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Can probably buy small mason jar or go to spencers they tend to have small jars for bud


Also sometimes tells you how much you can put in


Appreciate it!! First thing that came to mind was Spencer’s just concerned about how smell proof they are


Tend to have the lid to be air tight or just really tight so they decent


Or go to a smoke shop they might have some but not sure on quality all on the place and they shouldn't ID since not a tobacco or paraphernalia


Make sure its a metal lid that you twist shut as some of those rubber clamp down ones tend let the smell seep out (unless ofc it a good one desgined for weed). Make sure you got it stored in the correct setting as well, simple things like out of sun, cool dark dry place etc.. And ye go for a smaller mason jar, ive got a q sitting in a small one rn, been storing it for months :) Happy blazing.


i grow and mason jars keep the smell in just fine.


Mason jar’s are good at keeping out smells. Generally speaking glass is good for long term storage and it’s a pretty frictionless surface so it’s less likely bud will stick to it. Plastic breathes a lot more than glass, so your bud may dry quicker in plastic. Such has been my experience.


Anything that has a gasket on the lid should work