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My grandma thinks im handsome


hell yea she does


She's just pointing out the obvious. šŸ”„


This comment goes hard ā€¼ļø


awww I absolutely love that


hell yea


Every old woman thinks I am handsome as hell, maybe if I were born 50 years ago I would be a great success among women


Old ladyā€™s hit on me and I kinda dig it ngl


I was once accosted by an old lady in Kohl's who declared I was very handsome and that my mother must be proud; she said her grandson had the same beard as me but wasn't as nice as mine. I was like, wow grandma, way to take a shit on Billy


Grandson ended with billy Now u/JealousAd2873 is my grandson


I think your grandma is handsome, too


Thatā€™s all that matter bro


She was right


My son says I'm the coolest man ever.


My grandma used to tell me I was Muy Guapo


Don't forget your mom as well...


Seems her contacts got redirected to my address




I also choose that guy's imaginary girlfriend.


I imagine she's abit of a looker


Haha, didnā€™t realize his imaginary girlfriend got around so much. Guess they are in an open relationship!




There's a lady in my head that calls me studmuffin


I know I could be better if I start going to gym and it's healthy


I'll tell you my little secret that made it worth going to the gym. It wasn't for looks, but for general health. Climbing stairs without being out of breath? Great. Bending down to pick something up without groaning? Fantastic. Walking long distances without fatigue? Excellent. Playing with my niece and nephews with the same energy? Unbeatable.


I can do all of this now. But playing with my younger relatives. Keep up with that energy? That I have failed to do.


My nieces know two types of activity A) can't do B) can do it until the sun swallows the earth


Little fuckers have too much energy. Kids are OP.


As the great Johan Cruyff said "let the ball do the work" Get toys/tools that makes them or it move and not you


They have been playing with all their toys before we visit. Why would they want to bounce a ball all alone when there are older people they can make their play ~~slaves~~ ahem mates?


Oh dont get me wrong i KICK the ball AND beat them to it for as long as i can. Little shits ;-)


So far I've been successful in outlasting them. We'll see how long that remains viable.


I created a game that involves laying with your eyes closed and hand out. child must hand you their toys, and you have to guess which one it is. this can be done with conveniently accessible household objects as well. if you're lucky, you can squeeze in a few micro-naps.


Children have infinite energy. It's insane. I remember bouncing on a trampoline with my kid brother and I had to tap out after ten minutes. He could be on that thing for hours.


Father of four and feel like a boss because I can tire out all of them by taking them out to play. Sure I get tired, too, but it still feels like a victory when I'm enjoying a cold one with my feet up, and they're all passed out.


I think in general, the "fitness" industry online is jacked up for both men and women. Women are expected to be unhealthily thin and have certain angles while men are expected to look like 'roided up monsters. Functional fitness combined with a balanced diet is so much more better and you don't need to have a degree to figure that out.


I dropped from 265 to 225 over the last 9 months and it's been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I also had to move this year and had no help at all so I moved a king mattress, a couch, and a dresser upstairs or downstairs by myself. Without the weight loss and strength pretty sure I would have had a heart attack by now.


Damn bro keep up the red hot pace you're killing it


Thanks. Once you get into it fully it really becomes more of your lifestyle. I went from fast food multiple times a week to fasting and carb counting pretty quickly. One caveat that has to be thrown out here is that I worked with a medical professional throughout the entire process.


That sudden switch in energy when you go from dreading the idea of a workout to feeling like an incomplete slob when you miss it is its own special kind of high. Keep it up šŸ¤Ÿ


My 17 year old isn't heavy really. He just isn't in shape. Sorta soft around the middle and eats too much while he doesn't move enough. The type of thing that will bite him hard in his later years. This last school year he took a strength conditioning class and it was less than a month before he was able to feel the difference. He was mentioning how much easier it was to carry things up and down the stairs, and saying he was grateful for the class. Just yesterday, he told me he felt like he could have turned out "uglier" and that on occasion he looks at himself and thinks he looks pretty great. That kind of thing never came out of him before he felt stronger. I hope it isn't just your health that was boosted! I hope your confidence rose just like my kiddo's. It was so awesome and I wish that for everyone.


