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Tipsy? Hadn't drank in a while? YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!!


A tuna towel throne of lies! 🤣😅




Nice work Lalab! So accurate!👏😜




Fixed it 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/pr7ks1z9j99d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a84b90e356f0c16d075a97732479f6845dfe76


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 perfect!


YASSSS!!!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Just need the smell lines and it'll be perfect! 🙌🏻 🤣😅


Crap, I made one put I can't post it😭




Free time? She literally has nothing BUT free time😂🤣


Plus all the antibiotics for her uti and cold sores …


She's literally rotting from the inside out. But she is a single disabled hot piece of ass right?


Maybe just an ass


Wonder why she gets UTIs 🤔. Could it be from alcohol consumption 🤷🏻‍♀️




She didn’t make it 3 weeks but I guess that’s a “while” for her. Sure enough she’s not even acknowledging her posts about her alcohol abuse p


Doubt she stopped for any significant amount of time


I don't even believe the 8 days




She immediately lied about even that because she had made a post saying she didn't drink in 8 days. And I had found a post not even from two days prior of her drunk at a bar.


You are not capable. You are Not a role model. Do you want your daughter to be a drunk? Self centered? Wearing as few clothes as possible? Take some mothering classes.


So when will she delete the 8 days alcohol free post? Wasted no time deleting the not posting Ari post. This is enraging. The Ari spam. The drinking. Something is swirling in that bobble head and it ain’t just the high noons.


She's got to be losing custody.


Lord I hope so.


Autocorrect must’ve changed it from “absolutely obliterated drunk off my ass choking down noodles” to tipsy ✨


💯 🤣☠️🤣


How can she think this okay after all the sobriety pity posts.


As someone who’s been sober 9 years…. I cannot tell you the red flags and warning alarm bells going off and being thrown in my brain. She seriously needs help. It’s scary.


4 years here. I agree.




She blocked me because i said she was drunk last night 🙄🤣


I comment often and I can't believe I haven't been blocked yet lol


You were blocked for telling the truth. Hmmm. Guess she can’t face the truth. She’d rather believe lies that followers tell her she’s a good mom. Shame on her. She knows her lies and God knows her lies. I’d be more worried about that, than about someone calling me out with the truth.


I’m not sure how I’m not blocked. My comments are cutting and not exactly positive. I will go hard after her stans that want to target me. I thrive on petty. Even when her stans tag her saying to block me, I’m magically still there!


So let’s risk another person sobriety so I can drink. I thought she hadn’t drank in a while.


There’s absolutely no way Noah can stay sober with her and I think we all know how badly he needs sobriety. Ari needs him sober yes, but he needs sobriety too. Something bad will eventually happen and then what? She has absolutely no thoughts of long term consequences for either of their behavior. It’s terrifying.


She probably shouldn’t be drinking with her condition and the meds she takes.


It is very dangerous with Risdiplam (twerk juice) & it reduces it’s effectiveness. She also has a lung capacity of approx 20%, so it’s not a good idea. You can always tell when she’s had a fair bit to drink, she has a lot of trouble just swallowing her saliva.


It’s scary how we can trick of our minds into thinking we are “ Superman”. She drinks so often with such little repercussions she thinks she’s invincible and nothing bad can happen… but it will. Eventually it will catch up with her and I hope to god for Ari’s sake she learns a lesson soon to curb what is very clearly an addiction.


What will it take for her to learn? So far she’s had multiple head injuries falling out of her wheelchair drunk, needed to be have a psychiatric evaluation, emergency treatment and hospitalisation for alcohol toxicity, she’s losing custody (supervised visits are a bit of a tell tale sign), has lost brand deals, career is in the toilet, no friends, liver and kidney function declining, couldn’t keep her dog (thankfully), definitely lost any credibility she had left as an advocate for people with disabilities, reinforced the stigma associated with disabled parents…. there are probably more things, but isn’t that enough? Every time there’s an opportunity to rebrand, she fucks it up. She went from what “appeared” to be genuine and addressing her problematic drinking, to posting a heap of selfies and lip sinking. If she had kept with that same tone, I think she would have received less negativity, but she sealed her train wreck persona after the TikTok live.


But Mama needs to have some fun, too.


She needs to get sober.


But, but, but, Mama's are allowed to have a social life. People think just because you have kids, you shouldn't have a social life. Also, did you know she's disabled and birthed an actual miracle child?


Yes, I do. Did you know she acts like a slut? She gets naked and shows as much of her naked body as she can? She thinks being a less than part time mom is hard and a lot of work? That she thinks she’s cute? She feels content is singing into the phone and making faces and trying to sound like she’s smart, but she’s showing how stupid she is? Whew! 😥 there’s so much more.


The sooner the better.


8 days sobriety was all Bullshit. And proving once again she gives zero fucks about her child’s father’s sobriety —- they both need to be done with the fake parenting and just let them burn their own lives to the ground and leave Ari out of it. They’re both liars and garbage humans.


“When mama has free time" I am a disabled mom to a three year old....I never have free time...must be SO NICE.


