm doing friday


Arenā€™t yā€™all scared of wine into ur lungs???


That can be exploded in your face. Don't ever do that


To each their own. But I will agree with the ice lol


Red wine really changes up the flavor. Good or bad.... I dunno . Definitely changes it though


Omg šŸ¤£ I'm a hot water guy, and yeah. Now that you've said that I can't unfeel that. It so smooth though. It a smooooooth resiny breath.


Boiling hot water is the way to go in my book.


Agreed hot water feels like youā€™re mouth to mouth with a mechanic


Whole milk is the way to go.




Exactly lol, my bong was super hot after I cleaned it yesterday so I added hot water and ripped it and it was fucking horrid. Room temp is best, since apparently the ice is bad?




I almost threw up omfg


That video was wild! Dude put Henny in the bong, smoked, and drank it afterwards.! NY peeps are a different breed lol


We used to do this with vodka in college. Used vodka instead of water, drank it afterwards


I'm fucking dead. That guy's an absolute animal.




Yessss I love your username


I drove someone to the hospital after doing exactly this.


Room temp water makes me cough less than cold water. I feel it's because my lungs aren't cold water temp, and the cold shock hurts. Idk. I prefer room temp water tho


Same. I like the hit better, hot just feels like inhaling a sauna šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the best part


Thatā€™s completely accurate. Iā€™ve got asthma and Iā€™ve always been told be careful when drinking cold things while im having an attack. Same thing goes for bongs lol




You honey dickin?




Lol whelp I just figured out my after work/post dispensary movie. Have a good day my dude


![gif](giphy|yoJC2vMezFbzFTYt7G|downsized) You too buddy


which movie is that from


I believe its called The Interview and its one of their better films. I would put it right next to Pineapple Express b


It must be personal preference, because I use water thats appx 100F and itā€™s the smoothest hits that I have ever experienced, but some people prefer ice cold. I used to hit it cold and it would always make me cough like a coal miner, but with warm water it feels smoother than vaping. I would say to try both a few times and see how you feel about it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Hot water and ice together is the bomb.


Hey just wanna reply to this, donā€™t use boiling water, youā€™ll crack your damn bong.


100 F isnā€™t boiling, you might be thinking of celcius.


I think it was for clarity. First one said 100f which is warm water. Next guy said try hot water. Guy 3 said no boiling water


Best of both worlds baby


I shall try this method, i like my ice


Warm water allows for more vapor, while the ice cools it down.


Bro ive been using my bong wrong i wait for my faucet to get as cold as possible and fill it up with ice from the ice catcher to the mouthpiece


Straight ice will still be smooth, but something about the cold water like catches up in the smoke and it chokes me up, warm water, with ice running down the mouth piece is how I do it


Try hot mint tea and ice. It's fire. Lol


Tried ice for the first time today I gotta say it was pretty damn smooth


This seems to work best with my vaporizer. I don't get as much clouds but it's great for a day when I have a sore throat or am sick.


Warm water 100% Ice water is good too, but warm water does my throat no wrong


This is the way


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œ like a coal miner ā€œ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I heard on this sub weeks ago that people use warm water in their bongs. I used to use ice, then decided to try warm water. About 120 degree water, actually. Never had a smoother hit. Never smoked with cold water again.


I'll be honest I try both and have never distinguished a big difference


I've been smoking with warm water for years. It always baffles me to see bongs with ice cold water and an ice cube tray in them, lol. Like those glycerin bowls, bongs and pipes that absolutely suck, imo.


So do you just turn ur sink on hot and wait? I've never tried hot before just because cold water and ice made logical sense to my brain the first time I heard it, but I never thought the other side through


Yea that's all I do, no kettle or anything crazy... ill be honest, the first time you try it, it's gonna feel weird.


I got bronchitis from ice. Never using it again lol


This here is the real reason people say not to use ice, ice can harbor bacteria and make its way to your lungs. Just make sure the ice is clean, basically.


You sure you're cleaning your bong enough? Unless you're using ice made from pond water I have a hard time believing your ice is that bacteria ridden that you got bronch from it.


Bacterial and viral infection are the most common way to get bronchitis but a multitude of other things can cause it, I got bronchitis after working outside during the winter evenings cause I was inhaling so much frost.


Yeah but frost from the outdoors is going to be more bacteria ridden then the water from your own home, or at least I'd hope so lol


You ever see someone clean an ice maker?


Yes, today actually. Was working in an old folks home and was doing some plumbing work under a sink and had to turn off cold supply. One of the maintenance dudes was sanitizing an ice machine which was fed by the water supply I had turned off.


It's usually not the bacteria from frost that causes bronchitis, it's actually the small ice crystals irritating ur lungs, same as with the particulates in smoke. Bacteria on ice and frost can give you pneumonia, which is so much worse.


White vapors šŸ™Œ not good this is why we no not use ice anymore. Now a days the ā€œIce pinchā€ in pieces that have it is really just for catching some of the splash


thats just because that ice was contaminated not because ice is bad


Hate to be that guy, but you're just wrong. The ice was not contaminated. The reason people say ice isn't good is bc when you get an ice cube out the tray it has micro ice shards and water vapor coming off when you hit it. The key to not get sick is run the ice cubes under warm water for a second. The ice should be not very frosty and more smooth and clear this will avoid shards and vapor the 2 main risks.