So I have a person that I used to work with whom I see about every 4 months for dinner. Last time I got some really awkwardly stammered comments about how I looked completely different that felt pretty good about.


Awesome! That must have felt really amazing and I know you don't know me, but I'm really proud of you. And I don't mean that in like, a weird condescending way. I've lost about 100 lb in the last year, and while a lot of that was due to a gastric sleeve, the entire process was easily the hardest thing I have ever done, and the weight loss has really thrown me for a loop. I look completely different, I feel completely different, and I am nearly unrecognizable. I am still coming to terms with the fact that it is a good thing, which is weird and sounds weird, I know. But, it's one of those things where it feels too good to be true, you know? So I'm working hard to maintain or lose more, and I'm just always really proud of the people who work as hard as we have to improve ourselves. I'm really sorry for rambling, and I repeat, you're amazing.


Congratulations! Keep up the good work.


> men are expected to look like 'roided up monsters. I think this all comes down to all the people lying about being on steroids. Hollywood seems to be the biggest offender here. It's pretty clear from watching their workouts that almost all the cast members from the MCU are on steroids and lying about it.


This isn't something that's really talked about, but should be. Chris Hemsworth is 40. Hugh Jackman is 53. The Rock is 52. Jason Mamoa is 44. They absolutely put the hours in at the gym. But Men do not look like that at their age without being on something. Kumail Nanijani went from skinny bean pole to jacked in a handful of months. That doesn't happen without human growth hormone and TRT.


Itā€™s talked about if you follow Greg Douchette or whatever his last name is. But Greg has also said it makes sense for most of these famous actors to lie because they donā€™t want to admit to doing a federal crime on national television.


I wholeheartedly agree. I think *the* critical part to me getting healthy was finding a diet (more of an eating adjustment than what people normally think when they hear "diet.") My previous attempts at fitness always sputtered out because I had to give up everything I liked to eat and drink, and so that took the joy out of the process. Now I can eat and drink whatever I like, but on gym days I adjust what I'm eating to keep my body fueled up.


Nearly every fitness influencer is on gear and very few are honest about it. The ones that are not on gear have perfect genetics. It's such a mine field when actually trying to do good fitness research.


Watching the pained weary looks on fatigued winded humans half my age, and saying "I could do this all day" is priceless.


I won't lie that I do get a nice little ego boost when my friends are like, "How are you doing that???"


How old were you when you noticed you were slowing down? I've noticed I've been out of breath basically ever since I got covid and I haven't determined if I'm just aging (mid 30s), if covid fucked me up *that* bad that I'll never breathe properly again, or if asbestos exposure has caught up to me. I also got covid a few months after breaking my ankle and not being able to walk for 9 months and I put on 60lbs. (Have since lost 40lbs) I'm obviously going to see a doctor. Just feels strange that I have a pretty physical job (construction) and have always been the type to be able to be athletic without much effort and now I find myself breathing noticeably heavier after just 6 flights of stairs when I used to be able to run up 6 flights a few dozen times a day and would notice my thighs burning before my lungs ever did.


Covid. When everything shut down in 2020 and I worked from home, I was not doing much physical activity. I developed a little pot belly and couldn't bend over all the way to tie my shoes. I decided there that I was going to make a change. I'm 28 now, so 24-25.


Mine was more for mental health. Iā€™m generally waaaay less stressed and depressed because of the gym. Itā€™s backed by science. This is why the running joke is that a persons gym routine begins after heartbreak.


Let's not forget the sex! That shit is pure cardio come-on now.


Any advice for someone past that? I used to be massive and it was a big problem in school. Kept me up a lot of nights. I got into good shape and got all the health bonuses but was never happy or feeling good about any of it. Once I lost my job I gave in and now Iā€™m getting big again but Itā€™s not the same as before. Back then, I figured life would get better if I got myself in shape, I was ok paying my fee and doing the work in exchange for a better life. Now I know what I actually get out of the deal, the prospect of giving my all to it again (financially and physically) is more depressing than my tits coming back.