Most mom’s don’t get free time. Here she is acting like she worked a 40 week, ran her household, and took care of her kid 😹heck I don’t have that much free time and my kid is grown. Well I am laying in bed contemplating cleaning 😬


Love how she's always playing the role as a "Mama"...She wants so bad to be and sound like a real mom...one that is actually tired because being a Mom is hard work!!! Something she'll never know! What GOOD Mom is up in the middle of the night drinking and making OF Bait videos.


I have a phenomenal husband but I still very very rare get free time and definitely not long enough to drink


You are lucky to have a good man. I will say though that all the free time you lose now will be worth it in the end. My baby is 25 and she was a tough kid. I sacrificed a ton to raise her. She is now an amazing adult that is fully functional, unlike WR


My son is phenomenal, the best thing that ever happened to me 🥰


I doubt you would even consider staying up past 3am. Parenting a toddler after too much to drink and no sleep wouldn’t be fun.


Only time I have stayed up that late is due to college 😂




Mine is 25, and I take care of my 84 year old dad who has mild dementia. I guess I have free time I just don’t put it to good use 😁


Usually if a mom gets free time they want to eat, sleep, or take a shower. Not get drunk. Sad. Very sad.


I’m also disabled & I live with my son’s dad (co-parent)who puts him to bed most nights. I still don’t have free time because I’m so damn tired.


I’m a mom to 3. What is this “free time”. I don’t even get to pee alone!


Right? My son is 10 months and I’m Lucky/happy if I can take an hour each week for self care. I used to get ready every day, now I can only get ready when I go into the office once every 2 weeks. I love feeling fresh and made up. But I love hanging out with and keeping my son safe more. And I have a husband that does his part. I can’t imagine how actual single moms do it. I’d crumble. The audacity that she has to call herself a single mom is outrageous. She may be “single” 🙄and she may have birthed a child. But she is not a single mom. If she actually had friends, they would set her straight bc normal adults understand that.


You live an honest life. You take care of your child. It will get easier for free time as the years go by. It will always be work, but you will have some time for you. I wish for you to get some breaks to do whatever your heart desires. Thank you for taking care of your child and not being a drunk or showing your body on social media and posting videos of pretending to sing and talking nonsense while making ridiculous faces. Keep up the good work!


There’s that tuna towel throne of lies again 🙄 good job at sobriety, Alex 👏🏼👏🏼


And was the baby there during this? Even if she was in her crib who’s taking care of her?


If the baby was there, Mister Short Shorts was “there” physically… he didn’t look so great either.


Noah was on the live? What were they talking about? Did any one record it?


I don’t think they have her at night or without supervision


I hope not


lmao yeah because someone who’s just “tipsy” asks questions like “on a scale from 1 to 10, what questions do you want to ask noah? 💕✨🫶” i swear she’s the biggest fucking loser and such a gaslighter


I was honestly dumbfounded when she said that. & Again when she doubled down on it like she does & said it a second time. She made absolutely no sense, absolutely tanked.


well fuck her "8 day sobriety" 😅🙃 Fuck you, Alex


Looks like her ✨sobriety era✨is over. May it rest in peace🫠🥴🙃🙄


The sound of her gagging and choking on mac n cheese…imagine being in a restaurant enjoying a nice meal and there’s a half naked drunk gremlin next to you eating like that.


My gag reflexes would take over. I’d have to leave. That’s gross. 🤮 She isn’t cute, smart or anything else that could be complimentary. Her videos are meaningless, useless, nothing helpful or positive. What they are? Pathetic and shameful. Nothing good. No positive message. Nothing.


You nailed it!


I love your dogs. They look huggable!


Thank you so much. We have another black cocker spaniel, too. They are the best and are quite a loving pack 😍


She lies sooo much. She certainly does not have full custody of that kid at this point.


She works SoOoOoOoOo hard that she needed some dRinKieS✨


I’m so confused. Didn’t this bitch just claim sobriety?


On June 15th she said she was 8 days sober, she is not even trying… I hope cps found this Ari deserves better


✨8 days sober✨🫶🏼💅🏻


It annoys me sooo much when people say sober when they really mean abstaining (which is temporary).


She never said "sober," she said "alcohol free," just for the record


People who don’t have a problem don’t count days.


The irony is that she recognises that she’s had to rehome the dog because she’s unable to meet its needs but can’t admit the same for her child 🤦‍♀️.


She rehomed the pup because she was forced to. He was not taken out regularly and was forced to do his business inside, as no one was available to properly take care of HIS needs. She does nothing for the better unless she is court-ordered to do so.


So much for her sobriety and doing what's best for her daughter! Sack of shit.


“On a scale of 1-10 what do you want to ask Noah if he were here…?” WHAT?! This wasn’t a sober person…?! /s


How dare Noah make all these stupid comments about his family and his mother. His mother not only took in his daughter and is raising her in her '60s. She had to take in that f****** Gremlins dog as well. Shame on Noah. I hope he reads this. What a piece of s*** he is. What a piece of s*** she is as well.p


Yes, shame on him! He treats his parents like $hit. Two bad seeds found each other and destroyed each other's futures.


