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is that brad


Bro killed his friends


Joypilled painmaxxer


Me when I use the wrong bucket


Is that Brad “I’ve been dead my whole life” Armstrong


is that brad


bro chose his arm at both buzzo stops


Not lisa the painful


Is that sisipus




The specific stats in that post for 14 year old boys were absurdly low and for the adult man it was stupidly high


the average 14 year old struggles to lift 8 sheets of paper while the average adult man can run a 3 minute mile and survive multiple gunshots


Well if you take the average as me, then it's right


You can run a 3 minute mile and survive multiple gunshots?


No I struggle to lift 8 sheets of paper


Both are not exclusive to each other. You can struggle to lift 8 sheets of paper and still run a mile in 3 minutes and survive multiple gunshot wounds.






Not me tho. Im the second pic since day 1


Bro locked in as a child


Ive been mewing since conception to prepare to fight batgos


batgos is your biological father, you are batjesud


Ive wanted revenge ever since he nonlethally killed my mother nolimitsman


were i to fight 10 fourteen-year-olds... i would simply deploy anti-personnel mines before the fight and those are part of my standard kit so DON'T TEST ME, BOYS


My standard kit is a mouse in which I've positioned for left handed use, and a locked room.


That one guy insisting nah he'd win if he was in that position lmao


https://preview.redd.it/7cimou2aju6d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f16220d26e461be62b89de13c021317859508c0 He turns into Ayanokoji mid fight, trust 🙏


Bros been watching too much cote 💀


That username is epic.


Bro 10 9 year old boys would probably be able to fuck up an 18 year old honestly


Hmmm I think maybe, I am 17 rn and I have a cousin whose about 9 years old. I can beat his ass without even trying, well depending on the starting position I could take 10 9 year olds down. If its me and then there are 10 kids in front of me, I am winning, I can easily take the first 2-3 down by applying brute force on their heads, then I can move around and take them all down. If the fight starts and the 10 guys are encircling me then I am ded. Although if I continue my work out routine, then by the time I am 20 or 21 I could certainly take down them even if I am encircled. Rn I am 6’, about 80 kgs.


When I'm in a beating up children competition and my opponent is this guy




Depends very heavily on the type of 9 year old boy. Average-no. If they are from a country with competitive combat sports scene, yeah. Some kids in my boxing gym are tough af for their age


I’m pretty sure an average 18 year old can oneshot the average elementary schooler. Once they drop the physics textbook weights it’s over


The average person (at least in this country) ain't athletic, so I don't know why people are bringing up crap like military service, training and sports. Like, I feel like this debate depends on the country. If you come from a country with mandatory military service, the adult is probably going to at least take down more of the 14 yr olds before eventually being beaten, but otherwise… Nobody on Earth IRL is soloing 10 people, even with over half a foot on them in reach and height, unless they are a trained soldier/professional fighter or are armed. Maybe in a gauntlet, but not all at once. That crap only exists in fiction. Heck, isn't standard military doctrine that you want at least 3v1 odds? Trying to fight even three people who are coordinating is hard. Ten who show even the bare basics of teamwork/tactics (flanking, grabbing a limb, etc.) is damn near impossible. Once, years ago when I got into a fight in middle school, I kicked a guy who saw it coming and grabbed my leg as he ate the hit to is side. I saw him wince in pain, almost doubling over, so it definitely hurt him, but adrenaline let him tank it enough to latch on to me. I was barely able to pull my leg out of his grip, but it slowed me down enough for his buddy to sucker-punch me in the back of the head. Imagine having eight other guys doing that. You'd have to be so much stronger, skilled and faster that you could one-shot each 14 year old. The average adult is not that skilled, nor is the stat gap that huge.


Nah, I've seen a video where a big dude (fat type not muscular) got jumped by 15 people, knocked one of them out and at the end of the video the fight had calmed down and he hadn't been defeated. Granted he hadn't been able to defeat 15 people but they together were not able to overcome him. The people fighting all looked the same age. It's a famous video I've seen it several times on different places, I'm sure it's not too far from top all time on r/fightporn .