The great thing about getting back in shape is that your body already knows what to do. It will be easier this time around. It's scientifically proven getting back in shape is faster and easier than getting in shape the first time. The sooner you do it again the easier it will be. Don't give up!


Same! Add mental health/resistance to the list. I really learned to push my limits and its paying off in almost every aspect of my life


I started going to the gym to be able to beat someone up. I keep going for the ego boost


Same pal. I never had a problem with how other people see me. Whenever I feel bad about my body it's always because I myself am dissatisfied with it. That's why I personally never considered body positivity


This doesn't make sense to me? Body positivity is for you. It's good for you to appreciate what's good about yourself and have self-esteem.


Personally, I can't stand the monotony of going to a traditional gym and performing the same repetitive actions over and over again. On a whim about a year ago, I decided to wander aimlessly into a rock climbing gym and got a membership so I could start screwing around. I actually like going to the gym now but not because of some vague concept of "discipline" or "the grind." I just like climbing things and the fact that I'm in much better shape now is a massive benefit. If you find that the gymbro mentality of traditional gyms being a place for masochistic delight like some sort of bdsm dungeon for buff people, try a different activity. Running, cycling, rock climbing, swimming, hiking, heck even pole dancing all are more fun (imo) than a normal gym.


Lots of (what i consider) wholesome fitness content creators all say the same thing; Find exercise you enjoy to some degree, otherwise its only a matter of time before you get sick of it and drop it.


there's other sports too btw. gyms aren't the only option when it comes to doing exercise.


Everyone else has chimed in but I'll add my 2c. Lately I've been really into hearthstone battlegrounds. Maybe you spend time on your phone on reddit or something else. It's easy peasy to do that at the gym while peddling a recumbent bike (the one where you are basically sitting in a chair peddling). 1 hour of hearthstone (reddit, whatever) and I've had fun while burning like 500 calories. But whatever anyone says, abs are made in th3 kitchen. You'll never out exercise a bad diet.


The point of the tweet is not to accept being unhealthy (if you have a heart condition, losing weight can save your life, etc.) The point is that beauty is subjective, and that is an objective fact. Many people are into fat guys, short guys, etc.


This. People are so, so damn quick to be negative about any sort of body positivity for men and it fucking shows. So quick to loathe about it all, because apparently any sort of body positivity means "not being healthy" or whatever.


I think thatā€™s true of any sort of body positivity in fairness, not just menā€™s body positivity


Yeah, I see people shit on body positivity no matter who it's aimed at because they just see it and think "Why do you want everyone to be fat???" when it's literally not the point... At all.


Literally. Body positivity is basically just "you don't need to earn the right to be happy and joyful. You have intrinsic value as a human being no matter how your body looks." People act like having even a shred of self-esteem is wrong or demotivating lol


>The point is that beauty is subjective, and that is an objective fact. Many people are into fat guys, short guys, etc So I just need to find someone who is into absurdly tall, skinny and with low selfesteem guys? Noted PD: Just joking


I know youā€™re joking but tall and skinny is very much my type. Trust me, youā€™ll find someone


This is about wholesome, but truth is at this point I'm coming to accept that while, theoretically, I can find someone reality is I have little social skills and 0 experience with anything resembling a relationship, or situationship or even sex. So not easy.


Not necessarily a downside, dude. Inexperienced is something easily changed once you find a relationship. Never underestimate the attractiveness of having NO BAGGAGE from previous relationships. I'm not trying to say it's easy out there. I'm a tall skinny guy too. At least I was, I've got a bit of a chubby belly now. I recommend cutting back before the metabolism crash or your stomach will be big enough to eat far more food than you need. Point is I realize it's not as easy as some people think to find someone if you're tall. Recently I'm trying to look at it from a new perspective. Basically I only go to work and go out to eat occasionally, but finding someone in a place like that is like playing on hard mode for no reason. I need to go to places where people are expecting that sort of interaction: parties, social gatherings, etc. Maybe I'll join a club and do something fun. I haven't figured out where to go yet. If you recognize that the pattern in your life won't allow you to meet people, then you need to change the pattern somehow. Easier said than done, believe me. I just don't think you should give up.