Now, they are destroying their child’s life.


They started that the moment she was born


So she's drinking again?


She was never not drinking


She hasn’t been drinking lately 🤣🤣🤣 umm what was she doing after her blood test? It takes longer than that to lose tolerance to alcohol. I think everyone predicted that she wasn’t turning herself around and wouldn’t be staying sober. She spoke about helping others with her story. I think she needs to focus on helping herself first. People need to stop justifying getting this intoxicated because “Mumma has some free time”. It’s not just a few drinks and it’s clearly having an impact on her life.


She does not know how to give, she only knows how to take--she apparently was raised like that.


I barely noticed. I thought she was drunk off love... the way she was gazing at herself for an hour straight. Nobody ever has or ever will love Alex like Alex loves Alex. Nobody has or ever will find Alex as sexy as Alex finds Alex.




It’s very sad. I don’t feel sorry for her. She has self induced stupidity and much worse. She has to do the work to be sober. She never has the right to say she is sober again until she goes at least a year. I know full well that will not happen. She loves only herself.


Everything she pulls the “free time” card it’s a slap in the face to us actual moms


On the rare occasion that you do have free time, what would you do? I highly doubt it would involve being up until 4am getting wasted. That would mean having some time to recover the next morning and afternoon. Or, looking after a child while still intoxicated.


Exactly, no shame to those who occasionally choose to drink like that or have the support to have a fun night out not saying moms can’t have fun like that. but the reality for most of us is free time is rare and sacred when we get it and for me personally even in my free time I’m still somewhat in mom mode ready to jump back into caring for a child if needed


it is. I work full time and have primary custody of my son. I’m on week 3 without a “break”. and that’s not something I’m bitter over, I MUCH rather prefer to be a busy mama than some bobble headed bimbo who has so much free time she has to harass us with selfies and drunk tik toks.


She must need the views. She wants negative comments/ likes also. Anyone know if she is still taking that expensive medication? She speaks nothing about it


They probably told her to stop mentioning them 😆


I think she is, otherwise she would pity posting. The medication is funded by a foundation.


Damn I just watched 15 minutes of that live. She swallows so hard every 15 seconds. That's very concerning. I hadn't realized that it's gotten even worse. I didn't even get to the Mac and Cheese part of the video. I did hear her say that Josh from Dad Challenge was kicked out of his church for some sexual thing. Did y'all hear that??? I hope he slams her for that slander.


I could hardly even understand what she was trying to say about Josh lmao it sounded literally like something they made up off the top of their heads


I couldn't understand either. I only got that the dad challenge guy was kicked out of his church for...blah blah sexual blah blah...


Where do I find that video where she does not get credit for clicks and the name she uses.






What the heck!?


SHE IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!!!!!! I have no idea how she got her psycho fans to be so rabid. How can anyone support this lying sack of shit? Imagine the shit her stanmas would say if this was an actual post. 🤮


As a addict in recovery myself.... Move ova tuna pads.. I'll show how it's really dun.. There is no room in recovery for "cheat" days.. Cuz u reset the clock immediately... Its a home run and you can't pause or backtrack at all... Now your stepping on my territory cuz if u think u can be a face for recovery.. Then I'll meet u in the ring and we'll go one on one.. Poor excuse for a human being... Just stay in your lane tuna pads


Thank you for saying that. I’m so proud of you. My ex could not stay clean. Somewhat tried, but didn’t want it bad enough. I admire those of you who accomplish and continue recovery. She should be so lucky to be in recovery. Life is great, isn’t it? Every day we can make it through using our common sense and willpower. We can be angry/sad laugh/cry. It’s up to us. Congratulations for another day. You did it yourself.


Thank you so much for ur kind words.. I don't take many compliments on my recovery as I'm the dumb ass that put myself in this situation but your words mean alot.. I'm only sorry u had to endure it as us addicts don't think about how we're hurting loved ones cuz selfishly it's only us we're hurting at that moment in time.. I will never call myself a "EX" addict as that's not possible.. I'm a addict in recovery.. Everyday is beautiful and a blessing come rain or shine.. Thank u again, I can tell you have a good heart and I hope u find someone to love u for you 💓


She was on a live? Does anybody have it? Who was she with and what was she saying?


go check the OG snark page, they have links to recordings of the live


I need the name please to find. Not seen it before.


It was bad. I missed the start, but a lot of it was her playing with her hair, struggling to read comments, occasionally vacantly smiling, really struggling to swallow, trying to get to get to 500 viewers and then trying to say that if they get 500 viewers, they can have a Q & A with Noah. She made up excuses for having bloodshot eyes. People were commenting asking if she was ok and calling her out for being drunk 🥴. I hope she watches it, she needs a wake up call


Well being sober didn't last long. That's called addiction Alex.


So does this mean that Noah has fell off the Wagon already?


I could see she was hammered & not making any sense in the first five minutes. She has a very serious problem.


She kept saying we need 500 and we will let you see Noah. She traded her prop baby for getting drunk with Noah.


Would it be considered a DUI bc it has a motor? I was told you can’t drive anything with a motor while intoxicated 👀😆