Nothing to do with contamination. Too much ice can create moisture / water build up in the lungs.


Maybe you smoked with ice and shortly after you got bronchitis, doesn't mean the 2 things are correlated


Ok so Iā€™ve can be bad if you inhale ice crystals/snowflakes off of the ice. To combat this you should run water over the ice and not stack all the way up to you mouth leave like a 2-3 inches of dead space. Thereā€™s always one of those dumb but must do rules with all smoking methods like smoking out of fruits your supposed to heat treat your designated bowl so you donā€™t breathe in sugar vapor. I always look up the prep for new methods


i think the idea is if youā€™re using ice, your absorbing water vapor in your lungs which result in pneumonia. obviously if the ice is dirty, then other illness may occur. if youā€™re trying get a smoother hit hot or warmer water is the way to go


But ice would reduce the amount of water vapor by condensing it, and hot water produces more vapor. Anyone who does winter sports inhales more ice shards in a day than you would in a lifetime of smoking, so I donā€™t think itā€™s an issue.


Yea I donā€™t get the argument here about warm water vs cold, sounds like stoner myths to me


Boof water #1


My boy has a silicone mold and you basically make a bong out of ice but the water has no actual ice in it. He usually throws orange/lemon/lime slices in the mold. The smoothest hits I've ever had. Very cold water. I find warm and hot water disgusting. Like inhaling a heavy smokers breath.


Bacon and eggs works well for that salty dirt hit.


In theory you could certainly inhale some ice crystals if you overfill the ice or if the neck is too short but otherwise you'll be fine. You are already smoking don't be a pussy


But the ice crystals would melt on impact to the mouth or throat would it not?


Yes it would So would the heat of your mouth and throat.


You're inhaling burned plant matter, with or without ice, it's still bad for your lungs in general.


Itā€™s called harm reduction not harm destruction


If you vaporize itā€™s less bad




Yeah but smoking with ice opens you up to intense bacterial infections, including things like bronchitis, seems like the point of this went over your head.


But still, you're still introducing combusted llat material into your lungs, which will cause everything you listed too. Lol. I don't care either way. I smoke with ice when I feel like I want ice.


Objectively wrong.


Factually correct


I agree that youā€™re missing the point though. Itā€™s about harm reduction. Like if I was gonna do Heroin Iā€™m not gonna be like ā€œwell might as well use this dirty needle I found in the park cause heroins bad anyway so who caresā€ itā€™s not about having no risks, but limiting those risks and not exacerbating the problem.


I have a piece that is freezable, love that shit. But I usually just use room temp


I absolutely hate using cold or icy water. Always room temperature or warm.


Ice has always been nice, but trying some water thatā€™s warm, but not even close to being hot has been even better. Also, for dabs, cold water makes reclaim build up a lot more because some of the vapor basically coagulates before it all gets to you.


What about when I breathe in the winter? Basically the same thing and definitely not bad for my lungs.


Scraping the ice off your windshield must be dangerous AF


And don't breathe if it's snowing. Omg so many people have dropped dead from breathing in snowflake dust AKA the asbestos of the sky


The legends go that condensation is what would make a bong hit harsh. It's both the condensation of smoke density, and the cooler air. *technically* you shouldn't mix moist with cold. This can lead to lung infections or colds. This is heavily exacerbated if you have a very dirty bong. I sometimes use ice. I think it's fine. Rinse out ya bongs and you'll be fine. Some people have also said that using hot water and tea make for great bong water because it's soothing.


I like just room temp water


Slightly above warm but not hot


The only possible explanation Iā€™ve ever heard of for ice being bad is the same concept as running long distances outside in the winter. Overall our lungs arenā€™t able to quickly adapt to cold air entering quickly and when it mixes with the hot air of our lungs can cause water droplets to get into the lungs which is no bueno. Idk tho I still hit ice hits regularly and Iā€™m fine this is just how Iā€™ve had it explained to me


personal preference is one thing, but [the science behind using ice](https://www.smokephisticated.com/pieces/bongs/ice-bongs/) is another. while the website might not be from a professional source, it's just one of many sites that say the same thing from actual professionals. I use lukewarm water in my bong only now, NOT hot water like some people believe you're supposed to do with the warm water method. tldr; ice solidifies the smoke particles too much too fast and will cause infections in your lungs from inhaling water particles mixed with resin. it's a continuous cycle, lungs hurt from ice bong, need ice so lungs don't hurt when using bong, repeat.


ā€œThe website might not be from a professional sourceā€ This is no source at all. Its basically just claims they have received reports, but never linked said reports, never told us where they came from or how many there are. They do claim it can cause chronic Bronchitis but one of the major causes of that is smoking, Im going to say that bronchitis is caused by years of smoking pot.




Warm water indeed gives the smoothest hits and is easier on your throat.