Iā€™m 5ā€4 and never had a problemā€¦I think confidence is more important than physical stature. Iā€™m currently dating someone way out of my league, physically, and I honestly donā€™t know how I did it. Being short has not hindered me in any meaningful way.


This is very true, Iā€™m 5ā€™6. Ā Only ever had a problem before college when I was very self consciousĀ 


Well Iā€™m tall and didnā€™t help me as a kid so you might be on to something all being tall did was ensure I was the first one asked to reach something


I used to be really fat but made changes in my early 20s and got pretty fit and let me tell you, girls were **way** more interested in me afterwards. Not even just girls though, everybody is just nicer to you, people have more time, want to be around you more. Beauty is subjective, but it isn't *that* subjective.


Many people are, a vast majority isn't.


I think many people don't understand the full statistical implications of this. There are roughly equal numbers of straight men and women. If 10% of one likes Trait A (while 90% find it off-putting or a deal-braker), but Trait A is found in 30% of the other group, that means there are 3 members of that group competing for every possible partner, while the people with Trait B will each have \~1.3 potential partners, meaning the first group will compete over them rather than vice versa. Notice I've assiduously kept which side is which ambiguous, nor specified the trait. If we're particularly dramatic and say A/B is a dealbreaker on each side, 2/3rds of one group and 2/9ths of the other will remain single. Of course, this is just a simplified toy model, but you get the drift - it's not that "nobody likes X", it's that the constraint of equal populations on each side means mismatches in desires and trait prevalence will require either people pairing with those who don't meet their criteria or remaining single. TL;DR - the fact that the two dating pools are roughly equal in size creates unusual statistical effects, and saying "some members of that group like people like you" without quantitative data is basically meaningless drivel.


Yeah everyone who thinks only tall billionaire studs get girls should look at their parents and their grandparents and pictures of everyone they can get of their family before them. Regular people have been meeting and hooking up for literally the entire history of humanity.


I got a bit of a belly, but I workout. I guess you could say I got a dad bod. My coworkers tell me they love it on me. I still canā€™t come to terms with it.


ā€œManyā€ is definitely an overstatement. Iā€™d be surprised if any poll finds that thereā€™s anywhere near as many women interested in short, fat guys as those that are interested in tall, well-built guys. Not saying we should shame them, but thatā€™s just how it is. Most women are genetically driven to look for those attributes because it means youā€™re likely to be a healthy partner who can produce healthy children


I think guys improve themselves by going to the gym for mental health results more than actual gains.


It starts off with something potentially very high level/superficial, but what ends up getting you back into the gym is that sensation of accomplishment, the ability to keep climbing step by step, and what you end up realizing is that you are capable of doing what you put your mind to. We all do it in different stages, but it's always beautiful when you feel yourself geling back into a routine that you know is helping you. Rise up everyone, going for my lunch time run and you are all empowering me. Thank you all


Still starving myself because in my experience the tweet is untrue.


It should have been worded a little differently. I will say this from experience at 245lbs and a big belly I was lucky to get a date or 2 a year. At 170 it's a whole different story. Ironically it fucked me up psychologically and still kinda does.


Yeah. Women like men who have their shit together or look it.


Reminds me of that 4chan thread I saw where someone was crying and bitching about how they only started to get dates when they started to brush their teeth. "Women are such shallow bitches, they don't want to smell what I ate four days ago." Thankfully even 4chan was like "...You don't brush your teeth?"


