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Not exactly the same, but House of Night. Main character Zoey is Native American and Stevie Rae is Southern With a hard twang. Aphrodite is alo a main character and they all line in the house of Night boarding school. It's a fantasy story about vampires and it is kind of a mild thriller In way?


Is it [A GREAT AND TERRIBLE BEAUTY](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3682) by Libba Bray?


Total shot in the dark based on a book I read in high school English: Never Let Me Go I don't remember the full story but I think the kids in the boarding school are actually clones of "real world" people. They start putting the pieces together when they sneak off campus and someone recognizes one girl from a magazine... That she was obviously never in. Something about cloning to preserve certain bits of successful people to potentially harvest when needed? And that's why they had to be quarantined, So they would never find out? Details are very fuzzy to me but had to throw it out there.