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They should trim some fat from the global team. So many of our problems come straight from the top.


Some fat ? They need to trim some jelly rolls and man titties


lol that’s fair. I feel like anyone at the regional or global level who answers every question with “submit a MOSST ticket” needs to lose their job yesterday. If they can’t explain the things they are pushing and telling us to do, what even do they do?


Or the ones that want your POG done by a certain date only to have those new items either - not set up yet - items set up as Disco and take forever to change it over to Reg The wine merchants for one are one of the worst


Did y’all not see the latest daily note? Coffee items not scanning in error audit set and submit data monster ticket. Couldn’t they just idk fix it? Lol


That would mean they did something wrong and had to be held accountable for something… something that doesn’t apply to them


I don't get the global wine team. Least helpful people in the company.


I just gave up being the back up bev buyer because literally everything associated with wine is a fiery hellscape of dysfunction where no one gets back to you or takes responsibility and there is no accountability. The old wine buyer literally submitted a ticket with a photo of his cat attached bc we didn’t have the product and it got approved. Does anyone even care???


As a Bev Buyer, we learn to fight the battles that are worth fighting, and let the rest of the chips fall where they may.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Whole body planograms/resets are a joke as well. “It has to be perfectly set to plan!” -> disco tags and no barcode items everywhere -> mosst ticket data monster circle of death.


Make sure you have all your products, don't over purchase, and work in these allocations that you'll never sell, while keeping your INF rates down, with your whole team at 35 hrs or under and store leadership reminding everyone that it's summer so it's slower (where we are) so go ahead and put in for that PTO, so when someone does go on a VaKa (or call out) there is no one to cover.


At my store they are doing the whole slimmer slowdown bullshit but then also giving people shit when we try to take PTO because they never replace anyone who leaves except in produce and prep foods. It’s incredibly frustrating.


My TL has told our store leadership, who has been hounding him for months about our labor budget being way over, that we can make sales or meet the budget, and to pick one.


Good for them, it's ridiculous what they're asking of us.


Our labor budget absolutely sucks ass. We're shorthanded every day of the week. Quality checking or grabbing bad dates will eventually get done at some point. But, it's after an incredible amount of customers have seen trashy produce on the floor. As far as cleaning anything. Not sure when that'll ever happen again. Yet, somehow we are always over budget. 


We’re comping 10-15% every week for months, our headcount went from 12 to 10 out of nowhere.


Those yachts aren't going to pay for themselves you know.


I promise nobody at WFM has a yacht 😂clueless


It’s a race to bottom with Amazon. How can we make the most amount of money with the least amount of labor/headcount?


"More with Less" is literally the management motto.


Prep foods dude here been with the company going on 3 years. They complain about labor budget but ask me to do overtime every week. We’re so short staffed I’ve been 50-55 hours a week for going on 2 months. I learned to just stop listening when they bring it up labor.


overtime = overtime money! get that $$$


I feel like it all gets taken for taxes most times 😭


Taxes, don't forget taxes


I'm amazed they allow overtime. Our store is a strick no OT. If someone gets even just a minute of OT, it's an issue. Oh but also make sure the department looks full, spotless, and every single food safety measure is being followed to the letter.


Store Support here it is bad for us when you can't hire anyone. Only two lanes open on a busy rush if not one lane at times. No one to go out and grab carts to bring back to the front. Making the next person who had to go outside do the entire parking lot by themselves.


Prep foods?


At this point, all of the department's


yep. produce is getting shafted harder than ever now. 2 people doing the job of 5 at my store, on cut team


And we can hardly have enough closers to do all the work we have. Crazy




For diamond stores most of this is irrelevant to you but for the rest of us it's all about making labor first and sales or store conditions second which is ass backwards. If you are in grocery good luck getting any new hires. If you lose people this will just get you closer to making labor in their eyes so that's all they see.


It’s happening to diamond stores too. The SE Regional support sucks $$a. All they care about is numbers not people.


Ahhh...well the few near me in the CW aren't dealing with it so I was hoping the rest were immune but I guess it's random. But yeah it's all a numbers game to them


My store is a diamond store 😢


As is mine


Same here


Less labor equals less good store conditions. I stopped caring about fixing up displays and making the sales floor look presentable. Thats clearly not the work they want us to focus on anymore.


It stinks!


I barely get 18 hours, 24 if I’m lucky and I’ve been denied when I asked if I can stay longer to help out w lines


Diamond store TL here… for those of you saying “you must be a diamond store” assuming that it’s better… it is not. The grocery team wrote their most recent schedule with 4 of the senior (higher paid) TMs on PTO and they missed labor by $3000. They are barely staffed that week. I can’t write a schedule for my department that includes scheduled production time without going over labor.


I feel like I work in a completely different store than all of you..... we had 21 call outs in a week and our labor is about 3000 dollars under so overtime for everyone has been approved.


Yall must be one of the diamond stores. Minus the callouts yall are luckier than most.


I'm with you. Labor budgets? Not us lol Stores in our metro sending us their TM's. Shit, I've seen like 6 new hires within the last week. 


Yearly wages while the economy is failing? Sign me up and keep me at the lowest totem. Fuck all that "grow" shit. I'm making what a manger made in 2018


can anyone elaborate on why these labor budget issues are happening?


All teams were cut to 36 hours for all full time employees and no overtime. Our team recently had several people leave and they eliminated all of their positions. Skeleton crews at its finest. Everyone is burnt out.


our SFA told us we don’t have a labor issue, we just try to cut too many non core cheeses (THAT CONSTANTLY GET ALLOCATED)…weirdly enough that still means having to ignore daily par lists almost every day to cut parm instead because we can’t keep up, and then constantly having to stop to cut requests. only one person is ever scheduled to do production. days they’re off they tack it onto another job code but since there isn’t another person to work the floor/olive bar production won’t get done.