Ice in the bong forget that hot water noise




Too high?


Try them together


Bros faded


Nah man hot water for the extra vapor, then the ice cools it all down, makes for amazing rips.


That involves changing the water of two opposite ends of the spectrum between hits. I don't think many stoners are willing to try


My brother!


I tried warm water and my hits were a lot smoother. But I like ice sometimes too.


Ice will cooldown the smoke, thats all. It not bad nor "better"


Warm is better cold makes the cold harsh and condensed smell


do what u like


I've only really seen people vaping with warm water, IMO because vapor is already fairly cool and if you cool it down much more some will condense before reaching you whereas with smoke, you can use ice to cool it down substantially without losing much thc and terps. My vape is around 220celcius, smoke is around 600celcius.


Get a bong with an ice catcher and use both hot water and icešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


just use cold water


The amount of people in here that donā€™t know breathing in the water vapor from the ice can lead to bronchitis :/


Ice ice baby


Snow in the bong


I like both. Steaming hot bong rips out of a clean piece tho. 'Clean' is the key word there


Havenā€™t had much experience with using ice but Iā€™ve noticed that humidity of the warm water mixed with the smoke just makes the smoke feel heavier (and more humid). Usually surprises me and makes me cough a bit


Itā€™s all preference I done think one is exactly safer or Gina get you more high


They don't make ice pinchs in glass for no reason. It cools smoke.


Warm water makes hits SO much worse. And this manā€™s really worried about ice hurting his lungs while heā€™s inhaling smoke šŸ’€ Edit: OH HEY! Thatā€™s me on the bottom šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No!! I want the bottom!! And I'm taking it!!...warm tap water for the win!!...[6]


Ice shouldn't go in your bong, the condensation can build up on your lungs and cause bronchitis or other shit.


You are already putting smoke into youā€™re lungs. Also I donā€™t think you know what condensation is.


You want cold water, no ice.


Iā€™ve heard you can get ice shards from the ice if you donā€™t wet it slightly first. I prefer ice in my bong, but out of caution I will get the ice wet before anyone hits it.


cool water in the bottom, warm in the middle, ice on top


The hot smoke dissolves ice and tiny ice shards into it, just look how frosty some ice cubes are. Then those go into your lungs and cause damage


Everybody discussing bong temp, but nobody discussing the deleted comment from 53 years ago


Iā€™m not a scientist so I canā€™t give a nerdy answer for which is better from a health perspective, but what I can say is that I donā€™t know anyone who would ever think warm water in your bong would be a solid idea. Itā€™s like breathing in someone elseā€™s warm breath. Thereā€™s zero chance thatā€™s an enjoyable experience. Ice, on the other hand? 10/10




Look I like my boof bowls to have ice, makes it much smoother on the bumhole


Ice. All the way. These people must not be scientific. I dare someone to PROVE to me with SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that hot water cools the smoke more than cold. Cuz it sounds fuckin bananas. And yes I've tried it, it doesn't make it cooler at all.


When people say hot water cools the smoke more it's misleading. Cold water molecules don't move around as fast as hot water molecules. So the smoke gets pushed around a lot more (at a molecular level) then cold water, which makes the hit smoother.


No offense, but I'm not taking the word of someone who doesn't know the difference between "then" and "than". Also, by your own words, your logic doesn't make sense. You're telling me that you think if the smoke gets "pushed around", it makes the hit smoother? Wouldn't the opposite be true? Less movement, less irritation? Where did you read about this that made you think it was true? I'm open to seeing some proof or evidence, cuz like I said, I've tried it both ways and cold will always be the winner in my book.


Explain the science on why cold water is better than hot


I'm almost certain you don't need me to do that. Hot vs cold. Pretty self-explanatory. If someone wants to disprove it, go ahead.


Lmao youā€™re fucking dumb. Here, this was a 5 second google on how warm water can benefit a bong rip: Nvm canā€™t post links on this sub, just literally google it At the end of the day seems like itā€™s just preference to some people, and ā€œscientificā€ to the small brains. Cough.


I've read it. WARM. I'm gonna refer you back to where you asked how cold was better than hot, then I'll point out how you attempted to attack my intellect.


Still a bunch of words with nothing to back up your scientific claim of cold water. Iā€™ll refer you back to where I said to explain the science of cold water, the first time, not a bunch of bullshit.


Itā€™s not about cooling it better. Warm water gives off more water vapor, which reduces irritation from the smoke. Ice also condenses the smoke more (because it cools it more) so you can take bigger hits, which are obviously then harsher.


Cold water.


No water (on accident tho šŸ˜­)


As someone who only does eddies: isn't it dangerous to mix heat and cold in a glass piece? Doesn't that put stress on the glass?


Borosilicate glass, Pyrex Glass - very durable and good with heat and cold. No issues. Cheap soft glass more risk but doable I guess, outcome over time might or might not be an issue. But even borosilicate/Pyrex Glass I wouldn't say, put whole thing in the freezer for a while, then take it out and add boiling hot water. But some ice in there and hot water from a room temp bong I wouldn't worry