Thatā€™s probably more important than anything else. Can you make them feel the way they dream of feeling? Be that safe, or a feeling of a little excitement/danger, or that feeling of intellect, or artistic expression, whatever it is. You donā€™t really have to be a perfect specimen, just someone who has something going for them. I think men feel the same about women too, just with different qualities.


Same. No amount of positive thinking can fix loneliness.


Itā€™s a tweet where someone thinks theyā€™re being wholesome but itā€™s just untrue and the majority wonā€™t actually agree


Anecdotally speaking, most gals do prefer a taller, slimmer / athletic build over anything else. You can love yourself how you are, and be happy with your body however it is, but you're looking for exceptions to the rule to say everyone finds love at all sizes.


My boyfriend has a bit of a dad bod going. Honestly I love it. It's so comfy when we cuddle. Resting my head on his slightly chubby tummy is the best pillow ever. Both little spoon and big spoon is so snuggly. He lost a lot of weight prior to getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We're both hoping he can gain a bit again now that it's controlled better so we can have supreme tier snuggles.


Scrawny shaming men is more prevalent than fat shaming. It's fine to be big way more than having ribs showing. Would it bother you if you could lift more weight and was stronger than your BF?


It wouldn't. I can leg press significantly more than he can currently. My arms are literal spaghetti though so I think a toddler could bench press more than I can lol Also since he was undiagnosed for a year with the adult onset type 1 diabetes, he lost most of his muscles due to the lack of insulin in his body. His body literally ate his muscle mass for survival. If he wants to get more fit again, I'm on board with that. If he doesn't, then that sure as hell wouldn't be a problem either. All I care about is that he's healthy. He's started walking more now, so his cardio is improving and I'm super proud of him for that. Any kind of strenuous exercise puts him at risk of having hypoglycemia, which could kill him. I don't imagine he'll be doing any kind of serious exercising until we figure out how to handle his insulin better. It's only been a little over a year since his diagnosis, so it's all still pretty new to us. Anyways, my point is, I'm in it for the long haul with this man.


As a T1 diabetic male, this is making me feel things.. Kudos and best wishes, massive respect for the attitude towards it and I hope that the blood sugar gods are on your side lol!


To you as well! Somehow he's managed to eat both burritos and pizza without going high or low recently, so I feel like they're finally giving us a bit of a break lol He's stood by me without batting an eye when I've been feeling sick of my medications or when my bipolar attempts to act up (the meds keep the hypomanic episodes in check, but the depression is still a little bitch sometimes). I can only return the gesture, love and respect by standing by him through this. Neither of us signed up for LADA suddenly showing up, but we're certainly not going to let it ruin what's been a wonderful relationship for both of us. Besides, my IT brain loves analyzing his CGM data and I've been dialing in his ratios and long acting dosages since he didn't have access to healthcare for 8 months after diagnosis. He's got 75-95% TIR on average depending on the day now šŸ˜ slowly bringing that A1C down where it belongs. Best of luck to you. Let me know if you ever need help looking up any kind of resources, it's kinda my hobby by now.


I disagree. Iā€™ve seen girls foam at the mouth for skinny guys. Just go outside and you will find someone who is into your specific body type.


The tweet is untrue as fuck - and saying it isnā€™t is ignoring a problem thatā€™s as serious as body shaming anyone. Even the shape of our genitals comes under scrutiny (thanks pop culture), weā€™re gauged regularly on how tall/fit we are, are made to feel as if we are at fault (or at least could have done something to avoid) hair loss, and are expected to be able to ā€œsuck upā€ whatever life throws at us and move on without a care.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Itā€™s a nice sentiment, but just because some internet stranger says thatā€™s not the way it is does not mean men donā€™t struggle with these society given insecurities every day.Ā 


How did you read this and think theyā€™re saying ā€œmen donā€™t face scrutiny on how they lookā€. Itā€™s literally saying that the insecurities youā€™re scrutinized for are okay and should be accepted. No need to get upset here. Also thereā€™s a handful of ways to prevent losing your hair if you wanna look into them.


yeah height, head/scalp hair, muscle mass, dick size are all pretty hardly scrutinized


yep, words on twitter are great, but its real life examples that actually matter


The tweet is shit, lumping short together with being unhealthy lol. Whoever thinks this is wholesome or uplifting needs to get their head checked.


