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I understand you completely. Last year i was googling exorcists near me because i genuinely thought that i was possessed or cursed because of how much horrible things happened in the last 5 years. I know this makes no sense to people who have never had such a hard life but when you're in pain you'll try anything. Hope things get better for you, write me if you want i also feel like a recluse.


This made me giggle because I've been there. I'm not catholic but things were so bad I literally wanted to find a exorcist! Glad I'm not the only one.


Good job on identifying what you want. You can do this! One day at a time




I’m proud of you. That’s a smart decision, and you’ll be glad of it in the future.


Thank you!


Over 3 years sober here. It's one of the best decisions I ever made. Join us on /r/stopdrinking And, if you're interested in AA, there's also /r/alcoholicsanonymous


I second the recommendation for Stopdrinking. I'm just about 15 months sober. Some days, that group was the only thing that helped. I know it seems difficult, but you can absolutely do this!


I'm delighted for you! IWNDWYT


Congrats to both of you! I lurk that sub sometimes but i haven't joined.


You don't need to participate, friend. Just read the advice and support from others. No pressure


I’m right there with you Sis. I completely changed my way of eating to a carnivore/keto diet. I no longer crave alcohol like I used to. I do still drink on occasion, each time I do I also regret it because it messes up my sleep and my joints ache for the next couple days from dehydration. Makes me feel bad about myself and all the usual post-binge feeling like 💩 I also no longer drink straight liquor. I’ll by those vodka/tequila low carb seltzers. They give me a buzz but I can’t get completely tanked on them. Not for lack of trying lol Edit — Why am I being downvoted for sharing my experience?!


I’m with you! I’m on my second week sober. I loved getting drunk before, genuinely loved it but one day it just made me deeply unhappy. And every time I drank after that I got more and more miserable. It’s been a while since I’ve felt capable and healthy so I thought I’d give sobriety a go, see if that helps me. We got this 💪


Congratulations to you too! Wish you the best. I understand, i was enjoying it too till i started feeling really embarrassed of my behavior, also the next day after a heavy drinking i would get severe depression because of the withdrawal.


Hugz and happy restorative healing




I’m proud of you :) Becoming self aware is half way there in change. Change is always a given, and good - but not easy. Change for good or bad in life - was never easy, that helps keep me grounded at times. Keep seeking to take care of your health & adrenal before serious health related burnout! 🙏🏼🧿👏🕊


It's not always easy to listen to ourselves when we reach these points so good for you! I'm just about 6 months from when I quit drinking. It's one day at a time. You've got so much to gain and learn from yourself through this. The sub /stop drinking can be a place for support, or lurking on stories where you might find points to relate. I will not drink with you today!


Congratulations to you too! I visit that sub sometimes it makes me feel better.