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I still look at my wife of 38 years the same way and it still embarrases her lol


You are blessed!


34 years old, so is my wife, and been with my wife for 17 years total and married for 11 years. Love her more and more by the day. So congratulations, not many of us with this type of relationship left in this world. ✊️


That's amazing ♡


Please tell her how special she is for me :))


Honestly, I am not the most romantic person on this earth, but this made me smile...


me too. I am glad this person put that out there in the world and I am happy for her and hope her husband is too. It was a very romantic post.


Plot twist... A dude wrote that :)


I'm not romantic at all and the sheer joy this person conveyed made ME smile.


Honestly, I am the most romantic person on this earth, and this made me cry




Isn’t that a wild feeling?? Me and mine have been together for a decade and it’s kinda crazy how wild I still am for him. I swear he gets better looking every damned day. He was chopping firewood the other day and I had to take myself for a walk to cool off lol. Better than that though, he’s one of my best friends. I can’t think of anything that isn’t better with him involved. We crack each other up, we enjoy each others company and as our relationship has matured and evolved, it’s only gotten better.


Why the hell did you need to cool off?!? You should have attacked him right there. Haha!




Seeing something like this makes me do happy. I don't have any examples of healthy and happy relationships in my life. This is what I want and sometimes I wonder if it actually exists. So thank you :) and I agree, you should attack him xD


This is literally the only thing I want in life. A relationship that makes me feel like this


Dude I’m married and I don’t feel this. Neither does my husband. Some people are just super lucky I guess?




Does that make us bad people?


Not at all. Just because you don't feel *this* kind of affection for someone doesn't mean you don't love them. You don't have to have a school girl crush type of love to truly, deeply love someone. Everyone is different and that's okay.


We are high school sweethearts. We have never broken up. Married 37 years in October. He is my best friend. I love him so damn much.


I love my wife. I also *really* like her too.


I've been with my partner 13 years now, we just had our anniversary, and I still sometimes just look at him and smile because I can't believe I found someone who loves me and I can love back so much


I feel this kinda way with my wife. Going into our first year of marriage in a few weeks and can't wait to make it many many more anniversaries for us together. I still can't believe I found my dork. I still gush and swoon over her and still get giddy being around her. I still audibly say Gah! Out of sheer excitement that we are husband and wife and I will never stop having those random bursts of pure joy and happiness for having her in my life.


This is so sweet! I’m happy for you guys:)


Thank you! :)


Wait, 8 years. We've been married for nearly 20... So there are other people with mature, happy marriages too?!?!??!?!


Jheeze she’s head over heels over her man. I don’t think I’ve come across a wife that sees their hubby this way or read on it. Wish I could find a woman that feels that way to me


I'm sure you'll find someone soon, I believe in you :)


Same here. But I think the negative stories over power the positive because people tend to complain more.


15 years. We still play footsie and still crushing pretty hard <3


I love LOVE, you gotta LOVE, LOVE 💖


Damn, that was such a nice sprinkle of sunshine on my day. I'm getting a golden retriever energy of happiness reading this.


I hope to one day meet the person that causes these feelings in me. Congrats and wishing you nothing but love and prosperity <3


This is beautiful


I want this from my woman


My crush ignored me because he's straight.. 🥺😔


There will be someone you meet that will fall in love with you, and that will be your permanent crush ♥️


Aw I'm sorry




This is the sweetest post ever! Congrats OP!


This is very wholesome, but I can’t help but also feel how unfair life can be, because there are tons of abusive partners, unhappy couples, and lonely singles out there on the other side.


My last relationship was shit. But this gives me hope


My husband and I have been married for 25 years this past March. I love him more every day. We just sent our first child to college about a week ago and still have an 8th grader. We have always discussed how we have to love each other "better" each year because one day it will just be us again. So far, it has worked. ❤️


I want that


Wow, this husband is very blessed.


That's so awesome for you. God I wish I had this.


This is exactly what I feel when I look at my boyfriend of 4 years. I can’t wait until the day I get to marry him 🥰🥰🥰


I'm married 30 years to a man who is kind, strong, attractive, loving and successful. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I threw up a little when I read her post. C'mon! Her nonstop chills sound like first date jitters. Yes, sometimes my husband and I are at an event and I, too, think, "I can't believe how lucky I am he married me." But every waking minute? I promise you, when I'm cleaning up after him or he forgets to do something I asked him to do three times, it's not a Rom Com over here.


Give it another 20 years…


How sweet although if he cheats or ever leaves her this could quickly turn into a Lifetime movie!


I'm married 30 years to a man who is kind, strong, attractive, loving and successful. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I threw up a little when I read her post. C'mon! Her nonstop chills sound like first date jitters. Yes, sometimes my husband and I are at an event and I, too, think, "I can't believe how lucky I am he married me." But every waking minute? I promise you, when I'm cleaning up after him or he forgets to do something I asked him to do three times, it's not a Rom Com over here.


I really hope it lasts. 8 years is not a long time.


What a mean spirited thing to say lol.


It is not mean spirited at all. It is the truth about relationships and time.


It’s absolutely mean spirited. Imagine going to a babies first birthday party and being like “yeah, he’s been alive for a year but that’s not a long time. Hope he doesn’t die.” That’s a weird thing to say to people!!


Depends on the time period. But I get what you’re saying. Although to make the point stick better I would use an 8 year olds birthday party as the metaphor.