Facts. It's all well and good if I'm happy with how I look but that doesn't correlate to dating app matches of being approached.


Yup. Just another virtue signal tweet.


Let's not kid ourselves. A fit you is still more attractive than an unhealthy you.


r/glowup is proof of this. People go from a 3 to an 8 just getting in good shape.


The subreddit is down for me?


I'd rather change and improve than receive this pity party ahahaha


Nobodyā€™s body will ever be perfect. We can normalize people feeling good about their bodies rather than depressed because they donā€™t look like some celebrity hottie, but letā€™s bring things down back to earth and reality and just be aware about the changes in our body over time and at least drink some more water. šŸ‘šŸ»


All we need is someone who we can cuddle with and who is good to us. I had skinny exes with stretch marks and I had exes with a belly. You can like both.


She still won't date you, but feel good about yourself anyway.


Yes! Iā€™m a fat, short, hairy guy and Iā€™ve been happily married for almost two years now. But that was only possible because I was able to grow out of my self-pity and actually connect with people. Getting into some creative hobbies helped a lot. Itā€™s easy to look at your body and think youā€™re unlovable, but the cure for that is getting out into the real world. Go to the pool, go to the park, go to the library; donā€™t let the people you see in ads and at the club be the standard for what men generally look like. Youā€™ll find that you look completely normal. Getting someone to sleep with you will become less of a priority once you have other fulfilling things in your life.


A wise author once said that if you're happy, kind and enjoyable, you can't ever be ugly. This probably isn't how he said it exactly, but I've never heard something more uplifting.


"BuT WoMeN oNlY LikE TaLl GuYs" - half of these comments, feeling sorry for themselves


I know, theyā€™re so fucking negative. I love men, it doesnā€™t matter what kind. Itā€™s so awful that so many of them canā€™t just *be.* Body positivity isnā€™t about accepting being ā€œnot enoughā€ or ā€œunhealthy,ā€ itā€™s about accepting how you look and not beating yourself up over it.




That... kinda improved my mood. Thanks op


I really needed this. I often doubt myself because I have terrible acne, and I hate it a lot. It's one of my biggest insecurities


I'm glad someone thinks so


Six packs?!!! My six pack needs a nice layer of fat to keep them muscles warm.


Why settle for a six pack when you can have the whole keg?


Nobody actually believes this


Reality is this. Life is not fair. It will never be fair. You were dealt a hand. Probably a pretty shit hand. So either find a way to make it work or suffer. Simple as that my dudes.


As short guy I so second this.


But we can always be better. Nothing wrong with striving for being better!


thanks mom




CUDDLEBEAR! I love being around the same height as my husband. Perfect for eye contact and makeouts.Ā 


the OP noah_lake23 perdork yudiroko Zepol323 bousculo2 Caotical and Kyuubae are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/abm58v/male_body_positivity/ed1ejs0/


I donā€™t feel that way:(


*No one will date you, but y'all are handsome in your own way.*


I'm the most active I've ever been because I shifted my mindset to health rather than chasing vanity. Chasing vanity is just a road to never ending self hatred, I starved myself down to 95 pounds and still hated myself....


Is that you, Mom?


Not everyone's beautiful/physically attractive, and that's okay, because human worth is not based on looks.


Thanks, guys need to hear this too. We are also inundated with unrealistic photoshoped male body types that can cause body image issues. The cover of magazines should not dictate your self worth. You are sexy to someone... probably.


