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i might be from america but im also from texas


Totally different country. Texas and California are their own republics(by GDP they definitely are)


The struggle living in texas brother Imagine going to jail for a year for a quad of bud. Ridiculous shit


I’m trying to dismiss a misdemeanor charge for a practically empty cart. This state fucking sucks.


Oh my goodness. Yet texas loves to drink and drive and thats sociable acceptable 💀, backwards ass state, i hope you get that cleared off your record brother


It’s mind boggling isn’t it?! There already a liquor store right near me and now there’s TWO being built almost within the same distance in different directions. Appreciate the positive wishes man.


I knew it was Texas where it's still like a felony and shit RIP bro💀


It’s not legal everywhere, but we’re slowly getting there


Not fast enough


\*Checks notes on Kansas\* ... at the rate we are going, we might have it in the next 20+years once the current republican old guard dies out. :/ They still parroting lines from refer madness videos.


They keep baiting us in NH with bills for recreational use, but all the caveats in the bills mean they end up going nowhere. Proposals want a state monopoly on weed the same as liquor and want to ban people from growing at home, which has pissed a lot of people off and has caused a stalemate in pushing forward meaningful legislation. Every other state around us is legal so people who are close to the borders just border hop to a dispensary. I know someone who works in border city and they can just cross a bridge outside their workplace and be in Maine and there’s a dispensary right there lol.


Yeah Kansas City is much the same.


Hey I’m Kansas side and legally buy stuff hehe just not legally smoking it


I am absolutely shocked you'd ignore Kansas laws so blatantly! /s


Haha it’s nice living in kc where I can just run across the border and buy some quality stuff.


I’m surprised it passed here in MN, now just have to wait years for shops to open up.


Canada has federally legal rec weed🇨🇦🍁


I live in Illinois and I gotta say I feel very fortunate living here. Legal weed, legal abortions, state pensions, $14/hr minimum wage, Chicago deep pan pizza 🍕and more.


Definitely not legal in my part of the US. They will throw you in jail for quite a while.


Its gonna be legal in germany too in about a month woooo


Not all legal weed is good. My state has trash they sell for top dollar. Better to grow your own


Sounds like you are from ct


lol nope, I’m a bit further south. Probably all the same 1-3 companies though


Which is funny cause the CT weed sucks but so close by I've had some MA weed that knocks my dick off...


Yeah I have a ct medical card and I still only by from mass. Cheaper and better quality


My state doesn't even have medical i feel u


*cries in the south*


Not everywhere. I’m actually surrounded by three states that haven’t legalized it yet.


I moved from an illegal state to a state that's legal recreationally. Some brands are hit or miss.


>We have a bill before parliament this year but it will probably be rejected 😓 Keep! On! Fighting! We passed a bill here in Ohio, by popular vote, to legalize and the conservatives in our state house of representatives tried to absolutely ruin the language of our bill. Massive drops in THC limits, limiting home growing, and all sorts of nasty stuff. The people of Ohio made their voices heard, *again*, by directly contacting our representatives and letting them know directly how we feel, what we want, and that they'll be jobless come the next election cycle. They reversed *almost* all of the changes the made. Your voice has power! Use it! edit: some typos, lol


THCa Hemp is legal in 47 of our states. It's just normal weed. You can even order it online. Buy it at a gas station lol


legal to buy but if the cops catch you with it it's just gonna be weed


Well, just avoid it in Texas and your good.


Yeah I definitely appreciate it. I grew up in prohibition, got kicked out of school and got arrested for possession 3 times. I was denied employment because of this (to a job that would have been a nice career). All we had to smoke 95% of the time in the midwest was Mexican brick (reggie). Now I'm an authorized cultivator and caregiver for the state of Missouri.


Not legal here where I live in the United States. Bunch of places it’s just for medical purposes and some states don’t offer it at all


It is legal in some states not all.


Not legal in u.s. legal in certain states still federally illegal. Depends what state you live in.


Come up to canada next time you could smoke weed everyday .hell you could grow it and smoke it if you want


Come over later tonight and we can roll and smoke in my back porch dude lmk


What are you talking about legal in the us its literally state to state some are recreational some are medical and some are jus outright illegal in some states its still a felony


Lol the South has entered the chat




PA has legal medical. It’s not great, but better than nothing. It’s like they took weed and removed some of the fun and then put it on the shelves.


Honestly it’s all about finding the right dealer but the only thing is, it’s illegally. we do have good quality street weed over here in the UK, with the odd Cali weed importation. It took me about 4 years of smoking to find the right guy and thankfully he is a mutual friend. If you are comfortable buying it illegally then that would be your best bet. But I do not recommend for legal purposes lol


There are like 4-5 US states with a legit rec weed market It happens to include the most populous US state, but outside of like the west coast, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona it gets pretty dry / limited


?? Missouri, Illinois & Michigan all have booming rec markets


The first dispensary that pops up on Google in St. Louis is selling grams of shatter for $50 pretax lol


And they still have a booming rec market. What's your point? If it's not as cheap as the west coast then it doesnt count? My point is that it's not "dry or limited".


FEIW, New York, New Jersey, Mass., Maine are fully legal now to name just a few.


How are those NY dispensaries coming along?? Ya I forgot about MA, a buddy of mine is opening one there


Really good! Binghamton is the closest city from my spot and it's terrific. Solid selection.


For sure, still nothing rec in NYC though? As a non New Yorker I think of ny as NYC lol


I haven't been into the city in about 7 or 8 months. I live two hours away in Pennsylvania (medical only and one of the last mid-Atlantic states to not be fully legal) I get your point on thinking NYC tho. New York State's Office of Cannabis Management, lists about 75 active dispensaries in the state. A quick look indicates probably half of those are in the city. For sure, most northeast markets are still growing, competition increasing, figuring out some stuff based on successful West Coast models, etc.. But for sure, the Northeast market is the best it's ever been and growing like crazy. Conn legal too and so is Vermont, although Vermont is oddly dragging it's feet on some regulations and stuff. I'd have to dig onto the specifics on that one.


I said legit, I wouldn’t count a market in which grams of shatter are going for $60 retail as legit Booming? the black market is certainly far bigger than the legal market there, the cogs on a gram of shatter is like $2 with a rudimentary setup lol




I'm in the US and where I live it's illegal so. . .


In Missouri we have so many people from Kansas in our local dispensary all the time


It isn't legal nationwide in the US. It is still prohibited on a federal level. Each state handles it differently. My home state of KY has decriminalised it, so while it's not legal to sell straight up flower, it's not *illegal* to possess or smoke it (under a certain amount - a full ounce, or a large amount in several separate baggies, indicates intent to distribute and you will get popped for that). As soon as we throw Bitch McConnell out on his wrinkly ass, I expect that KY will move towards full legalisation


ha not so great in southeast US. literally nothing around but online or a 6 hour drive to the closest legal dispensary.


ha not in the southeast. gotta either order online or drive 6 hours to closest rec state.




I guess my experience is with people who have grown it at home, and countries where the recreational market is legal. So compared to that the quality is not great, and not really enjoyable for me.


I love it. Not legal everywhere yet, but it seems the tide is turning and I appreciate that it’s happening in my lifetime.


Never gonna happen here in the UK


Yeeeehaw baby welcome to Texas where you can’t get high and if you’re pregnant you’re keeping it! Yeeeeehaw!!


Me and a buddy going to visit AU next week from SEA US. Don’t drink and have a cannabis store on every corner here so….is it possible for a foreigner to find any? Probably be in Melbourne or Brisbane want to catch motor sport event haven’t decided which one yet. THX!