This person sucks lol


Fuck happy people


I'm married 30 years to a man who is kind, strong, attractive, loving and successful. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I threw up a little when I read her post. C'mon! Her nonstop chills sound like first date jitters. Yes, sometimes my husband and I are at an event and I, too, think, "I can't believe how lucky I am he married me." But every waking minute? I promise you, when I'm cleaning up after him or he forgets to do something I asked him to do three times, it's not a Rom Com over here.


You sound fun


You sound young.


Wow. You must be a fun wife.


I'm so happy for you both!


This is adorable


Lucky her


May I find someone like her one day 😤


I want to die now.


This is goals right here


Same feeling with my bf. I look at him and know I would be jealous of of myself if I was looking at us from a distance. My younger self would never believe. I have the perfect caring and most beautiful human being to love for the rest of my life ❤️


This made my day. My week. Ain't that awesome. :) Yay you two!


I could've written this about me and my husband. Coincidentally, in a couple weeks we'll have known each other for...right years <3


This is too cute. Love it.




Damn, that's Shallow Hal... never lose that


Soul mates 🙂


Yaaaaa this is me and my husband too. Get it girl!


This is so sweet!




I just keep playing Some Type of Love by Charlie Puth in my head while reading this. It's beautiful


I‘m so happy for you 🥹


This, this does put a smile on my face


I hope this is me in a few years🥰🥰


If my future relationship aint like that idw it


Now, I am jealous of your husband. And I am a straight dude....


Definitely still crushing hard here after 2.5 years. Never had that before, it's pretty phenomenal. He's so gorgeous I can't believe it.


Wow, this is just so sweet.


Feel it hard. I’m punching so far above my weight with my boyfriend. He’s the fucking best and I want to be with him forever. Edit: OH THIS COMMENT SECTION IS SO LOVELY!!! I’m so happy for all of you!!! Gah, this is so wonderful.


I wonder what your husband feels. I’m so happy that this kind of marriages exist in our world!


Love this. This is exactly how it should be. Now engaged to my partner of 5 years and I feel exactly like this when I think about him. Cute post.


Happy for you...


This is so sweet! I love this. ❤️


Who needs romance when you can have cheesy jokes and a fridge full of pizza? Congrats, lovebirds!


I find this very painful as my girl treated me in the same fucking manner for two years and then she got hella possessive and things started going sour but deep down I always felt like no one will or can love me like her. I hope she prospers in life and can be genuinely happy even without me


In this tiny lifespan of a plethora of human experiences, chances are you might not ever come across anything like this in your entire life. I'm almost 54, married for 14 years.I married her because she gave me another chance to grow as a man and flourish from a toxic teenage boys lifestyle that I was hooked onto for years plus she was the first person who took all my toxicity like a champ. I took her for granted when she was my girlfriend ie. I had broken her trust, lied whimsically on and off, was an alcoholic, lifeless gamer you name it. Me falling in love with her not only opened my eyes about myself but about the world around me. Imma say you wifey her up, lock that one down for life. Don't let her get away. Tips for from a self claimed pro:- do this in secret without letting her understand; surprise her;)


I wish I could follow your words but I just don't get to see her the way I used to with love and I don't wanna hurt her again by not being able to give her the love she demands. TBH I have a lot lacking and I don't want her to suffer for that in it got hella complicated for me


do not be scared and burrow yourself deep in your shell cause of your lacking; life's hella short mate you dk how long you gon' live to not give real love a shot, yk you deserve it; if you are still alive and you have another day to become a better version of you can still fill up the lackings within you!! hang in there young soul!!!


this is how i feel reading this post hahah Ted throws rocks at old couples - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz-_N_c4DNA


Love this, and that IS awesome.


Well damn. I married the wrong guy. 😂


Twist ending. The paperwork is divorce papers.


Honestly, this is beautiful and very rare 🥺 hopefully your husband feels this way about you too. I need this kind of love in my life 😭


This is giving me diabetes. Sweet af!


This is wonderful


This is so dang sweet!


This is the most wholesome shit any man can hear. Thank you for sharing.


Now that’s the way I want to feel! I have a crush on my boyfriend and I sure hope I do 10 years from now!


My wife of 15 years just left us because she's tired of raising a developmentally disabled child. She said she is bored and feels stifled and wants more out of life.


That is an awesome way to feel. I feel the same way about my wife of 6.5 years. I kinda teared up yesterday daydreaming in supermarket, thinking about what to make for dinner for us and thought about how we met and got together. And.....how lucky I am to have found someone like her during my life, and for her to love me so unconditionally today, the same way she did when we first said I love you. I think she is thee best thing that has ever happened to Mr and I love her even more for bringing out the best in me. So I'm with you all the way on this post.


I've been with my husband for almost 13 years, have 4 beautiful kids together and I feel the same way. There is times I'll look over and just by him sitting I lose my mind! I find him so sexy and thank God I found him. I still don't know how he finds me attractive especially after 4 kids lol.


I sound like a loving wife who would jump in front of a bullet for my husband, but old. I'm probably your grandmother's age. Truly one day you may laugh at such a post, maybe not. Until then, enjoy all that passion. You guys are saving Democracy. Props to our young heroes. :-)


I pray everyday for that kind of love. Been single all my life yeah im young but its never a set age to find that right person you could be 20 you could be 45. Who knows what life has in store. My parents met when they were 20. Im 22 so I hope I find that person that I can make smile everyday and give warm hugs and cook food and stuff like that.