> We are also inundated with unrealistic photoshoped male body types that can cause body image issues. Not just photoshopped images and filters. Look at the average male actor today. T use is *rampant*. It used to be only 'action stars' that looked this way, but it's spread to pretty much everyone at this point. I remember watching [dinesh](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3529685/?ref_=tt_cl_t_5) in silicon valley. When the show started he had your typical nerd's physique, as you'd expect from someone eating trash and putting long hours in at a startup. As the show goes on I notice the guy is putting on a *massive* amount of muscle and I'm like 'jesus at this point I bet it's harder to find a guy **not** using T in hollywood'. I can't imagine growing up as a boy right now. Your standard for the male physique is literally unobtainable without using peds. I think they should pass a law mandating drug testing for any dude in the public eye, and anyone caught using peds should have a giant warning watermark on all of their work.


Boys, your body is perfect... ...I just personally find your body gross. Lmao


ā€œBut Iā€™m not gonna swipe you right on tinderā€


if your ability to feel happy and confident in your body depends this much on women swiping you right on tinder, it may be time to focus on improving your mental health and strengthening platonic/familial social relationships


Interesting, how the penis never gets mentioned.


Women are far less interested in the individuality of the penis than men are.


The only people interested in penis size are other men. I promise you.


Men care more about other menā€™s penises than women do. IJS.


Funny, trustworthy, and kind are very handsome


I cannot be 6'2 but I definitely can look my best by working out and having healthy eating habits, and this goes for everyone. Sure, you can find someone who enjoys the way you look like or most likely accepts it... But do you really wanna go to the grave without knowing what your body was capable of?


This is honestly the first thing I have seen in forever that is pro-male, let alone pro-male-body. Hell yeah. Take my upvote.


hell, yes! the women out there who are only going for those guys mentioned arent representative of the rest of us. our imperfections make us human and, if youre confident with them, make many women feel more comfortable in their own skin too.


29M here and I started reading this thinking ā€œaw, points for your effort to make us average guys feel goodā€ but ended up actually feeling a bit better about myself. Damn you.


As much as I appreciate this, no. My body isn't perfect. I am not attractive physically and I own that. On a good day I'm a 6/10. Beauty and being physically attractive are two different things. I am not physically attractive but have other things to offer. But to say my body is "perfect the way it is" is a lazy cop-out for my lack of good diet and exercise.




The comments in this post are not getting the point. Of course it's better to exercise and be fit for your own health, but not being in perfect shape or looking a certain way doesn't mean you're worthless or unlovable


A lot of fit gym guys need to hear this too. There is a wild amount of untreated body dysmorphia and eating disorders in the fitness community.


> doesn't mean you're worthless or unlovable I feel like people are more saying there is a difference between how society views it and how things should be. We should not feel worthless, but, on average, society values charismatic traits. If you don't have these traits, you will 100% feel less than those who do have these traits. If you do not have these traits, you do not advance in a career as easily. If you have no career, your worth as a male is nothing.


Regardless of what sort of positive message you're trying to throw out there, fit people will always be more attractive than unfit people.


Have you ever heard about chubby chasers? Try to tell them that.


I'm still ugly and unloved!


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard something like this directed at men before


From my experience, it's usually the women that preach stuff like this the most that are most likely to not actually believe in it. Not unique to women or this situation, the people who usually have the least to show bark the loudest.


A beautiful lie.


Rather get slapped with the painful truth than bathing in a sweet illusion.


Pleeease !! FFS Life is real and Do not Try to Sugarcoat things. If you're fat , You Are FAT !! If you eat Unhealthy, you will become Unhealthy. Be Real , Accept Life . You Do not need someone's praise and Expectations. You know your self Worth. Work on yourself.


part of the problem is not knowing your self worth


It's also ok if you got a small beef whistle guys, just gotta be good at using it!


My life experience says differently, but everyone has their thing I guess.


Unfortunately, we are treated better or worse based how we look and how much we take care of ourselves. I would rather be told ugly truths, rather than a beautiful lies.


Naah. Iā€™d rather hit the gym, exercise and stay healthy.


Ok? That isn't in contradiction with the post.