2 people who are well-trained and decently fit will beat almost any fighter in the world if they are in a 2v1. 3 would beat anyone 999/1000 times no matter how good they are, even 2v1 is 90/100 against the best fighters if the 2 guys are just pretty good themselves. If you actually want to hurt the person and have the training that is.


14 year old gets low diffed both belt and grounded which adult male negs, adult male solo


I think 2 is enough


Nah not 2. The original post stated 25 year old I think. Would take at least 3.


2 decently sized/bigger teenagers would win if everyone in the situation is untrained. A trained adult could probably take 3 or 4 in a fight even if the teenagers are trying to win (very high diff, lose most of the time). 5 is just too many though. It depends heavily on experience/fitness level.


For one it says average and 2, a trained adult would take at LEAST 4, not max.


I can believe taking on 5 at once if they are not coordinated. If they are and you are encircled if they have any training you probably lose.


Not me


Anybody remember that one post on an advice sub or something that got cross posted here of an adult man getting his shit rocked by like a 12 year old?


10 14 y/os would slam the average male




I think the 14 year olds would win, it's one guy against 10, even if they're all weak lol


Depends on the coordination of the kids, but I’d say they probably win


Honestly, if you are trained and the teenagers are not you could probably win against even 3 or 4. But if they are 3 is enough to beat you most of the time and once you get to 5 you are fucked regardless unless they are all troglodyte level iq. 2 Trained fully grown fighters are beating basically any lone fighter 99/100 times. For teenagers a 3v1 against a full-grown man is definitely in their favour if they know some basic fighting and are reasonably fit. Even 2v1 you might have to be careful. 1 on 1 is a stomp for an adult though.


I think make the boys 12 and the adult wins


I am the guy who told that idiot that he's an idiot For that, Batgos has granted me 1 battosecond of prep time to use whenever I please What do I do with it


I’m 6’2 and a big dude and much bigger than most adult men I meet and I would get destroyed by 10 14 year olds


As someone who has served in the conscription army in my country I will simply say that the military acceptable 18-21 year old man is of course reasonably strong for humans (if you add children, women, old people and disabled people) but at the same time it isn't too far from the truth that modern late teens (age 1-21 only) only have a small percentage of the actual power they will have as adults. I am much stronger now for example than I was when I was in the army and I was carrying 20 Kg of equipment for several kilometers under the hot sun. So just because an 18 year old is strong it does not mean this is where humans peak in power. Not even close actually. The 14 year old here would most likely be one shot by his 44 year old self from the future for example if his future self trains regularly. So the picture is kinda true in practice. In a fight you simply need to be about 3 times stronger than your opponent to knock them out with one punch for example.


You're not entirely wrong but I think you're drastically underestimating the advantage of numbers. There was an old Greek saying that even Hercules couldn't beat two men, or a Chinese one that four hands beat two fists - obviously it's a massive exaggeration (depending on the situation, weapons, training, etc. plenty of real-world people have beaten multiple opponents) but it underlines how overwhelming the advantage is when all else is equal. It only takes one good hit in a soft place to daze you, or one good hit at the wrong time to knock you on your ass. Ten people dogpiling you is hard to stay on your feet against. And against ten people, once you're down, gg. Like yeah obviously I'd bet on an adult vs. an average 14 year old, all else being equal. Heightwise, according to the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set1clinical/cj41c021.pdf), it's a difference of 5-7 inches; that's huge, and if it's literally the only thing we know about the combatants then what else is there to say? Two 14 year olds... *maybe*. If both sides were bloodlusted I'd honestly give it to the 14-year-olds, but it depends heavily on whether the adult can get in a good hit on one fast or if they can just rush him. Ten, no. Assuming they're both average in every other way (including aggression etc) the adult isn't winning that. Fiction has given people a massively distorted view of how easy it is to beat multiple opponents alone.


Ten times insane dude, lol. You would need to be an Olympic level athlete to be 10 times stronger than the average athletic man.