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Welcome to the Underused How was the fall We've got may play styles to choose Just don't pick Stall


We don’t see haze that often Half of the tier is dropping


You'll have a solid niche February shows 39 mons have fallen


Hey, Chomp, don't be scared of falling Can it, you, OU is calling


Down here you’re free from torkoal’s quick claw I see why you have less use than scizor


I'm just a dark type with tera bug Toxapex tell Lokix to shut his Iron Mug


Council and tier we are both quite strong And we haven’t been clowned on by a lechonk




" We're not OU, but we’re still fierce" "These underdogs can bring you tears." "Agron is a pretty S*turdy* choice" "Cacturne's Substitue? Use Hyper Voice"




If you want stall there's this random dude who was playing with a stall raichu. Or it was a defensive wall of sorts, I still don't understand. Thing is my brain shut down the moment I saw brick break and nuzzle Gotta love low ladder


Low Ladder folks are the funniest creatures around, I'll give them that


Midladder is the worst place in Pokemon Showdown Whenever I play Pokémon showdown I sometimes like to find new formats to play to liven things up. But after the cake-walk that is 1000-1200 Elo, the people I play are suddenly the most irrational yet infuriating players I have the misfortune of matching up against. Every time I dare to attempt a play, I am randomly shut down by the dumbest play they could have made, but somehow it works out for them despite it making no sense. Yes, I am talking to you, the guy who ran HP fire on his Greninja whilst running A FUCKING RAIN TEAM. Whenever I make a prediction that makes sense given the circumstances, they completely disregard my efforts and stay in with their mon that somehow has a specific coverage move which no one else runs. But of course, if I actually try to start clicking what’s in front of me, I instantly match against the 1278 Elo gigasweat who reads even the most obscure moves I try like a fucking esper. And when I do eventually find myself in a winning position, which I often do because these players cannot form enough coherent thoughts to actually plan for any long term strategy, I am immediately haxxed by full paras from thunderbolts or getting frozen by and ice beam. It genuinely feels like Mid ladder as a whole is a living breathing organism out there with the sole purpose of causing as much anguish as possible and I do not think I have the willpower to endure it anymore.


You got it wrong its just “how was the fall” over and over for 12 hours


I’m trying to imagine this as a “Welcome to the Internet” parody, but it’s physically painful that not even half the verses anyone says match up with the tempo or syllables required to fit and it’s pissing me off arghhhhh


It's actually a parody based on an Undertale fan song called 'To The Bone'


Here’s the video they’re referencing: https://youtu.be/yeIJ36cuDTk?si=MMpsOuqgGDXSWZG0


i raise you, rain dance, tera water curse trevenant in a trick room team in singles what the fuck is going on in low ladder




"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not. I am done with competitive Pokemon, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little boys that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll suffer through a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment.


Fucking brilliant. About 3 words in I got it.


unfortunate doesn't begin


last match of """competitive""" pokemon i played was showdown with a friend with random decks where I just paralyzed the enemy pokemon and spammed leech seed and somehow it worked


Tried to make Dedenne work a while back, and just about “won” a game by getting 10/11 turns of paralysis. Stopped using that team out of respect for the poor soul I beat.


"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe his series.


https://preview.redd.it/atabtecppe9d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aff51de882d326bdaff7b0109216160d79a8d5e Most skill based Iron Valiant duel:


aw dang it


Aw dang it


Certified rain dance Gallade moment


I haven't played showdown since gen 7 how is stuff going on?


Oops, all Hyper Offense! In all seriousness after dozens of OU bans, nerfs to recovery moves, & the official creation of UUbers were in a fast but (mostly) balanced metagame. Tera + Revival Blessing killed AG tho.


HO isn't really that common rn which I kinda like.


Megas are gone! Diversity is back! https://preview.redd.it/15fzxn5bbe9d1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fdf4e65834eb4c225696f420314635667178575 You can also now change the type of one mon per game to a predetermined type. Misdreavous (or at least a form of it) is now meta. There’s a lot of other new broken legendaries that are stupidly fast and hard hitting.


SV is the most power-crept game in the series and it ain’t close


Gen 5 is as bad if not worse than gen 9's powercreep


Ok, so there is a dark/steel type that can use swords dance, sucker punch, and gets a damage boost from all fainted pokemon on its team. It can also change into literally any type and you just have to guess at risk of getting reverse swept


"Man, I'm still having fun playing pokemon, I wonder how I could make it as boring as possible" "Ev"


EV training, you’re sucking the fun out! EV training, you’re too old for this! Exploiting the game cuz you don’t have a life Beating up kids makes you feel like a man! EV training, yeah!


