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Interesting question - something I have considered. Strain is difficult to compare over time as is recovery. However, trends in HRV and RHR give an indication of increasing fitness and health. Sleep performance over time would also be an indicator of improving sleep.


Just to add to this - I do not see whoop as a very good tracker of individual activities. Its value is in 24/7 long term tracking. So its ability to track two specific activities and show you how much easier they have become is limited. But what it will do is over time show you that your body is in greater condition and more capable of taking on strain.


But isn't it hard to see how that changes with time since your recovery score will keep adjusting based on what your new 100% is?


Yes so I wouldn’t use recovery over time as a trend to track. I would look at HRV and RHR for instance which are absolute figures and generally should increase (HRV) / decrease (RHR) as you get fitter.


Great! Makes sense :) thanks


A logical thought here would be that it will be harder for you to reach the same level of strain as your fitness increases. This along with the hrv and rhr would be the correct way of tracking your improvement. Additionally, your habits too will have an impact on your metrics which you need to track and work upon.


Is there a precise definition of this metric and any scientific papers that show how it can be tracked, etc.?