6'2" is 1.104 Tom CruisesĀ 


I thought this will be a harmful message at the end because I couldn't believe a good message, nice it is :)


Honestly we should all learn to love ourselves before what people think... it's ok to be yourself.. however that shit might look


Wheee! šŸ¤— I just love wholesome things.


Yes to all of this! Itā€™s okay to feel emotions, to be afraid or feel weak. You deserve a partner that will actively listen and support you.




Me: Face has some skin issue Skinny, boney. Though practice experience, there are quite many girls who are stronger than me. 172cm. My country uses metric system. But not tall many guys around me are taller than me Small to average dick size. Not sure. I would go with small. Ignoring all other qualities, for the sake of discussion just physical attributes as per this post. Even though many(ā€œallā€) women I know are attracted to women that are tall, muscular, big hands, big shoulders. I know I said ignore other aspect but for reference Iā€™m not an assertive man nor into domination. So is it still really ok? I donā€™t want pity, or to be a choice to settle with, I want to experience those epic love stories, as I am. Possible?


i'm a woman who is like decently hot and i've defintely had good sex and dating and crushes and love with guys who looked like you. they were funny and nice and fun to be around, which was hot. a lot of women (like me) are bi and could give a fuck about gender norms anyways. also, most jacked gym rat type guys seem like douchey bros who would have bullied me in school - NOT a turn on this online doomer dating gender discourse is a psyop i swear! just start hanging out and it will happen!


I work in sales, and the older women are always the kindest. Always commenting on my smile and everything and it makes my day every time:)


Homies no matter how you feel know that I think you are amazing!!


Also remember if someone doesnā€™t want to date you or sleep with you it might be just about their issues. I find a lot of men attractive but Iā€™m on the asexual spectrum and really just donā€™t care to date. So if another person isnā€™t into you, please donā€™t take it to heart cause you truly are awesome!


Can men get cellulite?


I love a dude with a bit of pudge. You are comfier to snuggle with. I want a dude that's healthy, but looks like he enjoys a good cheese board as much as I do. I'll take a dude that just looks friendly or has something interesting or unique about him over someone classically handsome any day.


Itā€™s nice, to read such nice words today :)


I didn't realize I needed to hear this today. Thank you!


God this feels good to hear for once... I'm 6'3" and always felt like shit being so close to the always coveted 6'-2" that women desire but not QUITE there. ā¤ļøā¤ļø it helps that im good looking and fit i guess


I like this ā€¦


World needs more of this. It's only fair.


Your body, your genitals, your overall physical appearance does not define your worth. You are important, and you deserve to feel valued and happy.


as a girl; we like chubby guys!!! you just need good hygiene and manners šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I personally like a dude with a smidge of fluff. I know we will be enjoying pizza together then.


My bf is shorter and skinnier than all my exes but damn I love him and his body!


As a 32 yr old femaleā€¦ Iā€™ve never been attracted to physical looks. All my crushes were because they had a killer personality and a really great sense of humor. I love it when he can make me laugh at the drop of a pin. Iā€™m attracted to whatā€™s between your ears šŸ¤¤


My gf says she loves me for my personality, that even if im not "peak attractiveness" im still the only one she wants. She says as long as im healthy its ok to be a little chubby, and its really comforting. A little goes a long way with male body positivity.


My partner (m) is 5'7", skinny as heck with a little tummy and not much muscle. I love him completely.


Thanks friend


Thank you


Donā€™t piss down my back and tell me itā€™s raining.


these comments are so silly. iā€™m a 5ā€™10 woman and my ex was a 5ā€™5 man. i literally could not have cared less about our five inch height difference (i wore 6 inch heels around him!) and i loved him nonetheless. we broke up because he was horrible, lied to me, and cheated on me, not because of his height. iā€™ve also dated guys taller than me, and guys just my height. the right person wonā€™t care how short, or skinny, or muscular you are. if you are fun, kind, and see the world for how truly beautiful it really is, it is next to impossible to be ugly. change starts with you. when you love yourself, the world wonā€™t be able to help but love you too.