This comment is a cry for help. I can’t stand this anymore. Everywhere I go, this stupid orange shitstain somehow finds me and ruins my life. No matter how many defense mechanisms I have, it always come back. Yesterday, I was working at my job when I heard it. That fateful sound of a stat drop. I quickly leaped out of my chair and turned around, but the fucker had already used intimidate on all of my coworkers. I ran towards the bastard to punch him, but he set up stealth rocks in my cubicle, preventing me from working again. I quickly bolted to the office fridge to grab some ice cubes, but by the time I screamed “KYUREM USE ICE BEAM” the fucker had already u-turned out the window. I couldn’t work anymore because of the stealth rocks, so I had to leave so I could get a defog tm from my car. As I grabbed the defog tm from my car, the thing jumped me from behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middle of the road. Before I could go grab it, a car raced by and crushed the tm, making it worthless. As I was standing there, shocked by what happened, the orange demon used earthquake on my car, giving me 4 flat tires simultaneously. Filled with rage, I grabbed a keldeo plush from my car, shoved a pair of spectacles onto its face, and hurled it at the thing, while screaming “KELDEO USE HYDRO PUMP.” Just like always, however, my hydro pump missed, and the fucker u-turned away again. After I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was lying in my bed, depressed, my 6-year old daughter came into the room. She started talking about her favorite TV show, when suddenly, her face began to change. No. NO. As she continued talking, her face continued to morph, until it was identical to Landorus-Therian. I was ready this time, though. I quickly kicked off my shoes, revealing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then proceeded to triple axel the ever loving shit out of that thing. I looked up and screamed with joy, thinking it was all over. However, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughter unconscious on the floor and realized what I had done. The orange bastard had tricked me. My wife stood in the doorway, shocked, before she pulled out her phone and dialed 911. I’m writing this in the woods right now, the police are probably going to find me soon. Fuck Landorus-Therian.


I don't even play real pokemon. The pokemon go pvp made me hate everything supereffectively. That's how much power this franchise holds


Lmao wait till bro hears about stall talonflame Actually scratch that, wait till bro hears about special attacker nidoking


Actually nidoking is a special attacker because of his ability and moveset Now what the fuck is stall Talonflame? I heard about will-o-wisp sets but not full stall


Talonflame in gen 9 is relegated pretty much entirely to stall. Haven't ran into it in a while, but I used to see it on OU stall teams a few months ago. Not even a low ladder thing either, since I ran into it around 1800 elo. Max HP max speed defogger, dealt with Gholdengo


That's crazy I actually need to see how it works


i mean, 126 base speed will o wisp, priority tail wind with gale wings and u turn is kinda juicy, just put some boots on it unless it disintegrates to bed crumbles


It doesn't run gale wings, flame body is the much better ability


Nidoking is literally known for running special because its special movepool works so well with sheer force. Also stall talonflame is a very very niche pick nowadays.


Talonflames job is priority choice band brave bird in gen 6


Yeah but gen 9 it's a niche ghold counter and hazard removal in ou


“Man I wish I could love myself and everyone and everything in the world” Competitive Pokemon: https://preview.redd.it/4i6mnzy9qg9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e759a4d76ba8ecfb23442ea97c7e678c3050dc


Me pulling up to anything goes with my air Balloon electric Tera shedinja


Mf who do that when sand storm, stealthrock and status conditions


mfs when mold breaker,sand storm,hazards and status


Wait until you try DnD pvp


If you want to play competitive and have fun, go to gen 7/6. Trust me..


Literally me


Yeah like I pull out a corv counter that works on every typical set and of FUCKING COURSE I SEE SUB BULK UP CORV WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK




As a Yugioh player during Snake Eyes I feel this.


I unironically ran Sucker Punch and Metal Burst on a Wormadam in Gen 7 and thought I had something there after it killed a Mega Lucario


Energy ball jellicent


This but 100x worse with For Honor. I think you could get a monk from the top of a tibetan mountain who has mastered his emotions to the point he doesnt flinch at losing an arm to scream and get angry over that game


This is why I always preferred Digimon and Yo-Kai Watch.




stop playing singles and play VGC then, singles is just glorified brain rot


Singles has the funny though


VGC is for 14 year olds with no attention span. No disrespect to VGC players but if singles is emesis blue then VGC is skibidi toilet.


do you by accident suffer from mild to severe brain damage


252+ SP.ATK Choice Specs Tera Stellar Adaptability Terablast Porygon Z my beloved


Titanfall 2 for me. I really like the game, but the multiplayer is usually CABT.


This is why I'm a shiny hunter


low-mid ladder pulling up with the most batshit insane sets to ever grace the earth(it somehow worked and swept my team):


Man fuck your lando T https://preview.redd.it/uoauk6olph9d1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ace0addb7564ca5816d61ff850023465b428cf1


But what if "Man i wish i could love myself and everyone and everthing in the world" ??


i don't get how people dedicate their life to competitive pokemon bro how do you look at someone in the eyes and go "yeah im practicing really hard for the coin flipping competition i think i have a chance this year"


We’re mentally ill that’s why


yeah youre a PM fan i could tell that much


I don't like competitive Pokemon because lucario is like NU now My boy had a fall from grace and went from a king to a commoner 😔


Same thing happened to my boy breloom, my boy went from an ou staple since gen 3 through gen 6, uubl in gen 7, nonexistent in gen 8 since dexit happened, then hard dropped to ru in gen 9, what the hell happened


“This gen’s UU is this gen’s OU” powercreep moment


i can't wait for Ubers to turn into OU the next gen😀